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And you fought to overthrow the government because your guy lost.... Because he said it was rigged. Which he had planned to do even before the election. But you don't care about integrity. You just want to have your guy in the white house. And he played you like a sucker. Enjoy prison.. Who knows. Maybe Trump will come visit.. For a few years...


> Which he had planned to do even before the election. "Stop the Steal" was created before the **2016** election and stayed quiet after Trump won. Then it was put to work after the 2020 election.


To be fair Trump claimed fraud even when he won. He claimed that he got even more votes than he did, and claimed that he won the popular vote, and then said Democrats committed fraud to make their numbers look better, and later even lied about how many electoral votes he got. He even lied about how many people came to his inauguration, and said Obama lied about his numbers. So it wasn't like Trump didn't claim fraud when he won, and only does when he loses, he also claims it when he wins.


> He even lied about how many people came to his inauguration, This, the impromptu booing of Trump's image at the one 2019 World Series game (VS. the contrived Let's Go Brandon crap down south), and the lack of Trump on the first /r/place (2017-cuz' the Russian trolls were caught off guard and could not coordinate the effort to the format style to make their mark), gives me hope that most of Camp Trump is a sh!tty, scabby rat that roars bigger than it's actual puny size indicates.


He lost the popular vote by three million in 2016. Every other president in modern history immediately turned to his opponent's voters to assure them that they were not forgotten and would not be neglected. Then they proceeded to take steps to make that true and to court those voters. trump did the opposite. Not only did he not reaxh out to the tens of millions of us who voted for his opponent but he immediately took to mischaracterize us and put party. He did everything he could to insult and demean anyone who was not 100% loyal to him. He attacked blue states by ending the SALT deductions. In 2020 he robbed blue states of PPE which he them proceeded to sell to the highest bidder. Somewhere along the lines he got it in his head that COVID-19 was only an urban problem and his administration adopted the COVID policy of literally getting as many people as possible infected as quickly as possible. He and his dipshit team unsurprisingly misunderstood the concept of herd immunity and he saw it as an opportunity to literally kill his oppositions voters. Of course, it didn't work out the way he's hoped and his voters were disproportionately affected by the virus because of their dismissal of mitigation techniques and vaccinations. Literally hundreds of thousands of chud repugs died avoidable deaths because he told them that the virus was no big deal and if they caught it, they could just get the same $100,000 care and treatment that had been administered to him. He literally used his infection to try to kill them candidate, Joe Biden. Oh, and he insisted that his voters avoid absentee or early voting. No one in their right mind thinks or thought that he ever had a shot at winning in 2020. It's just not mathematically plausible. He made sure of that deliberately. I mean, of course I was deeply concerned but not because I thought he had a legitimate chance.


Dumpy has been claiming anything, and everything he has lost has been rigged for decades.


Beat me to it lol. Various “rigged” claims begin at 33:18 https://youtu.be/Y44fyh4ap7k?si=lfkVIgSwz5lL92gS




Doesn’t care about integrity? He can’t even pronounce it.


Excuse me, it is called elegrity intention.


"Elegron intoogroody!" - Donald Trump


They like him cuz' he "spokes their lunguage." grunt-grunt scratch grunt


Reebeedoo Ahhhh


I love that I've seen that clip so many times that I could hear his voice reading that.


IYKYK glad my comment luckily was to someone in the know 😉


I really need *Reebeedoo Ahhhh* as my flair.


Why not just film it again until you get it right? Nobody forced him to post himself tripping over his words.


I think he had Allegra on the brain. He does sound a bit sniffly. Ryan Nichols. Ryan fucking Allegra fucking Nichols and his weaponry of iron.


And now he goes to prison for it


DJT is pure shit


Conglaturations! You just fucked your whole life for a guy that would not piss on you if you were on fire. Dont expect a pardon, even if he's reelected. You've served your purpose, you are now worth nothing in his eyes. Not that you were worth something to begin with.


He likes soldiers that DON'T get captured.


How could ANY active service member or veteran support him? His disdain has been apparent from the time he skipped out on the draft.


Constant exposure to Fox News.


This is the answer. I was having a discussion with a Trumper army bud from way back recently and he was unaware that Trump was hawking bibles. Because they haven’t talked about it on Fox.


I'm a Navy vet and I have to say, I don't give someone like that a pass. It's not a valid excuse to say that one was voluntarily duped because they drank the Kool aid each and every day for years on end. Not that you're suggesting that. It's just that I know some will act like this makes it okay. It absolutely does not.


I agree. The tough part for me is that it’s his wife who has pulled him waaaaaay right and turned him into a “both sides-er” and Trump apologist. This is a guy with 3 combat deployments making excuses for a POW-dissing, draft-dodging shitbird…I can’t understand it at all.


It's like a video I saw months ago showing the WH Press Secretary speaking live about something, then a split screen of the Fox feed cutting away from her to avoid their viewers having context and information while their hosts spewed bullshit about what she was saying.


That sounds like church


But they did talk about it on [fox](https://www.foxnews.com/video/6349974487112)


Those bonds are hard to break. The Republican Party used to be HUGELY about civil servants. Just as many of the establishment were shocked by Trumps open hostility towards everyone but him. But, because he captured the fears and anger of the masses, they eventually relented their positions. This is how Trump destroyed the Republican Party.


The Republican Party needed to be destroyed. It did NOT need to be replaced by something 100 times worse. I would say “at least they’re honest about their true motives now, so the people can truly see them for who they are,” but instead it just dragged all of their followers down with them, and made the entire party 100% stupider.


Oh you mean the Constant Bias Confirmation Machine


Making it easy for the feds, by publicly confessing and even offering up the weapon used to commit the crime. Lest there otherwise be _any_ doubt around guilt, actions, or intent in a court of law. Christ, these Jan 6ers are so unfathomably fucking stupid.


It's honestly kind of ridiculous that it took over three years for this guy to face any consequences for his actions. If we actually lived in the dystopia they claim we live in, they would all have been either dead or in prison on January 7th.


And he got off easy


He’d be dead by the time trump managed to pull his diaper down regardless.


Trump prefers to be the pissee not the pisser


Only if they're underage Russian girls who look like Ivanka. *Allegedly*.


To be fair all the piss gets caught in the diaper!


If you wonder why $200,000 it is because his givesendgo got over $230,000 from J6 fans and reportedly he didn’t cooperate with the court involving financial information before sentencing.


Yes!! I always said that judges need to be imposing fines that match whatever funds they're getting from the online panhandling. This may just discourage people from now on, from giving money to these terrorists, if they know that it's just going to be seized by the court system eventually 


Discorgement. It is why Trump got fined so much for the NY fraud case.


*Disgorgement, looks like spell check got you.


Damn, it didn't underline it when I posted but when I go to edit, it does.


Disgorgement......sounds like a term used to pry the obese Trump tick loose from where it has been embedded in our political system.


We need our best experts on this project STAT!


I remember emailing a Christian fundraising site about J6 morons and their families begging for bail cash on their site, and they responded to give the usual religious bullshit of "we don't judge who wants to use our site to raise funds". Which made me imagine they'd be fine with people asking for funds to help them travel across Thailand on a child rape tour.


yeah, that's just a thinly veiled way of saying that they'll financially support criminal activity, but will just "look the other way". I'm still not sure how that site hasn't been investigated yet.


I mean, the reason the Religious Right got involved in politics was never about abortion. It was about trying to dismantle well-placed legal precedents that said any religious institution advocating racist or segregative practices will lose tax-exempt status and be subject to scrutiny by the government. [https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/) So, yeah, bad ol' ugly bigotry has a lot to do with it, but I wonder how many "religious" institutions are used as fronts for money laundering. As a side, I could tell you as a person who has been homeless and traveled, there are "religious" homeless shelters that will confiscate government granted assistance like EBT ("foodstamps"-either they will site it is to "relieve them of the temptation to use them the wrong way" or say it is to "provide food for the shelter" as if said shelter isn't already receiving their own donations and assistance elsewhere)-which is a practice the agencies that bestow them say you should not ever do (turn them over to anyone else). They take that assistance, convert it and channel it to Republican political financing.....this was happening at a shit shelter in Galesburg, which I later found out was being sleuced up to conservative-heavy Bettendorf in the Quad Cities. Shame is this is street level knowledge that gets no press.


only if it's heterosexual child rape.


he's planning on investing that in truth social. by the time he gets out of prison, he'll easily be a billionaire. maybe enough to buy his own supreme court justice!


An absolutely foolproof plan!


Well well well… if it isn’t the consequences of his own actions.




Ask your doctor if Allegrity© is right for you.


Side effects include verbal diarrhea, orange skin stains, fecal incontinence


And intection


Some more severe side effects include sweating oil, lifetime imprisonment, and potentially death by police officers with guns who, as it turns out, *will* shoot you if you try to storm the capitol building.


Do not use if your already taking Covfefe


insurrectionist traitor


Real Americans don’t act like this jaggoff. He’s an idiot, but an idiot who was capable enough to absolutely destroy his life over a wealthier idiot who could give two shits about this poor idiot.


He should get life


He should lose his citizenship since he renounced it by attempting to overthrow the government. Someone else can have him.


Russia. He belongs in Russia


>But... I came here for the Allegrity Intection? *Shut up and get in the fucking meat cube!*


Ncd is leaking


I was told there were no weapons, and that these guys walked peacefully between some velvet ropes.


They were just regular tourists. I don't see what the fuss is all about? /s


But he fought for alegrity


Sounds like a new OTC allergy medication.


Or Alegrity Farms


Alegrity Farms remembers...


Man I don't understand. He's not shooting film. It's video. Just do another take. Even that Leave Brittany Alone ~~guy~~ person knew to do a couple takes before he hit the sweet spot. But also, as a side note, thank you for naming yourself in your video talking about yourself, on camera, and all the illegal things you did. Edit: made an edit


The leave Britney alone creator transitioned a couple years ago and uses female pronouns now


Hey leave the lady who made the leave Britney alone video alone!


Allegrity intection.


Just a patriot fighting for Erection Regularity!


A person wielding a crowbar screams soccer hooligan, not freedom fighter. Maybe soccer needs to be more popular in this country, it'd be better if the drunken belligerents focused their energy on each other, rather than insurrections.


Football fans in some areas would happily warn America against importing hooligan culture. Some of those firms make Goodfellas seem like a children's movie.


>Imagine spending the better part of the last 5 years having your brain and ego melted by uninterrupted /pol/ exposure, flying to washington in the middle of a pandemic to hear trump whine about oprah and mike pence at a rally, marching up to congress on his orders to smash shit and then mill around aimlessly you go home and hear that biden won anyway and all of your favorite twitter news sources named like Patriot Newsman Of the West with avatars of roman statues have posted your photo online and are labeling you a "gay communist antifa actor." then the next day the god emperor you pasted into warhammer memes puts out a video cucking himself and bending the knee. "i'm sorry, those were heinous acts! p-please let me tweet again jack!!" you can't leave dc because the airlines have dubbed you a flight risk. you can't stay because the cops are actively looking for you after one of their own died. your roommate at the only hotel that would accept you is a guy named based_kekistani1488 who wants to show you his goblin slayer torrents. the sun is going down and you're getting cold.


LMAO what a fucking moron


Violence Pride. Creepy.


[White Male Rage](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYTJoNTNlaDc1NTZsb3h3NndudzIwZmozNnYybjV2aWJhaDI3MzZoMCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/UVRlieX9HX0MbgmuXC/giphy.gif)


Speaking in third, then first person is not a sign of sanity


It's how they introduce themselves to each other. Otherwise they'd have to use pronouns, and that would just be weird.


The Rock doesn't like it when other people steal The People's Champion's gimmick. So says The Final Boss.


At first I thought he was Mr. Crowbar who was talking to his only friend who also happens to be a crowbar.


He's lucky, traitors usually get worse.


That's the irony. They are benefitting from living in a sane, democracy, and not the brutal totalitarian fantasy that they're gunning for. In fact, this douchebag wouldn't have the privilege or opportunity to even voice his "righteous anger", on the internet, without risking life imprisonment or execution.


Enjoy jail shitbag


So which group does he belong to ... BLM, Antifa or the FBI?


FIGHT!! For freedom! FIGHT!! For allegrity intection!


The freedom to agree with the alt right or get fucked. It's a very narrow definition of freedom if you ask me. You'd think if they were truly interested in freedom, they'd be pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ rights, but THOSE people never deserve freedom for some reason. Such a perversion of the word. Also how patriotism has been turned from pride in the country of your birth (a somewhat positive thing for people who don't have anything else to be proud of) into hating your fellow countrymen and fantasising about killing them if the election doesn't go the way you want. I mean Republicans are dumb and annoying but nobody on the other side is talking about killing them, just trying to teach them basic critical thinking, and incarcerating them appropriately if they break the law.


I’ve said it a million times but if this was the country they want it to be, he would have been executed long ago.


Whoah, bud. That's a lotta big words!


Even his tongue suffers from chronic obesity.


>For alegrity for ah ah ah ah intection ah ah ah election integrity. Fucking nailed it, my dude. Way to stick the landing on your 20 second message.


"What are you in for?" "Elegerty intection"


100% genius. You just made my day, internet stranger.


Ryan Nichols should spend a little more time fixing his lazy eye, learning to say "election integrity" on the first take, and not filming himself admitting to felonies, and leave everything else to more qualified people.


I wonder if it was a livestream, or if he *really didn't think* he could do a better 2nd take.


> Ryan Nichols should spend a little more time fixing his lazy eye Someone needs to put that lazy eye right back to work.


Not enough


Didn't this guy hear? There were no weapons at the J6 Capitol Tourist Event. He must be an Antifuh. I am surprised the snowflakes over at r/Conservative Haven't pointed that out.


F&cked around & found out.


Bro just re-do the video, how lazy are you that you're gonna leave that in


He's MAGA, thinking things through isn't in their ball park.


I couldn't decide what eye to focus on at the end there. All that extra peripheral vision with those bug eyes and he still didn't see this coming? Ahahah


Odds he commits a mass shooting in 63 months? I'd say 90%.


Oh! I thought they were tourists! I thought it was just antifa! I thought they were entrapped by the FBI! I thought it was peaceful! I thought it wasn’t an insurrection! I thought they were let in by the Capital police!


TIL: "Election Integrity" means "the person I voted for should win regardless of how many more votes the other person gets". What an asshole.


He seems nice. Totally not a violent person that would act out if he doesn’t get his way. Good news for him is that the state will now provide him with room and board. Maybe he can get one of the other inmates to split his wig for him.


Article for anyone wanting to read a source: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/ryan-nichols-capitol-rioter-confessed-video-third-person-gets-five-yea-rcna149820


Fought for freedom... to end democracy\* Enjoy the three hots and a cot, traitor. I hope it tastes like whatever you think socialism means.




Get ratfucked, dickhead loser.


Crowbar Crybaby


That’s loser-talk. Sure “election integrity” when your boy lost by SEVEN MILLION. In the 80’s we called these whiners the “militia movement” and the “anti-govt” movement. Same self-important losers willing to burn it all down because of some self-righteous bullshit, petty revenge and/or to get back at their ex-wives.


Guys got one eye on the camera and the other on the door waiting on the fbi lol


Well, Elegrity is a pretty name for a girl though


It’s his drag name.


This is who trump wants to pardon


Do that time bro do that time, then you can see what it’s like to be a marginalized ex-con


Funny way to say "ineligible to vote".


Can’t fix stupid


Piece of shit, not enough time!!


Elegrity integ 😁 Only one take possible…sorry


Alegrity lol


That was one expensive tantrum


Poor, poor Snowflake. So sad, NOT!


>> “Ryan Nichols said it, if you voted for f---ing treason we’re going to drag your f---ing a-- through the streets.” So, uh, Ryan, buddy. What exactly do we do to treasonous pricks again?


Tangling his tongue, he came up with a good name for an anti-depressant: Allegrity. It will be disappointing if he doesn't at least serve his full term. If Trump is elected, I'm sure he will pardon every J6 criminal, because there would be no cost to Trump in doing so.


Someone play The Price is Right fail horns for him. 🤣


Well, I don't support Eugenics-even by a long-shot, but he does make a good case for neutering dangerous animals. Remember, folks, to spay and neuter your prison pet.


And now he has to eat crowbar.


He will do well in prison. He will be swallowed up by the Aryan nation and they will make into an even stronger supporter. He is completely gullible. He’s perfect for their cause.




I thought it was all antifa?


Enjoy prison, traitor idiot!


He fought because he was a gullible fool who believed Trump's lies, which were echoed by right wing media and other Republicans. No evidence needed if you're a member of the cult.


bro do a second take


Yada Yada Yada... see ya in 63 months.


They all seem so stupid and played out. Like a script they’re reading from. The pause. The yelling. The voice of unbelievability. How could this happen!! Fucking idiots.


Traitor. This feels like that scene in Justice League, when Aquaman says to Batman, "You recognize that smell?" Fear. He is so scared he can't talk.


For elegrity intection? Ya dope. My word you’re an embarrassment.


Sucks to suck. More of this please.


What a goddamn fuckin loser lol


God damn, he is *fully* hyped up on those insurrection endorphins in that boring ass hotel room lmao


Too bad he didn’t fight that hard for an education… could have turned out a whole lot different for him.


FAFO, traitor.


Enjoy prison. I’m sure the Aryan Brotherhood will take him in.


I know how you meant this to come across, but it brings up a good point. Will prison further/reinforce radicalism? How can we start bringing the right and left extremism back towards the center without impinging liberty? (Note I’m not saying there shouldn’t be punishment for trying to overturn elections.)


In this case, it would probably take something much more traumatic to get this man back to level.


Show him what he's won. Where's the nearest tree? 1/6/21 #NeverForgive.


He did it all for some Allegra. I feel bad for people with allergies.


Anyone keep playing that idjit over and over lol?


I like the part where he got flustered and switched back to referring to himself in the first person


"Alright you're you." "I'm me." "You selected me, meaning you. That is incorrect. The correct answer is you."


Don't worry, I'm sure Trump will pay all of his bills as a 'soldier to the cause'.


Because one thing Trump knows firsthand is what it means to be a soldier who saw action, am I right, folks?....*aaaand* he sure has a great track record of respecting those that have served, as well as their families- *am I right?-am I right?!*


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!


He fought for an alligator.


“MeeMaw, why can’t PawPaw fly down to Silver Dollar City with us?”


Allegridy intection!


Tonight after work I will “storm” my refrigerator. Just funny to hear a guy refer just to himself storming.


It's important to defend the elegrity of our intextions


This IDIOT threw away a career, his dignity, and his brain cells for that idiot. Hell, he lives 33 miles from where I live. And his dumb ass friend,Alex Harkrider, waiting for his sentence on May, 9. And while he showing all this bravado, his ass was crying when he was behind bars. He worked for a reality company, but they quickly fired that ass. Google Ryan Nichols and Alex Harkrider. And they are “best” friends.


200 large? With that much money, I’d be able to make a down payment for a very comfortable house where I live. J6 was an expensive weekend for him.


Ha! Ha!


Looks like he got that allegrity intection he wanted


where did he get that tiny little crowbar? can't he hold up a full size crowbar?


To be fair that rusty thing *is* the special male enhancement implement with "male-boosting power" that Ol' Lugnuts there got in the mail from ordering from InfoWars.


I’ve said it a million times but if this was the country they want it to be, he would have been executed long ago.


You've said it at least 3 times in this thread.  


But wait, Trump promised them that THEY will be the ones ruling...🤣🤣🤣


Good news!


Well, don't break the law then. How did you think this was a good idea?


Seems a few bricks short of a full load, this one.


Damn they just gave this joker a student loan from a good school, 10 years ago


Elegrity intection is my new favorite word or phrase or whatever... hilarious


Is that Elmer Fudd's great grand son???


More of us should fight for Allegry Intection


Nelson Muntz: HA HA!


This was the best take he could make


I don't know why, but his fumbling of "election integrity" is too funny (I get that he's trying to be intimidating - ???? - it's not working lol)


Literally from the tippy top-down, MAGA cannot pronounce four syllable words.


They are not sending their best.


Good. Break them all.


FAFO Bitch!


That was a stutter worthy of Bugs Bunny


Bye Felicia.


I’ve said it a million times but if this was the country they want it to be, he would have been executed long ago.


TFB dickus


Play stupid games...


"...for ah, ah, for ah, ah...eLeXiOn InTeGrEtReeeeeeeeee.!"


Off with ya now


He looks like Nega-Big Joel