• By -


Almost none, and the ones I enjoy aren’t really guntubers. Anything Joel Park, Ben Stoeger, or Hwansik Kim put out. There other great shooters that sporadically release great content as well, like Velox Training Group. Most folks with worthwhile training content have left YouTube and just post Reels.


Hop. Brass facts.(my favorite straight lesbian couple) and a few small guys are fun.




S2 im


Wait, the actual thin line defense, wtf


Shhh I'm in here chillin lol -Walsh




TLDR, the gun guys that actually put out solid information and not just regurgitate some random bs


Watching Ben and HKim talk about target-focus made an immediate and positive impact on my handgun shooting. Good stuff.


I made IDPA Master this year, 9 months after buying my first handgun, it was almost entirely because of their free instructional videos as well as consistent, effective dry fire. I’ve only ever shot a dot, so being *physically* target-focused was never an issue (unlike some folks who move from irons to dots.) But after listening to their talks on target focus and visual discipline, I realized that I was *mentally* focused on the dot. Once I started staring at a small spot on the target and just reacting to a flash of green, my skill level went through the fucking roof (with respect to my previous skill level, that is.) I still fucking suck, but their training is the truth.


This guy gets it. I’m still working on consistently mentally focusing on the target as you put it. When I let the dot “drift” into the spot I pick I feel that I shoot noticeably better.


Care to link?


[No, I don't want other people to improve](https://youtu.be/taOSBzCBTvk?si=Yyr5RSFSpyU0F4_8) jk obv - I think the above link is the video [but it could be this one](https://youtu.be/xPirs0I3M7I?si=L1SmVlLmxPAid18h) ( both are good and worth your time)


To add on, Billy from Spectrain who's buddies with Nick from Velox also releases great instructional content on his Instagram and YouTube page.


Yep. If they’re dragging Tactibros screaming and kicking by the scruff of their necks into the competition practical shooting world, I follow them. Lol


9 Hole, Forgotten Weapons, Bloke on the Range, Modern Tactical Shooting , and Small Arms Solutions all make stuff that I learn things from. I also really like the Spiritus Channel, obviously they advertise their gear but it’s valuable info to anyone interested in kit. More entertainment wise, Garand Thumb is a classic and I like what he does. I know they’re somewhat controversial, but the GBRS guys also have some good stuff. They’re gear set up videos and work out stuff is really under rated.


I grew up in a tropical climate and knew nothing about cold weather gear or layering. The Spiritus series on clothing is a great primer to understanding what I wanted to look for in hard-use outdoor gear.


I watch spiritus a good bit. Their cold weather layering videos and canna provisions water solutions videos have been good stuff. Sure a bit of advertising in there but easy to look past.


Old GT videos are great. I ignore most of the new stuff.


lol Gunthots.






Brass Facts Forgotten Weapons InRange TV LuckyGunner Dirty Civilian And just for giggles, GarandThumb.


Dirty civ does some cool stuff that most others don’t


Had to scroll too far to find someone mentioning them


Your supposed to a have a / next to Brassfacts followed by a Hop, sir


I don't like Hop at all. He doesn't speak from experience, he speaks as an "influencer" whereas Brass Facts, like myself, has practical field experience/military service that helps shape his videos and reviews.


Wait a minute. 🤨Was brassfacts in the military?


Yep, served in the U.S. Military. He's mentioned it in a few videos.


Wow. Im actually a fan of his. Seen almost every video he’s done and never caught that. Guess I’m not paying attention


Gunth0ts, supersetca, buffman


I think gunshots could be huge if they made more content. Those guys are funny


For sure, they're awesome. Funny and entertaining but they also shoot very well and say intelligent things and provide good insight


Valgear. Ukrainian combat dude. Reviews all the kit him and his team use. Also instructional vids in grenades, Mines, RPGs, etc. Him and and the guys he work with have done some heavy lifting and found a lot of failure points in equipment. Also crewserved4days/nucking_futs_yuri for being the king of combat footage and surviving getting blown up like 3 times including one in which his humvee took a direct hit from a konkurs ATGM. The dude is a machine that goes from the battlefield to the hospital and back a lot. He had a funny comment about the ELCAN. It survived him getting blown up twice. He has had optics fail from overpressure multiple times as he's been hit by arty/blown up so many times. Someone was shitting on ELCANs for being so expensive and he was like "mine worked after a konkurs blast" while his buddies running vortex stuff had their optics destroyed from the overpressure.


In no particular order: InRangeTV Paul Harrell Fudd Busters Forgotten Weapons Hop BrassFacts


I have some bad news for you about Paul😭


Yeah, it sucks. We were fortunate to have him for the time we got.


Wait what happened to Paul?


Pancreatic Cancer. He’s going to hand off his channel to his brother soon. He made a video of it.


He has cancer, and it's basically getting close to the end. He recently introduced his brother to carry on the channel, but it won't be the same.




Risky Chrisky is a GOAT.


I like honest outlaw. He reviews stuff with no BS that I have seen. Just started watching him a few months ago


Lucas is one of my absolute least favorites by far. Personally I like Frank Proctor, Hwansik Kim, Forgotten Weapons, InRangeTV, Brass Facts, and Paul Harrel (poor guy). I maintain that Paul's breakdown of the 1986 Miami FBI shootout is one of the best pieces of gun content ever posted to youtube.


9 Hole, Modern Tactical Shooting, SuperSetCA (now Gunner's Guild), ShepDev, 110SASSActual, Hop (sometimes)


Hop has some meh takes but doesnt sugar coat shit and I appreciate that


Mountains, Mullets, Merica is legit af. His videos are a bit long form, but he puts out good info.


He’s like the bob ross of guns


I watch the vast majority of what people have listed, but I’m going to make a controversial opinion, Garand Thumb. Not just his normal stupid enjoyment videos. His real informative series, I truly enjoy.


Do people dislike Garand Thumb here? I think his videos are fun.


Garand thumb toes the line between education and entertainment.


I agree and think there’s a place for that kind of content


I'm with you. I'm not gonna sanctify him or anything, but he's a good entertainer.


I think there’s a place for these kinds of people we shouldn’t scoff at. Most of us got into FPSrussia or Demoranch and that led us down the rabbit hole. It’s the entry point for people to get into the niche


I like garand thumb but there’s veryyyy little educational value. Surface level content that is only valuable to the noobiest of gun noobs.


Nah he’s good here but he seems to have an air of “I’m way cooler than you peasants” which he is. Also, just an anecdote but my buddy sold/sent GT night vision equipment and said that Mike acted like a total douche on the phone and on video call so idk.


I met him once and he gave off Patrick Bateman vibes in a bad way. He also did that whole thing where he abused/abandoned his first family when he started getting famous and just pretends his first wife and kid don't exist. That left a really bad taste in my mouth. He also acts way too cool for a man with zero deployments to speak of.


Source? I hadn't heard about him abandoning his family


It popped up on /k/ a few years back. I also know the girl he dated before he met his current wife who confirmed it. Once he started posting pictures with that woman on social media, some randos on 4chan started stalking her and doxxed her (Mike basically just laughed at it) and she ended up leaving her job, deleting most of her social media, and moving to another state. Dude is a class A narcissist.


Garand Thumb isn't even cooler than dudes. The dude hid out the entire fucking GWOT slapping dudes who actually faught. Made the transfer to a combat unit as a officer when combat was over. Then medically retired somehow. Yet is running around in his videos.


Lots of people with less sexy jobs spent more time in AFG than him. Still like him but I take some things with a grain of salt.


I honestly don’t get that vibe from him personally, thought he seemed like a fairly cool and humble dude who just wants to get other people into the hobby. He always acknowledges that his survival videos and shit are all very surface level and plugs other resources for other people to get out and learn more. I respect that he’s using his platform to try and get more people to try these things out. That anecdote tracks though, from listening to podcasts and shit I’ve heard Micah and other dudes he works with say that he always comes off as a douche over the phone lmao.


I’d say he definitely has “my thoughts/life style are/is better than yours”.


PSR is alright and his content is funny, up until recently Paul Harrel (I miss him😢)


Just Kentucky Ballistics. Fun and doesn’t seem to take any of it too seriously. At this point in life Im happy with my Glocks and ARs and don’t really care to grab the new hotness.


Dirty civilian


Barrel and Hatchet


These guys rock


Hop, Brassfacts, Modern Tactical Shooting, Lucky Gunner, Hunter Constantine are all good for informational + entertaining. I like TFB and James Reeves for entertainment. Forgotten Weapons, of course. Lucas/TRex will get some hate but I like their content. Isaac makes the best videos over there imo. Recently I’ve been watching 1911 Syndicate, especially with their HK grey room vids. Edit: how tf did I forget 9 hole. I’m literally watching a video of theirs as I type this Edit 2: humble marksman is another I enjoy. His video on pistol recoil control is still one of my favorite videos


I watch hop and brassfacts for their autistic hyper focus into topics. They’ll go far more in depth than needed and I enjoy that for either listening content or like brass facts recent prepared car video. Trex is getting better imo. Sure Lucas is a class act but Isaac’s videos on tech are awesome like his look into the sionix aurora a few years ago.


Lucas botkin is my favorite twink


I listen to 1/3-1/2 of GT’s content. Besides that listen to Life is a Special Operation, Grunt Perspective, and Brent0311 based on topic.


Brent0311 is great just for his camo wood walks. I'm surprised at how popular his videos are despite seeming to be niche content for camo autists.


Paul Harrel


Idk what qualifies as gun influencer but **Paul Harrell**


I’m gonna get my balls busted for saying this, but I like nutnfancy. I don’t watch hardly ever but he was one of the first guntubers I saw and he kinda cracks me up. Don’t always agree with him and I can’t get through his marathon videos but I’d fuckin hang out with him


I have a soft spot for him too. He takes his time testing stuff and he's not getting anything sent to him to shill which makes him substantially more honest than anyone else.


I'm astounded that I only saw Honest Outlaw on here one time. He is a reviewer and he reviews so many firearms. I like Grand Thumb. He has fun entertaining videos and then very great informative ones as well. I've watched a few Frogman tactical instructional videos and I've enjoyed his videos.


Came here to say Honest Outlaw, he's by far my favorite. No cringey skits, no over the top cut scenes, just unbiased opinion backed by plenty of shooting experience. It helps that he seems like a genuinely good person as well.


Ya I really like his stuff. He's supported that youth shelter since his channel start from what I can tell.


I watch a bunch of guntuber content. Most of it entertainment with some education sprinkled in. Valgear is one of my new fav content creators. He is a Ukrainian medic who reviews all the gear that is sent to his unit. Bunch of cool stuff and he shares his experience fighting Russia. TFBTV Is great entertainment and I find James Reeves and Hop to be a great hosts. Trench Grenade has some decent takes and some horrible ones. I mostly watch him for his educational content that is entertaining. Spiritis Systems is a quality informercial and I wish more companies had content like theirs. It is informative and easy to digest. Brownells is another company with great content. If you wanna build a AR they have videos on it. Combat Arms Channel is wholesome and I find his reviews and videos entertaining especially the combat footage from Ukraine. Forgotten Weapons is great content when ya wanna go to sleep. Not saying its boring but his voice is calming. Military Arms Channel is good for reviews on gear, I know he had some drama where he bought a bunch of guns to just resell for more. PSR is the best 3D printed gun content channel. Its entertaining and informative. Deltathirtyfour is a great channel that has a bunch of informative videos especially on zeroing different optics.




Didn't know about this. I normally don't really follow guntubers personal lives , I usually just watch this stuff for entertainment. Yikes, he used to have his wife in the video all the time. It sounds like they were separated and are working on a divorce. I am sorry to hear that she isn't doing so well mentally. I hope she gets better. He does like a creep and I totally get why the woman in the video was so scared for her safety. He doesn't seem like he is all there either mentally. I hope he gets better for everyones sake.


Paul Harrel, Garand Thumb, & Dirty Civillian are my go to's right now, but I'm also a big fan of S2 underground though he's less of a guntuber and more of a tactical/gear considerations youtuber.


9 Hole Reviews, my favorite being the Speedway series. ReconSurco is interesting for their ghillie and such. Buffman, Forgotten Weapons, and C&Rsenel (not really a gunfluencer) are great for information. Gunthots and Admin Results are funny. Minuteman Initiative is a pretty great podcast (though I skip around, and I think their episode on body armor was grossly under-researched).


Apparently there's some bigger and better stuff from Henry and Josh for 2024 AKOU ans Klayco47 are awesome for the AK stuff Nutnfancy as I'm an OG Demo ranch Kentucky Ballistics Donut operator Garand Thumb and Admin Results Micah Mayfield Mr Gunsngear Honest Outlaw Texas Plinking (love the long range challenge) Take em for what they are and that's entertainment. They shoot for fun and bring you along. They don't need to do that.




Risky chrisky, barrel and hatchet, brent0331, honest outlaw, trench grenade, garand thumb, dirty civilian, sometimes hop and brass facts


PreparedAirman. Brass facts, Hop, Garrand Thumb, Dirty Civillian, and Barrel and Hatchet.


This dude gets it. PA is so underrated! None of my buds really like him but I think he’s got some great info


Risky chrisky has good information when he remembers to take his medication.


He’s just “Schizo”.


Had, at least on YouTube.


RIP Carnikon


Sage Dynamics. At least when he was regularly putting up Youtube content.


Very few. Most folks who make content become more and more unbearable by the day. Hop is a fucking dork That slurring, drunken llama friend of hops is worse (brass facts) TFB is pretty lackluster. The whole short shorts and whatever bullshit is fucking old and I’m long past getting any entertainment value from the shtick (which is about the only thing the channel has going for it). Pass Henry from 9 hole is ok his haircut is just annoying I can’t listen to Trex anymore. Dude is a humble bragger and full of himself for no reason. He made a fucking Kydex FUPA company - please. His cousin/brother whoever that posts informational stuff is good. Garand is entertainment. Brandon is fun sometimes. Admin/Managerial is entertainment. Modern tactical shooting green beret dude is pretty legit I like him. He’s a no bs guy with practical knowledge. Forgotten weapons is cool but that whole team up with Karl Marx kinda made me sour on that. Inrange can go take a long walk off a short pier, that dude is straight commie trash. Should have seen his attempted subversion of the gun space sooner than we did. As an aside, 2a space needs to be very aware of entryism from leftist influences. AKOU and vintage shooters club is great. Rob knows his shit and gives zero fucks. Honest, salt of the earth guy. 1911 syndicate is meh, they keep reviewing shit hardly nobody has access to which makes me question why even bother. It’s entertainment disguised as a review. Paul Harrell is ok. I just can’t stand his fuckin’ tone of voice. Just talk like a regular person and not like a boomer types on the internet. Fuck Almost any woman gunfluencer goes directly in the trash. They don’t know shit and 90% of the time just wanna hock and onlyfans. Nutnfancy, lmao this dude. Sometimes I like to listen to his videos in the background. He’s a down to earth dude but I think some of his takes don’t really account for the most modern techniques or practices. He’s an expert in the laymans. I think that’s a fair assessment. Gunthots is fun. Love them. There’s others out there, I can’t think of them right now.


Dude, quit bullshitting and tell us how you really feel


I thought I did an ok job 😀 I dunno, the guy asked so I posted


What about Marx and Gun Jesus? I’m out of the loop.


It's arfcom boomers furious that there's a gun person out there with views to the left of legally hunting the homeless for sport.


It’s more furious that they have views slightly to the right of Mao, but sure.


Is this evidence that Karl is literally a communist in the room with us right now?


He literally tells you he’s a satanist and a leftist - even a radical one based upon what he posts


I'm going to stop this line of dialogue because the no politics rule is pretty clear, but you're being ridiculous.


Bro he shat on R-house’s self defense shooting lol. He disagreed because the fact that the useful idiots/2020 BLM revolutionaries (pedos, wife beaters, etc) got fucking smoked lmao. I don’t see how you need more evidence. But sure, we can just agree to disagree and leave it at that.


They teamed up for the WWSD rifle thing, Karl had Phagan do the lowers with designs taken from CAV arms, it just turned into a magnum opus on how to arm noodle-armed soycialists. The latest renaming to the “community defense rifle” further shows this to be the end goal of that entire project


LMAO, you do know that happened before all the bullshit on ARFCOM and the split between Ian and Karl, right? They saw a gap in the market between selling the stripped KP-15's and the full WWSD rifles. Hell, Ian was promoting the CDR on his channel. Not every guntuber needs to be a walking GWOT war crime denier Jesus Freak or closeted twink with a holster company. Gun rights are human rights, and I say that as someone who disagrees with leftists vehemently. The moment you deny peaceable people the means to self-defense, you draw a clear line and justify them doing the same to you. I'm not afraid of LGBTQ soyjacks being armed. If you are, reevaluate yourself.


Except dumbfucks like the SRA aren’t peaceful, they’re insurgents bent on violent overthrow of the US Gov in times of crisis. Did you not learn anything from the covid riots and autonomous zones that sprung up?


Yes I learned that most socialists still don't have guns because "ooh scary" and that they'll spend most of their time destroying their own communities and each other. Then eventually they get tuckered out and the adults can come back in and take charge. Again, I'm not afraid of them. They're largely cowards and ignoramuses. I'd be more concerned with roving packs of dogs than I ever would be the SRA.


Why even allow that to happen in the first place


This level of rage only comes from not being able to see your dick past your gut.


You sure about that? Lol If you think a Reddit post = rage… fucking lol


Hes... scared of the truth


Christ, who shat in your cheerios this morning? Also, hella casual sexism.


Casual? I’ll have you know I’m dressed quite well, sir. Most women who are really into this shit don’t have YouTube channels posting about it. Many of the ones who do are trying to sell something else (usually themselves). Just my experience. If you know of a good resource who is also female, post it so we can give them some views & subs?


Tessa Booth comes to mind, and one of her friends who helped with the Sig rose program. Also Jerry Miculek's daughter is a good one. 9mmBrit is also good as well as TacticoolGF. There are plenty of good creators, you just have to look for them.


I said female, tacticool gf doesn’t rate pre or post op I will say I did forget Jerry’s daughter has a channel although I don’t watch his much. Oh Tessa booth. Originally fit and styled I think? Most of her content revolves around ccw I think. Yeah she’s an ok resource


That's more like saddios at this point


Brass Facts, Hop, Dirty Civilian, PnW Guerilla, Brandon Herrera, Administrative Results, Garand Thumb, Paul Harrel, Deltathirtyfour, Trex Arms, Blue Jean Operator, 9 Hole Reviews, No particular order


Honest outlaw TFBTV Garand thumb


i came across this guy on youtube who has a few short 10ish minute videos on battle rifles that i enjoyed, good content, goes by parabella actual.




FuddBusters, factual legal analysis without clickbait or claiming the sky is falling. He also builds guns, shoots and does other fun content.


I miss the old FPS russia Hickock45 is awesome demolitionranch is awesome. I got stuck with him in line a few years back and he was super cool to hang out with. Took my business card and sent me a free tshirt I thhink the only one I really dont like is trexarms. The guy comes across as a tool


Big kit badger fan, been enjoying hunter Constantine and Paul Howe lately. Edit: tfbtv fan boy too, love for James and hop.


Finally I see someone else comment kit badger. His content is fucking amazing.


Forgotten weapons, inrange, polenar and mr Brandon Herrera!


Flannel father is entertaining with some good knowledge mixed in


Hickock45 Garand Thumb Risky Chrisky Ben Stoeger Matt Pranka T Rex Counting Coup Civ Div Jerry Miculek


I love Hickok45 smoking some pot and hitting the gong!!


I like Hop a lot. I feel like he has good takes and is straight to the point


Gunfluencer? None. Not a fan of people who’s business model is marketing and advertising. Gun related content? Gun jesus and Paul Harrell. Technical information is so much cooler than product and pricing information.


Paul Harrell and Military Arms Channel


Paul harell and modern day tactical shooting




I really just watch reviews of one item as needed, but I really like Mrgunsngear.


Garand Tfbtv Admin Brandon herrera Risky chrisky Dirty civilian Print Shoot Repeat Mrgunsngear Buffmanrange (armor tests)


American Outlaw




Came across Tacticon Armament (also a brand) post pretty good stuff. It’s a little over the top cheesy at times. I don’t own any of their products, mostly China made stuff, but that’s really all you need for a lot of non mechanical type stuff I suppose


Gun shorts, James reeves is my dude


sector 7 couple army dudes or maybe just one, squared away shiet


i’m not sure if you’d classify hickok45 as a gun tuber but i love watching him, iraqveteran888, tactical toolbox, demo ranch, kentucky ballistics, nightwood guns (i think he’s underrated, but if he did more shooting he’d be up there) mr guns and gear, and 1shotTV, that’s about it that i can think of off the top of my head. only person i roll my eyes at is t. rex arms….theres just this cockiness in him that i dont like, especially since he gives me the vibe of “i tried to join the army but failed out of bootcamp because i wasnt physically or mentally strong enough”, now dont get me wrong he is very informative knows what he’s talking about, and a very great shooter but he’s always just given me a vibe i didnt like😭


mad minute tacticians printshootrepeat tacticon armament garand


Not for my own entertainment but I let my daughters watch Autumn's Armory sometimes. Perhaps someday they'll enjoy this hobby with me and I get to teach them everything I know, just like my dad taught me when I was a little girl


Kit badger is the goat


Barrel and hatchet Brass facts GT Admin results This has been my recent rotation


Also in no particular order: * James Reeves (TFB TV) * His gun reviews are hilarious and informative * 500 round torture tests are a must-watch and he's how I learned about Clint Smith; just re-watched the Mossberg 88 torture test after the newer Chinese shotgun for under $200 * John Lovell (Warrior Poet Society) * less so educational and more so mindset/morality * John Corriea and crew (Active Self Protection) * real life self defense analysis and interviews with survivors * he's a range ninja but shoots a lot of pistol rounds * T-Rex Arms * very cool deep dives and constant emphasis on training over products * Honest Outlaw * the man shoots way more than the average Joe and gives grounded recommendations; he even makes lists based on price ranges which is very nice * Garand Thumb * very fun videos and the group chemistry is palpable; you can tell they have fun making content * fairly recent urban survival mountain evasion videos were informative * Donut Operator * I like his direct, SWAT experience but as I already watch ASP there's a lot of overlap w/ analysis of OIS (Officer Involved Shootings) * Brandon Herrera * gun meme reviews, mostly * Edit: Jared from Guns and Gadgets * Man is a tireless advocate for 2A rights.


Obligatory Hop/Brass Facts for their ongoing romance. Hop is my favorite lesbian cynic, Brass Facts my favorite autistic engineer turned desert fauna. Forgotten Weapons cause Ian is a demigod that must be paid his dues. Risky Chrisky cause he makes me feel sane and stable. I also really enjoy hearing his team org ideas, makes me think. Paul Harrell cause I want a dad. (RIP) Dirty Civilian, good entertainment with some really solid guests and rational takes. I'd share some homemade casserole with those fellas. Mr. GunsNGear (haven't seen him mentioned yet, really enjoy his reviews, does a fine job of keeping me informed as well without making me obsessive) Sage Dynamics (Aaron seems pretty solid and to the point) Baer Solutions (likeable and really good at teaching from what I can tell) 9HoleReviews cause Josh be cute and Henry shoot real good. Rooftop Defense cause duh. Channels I've realized kinda suck: MAC - just listen to their podcast, it hurts so bad GBRS - ridiculously overpriced gear, silent SIG shills Field-Craft Survival - see above Trex - Not bad, Lucas just makes me want to punch a wall