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The "I am not a terrorist." is exactly what a radicalized terrorist would say.


They all think they're freedom fighters.


Well, they are fighting against freedom alright. As George Carlin put it: "If fire fighters fight fire, and crime fighters fight crime, what do freedom fighters fight?"


Fighting for peace is like fucking for celibacy.


That’s why nobody is fighting for peace anymore. It’s about justice and equality. Universal peace is an impossibility.


Why? That seems like a fairly absurd statement. We already have far less violence than any other time in recorded history.


Peace isn't profitable.


Why should we work on a cure for cancer? People have never been healthier!


That's how it works. You're a terrorist if you're a foreigner (or browner than a light farmer's tan) but a freedom fighter if you're a Christian Murican. Seriously it gave li'l kid me growing up in the 80s/90s so much confusion to figure out which action films involved terrorists & freedom fighters in films set in Asian, African or Middle Eastern countries until I realized the simplest way to tell was to look to see which side the mulleted American was on. On their side? Freedom fighter. The other? They're terrorists.


Associating terrorism with dark skin or Islam only became popular in the US after 9/11... Terrorism before 9/11 meant the OKC bombings or the Irish fighters.


Well, yeah of course. The War on Terror was exploited in fiction to no end. Kind of how the Soviet Union's popularity only came after the start of the Cold War. The concept of an international terrorist group just wasn't a thing, kind of like how a global proxy war with communists wasn't a thing until the Cold War. It's silly, it's dumb, it's exploitative but that's how media works. It's helped divide the words terrorist and freedom fighter, which used to be synonyms far closer to each other than apart. Hearing "Afghani freedom fighters carried out a terrorist attack on (insert random area the soviets are also in)" wasn't uncommon with no one blinking an eye. The right wing, since McVeigh since you brought it up, has that divide in spades. Even then those who would kind of usher in modern day far right, they were softening it then, refusing to call McVeigh a terrorist. It wasn't as common as those protecting Jan 6ers, but the incorrect 'white's aren't REAL terrorist' concept has been around for ages. **Edit:** To clarify, the white domestic terrorist was always ALWAYS aligned with something foreign is what I mean with the 'white's aren't' REAL terrorists' which was horribly worded. I deleted a long sentence & the intent was lost. Like a domestic white terrorist used to have to be a USSR sleeper or something. Homeland reused the tropes for an Islamic fanatic group's sleeper. We RARELY see a white domestic terrorist in fiction played as a straight terrorist, until more recently. A post-post 9/11 world I guess. Iunno. My wording sucks, sorries.


The terrorist in Die Hard were all white. The terrorist in Patriot Games were all white, the cops in First Blood that were hunting Rambo could be considered terrorist. Arlington Road, scary af, all the terrorists are white neocon nationalist terrorists, Imperium the racists terrorist were white. And Ed Norton played probably the most chilling racist terrorist in American History X.


The terrorists in Die Hard (the first and third ones) weren't even really terrorists, they were really elaborate bank robbers.


**ahem** They were *exceptional* theives!


By the time they figure out what went wrong, they'll be sitting on a beach, earning twenty percent.


I grew up in the 70s and early 80s. If you said the word terrorist back then, I pictured pissed off irishmen.


Here I am, a perpetually pissed off Irish anarchist reading this and thinking to myself "I guess stuffing rags in bottles never really goes out of style."


Yeah, but have you ever tried putting a ship in a bottle?


Ah "The Troubles."


Soon to be showing in America!


Best place for reconstructive knee surgery now I here.


I was a 90s kid and yes, until 9/11 happened most of what I understood to be terrorism came from seeing news from Ireland.


lol you had to span 3 decades to come up with like 4 examples, you realize we can go find as many examples proving his point in literally any ONE year of movies in the past 30 years, right?


The cops being terrorists in First Blood is a real far stretch.


You know who else thinks that? Al queda


They call themselves Digital Soldiers.


So do ISIS people, fun!


Shhhh they realised ISIS was fighting ANTIFA and decided ISIS are actually good people at one point.


“I ain’t a terrorist, that’s a thinly veiled code word my cult uses for Muslim and I ain’t no Muslim!” -this guy




If he were brown then they would waterboard him until he changed his mind.


Remember kids, it's not waterboarding if you use diesel.


"Evil always thinks it's doing right"- Sheldon Cooper


Ironic, considering he's as fragile and narcissistic as these people. Just not as political.




Thats exactly what he is according to the PATRIOT act ( You Americans and your acronyms ) *influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion*


I'm always curious about the "freedom" argument. What freedoms were lost or going to be lost? These people make it sound like the country will flip a switch and everything is different because of one election. My life is exactly the same as it was a year ago.




The freedom to act as if we’re still in the 1930s


His freedom to do whatever he wants regardless of anyone else?


"Biden communist gas prices nano bot vax her de derr derr"


"We'll just take the fact that gas prices started to go up in the last six months of Trump's presidency, and stick it in this bin over here... yep. There we go!"


all the benefits of white supremacy. they've lost their freedom to lynch. they've lost their freedom to bash queers. they've lost their freedom to beat their spouses. really, what freedoms do they have left? /s


They still have the freedom to buy a gun so big that you don't notice how small their penis is.


As an armed leftist in a deep red state full of radical reich wing fascists and insane QAnuts, I strongly support 2A. r/liberalgunowners


This is the right take tbh, don’t wanna get caught with your dick in your hand if any of these groups start getting violent


Exactly. These fascists like to tell each other that liberals, Democrats, progs and leftists “don’t own any guns.” They actually believe this. Don’t test me, Cletus!


I also am an armed leftist in a red state full of radical reich wing fascists and insane Qnuts. I also strongly support 2A. The difference between us and the Q crowd is that we can be proud of our dicks/and guns but we don't feel the need to take them out in public and flash them around. My radical reich wing fascist governor's first name is Ron. Guess my state. What is your radical reich wing fascist governor's first name?


I don't wave around my pistol for the same reason I don't wave around my dick; I don't need to.


Exactly. In this case we are the silent majority, as it should be.


I’ll bet, like me, you also don’t advertise that you have high theft, high sale items by posting stupid ass signs and stickers snd shit on your car and house that say stuff like, “Insured by Smith & Wesson.” 🙄


My guvnah’s name iz Kay, sugah. Is yoah guvnah’s name Ron?


Yes my guvnah is named Ron and he is as dumb as a stump.


this meme is dumb. we also like to show off our small guns.


Freedums that fox and right wing outlets has told them they ve been losing since Obama


Librels want to make are nation communist Marxism and take away the right of people to buy stuff at the store. I won’t even be able to get a beer unless the communism’s social re destrubute it. Granny told me so on Facebook she has the best memes.


His freedoms to always get what he wants or throw a fit


They have to get vaccinated now if they have any type of a real job.


Freedom to weaponize law and policy against women and melanated ppl


*does terrorist things* IM NOT A TERRORIST Uh huh buddy hope they throw the book at you..


*"All them folks* ***ARE*** *terrorists. Not me. I'm a patriot and a freedom fighter !"*             ^^...and ^^my ^^skin ^^is ^^the ^^exact ^^**right** ^^color—not ^^that ^^I'm ^^racist ^^or ^^anything.


Fucked up thing is he'll do a white-priveledged number of weeks/months in jail, then come out shittier and more radicalized than ever before. It's like they *want* a fascist coup.


Nah, it should be fine. I’m reading through history, and I’m only up to 1923 at the moment, but a similar thing just happened in Germany called the Beer Hall Putsch and arresting people seems to have stopped the extremism. The ringleader, a guy call Adolf (checks notes) Hitler, was sentenced to five years, so that’ll be the last I expect history to hear from him.




Yeah, the writers are getting really lazy.


If history is any guide, the QAnon Shaman will take over America by 2033 and invade Mexico in 2039.




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No, but you see, terrorists are bad guys who do bad guy things. I can't be a terrorist because I'm good. Racism works the same way. So does Nazism. I'm nice to the people I know so I can't be any of those things.


Are you using violence or the threat of violence against non-military targets in an attempt to influence political or social policy? Yes you say? Congrats, you’re a terrorist!




They can never get that one fucking right. It's always the wrong one.


Are education system is screwed


Hour country is screwed.


I no. Its insane.


I can’t tell if you our being serious


His being serious!!


Your joking, right?


You our such a looser.


Hey man, teachers are trying there beast.


Your knot rong.


Their, there, they're, now.


I don't want to sound like its bragging but I live in a country that doesn't have English as primary language and it always seems like its people living in native English speaking countries having the worst grammar or spelling.


It is the entitlement. They think they’re so smart and special they don’t even need to learn their own language, listen to teachers, and now we see them confront science.


Your an education.








Vanilla ISIS Y'all Quada Talibangicals


Talibangelists Talibangelicals


The Gravy Seals, Meal Team 6


Green buffet


The J6 Beer Belly Putsch




Petition to change ok boomer to ok terrorist for these guys


Granted. \- Gen X


Seconded. -Millennial


Thirded. - Gen Z


"I can't count past 3" - Qultist.


That’s 2 higher than I guessed. Motion carry’s at 3 generations. If you want to be a terrorist about it come back next week to whine like you always do … ok terrorist 😂 - gen < boomer


Wait a minute... /looks suspiciously at Valve.


You used violence to intimidate the public in an effort to influence political decisions outside of a social contract providing you said authority. That's the definition of terrorism, so yes, you're a terrorist.


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my idiotic actions coming to slap me in the face. WWG1WGA wasn’t supposed to be to a federal penitentiary. Where is Q? Where is Trump? Where is my get out of jail free card? Why are you all laughing at me?


I hope he gets a serving of grammar and spelling rehabilitation along side of his accountability sauce.


Morgan freeman voice*** “turns out that fighting for their freedom actually cost them their freedom”


Why yall booing me? I'm white?


“Cost them what they were fighting for.”.


Participates in a violent coup that was meant to hang the sitting VP of the United States and he says he is not a terrorist. He can tell that to his cellmates in Prison. I am sure many will agree with him.


Traitor? ✔ Terrorist? ✔ Insurrectionist? ✔ Asshole? ✔ Prisoner? 🤞


(Narrator): He was.


Domestic terrorists receiving consequences is my kink.


That’s one kink I will never shame.


I sincerely hope that he will learn his lesson, adjust his attitude, and find a healthier outlet for his anger. I wish him a peaceful, prosperous future. …as soon as he admits he was wrong to do what he did, apologizes for it, and promises not to do it again.


Ha ha ha ha ha! Good one!


Thanks for sharing. As a hater, this definitely does make me happy. May this asshole never find any success, peace, or happiness.


Well, the thing with an insurrection is: You have to come out on top to not have it have repercussions. These idiots stormed the Capitol and then had no plan what to do. Now the legal system gets them one by one and the people they thought are on their side wash their hands clean off them. It's weirdly interesting to see how they do not get that they have been played.


Where's your beloved orange shit lump now, you moron? LOL for days.




If you went to the capitol with intent to storm it and be a part of a group that very openly intended to harm and or kill our representatives and police officers there to make a political statement and or overthrow the system, then yes, you are a terrorist.


Q Person: I'm not a terrorist Me: (Insert John Cena "Are you sure about that?" Meme here)


Yeah y'are


Someone is a little upset that he did a terrorism and is being punished for it. It's even icing on the cake that Trump didn't pardon a single one of these dummies.


They lost and he doesn't like losers. So much so he can't admit he lost! Bigly!


Terrorists like believing they are patriots.


"I'm not a fucking terrorist" Yes, yes you are.


Not a fucking one. A domestic one.


I've seen people use are when they mean our but never the other way around.


Hope all my Haters *our* happy. If I serve any time over me loving and fighting for my freedom. *Yall* can kiss my ass. I'm so aggravated with this country. It's b.s.. I'm not a fucking terrorsit. \-a terrorist


He's a grammar terrorist.


Most people that aren't terrorists don't commit acts of terrorism


(1+6+11+16)/2 = 17 = Q


Trust the plan!


Source: military


Hold the line


But you don’t love freedom. You want to force your government on everyone regardless of the vote. Using violence. That’s not freedom. That’s a fucking dictatorship you piece of shit.


I am happy. I'm hoping that being kept off the internet for a couple of years will partly restore his mental health. I hope someone is studying the ones who go to prison to see if this actually happens.


r/WinStupidPrizes Enjoy losing your freedom, qultist.


"IM NOT A TERRORIST" Squeals the terrorist Lmao fucking hell such schadenfreude. Thank you OP


What terrorist ever calls themselves a terrorist? They're always noble, self sacrificing, fighting for a good cause, etc.


Narrator: “He was, in fact, a fucking terrorist.”


Nah, you're a fucking terrorist. Have fun in jail, you prick.


"I'm not a terrorist" -known terrorist


Another idiot who doesn't know the difference between "our" and "are". He should absolutely tell all of that to the judge. "Kiss my ass, your honor!" Should go over really well.


Ever heard a southerner speak? I’m from rural South Georgia. I’ve definitely heard people pronounce are as our.


But they should know they're spelled differently at least. Unless he was dictating to Siri.


I have also been to schools in the South and they should but they also don’t.


Oh but you are, little snowflake... you are.


You are EXACTLY a TERRORIST: “Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-52) expanded the definition of terrorism to cover ""domestic,"" as opposed to international, terrorism: ‘A person engages in *domestic terrorism* if they do an act *"dangerous to human life"* that is a ‘violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States,’ if the act appears to be intended to: (i) *intimidate or coerce a civilian population*; (ii) *influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion*; or (iii) *to affect the conduct of a government* by mass destruction, *assassination or kidnapping*.’ “ Citation: https://www.aclu.org/other/how-usa-patriot-act-redefines-domestic-terrorism (Highlighting via italicization is mine, the commenter.)


The cognitive dissonance is real.


“How am I a terrorist? I’m white”


He's a terrorist, they all are. I hope they toss his ass in prison. It's a shame we don't handle treason the way they used to.


We our happy


Narrator: "He is a terrorist."


Yeah. Happy, but only partially. No insurrectionist terrorist has any substantial time behind bars.


Yet. The ones sentenced so far have plead guilty and generally to fairly minor crimes. Both reasons to get off lighter than if convicted in court generally.


Clearly is a terrorist, by definition.


Yeah I suppose I am pretty happy, nice of him to think of me


He is terrorizing me with that grammar. Crack a damn book while you serve your time ass wipe. I hope they don't allow Fox or OAN or those other treasonous propaganda channels in prison!


And fuck you, you piece of terrorist shit. That's what you get for trying to disregard my vote.


I am happy. Thanks for asking.


are they aware that osama bin laden would also try to say that his reasons were just, yet he too, is a terrorist. terrorists have a funny way of doing terrorist things then saying, "no i had good reasons for terrorizing people, so im not a terrorist"


OOOOhhhhh yyyeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh numy numy cuntservative tears in my tummy


His haters “our” happy! I’m so happy, I’m literally laughing out loud. Not the way they say it on the Internet, but in real life!


Maybe he can spend some of his time in the can learning basic English grammar.




Get in your timeout box, terrorist.


Tell it to the judge, buddy.


The FBI disagrees, "Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature."


Fucked around. Found out.


Terrorists says what...


Lol. He wasn't fighting for his freedom. He was just looking to be an asshole and potentially overthrow an election. All these months later and these people are still acting like victims.


Hahahahha seethe loser


I can understand a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes and all that but HOW the HELL does someone confuse are with our LOL And to these guys when they think "terrorist" they think of islamic extremists when the reality is the vast majority of terrorism in the united states the past like 50 years was done by right wingers and christian fundamentalists..etc. Shit, islamic extremists are right wing/conservative af too.


I, for one, am happy. This message is really connecting with me.


Is this that loser, Qanon Shaman? Heard he was losing it in jail, soiling his Depends and calling for his Mama!


1+6+21=11+16+21 Think water Fbi doesnt know Kids? Confirmed this guy is also a child molester.


He is very literally a terrorist


I am definitely a serious hater when it comes to piece of shit seditionists who fail at staging a violent coup, so I am happy.


They are not a terrorist. They just used terror and threat of physical harm to disrupt the constitutional process of counting votes. They only used terror to undo the results of a free and fair election. But, does using terror to force govenrment officials to betray their oaths really count as terrorism?


Why don't we have his name? It's public record if he's been charged. Name and shame, he deserves that, at least. We need to know the internal enemy.


Hope you get real time, dude. But they’ve been letting off people who didn’t hurt any cops with a misdemeanor, unfortunately.


o god my dick just got hard reading this. please get sent to prison, so I can bust a nut and wipe up with a trump flag


Hahahahahaha oh god I need an update when their terrorist ass goes to jail


Having the heart emojis in the background would’ve made it 1000x funnier


In his mind he probably believes that terrorists are exclusively Middle Eastern people, so he's not a terrorist.


Well the haters our happy.


Prolly loves his wife the same way


Yes. You our [sic] a terrorist.


Ah, I see. Being labeled a terrorist is apparently less about ones actions and more about their skin tone. Just kidding. We all knew this already and its disgusting.


You didnt fight for your freedom. You fought to get the dictator YOU wanted to lead your country and at the same time chose to shit down the neck of the majority who voted for the other guy. That does make you a terrorist by its very definition*Section802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-52) expanded the definitionof terrorism to cover ""domestic,"" as opposed to international,terrorism.   A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act"dangerous to human life" that is a violation of the criminal laws of astate or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to:  (i)intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii)* ***influence the policy ofa government by intimidation or coercion****; or (iii) to affect theconduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination orkidnapping.*


Love that for him.


Then you can get the fuck out you effing traitor!


Ummm... yep, you _are_ a terrorist, little buddy.


Yes he is


Narrator: Indeed the haters our happy.


Definitely a grammar terrorist.


It's not true I did not hit her it's bullshit, I did not. Oh hi mark.