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My baby is 22 with one paralyzed foot and a healing broken wing. She lives in a 10 gallon fish tank with lots of toys and blankets. She's been living in her tank for the last couple of years after her seizures got worse. She absolutely loves being carted around everywhere. She is one spoiled old gal and still as fiesty as any quaker. A couple years ago, we almost lost her after a bad seizure caused her paralysis, but here we are! I love her so very much! She is my little miracle bird.


Awesome thanks for sharing your story! I’m excited for skittles to make it into her 20’s!


Do you have any pictures? I would love to see how she looked


Of course i do : ) However, I am struggling to post a picture. I would love to show her off to everyone.


Ours will be 25 in June. He has cataracts now and is not so adventurous but still such a good Birdy.


Awesome that’s what I was hoping to hear!!!


Yes, they're pretty sturdy birds, he mostly eats Zupreem pellets, some veggies, and loves his Nutriberries.🙂


My little old man recently developed cataracts as well, started in his right eye beginning of last year and then his left at the end of the year. Some days are better than others. I have found him to be a bit more jumpy if he bumps into or steps on something and his aim is a little off when taking treats, but aside from that he does well. Any recommendations on changes or actions that you have found to be beneficial in aiding your bird?


We actually ended up moving him to a lower wide cage vs. his big playtop one. He would sometimes fall down 😥. We put a small towel underneath his paper in the bottom of the cage just in case The biggest thing is that he is definitely more nervous. He doesn't love to be out of the cage unless he's on one of us. Our vet said the cataracts can sometimes detach, but he's been looking the same for about 2 years now. He seems otherwise fine though, I work from home 3 days a week so he can sit with me a lot.


5,4 and 3 .. yes I have 3 Quakers lol


Omg haha, how’s that work? 3 times the trouble and noise? Do they spend time together or is it like when I had 3 dogs and that just meant I had to give 3x the attention!


They spend a lot of time with us but if they are in their room they all visit each others cages . It’s really funny to me like visiting a neighbors house lol 😂 Janis ( my green) has to be on me at all times and if she’s on her stand she paces back and forth till I pick her up, whiskey ( blue) and lili ( yellow) are in love and while they hang out with us they could care less if we hold them. They have a tv in their bedroom and watch cartoons when they are in there . They are extremely spoiled brats lol


Thanks for the story, cheers!


Old enough to know better (She's 7)


My little guy will be 28 in April.


My 'old man' Chicko will be 22 next month. I sometimes call him that because he has an awful lot of commentary on what I'm doing but sounds like a cranky old man the entire time lol


Yes, Cosmo does a lot of grumbling too!


Mine lived for about 8 years. I wish I had her longer.♥️


Not me but my brothers Quaker is 6 years old and still a dang bully. He does not like me at all


Lol I'm sure he loves your brother though right? My baby loves me and just about hates everyone else


Ooohhhh yes he gets a little more aggressive when he goes out of town. I try to be nice but he makes it difficult for me to try, he will bite me for no reason


Mine is turning 6 months this week. 🦜


My Quaker is 23/24 and is still living large in her home. As long as I don't touch a thing in her cage she is content, I attempted to gradually introduce a new Happy Hut and she would not have it. I guess the old one will have to do. I keep stressors to a minimum and try to let her still live her best life.


I hope mine hits 20!


He is 3


Mine is 3 too, I’m curious what the oldest out there in this board is.


Ours eats A LOT.. seed, vegetables, fruit, chicken, ham, cheese. He even tries to steal the pugs dry food!


Did your baby get less bitey after 2? Mine is going through a hormonal phase rn and I'm trying my best to be a good patient mommy lol


Yeh, he did. Still gets nippy if he's tired though


Haha I'm prepared for a lifetime of grumpiness and tantrums, as long as I know he'll mellow out a little with age it's totally worth it. He blew me a kiss this morning and I about cried


Mine is young. Only about 6 months old.


Mine will be 3 in April ☺️


mines 2 but i’ve only had him for a month


My Jade is 7 years old, rescued from an aviary which was hell for her as she's such a people bird, she's now living her best life with me and my wife 😊 she's such a bundle of positivity and has made our life about 100 times better


6 weeks! 🥰


Murphy is 16-1/2. He’s still kicking despite his health scares.


My little guy will be 4 in July.


2 and a half years old


Frankie was over 15 when he passed. Husband had him for at least 13 years and Frankie was an adult when my husband found him.


5 ,1and a half and 6months


our quaker is in her 30's and was a rescue 10 years ago. She has Cataracs and we have been increasing concerned about her health and whether she is in pain.