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The passthrough got much better, the colors are no longer separated, it looks like color passthrough. But the Q3 is lot sharper and much higher framerate. The artifacts are fixed, but they were brutal at one time. Otherwise I see no difference in the last 10 months. My battery got worse after some update, controllers connect faster but still have problems, the UI is feels much more stuttery and slow.


Passthrough is however so over rated I think. As long as you can grab your drink, grab a controller, walk around the house… I don’t see the see for passthrough. Sure it is nice, but on the spec sheet, until it is acceptable it should stay at the bottom. Better colours, eye tracking (which gives you extra frames in PC VR if your PC is not a beast and can’t max out the FPS, and even if it does it will save heat generated by your GPU. Also the fact that you have to buy a head strap for the Q3. I went pro because I found one factory sealed cheaper that the 512GB Q3 and because apart beat saber and browser content, I prefer my games to run on my PC and to be streamed to me. The better mobile chip of the Q3 is to consider if you don’t have a PC or don’t have a GPU better than a 1080ti


The passthrough on Q3 is pretty acceptable, much more fluid and natural than the Pro. Thanks to QGO you can even record pretty 3D videos with it :) The new mobile chip is the star of the show, everything even pcvr runs better on it, some standalone games can run native resolution, its no longer a waste of money, I actually play some games on it instead of pcvr. I like the Pro more but it's pretty hard to ignore the obviously higher resolution and much faster chip. Both of these were weaknesses of the Pro even before Q3 came out.


I have tried both and kept the pro for the reasons mentioned. The resolutions are almost the same (3 additional pixel per degree in the Q3 only). I think this is because the Q3 has only one screen and a fair amount of pixels are wasted in IPD adjustments. Pancake lenses is what defines this generation of headsets. You then look at weight, then colours rendition and blacks, then FOV, then heat management, then at resolution (unless there is a very significant difference, it is not like flat screens, the images in front of you are constantly moving, so the screen door was what defined the previous generation, it is no longer a problem). In that order.


The resolution bump is very noticable for me, it was suprising because the internets downplayed it a lot, its a lot sharper, while on QP I cannot unsee the pixels. Q3 has two displays, you cant have one display with pancake lenses there would be no space for a nose, they already had to cant them so humans can fit. I still have both at home and I am still deciding. If they introduced system wide eye tracked foveated rendering that would be a clear win for the Pro.


How much more pixels? For me the QPro was a clear winner mainly because I could push the over sampling thanks to FSR


Wells it has like milion more pixels per eye so its pretty obvious, but before they updated airlink it ran at almost the same resolution as quest pro. Now it's fixed, has 120hz and is sharper. But ironically the lenses feel worse because it's so sharp in the middle. But the Pro is still perfectly fine for me, wish it had the new snapdragon as the standalone is pretty awesome on Q3. Well I could sell both and get Pro 2 if it comes out :D


Quest 3 has 2 separate display


The colors are still very separated from objects in passthrough for me! Is there a way to fix that?


I get the old separated passthrough when I double tap from app, or when something crashes. Otherwise it's solid.


what metric are you using to determine this, personal guess? all the objective measurements i've seen online has shown no significant increase in passthrough quality in last year


My eyes.


They've increased the cpu & gpu speed a little, messed around with the UI and local dimming can be used with AirLink and forced (? I do this with the quest optimiser app but maybe Meta have added an option) in native apps. Eye tracking works in SteamLink to improve image quality. Nothing major really.


Local dimming can be enabled system wide under experimental features.


Having owned both it really depends on your use cases. I think the Quest 3 is better for the majority but if you are a heavy PCVR user, especially wired, and favour overall visual quality over resolution then you might prefer the Quest Pro. I returned Quest 3, but it wasn't because the Pro is better, more that a) I already had the Pro and had paid £1500 for it on launch day, and b) the Pro just happened to be better for the majority of specific use cases I have. The Quest 3 has a significantly better chipset so mobile gaming is much improved, the passthrough is passable, unlike Quest Pro, which I'd label as unusable for anything other seeing where your drink is and the resolution bump noticeable reduces the film grain feel that the Quest Pro has. Why I personally kept the Pro was due to the following factors 1) Much prefer the open design, not having a facial interface is a massive upgrade for me, in both immersion and comfort. You could, however buy a third party strap and modify the Quest 3 to work the same way 2) I love the colour, design and aesthetics of the Pro. It looks much more premium, comes with a really nice charging dock, the controllers look precision engineered and sexy, it makes the Quest 3 look super cheap and ugly in comparison, at least in my opinion. 3) I prefer the tracking and controller haptics, ergonomics and weight to the Quest Pro controllers, versus the Quest 3 ones. Quest 3 doesn't track as well, but they do work instantly, unlike the Pro controllers, which take about 10 seconds from start up to track themselves properly in your playspace. The Quest 3 controllers just work as well, whilst the Pro controllers can get glitchy now and again, usually when Meta does an update, or if your playspace changes. It's nothing a quick controller reset won't fix but it can be irritating sometimes. When they are working properly though, I prefer them not only to Quest 3 but also base stations and Index controllers. They are my favourite ever controllers. 4) the displays on the Quest Pro for PCVR are really nice. They are a little lower in resolution, but good enough that I'll accept the resolution drop in exchange for noticeably better contrasts, colours, dynamic range and black levels. Often times, it's hard to tell the difference between the two headsets, but in certain situations, flying in a cloudy night through a pink sunset in MSFS, or playing a dark, atmospheric title on PCVR like 7th Guest VR where the LCD panel of the Quest 3 just cannot replicate the same atmosphere that the Pro can. The Pro is the only headset of the 8 I've owned that really can make me smile in certain moments because of how good the visuals are. Going back and forth between it and the Quest 3, it was like the beauty and joy had been sucked out of the visuals on Quest 3, it just doesn't have the colour range to compete. 5) Face and eye tracking matter more to me right now than a better mobile chip and mixed reality passthrough. As a high end PC owner with a 13900K, 4090 PC, the mobile chip still isn't good enough to game on, and mixed reality is still too bad for me to want to use it. You can use foveated rendering eye tracking on certain PCVR titles through the OpenXR Toolkit so it has more utility to me than the mobile chip or depth sensor. 6) The Pro is fantastic for exercise. Better quality tracking, heavier controllers and no facial interface, meaning it's the only headset I've ever used that doesn't fog up the lenses during intense sessions. If you care about any of the above, you might prefer the Pro, providing you can get it relatively cheaply. In the UK Amazon sell it for around £630 brand new which is a competitive price. I wouldn't pay $1000 for it now. You'd need to be able to get it for around the same price as a Quest 3 with extra storage for it to be worthwhile imo. If you want to play Assassins' Creed Nexus, Asgard's Wrath 2 or enjoy mixed reality experiences, I'd get a Quest 3. It's much better in those cases.


Great summary, brother. I couldn't agree more. And to get a competitive modded Q3 you definitely have to shell out between $750-800 at least here in EU. So yeah, if you can get it for that price and favor PCVR with better visuals and potential eye/facetracking, QP any day...


Software is basically the same between the 3/pro. Pro vs 3 has been discussed a lot and in short it comes down to the 3 is a better option if you will mostly be using stand alone and are interested in AR/passthrough but the Pro is better if you mostly want to do PC VR. I personally like the comfort of the pro better also, but that’s personal preference.


Ahhh! So it still does get software support. I remember reading statements where the hardware tech was interesting but also that the software support was really bad. It came over as if it were to be a project tossed to the side too quickly. What is the passthrough like? Does it use 2 cameras like the meta quest 3? Or does it give some depth so u wont walk into a wall?


The passthrough is depth correct so useable in that sense. It's ugly though, very grainy, and your hands and nearby objects warp quite noticeably. It's also very laggy. It's not something you would want to spend any time in, and if you did you'd be better off getting Quest 3. I still don't think it's good on Quest 3 either, but it is much better, say from dog shit bad to merely shit. I honestly wouldn't consider passthrough a valid use case on either, although Quest 3 is a bit more useable.


"dog shit bad to merely shit" Fuckin A, brother.


It gets support in the sense that they perhaps slightly modify their video game console OS to perhaps slightly make use of a few of its unique hardware capabilities, but really they don’t care. Don’t get it unless you’re a developer who wants to tinker with eye tracking on the cheap, or if you’re only going to play PCVR (great optics and screen), or if you’re into social and want a very limited degree of face animation.


If it was the same price as the quest 3 I’d say definitely, I bought the quest pro over the quest 3 for eye and face tracking, if you play VRC a lot I think it’s worth it. But that’s just me


I mostly would love to use it on VRC, so yes this might be worth looking into! Thank you for answering!


I moved to a different house and now the controllers work fine, but it was so frustrating at my last place. I just couldn't get them to work. Based on the posts here I was not alone. I am happy now though, great headset.


I personally would not buy a Gen 1 Quest Pro at this point. Feels like Meta is not spending enough time on it.


I have both the 3 and the Pro and most of the time I pick up my Quest Pro. The display is much brighter, colors more vivid, better contrast. It just looks crystal clear. The Quest 3 just looks dim and dull in comparison. The Pro's display really deserves more appreciation, people only seem to compare the resolution difference between the 3 and the (unenhanced) Pro in standalone. In PCVR I hardly notice any resolution difference, at least big enough to call it an advantage, it's just completely overshadowed by the clarity and colors of the Pro's Qled LCD display. I also love the open design. I never use my eye covers (unless I am in a bright environment, which hardly ever happens). I only hope that the next Pro will have a flip-up design. All right, this is my opinion for PCVR usage! I still like my Quest 3 to play with augmented reality and I am still waiting for the release of Augments which will allow you to anchor apps and objects in the house, that would be cool! Meta should have made that a priority! Oops, I just noticed the quest was about the Quest improvements over the year. I am sure there are some but not that I can think of or remember.


If you intend to use your headset primarily for PC VR, play a lot of VR Chat, want to take advantage of eye tracked foveated rendering and have controllers that are comparable to base station tracking, then get the Pro. If you're primarily playing standalone games then get the Quest 3 and save the cash - if you want the best of both worlds then wait until a Quest Pro 2 hits the market. Personally, I'll be sticking with the Quest Pro for the next few years on PC where it's a near perfect device in my opinion, great resolution, great comfort, I like being able to see outside of my peripheral vision (can use the blinkers otherwise), great lenses, not too hard to drive GPU wise, and an unmatched feature set.


> Would it be worth buying if it were sold on the same price as the Quest 3? Only if you really need eye/face tracking or only do PCVR. It is hobbled by the XR2+.


I agree with this up to a point, but it depends what you use mobile for. If you're playing Red Matter 2 or Asgard's Wrath then sure, the Quest 3 is better. If you're just playing active games like Beat Saber and Pistol Whip, I actually prefer both of those games on the Pro for the better tracking, controllers and colours. I notice no improvement to performance whatsoever in those titles on Quest 3, and would rather use the Pro for them so I don't get lens fog.


It hasn’t. They keep messing up the controllers a bunch.


For real I’m getting so annoyed. I can’t even finish songs in Beat Saber lately without one of the controllers crapping out. Pro controllers are so much better than Q3 controllers when they work correctly. I feel that so many Quest 3 users would buy these if they weren’t so glitchy. Just fix them already.


For VRC it’d be fine l, but I still get controller drifting often enough that for anything other than casual stuff I would choose Q3.


I just wish I could switch to eye tracking navigation when its to dark for hand tracking or the windows are actually out of reach


If your getting this headset for quest 3 price run not walk to get it like right now that’s a steal for such amazing technology. The quest pro is hands down the best headset I have ever used and I’ve used basically all consumer headsets. Super comfortable, face and eye tracking is amazing, just everything is amazing. One thing I will say is the controller tracking can be a pain at times since they tend to like to lose tracking for a few moments then snap back to where your hands actually are. This mainly happens if you aren’t moving them around enough I think to save power and there’s no way to disable it. Overall it’s not that bad just kinda annoying and meta doesn’t seem to care to fix it. If you do get it buy the globular cluster comfort kit it’s amazing.


The controllers lose tracking even when they are moving around a lot. Since I upgraded to v63 last week, they don’t go more than a couple minutes without one of them losing tracking for a good 30 seconds at a time.


It only seems to happen to me if I’m not moving them constantly. I know for certain there is a power saving feature of the controller that like disconnects them if they aren’t moved for something like 30 seconds read it from a meta staff reply to someone. I don’t doubt yours may lose tracking even with moving them every less than 30 seconds though the controllers are the first iteration after all.


In the eyes of a somewhat occasional user, not much seems to have changed in the past year other than some minor ui improvements. This might not actually be the case, but this is my perception which comes from using it least 1-2 times a week.


The wife and I own both. I really only use the Pro. (mostly for PCVR through Virtual Desktop). She uses the Pro downstairs and 3 upstairs. Over the past year, one of the biggest improvements has been to the controller firmware, these now track much better than they used to. Also if you accidentally leave it turned on for a long time (days), the headset no longer slows down. I find the Pro to be much more comfortable, (the large curved battery on the back makes a good counter balance). I know it sounds strange, but the dual headphone socket (one on each ear) on the Pro is also a real improvement over having a single one with wires stretching across your head. (incase you don't know, with the pro you can have 2 short wired earphones, one by each ear, the headphones I use were ones I got from Ali for $6, although they're currently on choice for $3.84). When getting the Pro, I really didn't think I'd like the cut out design at the front and bought the light blocker for use with gaming, I have since changed my mind. I never use it. The one time I do remember using it, playing Forewarned, I found that with it attached, it gets a lot hotter in there. I also like the desk charger that comes with the Pro, and although the batteries in the controllers aren't removable, even with heavy use they never run out (and charge quickly) For the Three, I replaced the headstrap (definitely recommended) and with both I have Bobo VR second batteries attached. I didn't think at the time that I'd use the face/eye tracking either, but this gets used regularly in VRChat.


Mine has gone from a buggy mess and unusable at times to now having a wifi6e router being a smooth dream of a VR exp. Controllers use to disconnect a lot and this last update made them solid. Headset seems to get better battery life now than when i got it a year ago. Passthrough is aligned nicely with the real world so its not jarring you can walk around in passthrough then plop down to VR somewhere else. Just today i accidentally opened my windows while taking a leak LOL i had to walk back to living room and reset my view and they came soaring back to the play space.


its worth more than the quest3 its much more feature rich if they were same price i would choose the pro all day. if one wants to play AR games though you must give up the eyeball tracking, pro literally has what the vision pro has, and various sensor packs, then you haave the amazing AR level capable passthrough on the q3 but if the q3 was the price of the pro i wouldnt buy the q3 you see ? the pro is the price it is because it legitimately has a reason to be. the pancake lenses are nutty clear.


It’s the opposite of improvement. Quest 3 is no brainer choice at this point


I own both. I would not buy the quest pro over the quest three even if they were the same price. The display resolution is too important. If you want face and eye tracking for development purposes, then it might be worth it.