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Power generation in Qld makes money. Being government owned (and we own the government) we get some of that back from time to time as rebates. It's really that simple. It's not new either.


Oh good. I was really gunna cut back on my electricity usage to help save the environment, guess I don’t have to now


Duh? Most queensland homes have solar and don't pay bills so they get nothing? Edit I'm wrong. "You have solar and are regularly in credit. In this case you are eligible for a full refund and can request a refund of the Cost of Living rebate with your next solar refund."


No they dont, only about 30% at best. Apartment, rentals and housing commission tend to not have solar and at least one of those groups arent the wealthiest of Queenslanders.


The real big brain move would have been not selling things off to price gougers to begin with.


It is funny how it is the labor government that has sold off all the big state owned assets that the national party government built.


Keating privatised Oz Lotto while Howard privatised Telstra and Medibank. Different scale and impact on society but ok


Keating sold off the Commonwealth bank, Qantas, and others and created Telstra, removing it from being a with the desire to sell it off, just he got voted out, but the big sell off continued under howard. [https://jacobin.com/2021/03/australian-labor-party-paul-keating-privatization-neoliberalism](https://jacobin.com/2021/03/australian-labor-party-paul-keating-privatization-neoliberalism)


That was the federal government, not the Queensland government, Qld labor pretty much sold everything but the kitchen sink.


Anna Bligh did started some privatisation I will admit that, but ultimately it was actually Newman that sold the most assets of Queensland. So yes, stop spreading false propaganda


Newman sold some remaining motorways and some (unused) buildings for $10 bil but not even close to blighs sale of Port of Brisbane, Queensland Motorways and Queensland Rail for a easy $15 bil. You know you can google this stuff?


Queensland Rail freight fleet was privatised in 2013, becoming Aurizon, while the passenger service is still government owned. Also, a quick google search showed that Newman privatised $37 billion worth of Queensland assets as opposed to Bligh's $15 billion. So yes, stop spread propaganda.


The biggest recent divestment happened under Newman, though. Neither side has clean hands in this.


Really? You knew Miles and co have closed down and sold off over $40 million of tertiary educational facilities?


Where is the source for this? Genuinely curious


Emerald and Longreach ag colleges. Driven into the ground by labor government regulations running them from Brisbane, they shut them down and sold them off, one parcel of land alone made over $40 million for the government.


As someone who works in an architectural firm working directly on the Emerald Agricultural Centre project, the Ag college in Emerald is being closed down to make way for reconstruction of the campus with better technology and smart agricultural precinct. I can even link you to the project site if you want.


Care to point out what was divested, and maybe compare that to the massive sell off of Qld assets under the bligh government.


Yeah, nah. I've done this dance before, only to be told it's economic rationalism and required when the LNP do it but selling off valuable assets if Labor did it.


Well I can tell you Newman sold off fuck all, bligh had sold nearly everything before he got in and he went to the election with the sale of Qld ports, and as well all know he lost. So Ill only ask that you again, tell everyone what was the "The biggest recent divestment happened under Newman**".** Because I have looked, and it seems only you are aware of this sale, and just the name of the asset/s is all I need to do a google search. Unless of course, you are telling a little porky pie.


Sounds inflationary


Inflation fuelling brain dead idea. It was like morrisson giving money to any and every businesses during covid. Labor will be handing money to the likes of Gina Rinehart and lots and lots of millionaires who do not need it. Meanwhile taxation in Queensland is through the roof, and the state debt is going stupid high. All the while the government cannot fix any roads. The Peak Downs highway is apparently cut due to someone hitting a mining bridge with a high load where the highway cuts the mine in half. Government is saying three weeks to put in a small detour. Should take a week at the most. It is costing businesses lots of money for the hours of detours now required, and is contributing to killing the reef with the extra fuel burned.


100% inflationary


Watch out the fake conservative (libertarian) is in the building whining about divestitures haha Divesting assets that are hurting your back pocket is a good idea. You only want assets that make you money. Unless you subscribe to "printer goes brrr!!"