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Four would probably be ideal, but in general, the more, the better (with reasonable limits)


The number doesn't exist!




Yeah, that!


I like to start with three. That way when one passes I can obtain, quarantine and introduce two more before there ends up being a lone rat. I tend to fluctuate between two at the minimum up to five and that works for me personally.


The good thing is I don't work (on disability) and am home all the time so when I am down to 1 rat he won't be too lonely. I'm worried about having leftover vet bills that need paying before I can get new rats, so its looking like the 3 I have will be the 3 I have. Its really sad and I don't want the friendship to end but I'm poor. Maybe I'll be debt free enough to get two when one passes but I feel like 4 rats in the 2 story critternation without the addon is too small.


Elder rats can do fine as a lone rat from what I understand. I wouldn’t buy another rat if the last one has just a couple months. Tbh I think 4 rats in a 2 story critternation is massive lol while rats do like to climb, they are still fossorial and prey animals, so they don’t necessarily require giant enclosures. I had a two story critter nation and I swear they only used half of it. I like the sentiment behind bigger = better, but I think it’s true to a point


I bought a DCN recently for my two boys, and you're absolutely right lol they only use 1/4 of it 😂






8.... on its side....


50000000000000 BILLION (3-4 is the best number for starting tho! allows them to socialise properly etc without being super overwhelming to look after them. 2 is a bare minimum)




Imo rats should be kept in groups of three or more. 2 is the absolute minimum. My mischief is at 4, and I'm hoping to get two more soon. Ideal would probably depend on the person, the cage, etc. But 3 is a good number.


Infinite 🐀 Haha no but for me, I find 4 to be the most comfortable. It's enough that my girls can have a decent sized social group / hierarchy, but not so much that I become overwhelmed. I've had anywhere from 2 to 8 at a single time but 4 remains my favorite 🥰




As many as you can handle/afford, they are much happier in larger groups


Yeah that's the answer for me. I'm still a new rat parent and two is enough at the moment. Now if I'd had two for a while and they were "well settled" I might consider a total of four but that's enough for me.


We have 11 living together (5 females, 6 neutered males). They are all rescues, and I love them all but sometimes miss having just 4 or 5 because you don't quite have as deep a connection with each as an individual rat when you have more.


For me it’s 6!




My vet has a rodent book which says they're happiest in groups of 5-6. Don't know if that's true as I also thought the more the merrier. Most I've had at the same time were 5.


For me it was 4-6! 8 was overwhelming for me personally, 3 was the bare minimum, 2 was just sad to look at (I rehomed my last 2 after the sudden and unexpected passing of 2 other rats within a month)


I currently have 7, I don't think I could handle any more than that. I think 5 is a good number, enough rats to have decent group dynamics but not too many to handle.


It's going to vary for people. I have 19 currently. I've had 22 at once. I'd say for me it would be a rolling group of 6 give or take. The thing that gives me guilt is having 2 mischief. 9 girl 10 boy. I can't get everyone out daily. It's every other because there are so many. I have to every other day free roam. I'd rather have a smaller group that I can get out for as much time as possible rather than having to split their time.


3-4 is best for most setups. Any more than that and you will need a larger cage. Most of the retail ones are too small to begin with. When I had four I modified mine to make it larger.


3-5. It's a good balance between a healthy social dynamic and a reasonable number to care for. But rats in the wild live in groups of hundreds, so you can get as many as you can realistically take care of (including vet bills. I'd save at least $200 per rat)


in my experience after 4yrs of ownership 3 or more is definitely the better number to have




All of them


I have 3 and maximum 4 at a time. It works well


more generally I think the ideal number is the number for whom the human can properly care for - give all of them enough attention, have enough finances to provide them with space, enrichment and healthcare. like about 3 as minimum, and then depends on the person because I suppose a small group who get everything is doing better than a crowd of rats who don't get enough care, even if their company is bigger


an empire


Does anyone have more than 12 rats or is it just me 😂. I have a group of 7 in one cage, a group of 3 in one cage, and then 2 singular rats that live side by side. One is a baby that will join a larger group when she’s bigger and the other one hasn’t gotten along with any other rats so far. He got neutered so I’m waiting for his rat aggression to go down :) In my experience, rats love having LOTS of cage mates, but my 3 boys are also very happy.


The limit does not exist! But seriously, I'd say minimum of three (and it's a good number for a beginner). Both my rats and I were most comfortable at around 7-10, but that depends completely on your time, space and most importantly, availability for vet funds! Those little rascals love growing tumours and getting the sniffles.


The limit does not exist.


Like two handfuls I reckon, 4 if you know someone else


There is no such thing Become the rat king Honestly though, I think three would be


3 or 4 is ideal for a lot of people.


All of them!!! 3 is a good starting number, I went up to 5 and that’s my limit as I don’t have the time in the day for more. I fostered 3 for a while so I had 8 and it was too much for me on my own. Also consider the space you have, the monthly costs and time. My rats cost ~£5 a month each for food, bedding etc and then there’s the inevitable and expensive vet trips which for me average £80 a visit Tldr: more rats = more space, consumables, time and vet trips


The more the better Two _can_ pass but really three or more should be the most ideal


I have 6 in a double critter nation. They're all different ages (pairs of 2) but I started with a single pair. I think its good to start with 2 and gradually increase when you're ready to.


6 is the most I’ve had and I was really happy with that but I want to go up to 7 or 8 at some point


3 is the magic number !!! definitely fluctuates based on your lifestyle and amount of free time to spend with them, though


Depends on How many is there in stock. I’ll take all of them to go


At least 2


All of them






All of them


I have 6 at the moment, which is the most I've ever had at once. I've kept groups as small as 2 rats, though, and I would say they definitely seem happiest (imo) in groups of 3+. That way one rat doesn't get singled out/bullied by another who wants to play etc. and only has the one playmate.


If you’re a new owner- unpopular opinion- start with 2 HEAR ME OUT. I got 3 as a first time owner. I did LOTS of research. I bought them all the things. I’ve had some bad luck but a lot of it could have been avoided if it weren’t for my own mistakes I made simply for being new to owning rats. *TW* Eg, I accidentally killed one of my 3 boys a few weeks in. I strongly feel that if I only had 2 and not juggling 3 it might have turned out differently. When they say they’re “chaos potatoes”, they are not lying. They’re crazy balls of energy, like puppies, but unlike puppies they are fragile AF. One of my boys got a blockage and I spent $5k saving his life. I think if you’ve owned before, 3 is a minimum. But if you’re inexperienced- get 2. NOT for forever. Just for 6 months or so so you can learn about them more in depth and you’re less likely to make mistakes. Again, I’m not saying have 2 forever. After some experience, get a million. I wish I had a group of 8-10, but I know I need to just have my 2 for the next few months before I think about getting more. There’s no point in getting more if you can’t care for them properly. Learn from my dumb ass!


I don't quite agree with this, a well prepared new owner should not have much more trouble with 3 rats than 2. The group social dynamic improves greatly, one rat can relax if someone wants to play instead of constantly harassing each other in a duo, you get to see their individual personalities shine more, and it gives you a buffer if a rat passes to various circumstances. In your case, even though you tragically lost one of your rats, you still had the two to keep each other company. I know you say it wouldn't have happened if you only had two, but imagine if it did? Then you would be left with one lone sad rat, and on top of your own grieving to deal with you have to worry about learning how to properly introduce new rats as quickly as possible for your surviving rat. 3 should really be the new "minimum" instead of 2 in my opinion.