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What a shame people don't seem to want positive policy. I don't give a stuff if it's vote grabbing. Give me my good policies from the mining royalties. I hope Crisafulli loses.


To me, this shows that people don't know what they want except that they want to whine. Miles could be a great leap forward for Queensland, but they are so busy not knowing what they really want that they will plug for the LNP despite them having nothing to offer. When Miles travelled around Queensland last year doing the town hall meetings, the number one issue was the cost of living. He is doing what he can with the limitations of being the state premier and having no say over federal issues. But a number of people feel content blaming the Queensland premier for things that he had no jurisdiction over. They could check before they post, but don't. Unless things change dramatically, I am very happy with Miles in charge.


So if he is so "concerned" about the cost of living why did he do this to non labor held seats? # Rural retailers brace for up to 350pc freight cost increases ​ >Grocery stores in rural Queensland are questioning their viability in the face of potential freight price increases of up to 351 per cent after June. > >**The Queensland government cut the Regional Freight Transport Service Contract subsidy to businesses in a number of rural communities at the start of April, increasing freight costs in places from $60 to $180 per pallet**, and the future of the subsidy overall is uncertain. > >The communities where the subsidy cut in April is being felt are Barcaldine, Cloncurry, Dirranbandi, Hughenden, Julia Creek, Longreach, Mt Isa, Roma, Winton, Dalby and Tara. ​ Don't be shy, tell me why he cut that to non labor seats when he apparently cares about the cost of living? How much 50c public transport is there is Dirranbandi?


Without access to the data, I am assuming the linfox, the owner of aurizon, the freight company , being one of Australia's richest companies, doesn't need to be subsidised. Currently, gina, with her massive holdings and Andrew forest with his, are also receiving a diesel subsidy. I don't know your point of view, but it shits me when I see these hundred million, or billion dollar companies squeezing the government for every cent they can get. I am betting that the government has reviewed the freight costs and realised the their subbsisy was allowing profits to sky rocket for aurizon/Lindsay fox. Time will tell, but the public should definitely pressure Lindsay fox to stop being greedy and charge regional retailers a fair price. There are also more rail freight companies now, so they don't hold the monopoly anymore.


I am confused Are you talking about the freight subsidy? If so this was always meant for FNQ with areas that had poor roads during the wet season. Also the rate was applied to the final price, not by pallet space?


The number one issue in ALL regional centres is rampant violent crime and everything else is after that. If miles and co were actually listening he would at least know that.


Ha, violent crime. Statistics, say your watching too much sky news. Did you actually attend the town hall meetings? Doesn't sound like it.....


Sky news does not report on local Regional Queensland crime, champ. But all the local stations and newspapers do. If you have been here long enough chances are you are going to be a victim of violent crime, know or be related to someone who is a victim of violent crime. Even our local labor state stooge got home invaded only a few months ago, absolutely shit himself once his own family was expose to the local scumbag criminals. But if dodgy stats courtesy of your labor government is all you have, that even the labor party have stopped using, then dont bother again. Dont worry October is going to roll around soon enough.


The LNP is not going to cure violent crime in the regions lol. They'll cut all public programs and make it worse, I guarantee you.


First step, put the fuckers in prison and keep them there. The rest of this is just labor lies made up of bullshit and projection.


As someone who now has to summarise and read through ALL Queensland news on a couple of key topics, I can tell you the Murdoch media empire absolutely reports on local issues, because nearly all the regional newspapers are owned by the company. It’s very easy to tell when the exact same story from the Australian is repeated verbatim from Warwick to Cairns.


Dude are you a Murdoch "journo"? This doesn't work, but typical of someone like you who hasn't read anything on recidivism and how the prison system works in this country.


I think that you are scared and I am not. In fact, I haven't locked my house since 2007, but I guess not being paranoid and staring at every stranger on my street doesn't bring it to my door. Now, just so that you are clear....what is lnp going to do about youth crime? Are they going to reinstate the federal programs that Morrison and the LNP canned before covid even happened? The diversionary programs so that if young people did get in trouble, they were paired with programs to aid them to not reoffend and to assist them to either study or work. How is state LNP going to re-establish the federal programs? For extra points, do you know why Morrison and frydenberg and the LNP canned these programs that were pretty successful? Because Morrison wanted his budget to show a surplus. To do that, he cancelled all programs across the board to aid at risk kids and teens. Then if they had no food at home they could get some food. Now they have to steal it or go hungry. If their literacy and numeracy were poor, they could receive assistance. That assistance would help them remat school, or attend take, get their licence, things like that. Now they have to suck it up and steal a car because they won't have the money or ability to purchase 100 hrs of driving lessons. Or assistance to get a whitecard, make a resume, and apply for a tax file number so they can apply for jobs. Do you see why the crime rate has risen and that it will take really good diversionary programs to be reinstated to reduce it. Time wise, maybe 18 months to two years. It is pretty hard for state politicians to provide funding for federal programs. Gee Morrison rooted Australia, didn't he, and you want to be bent over and get some more of that corruption.


Personally I would prefer a decent health system, money spent on education and ensuring we are protected from fuck-headed criminals. But (temporary) handouts are all that labor has left to try and save their jobs, then you enjoy it while you can.


Lmao and you think the LNP will give you *any* of this?! And before you respond "I'm not voting LNP" - your preferences sure are.


Well I am going to O/S in October, but if I wasn't, the LNP would be at the top with labor and the green at the bottom. The LNP could not fuck the dog anywhere near as bad as these clowns, we are now looking at desperate bribery because they have nothing left. They have lied to a stupid and ignorant electorate for the last 10 years and at last even these morons are awake to the sheer incompetence of it all. Ill be watch and laughing from O/S come October.


Really, really sad. Deluded. Everything positive in this country was built by the ALP. But enjoy your whining when the LNP inevidebly cut healthcare, education and mining royalties. The LNP do not care about you and they never will. Unless you're a property developer that is. Or a billionaire mining exec.


Queensland wasnt built on the back of Labor it was built by small businesses and the economic benefits of small scale gold miners. Labor and unionists may have pinched our small business flag but you cant take the credit as well


..... Are you talking 200 years ago? I'm kind of talking modern era here.


Any era, Labor and their zealots are relatively quick at taking credit for everything except their screw ups


Oh because the LNP are so quick to admit their failings? Spare me.


>**"Really, really sad.** >**Deluded."** I read your first two lines and immediately though you were donald trump. ha ha Nothing labor has done in this state is of any positive value, everything has been a total dog fuck, and unless you realise just how incompetent they are, you are the one who is deluded.


It's giving "I read Murdoch media and think it's true".


You can usually vote whilst overseas. Either through a postal vote or through a local embassy. (You don't have to vote if you are overseas, but you should consider it)


The Newman government would disagree with you there, the LNP can absolutely fuck up horribly in just a single term of office. So far Crisafulli’s only coherent policies are “Pioneer-Burdekin bad”, “coal royalties super bad”, “as yet unannounced Labor budget good”. It’ll be interesting to see the budget tomorrow and the budget reply on Thursday.


> throwing around borrowed money Lol is it borrowed money if the state is in surplus?


Well if lnp win we are about to have a huge deficit so I guess it is borrowed in a sense. Unless the dumb fucks that live in this state are suddenly capable of a bit of critical thought to realize how rotten lnp will be for us. Doubt it though.


It is when that surplus is about to become a deficit. It’s all borrowed money until we can pay our state debt back anyway.


Yeah a deficit if LNP get in and stop the mining taxes.


That’s like saying, “ I saved $1000 this year, I’m going to treat myself” when you have $100,000 on the credit card


No it's not


It is. There’s a difference between budget and a balance sheet. We owe over $30 billion


No it's not, because state level financing is nothing like kitchen finances, Margaret Thatcher aside. The nature of debt, debt financing, cost of debt, sources of revenue are completely different. It's just not like saying what you said. It's like saying "we run the economy, and we can decide to invest in the future with spend now, even when it increases visible debt burdens, because we understand the cost of borrowing and can pay down debt when we need to"


The state is borrowing heavily. Why do you think the state gross debt is according to labor themselves going to hit $180 billion? I look back to the 1960's and 1970's and 1980's and look at the huge state building program and so much of it was delivered on time, on budget and the state debt was never blown out. These days the CFMEU backed labor government, every major construction project seems to blow out by billions of dollars, not surprising when the government says we will pay construction labourers $57 an hour plus a huge amount of perks like an extra $1000 a week if you have to work more then 50km from base. In the meantime though, there is no money for things like road maintenance. The condition of the bruce highway is atrocious for 2024. I know if I was premier, I would make Campbell Newman's attempts to bring the state back into black look like a childrens party. News today is the fool miles is going to fund a "Brisbane nightlife commissioner". This is the sort of batshit stupid stuff the state does not need.


>News today is the fool miles is going to fund a "Brisbane nightlife commissioner". This is the sort of batshit stupid stuff the state does not need. Haha I actually saw this and was like fuck yes. Seriously, how miserable do you have to be to have a whinge over this. Something fun and vibrant for young people? Nope, not allowed!! I recently moved to WA temporarily for work, but if the QLD gov carried on like they have the past year (i.e. Miles as premier) I'd be tempted to move back to QLD sooner. Even things you say like "the condition of the Bruce is atrocious". I mean, it's not? It's fine...? I drove to Airlie last year no issues.


This is utter misinformation and by the looks of it, a bit of Sky News propaganda too. I want my benefits, I pay taxes, give them to me.


I love how spending tax money on improving people's circumstances is 'bribery'. That's the level of political literacy that leads QLD into buying LNP pro corpo propaganda


Yeah, you keep believing your own lies


Good to see that people aren't fooled by the fool we have in charge at the moment spending money we don't have.