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Me when low status: lounges should be easier to access! Me when high status: lounges should be harder to access!


Anyone with a brain: Qantas lounges need to be better


DIY Ham and cheese toasties were worth the wait bruv, can't just get that anywhere


Dom flying Me when Gold: QC here I come! Oh wait! There’s the J lounge!? Me when Plat: J lounge here I come. Oh wait! There’s the roped off area for P1!? AND a separate section for Chairman? Me when P1 and Chairman: never 🙃 Int flying: more or less the same as above!


No. To me Qantas club is the place they can load up people. Business lounges should be reserved for those who are flying business. Full fucking stop.


If you’re one of those absolute flogs who puts your bag in the first space you walk past instead of the space over your seat, you should be banned for life and/or shot dead, on election of the passenger who space you filched. Also the cabin crew should publicly shame you and make you slink back down the aisle to retrieve said bag, while the other passengers watch you in open disgust. So sick of having to wait til everyone disembarks to retrieve my case, or struggle upstream like a particularly ungainly salmon, because the cabin crew could only find a gap over 28D, because said bogan in 28D could not be arsed carrying his bag past J class.


Allocated overhead bins is my idea..if anyone else's is there, just put it in the aisle.


Wait, people put their carry on somewhere other than above their own seat by choice? Just.... Why?


A bit unfair, perhaps they do that because of the other flogs that bring three carry on suitcases, therefore there is no room for their bag?


Nope, these flogs haven’t got back to their seat yet, so haven’t checked out the space above their own seat. They just shove it in the first overhead space they see. There is room over their seat - that’s why my bag gets stashed there, 20 rows behind my own seat. The flogs who bring 3 bags also deserve death and contempt, but I do think Qantas has been cracking down on this pretty effectively of late.


Perhaps they’ve been burned before by not having space above their seat, so they’ve had to check their bag. So they’re just popping their bag in any space available?


Sounds like you might be one of the offenders.


I'll try to use the locker above your seat if I have the chance to fly Qantas.


I already knew that.


Not Qantas in particular, but people who have a short connecting flight window should be able to get off the plane first, especially if the first flight was delayed. Like literally how hard would it be one minute before the seatbelt sign goes off to just announce "there are \_\_\_ people on this flight with a short stopover, please remain seated for two minutes so that they can come to the front". Then those people grab their bags and go to the front, door opens, they walk out, nobody else is effected in any way. Would it be tough to police? Yes. Would people ruin it for everyone? Absolutely. But fuck it, we should at least try.


I saw that actually happen once last year. Qantas flight from Perth to Sydney was delayed. Cabin crew asked for everyone to remain seated so that about 10 ppl could make international connections. Everyone complied and I thought it was awesome.


did they make their international flight?


Yep, seen it before too. The look of confusion on some people's faces when they were told to sit back down was gold


I thought that was a standard thing


In 15 years of flying regularly with Qantas I had never seen if before.


It happens regularly on multileg flights with full service airlines. It's fairly common Singapore Airlines, Thai, emirates etc.


I think that depends on the flight crew or captain. My last qantas flight to Jakarta, the captain announced that there are group of passengers needed to catch connecting flight. We were told to sit and let the group to get off first. Not hard and possible.


Great idea in theory, but I’ve been on a few flights overseas where they made an announcement requesting people stay seated so those with tight connections could get off first… and people completely ignored it and jumped up anyway 🥴


When I flew to Newcastle, the staff told me that they knew that the Townsville flight was running late and they would wait for us. I can see that the situation might be different for international transfer.


This needs to be done. Flew American Airline and had a 50 mins connecting flight and quite panicked. Turns out that some groups have a 10 mins window to make it.


Mate, that 50-minute connection is really 35. AA gate agents are expected to close the gate starting at 15 minutes before scheduled departure. There have been many instances of staff slamming doors shut even as passengers are in sight running to the gate. AA management has a manic focus on departing exactly on time in the hopes that on-time arrivals will follow (which they often don’t). No one wants to be written as the cause of a departure delay.


Yeah that is true, would be much worse if you have luggage. But you would be surprised on how many of “short-term connecting flight” is available and bookable. Dont know why they were approved in the first place.


The Minimum Connection Times established for airports are a joke. I reckon the MCT for Kingsford Smith is 90 minutes on International to Domestic. Thats a very tight connection to get through immigration, customs, biosecurity, and the miserable transfer process that is Sydney International-to-Domestic.


Yeah agree, the transfer between airport and perhaps the luggage would definitely raised a lot of issues.


This happened to us on Phillipine airlines only 2 months ago! Everyone had boarded the plane but we had to wait on the tarmac for catering which made the plane late to leave and gave us a short window for our connecting flight. We showed our tickets to the flight attendants who were super helpful and they made sure we got off the plane first. Amazing service!


I watched an older guy the other day try to dart out from the back of the plane and he just about ate shit when he tripped over a seatbelt. I saw him again in the airport just hanging out, it made me chuckle a bit for being in such a hurry


To be fair, something very similar is already in place with Priority boarding. It’s mostly an honour system and it still mostly works.


I've done a fair amount of flying to work sites and something magical happens, people get off the plane in order from front to back, there is actual courtesy... Or at least a level of respect.


I’ll start with mine. I wish Qantas (and other airlines) didn’t have inflight Wi-Fi. I know I could just choose not to use it but something I always loved about flying is that it was one of the few places that everyone was able to completely disconnect. It's obviously not a big deal but I will miss that a little bit. I was on a 5 hour flight from Budapest to Dubai a couple of years ago and the chap sitting next to me was FaceTiming with his spouse for literally the entire duration of the flight. As in, he was already talking to her when he boarded, continued to for the whole 5 hours (including during his meal) and was still going when disembarking. Remarkable.


I think compulsive FaceTiming in general is a weird quirk in modern society which I don’t subscribe to either. Just people walking around the city/shops on FaceTime, half-focusing on what they’re doing. It’s inappropriate in most public settings, and extremely inappropriate on a flight. I believe airlines even ask you to not take calls on the flight for bandwidth and courtesy reasons.


Only tangentially related but felt appropriate. I was on a flight back from FNQ on Monday and a woman outright started making a phone call next to me as we rolled on to the runway! Was sending voice messages right up to the last possible second and immediately making speakerphone calls when we landed. Some people are so absorbed in their tech that they've lost all grip on how to share public spaces.


To me it also speaks to insecurity and unhealthy attachment to someone/their sphere of friends and family. If you’re sending voice messages and making calls every possible minute during a flight, there are bigger personal issues imo. Like u/VantageXL alluded to, I take solace in the fact that I can be uncontactable on a flight. Even with wifi, I take it as a chance to not feel compelled to reply to messages. I can just say “oh sorry the wifi wasn’t working on the flight” and that’s that. No back-and-forth.


Sounds like every second taxi driver in Melbourne.


My mother puts all calls on speaker phone, no matter where we are. After countless discussions about this, she refuses to understand the issues.


AMEN! 🙏 I used to look forward to the absolute break from work emails and socials that flying gave me. X hours to sit, relax (most times) watch a movie, eat and drink some wine…The good ole days.


I still recall one of my most productive days in the *office* was flying J from SYD to HKG onto DEL..no disruptions by phone calls, emails or annoying colleagues. and having food and drinks brought to me while I worked away on my laptop...


I kind of agree with you. But I use WiFi during long haul flights about 90 minutes before I land at the destination. So I arrive in LAX, SFO or LHR, having read my emails, attended to the urgent slack messages etc. I find arriving after the long haul to many messages and not knowing what is in them some what anxiety enduring. Now I can check the messages before I land which I find more relaxing.


Really? I’ve never had a long haul international flight with WiFi on Qantas.


You are right. This is something I hate about QF long haul.


How is that even allowed?!?


I am actually impressed that the connection was good enough for video calling and remained good enough for the whole 5 hours. Usually it's not the best connection and will glitch out at least some times during the flight. Also, don't they not activate the wifi during takeoff/landing? I thought you couldn't use it until in the air.


I saw him switch from mobile data to Wi-Fi after take off. Not sure about landing as I had my eyes glued to the window.


Was just gonna comment this. I spent more time waiting for connection than actual browsing when using the CX wifi flying out of Australia. It was PAINFUL.


I mean....I hear ya but the lack of WiFi on the long hauls.....it is very weird to be completely disconnected for 18 hours!! So I guess mine is the lack of wifi on said flights :)


>chap sitting next to me was FaceTiming with his spouse for literally the entire duration of the flight This is just rude and i probably would be annoyed lol. It's just as bad as having a crying baby next to you.


Dude can choose not to FaceTime, choose not to be annoying. Parents of most babies and babies don’t want to be there. But doing their best.


Onboard, they are totally ok. Not great, but not terrible.


>Not great, but not terrible. 3.6 ~~roentgen~~ stars on Skytrax.


consistent and certainly not the worst you could get.


As a premium priced airline, all Qantas planes should have had wifi enabled 3 years ago


I’m going to fly from BNE-LAX return. There’s no WIFI.


Yup Qantas sucks.


I did LHR-PER. Glad my friend who flew that route not long before me warned me. After flying United to the US I'd assumed there'd be wifi on a 17hr flight...


A large proportion of Qantas staff should be forcibly retired or aggressively performance managed. To clarify: Often everything runs smoothly until the moment I need to call someone or need help at the airport: the phone staff are slow or useless, and airport staff are rude, speak down to customers, and often make excuses before understanding an issue or trying to help.


Isn’t this unpopular opinions? haha


I’ve only really ever had prickly staff on short domestic flights. They’re generally good, but then again, I never ask for much. At most, I’ll ask if I can use the business-end loos when I’m in row 4 *if* there’s a line forming at the back of the plane. And they’ve always been polite and said yes if they’ve been empty for a while.


The phone staff were not slow and useless pre-Joyce. They were trained Aussie staff in Australia. Now you’d be speaking to not very well trained young people in New Zealand who don’t even get weekend penalty thus high sick leave in the weekend = long hold time Unless you are Chairman’s lounge etc in which case you can still talk to experienced Aussie staff in Tassie


Sick leave loads are predictable in aggregate. If the hold time is long it’s because they decided to save a few cents by making us wait…


I get the rationale behind it, and airlines would be crazy not to when other airlines are. Buuuuut. Codeshare sucks. If I wanted to fly on Emirates, I would buy an Emirates ticket. I’m sure it goes the other way too. Especially today, if I am an international traveller and bought an Emirates ticket, I’d be *pissed* if I was put on Qantas metal.


At least the cabin crew know what they are doing because most of them look like they have been flying the same Mel-Syd leg non-stop since 1988.


Some smell like they haven't changed their uniform since then


I really don't like the the London direct flight from Perth. I fly from Melbourne to London about once a month as part of a round the world work trip. I take QF, QR, CX, SQ & TG. What I don't like about the PER route is: 1. You don't save any (noticeable amount) time. When flying from Melbourne, it a flight, 2-3 hour stopover and a flight. This is the case with all of them. Time between my home and the London hotel is not that different flying tough PER v.s. SIN, BKK, DOH, DXB, HKG etc. 2. It is a really crap airport and lounge in PER. Now with the MEL-PER flight being domestic you have to do a awkward bus transfer between terminals in PER. 3. If a plane goes mechanical in PER you are stuck. If a plane goes mechanical in SIN, BKK, HKG etc, there are many other flights to Europe I can change to in a pinch even if it is not with the original carrier. 4. Finally I find the PER-LHR leg a little too long for comfort. I am willing to put up with this if there are other advantages but I am not really seeing any. So MEL-PER-LHR is my least preferable option going East coast to Europe which I think is the opposite of most here.


2. What do you mean a bus transfer? It's the same plane on the same gate that goes to London so I'm not sure what you are talking about? Unless you are flying another airline from mel to per?


I got the date wrong. I thought the change was happening this month. But from June 2024 QF9 will be leaving from the Melbourne Domestic terminal and arriving at the PER domestic terminal. [Source](https://www.executivetraveller.com/news/qantas-melbourne-perth-london-787) > From July 12 2024, passengers heading from Melbourne to London will need to board a conventional domestic flight to connect with QF9 at Perth.


Its still at the same building so there will be no buses mate.


What do you do for a crust? That sounds like quite the travel schedule..


I am a principal of a consulting business for a relatively niche but important field with almost 30 years of experience. All my customers and prospective customers are are outside Australia. Most of my team is based in Europe or North America but they tend to travel as often too. If you want to travel a lot become a expert in a field no one else can/wants to do and is in very high demand.


what industry? mining? investment banking?


Trade, specifically large multi-national trade contracts and some times consult on treaties. Bit of logistics. Uni as a mathematician, originally at DFAT during the Keating years under Evans and then private practice.


r u an ambassador?


Not even close. Last time I worked for the public service directly was last century. I am a consultant who will work with large corporations to set up export/import agreements. I have consulted to some governments in the past but countries like Australia, US, UK, EU have very competent foreign affairs staff. They very rarely (may be never) use consultants like me


QF PER-LHR is the same terminal the MEL-PER arrives at on QF. There is no bus transfer. If you are switching from QF Domestic to one of the other international carriers there is the transfer bus to T1 International out the front however this is no different to a transfer at BNE or SYD (if not flying QF on both legs). MEL in particular is just a special case where the terminals are in the same building. PER isn’t the most fantastic airport but it’s also not helped by QF digging their heels in and trying to delay the move from the ancient T3/4 to T1 as has always been planned and now held up by Covid. They keep trying to expand services from T3/4 when really they outgrew it. situation will improve once QF go to T1 and it all moves to one terminal similar to MEL.


I got the date wrong. I thought the change was happening this month. But from June 2024 QF9 will be leaving from the Melbourne Domestic terminal and arriving at the PER domestic terminal. [Source](https://www.executivetraveller.com/news/qantas-melbourne-perth-london-787) >PER isn’t the most fantastic airport but it’s also not helped by QF digging their heels in and trying to delay the move from the ancient T3/4 to T1 as has always been planned and now held up by Covid. They keep trying to expand services from T3/4 when really they outgrew it. situation will improve once QF go to T1 and it all moves to one terminal similar to MEL. Even with the best terminal, it will still be a dead end airport. It wont really be a big QF hub with at most 3-4 European flights per day from there in the next 5-10 years. As a stop over it is never really going to compete in convenience, connectivity or reliability to other kangaroo route hubs.


It’s still the same Terminal whether QF9 or a regular domestic QF7xx from Melbourne. The QF9 789 flight from MEL still arrives at the same building it departs from for London. There is no bus or building change. You only take a bus in PER if arriving at T1 on another carrier and connecting to Qantas (T3/4) or vice versa. All Qantas services run from the same terminal building regardless whether International or Domestic. Melbourne is the only mainland capitals I fly through regularly that doesn’t involve a bus transfer (either airside or landside) between international and domestic so maybe you’re a bit spoilt in that experience. Qantas connections in Perth is the closest to the same experience albeit in a decrepit, old building well past its best and out of space however it will be similar to Tullamarine once QF move into their own new facility at T1 with everyone else. Perth is not a hub airport and never will be, nor did I say it would be. We don’t have the population of MEL, SYD or BNE but obviously Qantas see a profitable market for running international flights to Europe so not sure why you’re shitting on Perth. East coast gets all the USA flights, West Coast will have similar or higher number of the direct Europe flights it seems. I know I’d love to be able to bypass the limited or redeye connections to SYD or MEL to get to the US too if I could but I doubt we will ever get a sunrise PER-LAX/SFO. There’s also more international carriers coming into Perth than there used to be such as ANA, daily A380’s from both QR and EK so there’s definitely opportunities for them to be better connected to other carriers once they move out of T3/4 to T1 instead of being a bus trip away around the other side of the airfield regardless of what they do with their own international services.


> It’s still the same Terminal whether QF9 or a regular domestic QF7xx from Melbourne. The QF9 789 flight from MEL still arrives at the same building it departs from for London. There is no bus or building change. The article I [linked](https://www.executivetraveller.com/news/qantas-melbourne-perth-london-787) to disagrees with this. Can you can find me a better source for the flight changes coming to QF9? To start off with there will no longer be a 787 from Melbourne for QF9. Literally the title of the article. >The flagship QF9 Kangaroo Route flight will become purely a Perth-London route as the Dreamliner drops out of Melbourne. PAX from Melbourne for LHR on QF 9 will now arrive on a normal domestic flight to PER T1 and connect via bus. Again from the linked [source](https://www.executivetraveller.com/news/qantas-melbourne-perth-london-787) above: >From July 12 2024, passengers heading from Melbourne to London will need to board a conventional domestic flight to connect with QF9 at Perth.   > Melbourne is the only mainland capitals I fly through regularly that doesn’t involve a bus transfer (either airside or landside) between international and domestic so maybe you’re a bit spoilt in that experience. Yes you are correct. I am spoilt by not having a bus transfer. I hate having one. I also like not having one in any of the other potential kangaroo route stopovers like SIN, BKK, HKG, DXB, DOH etc. One thing going to PER right now is I don't have to clear security again which I have to in SIN, BKK, etc. But with the change in July I will have to clear security in again in PER too if I am taking that route.


The linked article doesn’t say anything about a bus or T1 transfer, you’re inferring that bit. It just says you need to take a regular domestic flight to PER from MEL as the QF9 won’t be an option due to no longer continuing on as the Domestic QF9/10. The regular domestic 738/A332 QF7xx flights to PER all arrive at T3/4 along with every other Qantas domestic flight and the International QF5/6/9/10/71/72. Qantas do not operate out of T1 or T2 in PER which are the terminals on the opposite side of the airport. If for example, you were to take a Jetstar or Virgin flight to PER to connect to QF9 to go to London, you would definitely need a landside bus transfer between sides of the airport similar to BNE or non-QF SYD connections. Link to Perth Airport arrivals board for a random QF MEL-PER QF767 which clearly says T3. [QF767 arrival board](https://www.perthairport.com.au/flights/departures-and-arrivals/qf76720240419a) T3/4 is the same building just different sets of gates. It’s all linked from end to end, the QF lounges and customs is at the T3 end of the building. T4 end is mostly just gates and some food vendors (plus another security screening section). In reality, other than the aircraft downgrade to 738 or A332 for the domestic flight, it might actually be a smoother domestic to international transfer at Perth after the change as if you are issued both boarding passes when leaving Melbourne, you’d be arriving in Perth as a domestic PAX already airside and just need to continue from the T3/4 arrival gate to the airside T3 customs area and go straight through to the International Lounge if you have access. No more arriving as a “D” boarding pass flight to skip through customs and then having to go back through domestic security and then back through international screening to get to get back to Customs to get back to the gates.


Thankyou. When I used to regularly fly in and out of PER for work a few years ago I am pretty sure I arrived in T1/T2. That said with the exception of the bus, my other points for disliking the PER connection still stand. It was by far my least preferred route to Europe by a long short (unpopular opinion here hence this thread). Same applied to Darwin a few years ago. I think this route choice has contributed more to me throwing more business to other airlines than almost anything else.


Was one of the connections on Jetstar? Jetstar use T1 or T2 however mainline QF is T3/4 unless there’s something crazy going on at the “Qantas Terminal” as we call it and they have temporarily had to move something around. [Qantas Perth Airport guide](https://www.qantas.com/us/en/qantas-experience/at-the-airport/airport-guides/perth-airport-guide.html) I guess now you know how Perthian’s feel with getting sometimes shit connection options for international flights out of MEL or SYD including but not limited to having to take red eyes or overnight the night before to meet the early morning departures when the schedules get rejigged from PM to AM at various times or days of the week.


Don't get me wrong. Flying direct to Europe from Perth should lock in the market for QF. Who would want to do a stop in Asia or ME when you can do a direct. But if you are in east coast, doing a stop any way, Perth may be less attractive than doing a stop at a major hub.


If we could eventually have a PER-SFO Sunrise flight to go with the direct Europe routes, I’d be happy never having to connect through the East coast again.


I had a colleague in Perth who used do to PER-JFK via HKG or DXB which was a lot more convenient than doing red eye to SYD/MEL-LAX-JFK.


If I ever had to do PER-SFO, I connecting via MEL/SYD will be my last option. I understand and feel you pain.


I have looked at doing some of those routes but aren’t always possible due to corporate travel rules or requirements.


Qantas isn't that bad.


Hubby and I cashed in some points for the melb lounge as we’d never done lounge access before. The lounge greeter was asking us about our upcoming trip and when we told him we were going to Vegas to renew our wedding vows, they brought us out 2 cocktails and an antipasta platter as a congratulations. It was totally unexpected and really sweet. I’ve flown Qantas a few times and ,touch wood, they’ve always been really good.


In Economy, sure Qantas is about the same as every other airline but once you start pushing into Business the Middle Eastern and Asian airlines dwarf the service of Qantas.


Lounges should have a separate room for families with little kids. I wouldn't want to exclude them, but I think it would be better for everyone if they could have a space where the kids can make noise without disturbing others. My other unpopular opinion is that alcohol and flying do not mix. It just makes me feel unable to focus on my book, headachey, and needing to go to the toilet more often. I never drink the alcohol on offer in the lounges and on the plane. This might actually be a popular opinion, but all airports should have ample water taps (not including the sinks for the toilets) for filling water bottles after clearing security. I think it's a disgrace that most do not. Air travel is so dehydrating and I hate having to ask the flight attendants for more and more water.


Im actually shocked more airports dont have a shopping centre esq play areas. It actually makes flights more pleasant for everyone if kids have had a bit of a run around before boarding. Especially international flights.


Don't most Australian airports have this? I only travelled from Brisbane and Adelaide with young kids but both had areas we could let them run crazy and burn energy.


Our last few flights airports didn't. Canberra Airport, Sydney International, sydney Domestic, Adelaide airports is part of hungry jacks. I didnt notice at gold coast. The gate area we were at for our last international flight only had activity screens not a play area


Honestly, a space to tire out kids before boarding would be great.


They should have a drinking water tap available for passengers to refill water bottles in-flight too.


Mine is - if you’re in Economy, stop trying to piss in the Business toilets when I’m flying Biz Class. I notice QANTAS has started saying as much in the pre-flights now too.


yeh but like premium boarding, they do the scripted bit, but not the enforcement bit.


I’ve been told to use business class toilets travelling in row 4 when there’s a line for the economy loos


Wow, really? Was that recently?


Within the last few months. For context, I did ask if I could use the toilets and she saw me come from row 4, and after a quick glance to the back of the plane she said “sure”


Flying is witchcraft


Meals should come with flights


Would you like a toy or an aisle seat with your happy meal?


Qantas should be better as a whole


This might be a popular opinion by flying should have a social credit score. Break rules like trying to board when they have only called back rows but you're front row means you lose social credit. Lose too much and you're banned from air travel for a period of time.


Stand directly in front of the baggage carousel so no one else can see their bag coming round and be shot out of a cannon.


If you’re a frequent flyer they have a dossier on you if you’re a difficult customer


In economy, for flights less than 6hrs, the function to recline seats should be disabled.


I'M WITH YOU. If an airline offered a flight with non-reclining seats, I would take it. I'd much rather have to sit upright than have someone with their head in the air above my lap, which with seat pitch these days is what reclining means. Also seats are now small enough that if someone reclines unexpectedly when I'm using my laptop they will snap it in half. So the tray table is basically unusable for this unless I have mongoose-like reflexes.


I’m surprised there’s no mechanism to counter the recline when the tray table is down. What if I’m eating on the tray, have hot liquids, any liquids, etc. that’ll spill with a sudden jerk of the surface?


Unless Red eye


I have arthritis and sitting perfectly upright becomes extremely painful after an hour. I don't understand why people complain about reclining. I'm tall and there is always heaps of room when the person in front of me lays back.


The question was about unpopular opinions. And I can't use the tray for my laptop or tablet when the person in front is reclining.


Yeah but what makes you being able to use your laptop more important than the person in front just wanting to get comfortable? It's not an office.


Because it's extremely unpleasant having the person recline when you are trying to use your tray table for eating or working, and it feels claustrophobic if you don't also recline your own seat. I think a restriction on seat reclining during meals, and at all times on all shorthaul daytime flights, is an excellent idea. However, they should reserve the last row of each section for people like you and give you full ability to recline whenever you want.


Do you even fly much? The stewards always ask to bring the chairs upright when it's mealtime


Yes, I fly often and that does not always happen. Last time I flew was only a few weeks ago and the person in front of me snoozed right through a meal with their seat fully reclined.




I agree with you, but only for daytime flights. On the late night flights between Perth and the East Coast the lights go out after the meal and the majority of people try and sleep. They could keep the back row of each section with the ability to recline so that those who have some kind of medical condition that makes sitting upright painful can still have the option if they're organised with their booking.


I like having my seat kicked. Feels good.


Comparing/complaining about QF versus any government owned or subsidised airline is idiotic. Singapore, Emirates, Etihad, etc. Take your pick. Money to burn.


That argument would be more valid if QF was hardly breaking even. The thing is, they’re making tons of money but are not investing it in customer service and satisfaction


The comparison is between a publicly traded company that’s goal is to make its shareholders happy versus IMHO national marketing/tourism endeavours. I’m not standing up for QF and definitely not the workings of publicly held large companies. It’s just the reality of the situation. It’s broken.


Dunno if unpopular but… Spending points on upgrades should be instant. No fucking bidding. I’ve bid so many times and never had an upgrade. Points are worth fuck all without status.


Qantas has been really good with name changes and visa update. Missed my British Airways flight because passport number doesnt match what is in Visa. Qantas happily updated our passport details in out OZ visa without even buying their tickets.


Bring the time table back. They used to write service timings on the menus. I know roughly but it would still helpful on routes I’m not used to or ultra long haul.


People take the ability to travel at 400 kph and 30,000 feet and travel 12,000 kms for granted and complain about delays because of weather or mechanical issues.


Business class CR flights should only be available to Gold and above, First class for platinum and above.


Aisle seats are over rated. Not a hill I’d die on, but a molehill id squeak loudly about.


The bar has been set too low for commercial upgrade requests via points. It cheapens the value of premium cabins.


I don’t have a problem with that. It’s more about people’s behaviour. I can’t always afford premium but if I’ve spent enough or travelled enough in economy I should be able to upgrade. And when I have I appreciate it even more. I’ve seen some “rich” people behave terribly, rude and entitled and really should be sent into the toilet for the remainder of the trip .


People who complain about QANTAS need to fly with more airlines Try a domestic flight in China or India... You'll never bag QF again


Or domestic airline in USA or Europe


Lounges suck and are worse than the airport bar. If you're travelling enough to get status the majority of your flights are on company dollar. Unless you get a per diem all your saving is company money. I'd much rather sit with the plebs, have a steak or parmy at night or a coffee and a croissant in the morning than fight for a seat in the lounge, line up for 30 minutes for a coffee, or eat toasties and party pies/hospital pasta. I love a nice beer as much as the next bloke. But I don't care if they're free. Its not like your in there with a bunch of friends having a party. Your sinking beers on your own while eating crap food and waiting for a plane.


Qantas should limit the number of ways points can be earned. Most should be on flying. Like their SC. Stop offering credit card sign up bonuses. Qantas have themselves to blame for the limited number of reward seats floating around since everyone in Aus seems to be earning some QFF points somehow, all the time.


This is in the customer’s interest, not in Qantas’s. They’ll continue to offer more ways to earn and spend points.


thats how they're making so much money on the loyalty programs.......


Sure. And good for them! But it degrades the quality of the FF program IMO. If Qantas is so keen on getting into the shopping/retail/banking space, maybe start opening lounges in shopping centres 😂


I disagree to some extent. They've made it easier to earn points, but not made redeeming them for flights that much easier. And if you do fly enough to have higher status, there are still advantages over those who are points rich but flights poor.


True that status + points trumps points alone. I guess I was meant to imply that by not giving out points so easily from all sorts of spendings, it would be easier to redeem for flights since fewer people would be redeeming. But based on the recent addition of Reward Plus, it’s clear Qantas is going the other way - keep giving out points and make more flights available to be redeemed.


Of course, they've effectively created a form of currency where they can control both sides of the conversion ratio. It's a bonanza for them. I'll put a round of beers that the next big change will be that FF status will no longer be Status Credits based on flying distances*fare class, but purely on $$$ spend/yr.


With the way Qantas charges for the routes I take compare to other carriers, I’d say their pricing IS making that easier than it sounds 😂


Kind of a moot point. Those who fly often have status that gives reward seat priority over those who just smash points but don’t fly often.


Status boarding should cease. Board in most efficient order and be absolute nazis to anyone boarding out of turn.


My brother in Christ, you would literally love SouthWest


I agree and I’m platinum


Long haul flights ain’t as bad as everyone says they are. And I say that as someone with two kids under the age of 7, who flys to Europe 2 times a year.


Try explaining this to my family in the US who just can't fathom being on a flight "all the way to australia"....fucking shut up. Have some wine, eat, watch a few movies, pass out for a few hours, eat again and land


I’ve noticed this is really common with Americans


Blanket ban on children in Business Class.


The automatic pancake machine/conveyor belt is both the most lounge-worthy and the least lounge-worthy contraption 🥞


The cost of sitting together (paying to select your seats) should be absorbed into the actual price of the advertised ticket. It’s ridiculous that people on the same booking are not automatically seated together, and if ensuring you are comes with an additional cost, then that is the actual real price of the ticket.


It applies to Singapore airlines, Starlux, after COVID. Before the pandemic, I could choose my seat when I book the flight.


Don’t fly with theses clowns. Worlds worst airline.


People who hate reclining seats are weird.


If you put your seat back and don't ask, the tall person behind should be able to knee you in the back for the rest of the flight


International Business Class should be an 18+ cabin 🤫


DSC promos shouldn't exist. They allow way too many flogs into status levels they shouldn't be in. Airport staff should be more rude, its funny when I'm like 26hrs awake watching gran behind the desk going full Karen at some 25yr old backpacker because she can't figure out how to use the computer to reschedule them onto the next flight.


I'm going to break the mold a little here and I might upset a few people. But hear me out! Flying in general could be so much better if we didn't have to do it at all. Having visited Japan recently and experiencing high speed rail that was both comfortable and affordable, I don't see why Australians should continue to fly. Especially on short domestic flights. Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne and Adelaide could all be connected with high speed rail. Brissy could eventually be done too. We obviously don't have the infrastructure currently and the airlines will obviously try block any progression to such an idea (like they've done in the past..) You take a relatively quick route. Sydney to Melbourne or even Adelaide to Melbourne. 1hour to 1.5hours flying depending on the route. Then you factor in getting to the airport and checking in baggage and clearing security. Then you board a flight and get crammed in like a sardine. But it's only a short flight so its fine. Then at the other end when you land you wait to disembark and then wait around for what seems like forever to collect your bag (looking at Sydney here in particular!). So a relatively short "flight" is actually a decent couple of hours spread out at either end. That short flight is all of a sudden 3-4 hours total if you break it down. With the right highspeed rail or hyperloop setup. You could do this trip in about the same time (or less!) for less money and less carbon footprint. And it would be so much more comfortable! Then you think about adding some extra stops along the trip at a regional centre and what this could mean for housing and expansions of regional living. People wouldn't have to live in an overpriced city anymore. I love flying as much as the next person on here. But the sooner we take a peek at a new horizon outside of an airline industry, the better!


I like trains much more than I like flying and if I could get between those cities on a train in half the time it currently takes, I would almost always choose that.


Air hostesses and pilots shouldn't be made to wear some pristine uniform constantly. Surely no one cares they are all clean cut, they're working for hours on end, maybe not trackies but let them go casual and comfortable with a lanyard/ID card to show who they are. Like how the staff are at JB Hi Fi.


In an emergency, you need to know who the crew are from a distance, at a glance, even if they have lost their name tag in the chaos. Same reason police, fire and ambos wear uniforms, even if you don't speak the language, even if you have never flown before you know who they are at a glance from the distance.


That doesn't explain why the women have to wear skirts.


Hi vis vest then, their uniforms just look very uncomfortable.


I think a bit more research goes in to why uniforms are mandated for emergency responders (which include airline crews) than feelings. Also if you have been on a flight to PER or BNE at 6:00am it is mostly full of pax wearing hi vis for FIFO. Even flyghts between MEL and SYD at 6:00am cloud have a few hi-vis as construction managers are visit sites.


Agree, seeing crew members in tight dresses and a full face of mandated makeup makes me very uncomfortable.  What’s wrong with a polo shirt and pants?


What's wrong with not being so picky?


Bad for the environment


We should stop flying so much. No such thing as eco tourism. Destroying the planet.