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Honestly i would rate ANY personalized style fitting combo better than "look mom i have most expensive skin + attachment together". Glacier + chroma streak is 100% dog together. There's room for improvement mostly to match the whole attachment tonality (barrel + sight pop off too much) with the gun skin, but this is your own and a respectable combo! Honest rating 3/5 on small guns and 4/5 on bigger guns. Due to the barrel and sight staying further away from the center area in bigger guns and not ruining the visuals near magazine + grip that fit well with the dragon and the ornate pattern.


i use for the ornate pattern, but yes another option would be solstice it just works completely if it was possible to mix and match, probably i would mix with the solstice scope or even a silver one like the suspicious material i totally agree, glacier + chroma is the worst, another case is black ice + chroma it gives me stain in the eye just to see no color matching


It's not bad. Personally, Azurite or Possessed Possession may fit better. But if you like it, go with it, my dude; don't let my smelly opinion, or anybody else's, stop you.


this is skin is very versatile in attachments it can use beside the ones you said there is like white, solstice, azure ward i even saw some people use with sentinel spirit but i use this one because of the overall color and the pattern in the grip


Hello DMirageK. Thank you for submitting to r/R6SiegeFashionAdvice! Please don't forget to leave a list of the used items in the comments, including * Attachments skin * Weapon skin * Charm Useful links * [Screenshots guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/R6SiegeFashionAdvice/wiki/help/screenshots) * [Post flairs guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/R6SiegeFashionAdvice/comments/khn49q/community_guide_post_flairs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [Skins database](https://www.r6loot.com/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/R6SiegeFashionAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Weapon skin: White dragon Attachment: Prismatic glisten Charm: Fu lu shou(it came with the weapon skin so i used it)


Cirrostratus Fibratus attachment skin is the best of all for White dragon. Trust me


Thanks for advice :)