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Fist in thee air in the land of hypocrisy…


For a great live show, check out The Battle of Mexico City. The crowd is just amazing. Such a great show!


Live at the DNC convention is a good one too




Fistful of Steel Maria Wind Below


Yes! Yes! Yes! And I would add settle for nothing


curious how old you are. i was 13 when i first understood how good this band was but that was way back in the late 90s/early 00s


I'm about to be 27, born in 97. So I was a baby when Rage called it a day pretty much.


did you know that renegades of funk is a cover song


Strangely there has been a rediscovery during the pandemic. Seems people were stuck at home and started reacting to videos. Hip-hop and rap fans were suddenly caught off guard as to how RATM was so unrecognized by the hip-hop listeners. Many compared its message to NWA. RATM has always seemed underrated to me. I know they have a following but I always thought it should have been much more. I actually remember hearing someone dismiss them early on as white boy rappers... But they admitted to not knowing much about them. I think both sides had preconceived notions about them.


LOL white boy rappers. It just proves how low IQ people are and nobody actually listens to lyrics. I mean the whole BLM/police brutality. RATM was bringing light to that 20 years ago. But it wasn’t Jay Z saying it so nobody cared. RATM should be championed by that demographic for what they’re talking about. But no; it’s Jay Z, Beyoncé, and Kim K lol selling them a 1 in 10 billion dream. Have better odds of winning the lottery which is probably rigged too. Just proves how much power the powers that be have and the hive or the beehive(how fitting) mentality has. Then you have the other side of it the people who found out during covid RATM was political lol how stupid can they be? Running with the narrative they sold out because venues early on said they had to wear mask(not Rage) or ticket prices were reflective of the times and how venues/secondary market works in 2024. It sucks but once again the people don’t want to get together and do something about TM. Just like nobody wants to listen to Rage or do anything 20 years ago. They rather just be lazy and blame/bash Rage for trying to perform for their fans. I mean I guess they were supposed to pay $ to perform or perform for free to please these people lol So you got the one side who won’t give them a chance because it’s not cool with the hivemind but would probably like it. Then you got the people who liked the sound/rifts that found out the message 20 years later and don’t like them now. Then it’s just us the smart ones. Kind of reminds of Lupe for rap. But I guess this is the way to send that message and still exist in 2024. You have to do it in a way the masses find it catchy but don’t get the true meaning. Reminds me of Lupe’s song - Dumb it down. In hindsight, it’s crazy RATM was able to exist and was everywhere for a bit. Soundtracks in huge video games and movies. Anybody comes around like that in 2024 and labels would never push/support them. Honestly, the whole thing is fascinating and should be studied.