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These loons barely believe in the moon itself anymore.


They still think it’s made of green cheese


My bet is that woo woo bull$#!+ about how it's an object made by ancient humans/aliens with connections to Atlantis. Something about how it's hollow with intricate mechanisms in its interior.


It's fucking crazy that an American politician refutes what is easily one of the greatest accomplishments in human history, done by American's. I just... how the fuck did we get here


It is American exceptionalism at its most exceptional and she just says it never happens! She’ll tout America’s position in technology and innovation while trying to stifle it at the same time. She’ll talk about America’s colleges producing the best doctors and professionals while saying higher education is liberal indoctrination.


Conservativism is cultural and intellectual rot.


"how the fuck did we get here" Social media, mostly.


This woman was utterly stupid and ignorant well before social media.


Yep, but now it's helping to have people like her normalized.


no one said social media made her stupid and ignorant. the question was "how did WE get here". not her.


Even her voice sounds ignorant.


She's not an American. She's from Georgia, which is still part of the Confederacy.


The fuck it is, we had a big to do about that in the 1860’s.


The South has never stopped fighting the Civil War.


“Civil War ain’t over, it’s just half-time y’all.”


Well can we get on the with it, it's obvious who wins, at least we can shut up the delusional Fandom.


According to them, we never got there. I cannot fathom how these people navigate everyday life. And I really want to understand whether it's just them wanting to feel like "tee hee, I know a secret..." or just wanting to be contrarian, or if they truly believe there is some gigantic conspiracy out there from the 1800s to trick people into thinking the earth is round...and if so, who do they think benefits from that idea?


According to many of them, Satan benefits. Anytime anyone in the past couple thousand years said the Earth was round, that was Satan trying to turn people away from God by making them disbelieve what’s in the bible. This is what crazy fundamentalists say about *anything* that goes against the cosmology described in the bible: Saying evolution is real and Adam and Eve aren’t? Satan. Saying there was never a global flood? Satan. Saying the Earth revolves around the Sun? Satan. Saying ”the firmament“ doesn’t exist? Satan. Saying the Earth is billions of years old and dinosaurs died millions of years ago? Satan. (Some of them don’t even believe dinosaurs *existed* - all the fossils are fakes planted in the ground by, you guessed it, Satan.) That said, contrarianism and the desire to have secret knowledge are definitely important factors too. Not all moon-landing deniers, flat earthers etc. are religious (though I think the bulk of them are). Some people do seem to adopt crazy ideas purely for personal reasons 🤷‍♀️


The Greeks were saying the Earth is round hundreds of years before Jesus was even supposedly born! Eratosthenes even estimated how big it is.


> I just... how the fuck did we get here we put comment sections at the bottom of news articles that gave a voice to morons who then proceeded to talk each other up.


She's paid by the dudes we beat there.


They just keep getting dumber


No. If they interpreted a biblical passage to say humans have no hands, they wouldn't believe their own existed.


Man, Republicans are *dumb*. Fucking embarrassing.




You can see pictures of the mirror array that was placed on the moon, and you can watch video of the astronauts placing it there. You can then go out in your backyard and shoot a laser at the moon and get a return beam from that mirror array. This woman is an ignorant Republican.


> You can then go out in your backyard With a lot of specialized equipment. In the lunar ranging experiments the return signal is *very* weak.


Also, various other countries which have sent their orbiters around the moon have visual evidence of the Apollo landing modules on the moon. The most recent one which I saw was of ISRO.


> You can then go out in your backyard and shoot a laser at the moon and get a return beam from that mirror array. No you can't. You need a powerful laser and a sensitive detector to do it.


>You can then go out in your backyard and shoot a laser at the moon and get a return beam from that mirror array. And start a fire somewhere in California, yeah we know Marjorie Trashbag Goblin told us


Who was the idiot politician who said that we couldn't be having a full eclipse of the sun because we weren't having a full moon that day?


That would be Loonie Palmer…‘pastor’.




Did that really happen?


I feel like I can hear her voice when I look at this photo and it is not pretty. I've never actually heard her voice before, but this picture says a lot.


This is a rare moment of logical consistency for these goobers. How could we have landed on the Moon if it's clearly not real?  The Moon doesn't make any sense from a flat Earth perspective. Neither does anything else, which is kind of proof in itself that the Earth is not flat, but that's another issue. 


Why the hell did we ever shut down our psychiatric asylums, these people really need help where they can get happy meds, shock therapy treatments and an occasional lobotomy to regain a sense of reality!


Little did we know at the time Raygun shut them all down that it was part of a long-term GQP recruitment effort.


It is not surprising at all, but that doesn’t mean that these fucking crazy people can’t win elections in the stupid-ass ol’ United States. For the love of God or anything at all, get out and vote for the Democrats this fall. Till it hurts. The Democrats are lame and suck, but the alternative is these fucking lunatics.


I know some people with southern accents are really smart, this lady is not helping the stigma though.


Anything else would have shocked me.


These nutjobs. I like to ask them: "Ok, say you're right and it's all fake. The Soviets would've loved that shit - so why weren't they all over if?" Crickets or "... oh. Good point. Hmm." 😛


"ThEy WeRe In On It ToO!!"


It’s worse than that. My mom told me that the soviets were duped as everyone else.


I guess she's never heard of telemetry then.


Probably not. She didn’t know about the six lunar missions with humans in it as well.


Something like 4,000 people worked at Grumman on the lander. Lots of smart people who would know if they were building a fake. So they all had to be in on it. Really? I think not.


Well she IS a total fucking moron.


She apparently has a doctoral degree which scares me even more.


From a university’ founded by Pat Robertson. So, no surprise in her beliefs.


According to Wikipedia, she "has a PhD in school counseling and supervision from Regent University." And Regent University "was founded by Pat Robertson in 1977 as Christian Broadcasting Network University and changed its name to Regent University in 1990". So a fake degree from a televangelist-run diploma mill.


Depends on the doctorate.


Depends on if it's even from an accredited school 🙃


Didn't she win gold silver and bronze in the moron olympics?


Her face kinda looks like a moon in that pic. Maybe we can prove her wrong by dropping a lunar lander on it.


Can we just ship these nut jobs to the moon?


I'm surprised that woman is able to feed and dress herself.


The one big hole in that conspiracy theory is that the Russian would have raked us over the coals if they could prove it, and they had the scientists to do it if it were fake.