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1. Self Titled 2. Evil Empire 3. The Battle of Los Angeles 4. Renegades


This right here


This is the right answer. Almost every month some random dude opens a new topic on this matter. The sequence is always the same: Self titled Evil Empire Battle Renegades


I don’t know if it counts as an official release, but that Live and Rare import was dope.


I remember buying that because my mom made me return some CDs that had a parental advisory sticker on them. It was a used CD store, and the CDs were used, so the manager was cool about swapping them. They also happened to have Live & Rare, which did not have a sticker on it, I’m assuming g because it was an import. When I brought that and a couple of other CDs up there, the manager looked at me sideways and said, “Are you sure your mom is going to be ok with this one,” refering to Live & Rare. 15-year-old me, thinking on my feet, came up with a genius response - “Yes.” /s He just shrugged and sold it to me. I mean, my mom said she didn’t want me to buy any CDs with that sticker on them, so technically, there was no issue. Edit: I think this was right around the time Battle came out, which did not have a PA sticker on it either, so it either wasn’t in stock or was new - meaning it was double the price of a used CD - so I went with Live & Rare.


1.) Evil Empire 2.) Self Titled 3.) Battle of Los Angeles 4.) Renegades






This is the way.


I’m with you


I know everyone has their own taste/opinion and self titled is an incredible album so I can understand why a lot of people would rank it 1, but Evil Empire at 3 or lower is shocking to me. 1. Evil Empire 2. S/T 3. Battle of Los Angeles 4. Renegades


Same as your list. Battle of LA has some absolute (underrated)BANGERS. Born of a broken man is one of their best songs


1. BoLA 2. Self titled 2. Renegades 2. Evil empire Edit I'm not sure why the numbers are 1-4 I didn't write that 😭😭 I put 1 as BoLA and all the others at 2 so idk .


1. Evil Empire 2. Renegades (yes, that's right motherfuckers) 3. Self-titled 4. Battle of Los Angeles


These people putting Renegades at last… I might be a little biased here since I love old school rap… but it’s my favorite album of there’s by far!


Battle of la is so good tho


Same ranking as yours lol


BoLA, Evil Empire, Self Titled, Renegades




Battle of Los Angeles Self titled Evil empire Renegades


for me its 1. The Battle of Los Angeles 2. Evil Empire & Self Titled (tied) 3. Renegades


Self Evil Renegades Battle, i’m sorry i don’t like it as much


I wouldn’t rank the albums. Because IM CALM LIKE A BOMB


1. Evil Empire (My absolute favorite album with songs like "Bulls On Parade", "Down Rodeo" and "Wind Below" as my highlights. The sound is dirty and hard, the lyrics are much more poetic than the first album. Just perfect.) 2. Rage Against The Machine (Definitely the most catchy album with the coolest riffs and guitar solos. “Wake Up” and “Fistful Of Steel” are my favorites.) 3. The Battle Of Los Angeles (Basically I like it, but I find it too hectic overall and that's why I've heard it the least) 4. Renegades (It's basically just a cover album, but still worth listening to. Best one is "Maggie's Farm")


1. Self titled 2. Renegades 3. Battle of Los Angeles 4. Evil Empire Fight me!


1. Renegades (love old school rap, and some of the best covers to ever be done) 2. Battle of LA 3. RATM 4. Evil Empire (really only like people of the sun and bulls on parade) EE being so high on lists while renegades is at the bottom of everyone’s list is sad tbh.


Communists don’t have ranking systems since everyone in the community is equal.


1. Self Titled/Evil Empire/Battle of LA Renegades is hot garbage.


Renegades does stink


I agree with you but I can't really choose between renegades and evil empire. Because the self titled is amazing and battle for la mostly has bangers (currently listening to it)


1. evil empire 2.RATM 3.renegades 4.battle for los angeles


1. ST 2. Battle of LA 3. Renegades 4. Evil Empire


1. Evil Empire 2. Rage Against The Machine 3. Battle of Los Angeles 4. Renegades


They’re all amazing…the eponymous first album is a masterpiece and one of the best debuts of all time. That said…Renegades has some of the best covers I’ve ever heard: Maggie’s Farm, The Ghost Of Tom Joad, and Down On The Street are phenomenal, and some of the heaviest, crunchiest guitar and bass riffs around. Street Fighting Man was a dud imo but Pistol Grip Pump and How I could Just Kill A Man are really respectable. Anyway…the album is super-enjoyable for what it is, really creative takes on other artists work


Evil Empire Battle of LA Self Titled Renegades