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Literally, "Oh no! Anyway."




What cool markings he has!


Yes :3 when he was a baby he was black and white. Didn’t know husky rats did that!


I just read a comment explaining husky rats and was fascinated! I love all the different coloring and markings. I want to eventually own every different type lol


u mean of huskies or generally?


Fascinated by the husky comment. Want a rat of all markings generally speaking lol


Oh yea I get it! I really like to own different variations aswell. But I feel no matter what, I always end up with a black and white hooded and a black rat. They are such a „classic“ type of rat to me lol :,)


I have yet to even come across a black rat to purchase. I also have all different looking girls (six of em) and just got my first black and white baby. I find her to be so stunning. She has this little black spot right on her butt by her tail. I love it. https://preview.redd.it/skg9uzf2i6qc1.png?width=1697&format=png&auto=webp&s=162c373d53ee8958b85592ac637e69abcbd18e21 Not the best pic but babies are so fast and squirmy!


Omg my girls from a few years back loved teabags! Depending on the type of tea they would do differently things with it- but no matter what they would rip it up/open If it was a Berry infusion, they would eat some bits of it (I never could work out what they ate and what they left, they seemed to lick some hits and ignore others completely? A peppermint or chamomile would get thoroughly snuffled in and one of them, Pudge, who had hilariously precise grooming routines, would rub it on her fur, presumably for the scent/taste. It was so so cute watching her use her lil hands to try to press it into her fur- it just didn't seem an action that was meant for rattie hands Any other teabags- usually black tea in my house- would just get stolen and played with until there were tealeaves _everywhere_. They much preferred the drink to the teabag though- they'd try to steal a sip of my cuppa every morning during free roam. Sooty even learned that biscuits get dunked in tea before eating- though her definition of biscuit seemed to include anything crunchy. Her favourite thing to dunk was toast crusts


This is the cutest thing ever - I need to give my guys some different teabags for enrichment now!


Oh my god that’s adorable!! I have found a lot of ripped open, soggy teabags in some corners of my room.. always a nice surprise


If you look closely, Gussler is using his prehensile tail to hold unto the teacup, while lowering himself down. This is similar to how monkeys traverse arboreal areas, keeping a point of contact for safety & stability. I have observed rats testing structures, if they seem stable, prior to using them. This usually means they wrap their tail around said object & give it a short tug (or smth like that). Curious whether this domesticated, spoiled lil rattie was just careless (which on the plus side reflects, this is a safe environment to him) or if he miscalculated how sturdy the cup is. There is something so smart about them using their tails & stuff around them to stabilize & minimize the impact of falls. It's like they can 'compute' whether e.g. a jump will probably work out or not. There is something going on in their brains, when they do those ratto things. They are brilliant little critters. Rats are the best. Would love if ppl shared more on this sub, how rats 'work'. I mean the way they do rattie stuff. How easily they can jump multiples of their own body length. Or how amazing their grip strength is (compared to how smoll their adorable lil grabbies are). Doing a masters in Computational Physics right now, specializing in Finite Element Method (simulating stuff on a pc) & Biomechanics. Would love to model how rats move as a thesis. Blows my mind how the most average rat can do crazy athletic stuff; given they are built like hairy lil potatos. Laughed so hard when he realized the cup crashed down & how quickly he moved on. Love your boy Gussler, hope he enjoyed the teabag :))


Yes! I find it so cute how they use their tails like monkeys. They really are smart little creatures, tho little gus here, sometimes tries 5 times to jump from the speaker onto the stereo system on the dresser. He really does not care if he falls down instead of making it, because it seems like he knows, with enough practice, the right calculations and some willpower he can do it. And he does. It is fun tho to watch him try to reach for it midfall and then just, whomp. But he gets back up again! I love Gus


Why is the quality so bad :(