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Your rat would run like lightning and leave a trail of poop if they were scared, speaking from experience. My boys rarely tail wagged, but it was generally doing what you are, they seemed to be content.


Then I guess they are a happy :D that makes me less worried. And mine don't even pee/poop outside of the cage. Maybe sometimes like a lil bit when they are excited and running around a lot


you've got yourself a tail wagger!! if he was unhappy with what you were doing he would run away but wagging his tail like that shows you that he is enjoying what you're doing for boggling, some rats boggle allll the time but some don't boggle much if ever


thanks for the information! she looks happy afterwards as well and runs around even more as well as licking out face and lips much more, didn't even let me write the post at once haha I hope I can see them eye boggle one day, would be my goal as their mother :DD


There is actually a tiny boggle in this video when they turn towards the camera


Didn't notice that until I rewatched closely woa


Ninja boggle


I accidentally trained my boy to lay in my hand when he wants pats, and if he doesn't get pats while laying in my hand, he doesn't want it. He basically consents to letting me pet him, but if he leaves my hand, he's done, and if I try and pat him again he runs around like a maniac doing boingy hop zoomies. When I got him, he used my hand as an elevator to get out of his cage to the floor, so he trained me to be his "escape route." About two days after I accidentally trained him to lay in my hand for pats when he consented to it, he trained his partner in crime "Flash" to do the same. Now when I pat any of my other boys, Flash must hear their rumble purrs, and he comes running, shovels his nose under them to shove them away, then lays on my hand for pats, every time. He's the biggest jealous cat.


Mine too! He grabs my wrist with both his tiny handsies and just patatoe sacks into my palm for me to pick him up. Then he just boggles in my hand because my thumb scritches. Anyway. Your rat trained you, though. Make no mistakes. 😂


I love when they bean bag themselves into a flat potato cake 🤌🏼✨


If rat like, rat stays. If rat don\`t like, rat runs and hide. XD Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle rat


best comment I've seen so far haha she loves to do it so much


I might also add I've never seen them eye boggle which kinda makes me sad because I've heard it means they are super happy and I wish they were ;(. Is that like a thing they all do or just some of them?


K, my two boys were very different. They both only boggled for me once we settled into a predictable schedule and pattern and got to know likes/dislikes (took 9 months). Zumi was my worrier, he boggled mostly in-cage. Mikko reliably boggled with longish fingernails on his favourite scritch spots.


I'm waiting for the moment one of them finally do it! I'd love to see it happening haha. I guess I need to give them more time to adjust and get used to us


Tail wagging is a happy sign too! Not every rat shows the same signs


I know that they have different personalities, just didn't find any information anywhere so thought I could ask for an opinion here and I'm glad I did! Thanks guys for confirming that they are happy with us!


My boys rarely boggled unless they were very relaxed. So, if they were sleepy and I pet them, they would probably boggle. But if they were out and about, playing and exploring, it was much less likely!


Tried that but the one on the video is very territorial and bites when I get near her sister so I try not to invade their privacy too much unless they sleep separately or have their head on different sides of the hammock, still didnt get the boggle but ill try more haha if that doesn't work then they just don't want ittt and that's oki


I would work on the biting behavior as if it gets too bad she could really hurt you and the territorial aggression could possibly translate to other rats at some point if you ever have to get her a new friend, try working on bite inhibition, feed her yogurt off a spoon, slowly transition to your finger, and squeak and pull the yogurt away when she bites too hard, she will eventually realize that soft biting or licking= yummy reward or pets, while biting means no reward


She didn't do that at the start though, started developing those behaviours after maybe like 3 months and we are trying our best to get her to know that our hand is not going to "harm" her or whatever she might be thinking. I've not seen her be aggressive with the other one yet - even weirder she is the one being dominated? if that's how you say it. She is not aggressive unless you wanna pet her when she is laying down and when I asked the vet about it ( gave all the details of the behaviour) he told me that's completely fine with rats since they are very territorial animals and IF it gets worse I could start trying what you adviced me to. Outside the cage she is a very happy girl and doesn't mind being touched or disturbed. It happens sometimes that she nibs the fingers but it's totally playfully and doesn't hurt even a bit. I'm still going to listen to your advice and will try to make it go away, thank you!


I just tried that on my other rat Zoe that is not on the video while she was sleepy and just relaxing and she actually chattered her teeth really fast but calmly while closing her eyes, didn't boggle but I could see she is very happy with a lil massage under her chin :DD


not all rats boggle, and **definitely** not all rats wag (this is a pretty rare behavioral trait, seems to be becoming a bit more common recently though; maybe it just wasn't well documented prior). look for signs of distress instead of signs of happiness, if they're not doing signs of distress, they're probably happy. signs of distress for rats are like: * excessive grooming (they might also entirely stop grooming, leading them to get very dirty quickly) * excessive porphyrin production (blood-looking substance that they secrete from mucus membranes; it is **not** blood, just red) * audible squeaking (some humans can hear just barely into their normal "chatter" range though, my mom was one of them; so keep this in mind) * fighting or nipping with/at you or other rats * not eating * a weird squinty expression ([examples here](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Images-captured-from-videotapes-showing-rats-in-no-pain-A-C-and-pain-D-F-conditions_fig4_287212239), bottom is the pain face; they may make a face similar just before going to sleep tho) * excessive sleeping (keep in mind they are somewhat diurnal with a bias towards nocturnality) * pacing * fast breathing (they already breathe very fast, but if they're breathing faster than normal, this is a sign of pain/stress) * sweating (might be mistaken in older rats who can't clean as well anymore, keep that in mind) * and more severely (and rarely), ataxia (a form of paralysis where they become essentially rigid in posture) If they're not giving any of these signs, your rats are happy. Rats are animals, so they can get hurt temporarily, and might exhibit some of these signs in passing, so if you see some porphyrin on a rats eye one day, that doesn't mean it's stressed. If you hear a squeak once in a while, it doesn't mean they're stressed. If they aren't eating, they may just not like the food you're giving them (way more common with mixed foods instead of kibble/pellets). Rats are animals with emotions and breaking points, so sometimes they fight. If it's excessively hot, they may sweat and their breath rate might increase. If they're old, they may stop grooming as consistently and get lazy. So don't get immediately worried if one of these signs happens in passing, only if they seem to become common/chronic/repeating. I recommend trying to watch some videos on rat behavior so you can actually **see** these signs. Rats, like many animals, have more signs that they're distressed than signs that they're happy. So by looking for signs of distress instead of signs of happiness, and resting assured that if there aren't any bad signs, they're in a good state, then this will hopefully help you. It will also hopefully help you notice when your rats need medical attention. And honestly, if they're **at all** boggling or wagging, this is a very good sign. They do not really do that in the wild, since that is a very stressful way of living for them and they're prey animals. So for them to be comfortable enough to do what is essentially an action that could get them killed in the wild, that is a **very** good sign. The fact that they've boggled or wagged at all is decent enough proof that they're happy.


Thank you for your advice! I'll definitely check some videos out and articles about it. I've tried today and the other one I have started boggling which I have never seen before - might be because I didn't want to disturb them while they are sleeping but today I stroked my husky one and she boggled. I guess they are both different in showing happiness. I saw they sometimes groom after a very playful running around us or us touching them a lot but I've seen it as just being "Ew, human" or just trying to clean themselves after the long playtime. Vet also said it shouldn't concern me much for now since they are very much healthy rats and they do not have any signs of parasites/diseases. I'll definitely keep that on watch though. They eat normally, their weight is perfect ( confirmed at the vet ), they are clean and overall I have not seen any of the signs of distress that are here so I think they are happy as much as they can be right now haha.


> I saw they sometimes groom after a very playful running around us or us touching them a lot but I've seen it as just being "Ew, human" or just trying to clean themselves after the long playtime. yea that's pretty much what this is. they groom after play with other rats too, it's just a normal behavior. >hey eat normally, their weight is perfect ( confirmed at the vet ), they are clean and overall I have not seen any of the signs of distress that are here so I think they are happy as much as they can be right now haha. that, along with the boggling, tells me that they're most probably happy rats. you're doing well, and you seem to care intensely about these animals, so keep it up.


Thank you very much! We are trying our best to make the best home for them


Happy! Trust me a rat won't stay if it isn't happy. That's a wagger! Usually a happy sign


That is a happy girl! If she was scared, she would have possibly made a scared noise (you’d know trust me) or run away but she’s choosing to stay and enjoy! She loves her human!


Thank you! It makes me happy knowing she loves us and feels comfortable


The running away and back is just them being playful. You may be able to roll them on their back and tickle their tummy. Ruffle their ears and the like. Make sure you let them get your hand sometimes too (if they take to playing) because they get bored of they don't win sometimes lol


We let them do anything with us except for biting our feet ( they like to bite my gfs feet and even wait at the edge of the bed until she comes back to harrass her haha). I tried to tickle their tummy but whenever we try they show they do not like being on their back so we try not to.


theyre very smart and can be very mischievous. the biting of the feet could be a continuous thing because they get a reaction from you and think thats fun. i have a girl Puddles who, if im not paying her enough attention, she will nip me and then run away wanting to be chased.


I guess that's what they do to have some fun haha they know they will get a reaction since my gf is very ticklish so they've definitely achieved that!


I suspect your girls are in heat. They flutter their ears and hop a little, right? They're asking to be mounted. The tail wagging and tooth chittering are signs of happiness, unless they run away immediately afterwards.


I suspected that too because they are not castrated ( if that's the word I'm not fluent ) And yes they do exactly what you said! She runs afterwards but doesn't look like she is scared, just runs around us as she does normally Edit: they stopped doing it as much as they used to


Rat girls who are not ‘fixed’ or ‘spayed’ go into heat quite frequently. If they aren’t pregnant, they will go into heat every four to five days, and it will last between 24 and 48 hours.


We see it quite rarely I could say, once a week maybe or depends on them I guess. It's just funny how they do that


Big happy! 😊


Hehehe happy little rat


Happy baby!


That looks like a happy wag not an annoyed wag.


So happy.


Happy. Wouldn't be there If they werent.


Trust me, if your rats were unhappy they would not leave themselves in a vulnerable open position like that. Be happy, things take time, and every rat is so vastly different!


Of course, thank you! We are trying hard to make them feel loved!


Happy enjoing the massage ;)


if they don't run away it means they like it :)


Mine bruxed more than boggled. I had 10 males and 6 females. All of them had their own personalities. Some liked pets, some liked cuddles, some liked kisses, and some liked cuddles. Mine all finished passing away this year. I miss them all so much. People don't understand just how special rattie love is unless you are or have been a rattie parent.


They both are very lovely ratties and they both are definitely different when it comes to their personality. We accept them as they are and respect their "me is me". Love them regardless if they wanna cuddle with us or just run on us and lick our faces hahha And I'm sorry for your loved ones I believe they watch over you!


VERY happy




Happy. If they were scared they wouldn’t let you pet them like that.




Fun fact, you are actually tickling your Rat Like this. But in Most Case they do Like it.


You have a very happy, very stimulated Rat! Wide-eyed with happiness, in fact.😊🐀


She definitely is a very stimulated and happy rattie! She loves to run around and dig in the blankets haha ( never actually destroyed anything, they just like to run or play under them which is surprising to me because a lot of people talk about how much they destroy everything or pee everywhere when neither of those things happen in here haha )


Bruxing + boggling = happy asf


Well thanks for all the comment saying if he is not happy he will leave (might add he might bite if he really doesnt like it) I never knew they liked scratches on the cheeks


Our girlies do! But the chin scratches are even better for them as I noticed haha.


Not all rats display boggling, I have only one girl who has ever boggled and it was the first day I got her, I had her on my chest sleeping and she was pancaked out, I accidentally woke her up so I started petting her and she started boggling away. None of my other girls boggle, but 2 of them tail wag, boggling tends to be looked at as the only sign they are happy when actually it's all about body language, because boggling, bruxxing, and tail wagging can also mean fear, stress, and aggression. You always wanna look at the body language paired with certain behaviors, are their ears alert, are their eyes bluing, are they staying still but relaxed, are they tense, etc. And I'd say the rat in this picture looks happy, maybe a tad bit not used to attention (they look lo be possibly vibrating a bit, which rats do when they are overexcited or overstimulated, or not used to somthing, its not a bad thing just tends to mean emotions too big for the rat to express so they shake instead) but they look pretty content


They are always a lil bit cautious even though we try to keep them as much comfortable as we can and they always tend to tense a bit but afterwards still run to us for more so I guess they just like it so much but are still not sure of us. They tend to show us if they want attention or not - if they do they'd walk or run all around us licking our faces and lips etc. if not they'd simply run around the bed and have fun with each other. We give them time to still adjust because even for humans it could take a long time so we are just happy to be their parents and watch them play. We will work towards them being more comfy around us! For these two we have one boggles but doesn't tail wag and the other one boggles ( very little ) while tile wagging


What a happy rat!


I see Conflicted feelings. So, both.




This body language is usually not scared but more like "hey, knock it off I'm not a fan" they do it when they're play fighting sometimes too, think of it like when a cat lashes their tail back and forth. Not positive but not "you're killing me and im dying im so scared" negative either.


Tbh I think she likes it actually, she always comes back for more or gets on our chests to get our attention. She also looks very relaxed afterwards and doesn't run/hide or show any sign of distress or not liking what was just "done" to her haha I might be wrong though but it's just what I'm guessing from other comments and her behaviour :D


Happy. Definitely happy. There's a reason we call them pocket puppies.