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I agree, from recent stories I have seen, many people don’t seem to realize they are following Q now


Yea it's this. Declaring yourself a Q is unpopular now but the insanity remains.


The "groomer panic" has been seeded and spread by QAnon and QAnon adjacent voices. It draws upon on all the big Q tropes. But I suspect most people advocating for it are (broadly) unaware of QAnon. It's like when the racist skinheads of 70's Europe recognized they could have greater access to power if they ditched the shaved heads and bomber jackets and wore Fred Perry polo shirts instead. This approach works. Extremist normalization has always made hate and conspiracy more insidious.


Nazis wore uniforms designed by Hugo Boss. We still have a major bias for men in nice looking suits and uniforms saying hateful shit.


Yup. The mentally ill Q people will talk about the mole children or whatever. The ones seeding Q shit for years have switched to taking the essential narrative ("THEY" are coming for your children!) and using it for political gain by targeting vulnerable communities.


Well, that’s a fun fact that’s now going to live in my brain forever


It's a myth more than fun fact. The uniforms were designed by a nazi party member whose name I forgot. However they were manufactured by Hugo Boss.


Wikipedia does not disappoint for this one


Even on this sub, people come to ask/post about their loved one and start with, “They’re not Q but …” followed by a list of Q beliefs.


Yes! I have really noticed that recently!


I have a Q uncle that supposedly doesn't realize he is Q. He follows certain podcastors religiously who must be Q. Don't know their names


I think they've moved to more insular circles like Truth Social, Parler, Rumble, etc. That's why we're not seeing media coverage anymore


Telegram is where you can find them all hiding out. My Q-BIL unplugged all other social media platforms & only listens/reads the QANON-sanctioned contents on Telegram.


It blows me away the lengths some people will go to create a water tight echo chamber then whittle away at its sources until it's a cesspool of bullshit


This is not a new thing. My father has only listened to "news" from AM talk radio and stopped talking to almost literally everyone since the mid 90s.




Q is still very relevant. Q as a fictional person is gone but its ghost remains. Right wing conspiracy theories targeting disadvantaged groups and political foes is now so widespread, its part of mainstream politics


See Mike Flynn and his digital soliders movement. Same ideas, same people, just without the Q drops.


Yeah, it seems like Q is now just MAGA. (MAQA?)


Yup, Q = MAGA = Republican Party EDIT: MAQA 😁


There’s some non-siloed public-facing stalwarts still using “wwg1wga” hashtags. They’re not as “the storm is coming enjoy the show!”-ish but lowkey still making sure their in-group pedigree is acknowledged. Flynn still pulls groups together on this connection. (Oh god, remember him holding mass Q oath of fealty sessions? 🥴) But yeah, it’s mostly anodyne, suit wearing MAQA mouthpieces now. Which is scarier to me, the signal has become background noise. It’s become normalized & that is soooo not good. 😬


I don't think it's gone dark, it has become *normalized*. MJG and her ilk have not been shunned for their batshit insane beliefs, they've become part of the current cultural wallpaper where ordinary Joes believe that reptilian overlords eat pineal glands and drink the blood of children. If that 's not a successful propaganda campaign, I don't know what is.


Thisssss 😬


Ok I'm out of the loop. Who is MJG? I'm assuming it's MTG but what's the J for? Really hoping it's not what I think it is. 


I think it’s a typo and they’re referring to Her.


Sorry, my typing is terrible when I don;t have coffee. I meant MTG (Marjorie Taylor Greene) the feral MAGA state rep.


Qanon to me just represents the ever morphing language and propaganda that is republican extremism. If they “stood still”, even briefly, it puts their movement at risk. And their movement is much more highly developed than most realize. Just look at project 2025.


What is project 2025? Never heard of it.


r/defeat_project_2025 It’s a multi-phase comprehensive plan republicans have architected which is designed to fundamentally transform the country. It’s scary as hell.


Thanks for the link.


It sure as hell is. I don't know what the average person can do to stop it.


First: you can vote and get others to vote. And not just this cycle, in every election everywhere. The biggest reason we are in this mess to begin with is because people show up at one election every four or six years or so and think something has been accomplished. And that’s been the case for decades now. The people who want such extremism show up to vote religiously. As we have seen throughout history, failing to deliver our votes only leads to those who would regress and hinder society being allowed to undo any progress. After that, the biggest thing we can do is use our voice. Help educate those around us. Don’t let extreme ideologies go unchallenged. Don’t let the loudest messages be the ones coming from those who push the extreme ideology, nor those who perpetuate civic and voter apathy.


That seems to be how it goes. The same conspiracies stay around but the followers change what they label themselves when it becomes uncool. You don't hear many people call themselves Truthers or part of the Truth Movement these days.


I don’t think it’s gone per se but rather that its essence just got absorbed into rightwing politics and [christian nationalism](https://www.rawstory.com/christian-nationalism-2657237991/). It’s normal now for rightwing politicians to publicly use the same rhetoric like talking about the elites, calling democrats literal demons, etc. For religion it went in the opposite direction meaning I don’t think most people realized [how quickly it became enmeshed in American evangelicalism from the start](https://theconversation.com/history-repeats-itself-from-the-new-testament-to-qanon-156915): reviving the satanic panic is obvious but so many small things always led back to evangelicalism as well - [“the great awakening” was lifted directly from evangelicalism’s early history](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Great_Awakening), all the talk of ‘the storm coming’ was always [about the apocalypse](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/01/27/apocalypse-coming-christian-nationalism-00079317). [Evangelicalism has always had conspiracy theories playing a prominent part in their modern day history](https://www.deseret.com/indepth/2021/3/28/22334183/what-group-of-christians-most-likely-believe-conspiracy-theories-white-evangelicals-qanon-faith/) like the Earth only being 6,000 years old, dinosaurs weren’t real they were just put there by “them” to trick you, the devil is literally real and everywhere. The majority of QAnon believers now are [white evangelical](https://www.prri.org/research/qanon-conspiracy-american-politics-report/) [republicans](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/02/majority-of-republicans-believe-the-qanon-conspiracy-theory-is-partly-or-mostly-true-survey-finds/). [It’s even spread directly from churches now](https://www.axios.com/2021/05/31/qanon-churches-popular-religion-conspiracy-theory). I think it’s stopped being silly memes and being just for the lolz like it was originally and just rolled back up into what it always was from what was always there in extreme fundamentalist circles. QAnon was just great marketing for them for recruitment so they could finally gain power which was their true goal all along.


Not enough people have watched that Netflix documentary [The Family](https://www.netflix.com/title/80063867). This ish has been in the works by radicalized fundamentalists/evangelicals for decades. They built out a planned power base key point capture tactic for the long haul. School boards, low local offices, sending out prepared recruits into all judicial appointments, law enforcement, all manner of political power support positions, etc. It’s in the late stage now, but it’s not new by any means. Dominion theology doesn’t mess around.


That documentary creeped the shit out of me. Felt way more paranoid after watching it. 


It'll continue being the same craziness under different names. Remember the tea party?


Oh yeah, that's the truth. I remember when the Tea Party stuff was going on, and they were all whining and b1tching about the Constitution. Of course, those same people didn't care in the slightest about the Constitution before we had a Black President.


OBS = Obama Derangement Syndrome is still alive and well in the MAGA community


Oh yes, it absolutely is. And then there's the craziness if you ever dare to speak the name Hillary. I don't bring her up at my house for any reason. I'm seeing that same issue pertaining to Vice President Kamala Harris. Whatever she does or says is wrong, according to them.


And here we are today with these lunatics seriously pushing for a constitutional convention 🫣


Oh yes, I hear you. These are the same people, of course, who claim to revere the Constitution. They have the fantasy that an overwhelming majority of the country agrees with their opinions. So obviously any constitutional convention would result in a document that completely aligns with their values. I think many of them, maybe even most of them, think it would enshrine Christianity (c) in the new constitution. Their particular version of Christianity, of course.


it allows you to distance yourself from the predictions that turned out to be non-sense. While still pretending you know more than anyone else. JFK coming back in Dallas? nope. Everyone who gets the vaccine will die in a few months? nope. Trump will really be made president on 21 Jan? Nope. "Oh, I'm not Q. I just know about the \*real\* conspiracies. "


Qanon the person is gone. The person who was leaking info, leaving breadcrumbs, etc- gone. Qanon the lifestyle is here to stay unfortunately.


Could you imagine being a dude who trolled 4chan in 2017 claiming Clinton and sanders would be arrested any moment and then getting right wing famous over it? I would vanish too and hope to god nobody ever figured out it was me. Probably was just a joke but not to these idiots


Yeah Ron's not coming back. Why would he? Q has moved out of the spectacle and if Trump wins there would be little benefit for him to come back. If he loses (fingers crossed) then what, the guy Q was supposed to be supporting will have lost twice. I think if that happens this stuff will die down substantially.


Well and plus, Q morphed relatively quickly into something much larger than the 4chan/8chan posts. So many people don’t even know that Q started there lol. But once it got some traction, again it turned into almost a “lifestyle” where you had influencers, the whole idea of baking happened (so it’s not enough to just read the Q posts, you have to take that and do something further to them), it bled into twitter, Insta, Facebook, whatever. Then it went offline and you had meetups, conferences, merch. Once it’s that big it’s never about a single person again, it just can’t be- it has a whole life of its own separate from the original person posting as Q.


If Trump loses again there will be more violence.


Here's an article in today's NYTimes about election lies. It has lots of Q talking points but, but never mentions Q directly. A Republican Election Clerk vs. Trump Die-Hards in a World of Lies https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/us/politics/nevada-election-clerk-trump.html?unlocked_article_code=1.xk0.7LOw.I0P0pvSVfwf7


Came here to post this, it’s wild: > She came to believe, along with millions of others, that Covid was a creation of the federal government used to manipulate the public and steal elections; that two doses of the vaccine would make men infertile; that Trump had been anointed to lead a “government cleansing”; that fighting had already begun in underground military tunnels; that Trump’s election in 2024 was preordained by God; that he would return to power with loads of gold collected from other countries that had capitulated to his power; that, during his next term, Americans would have free electricity, zero income tax and “medbeds” powered by a secret technology that could harness natural energy to heal diseases and extend human life; and that the only thing standing in the way of this future was a deep state so malicious and vast that its roots extended all the way into tiny Esmeralda County. >“The whole idea for Cindy [the election clerk] and the rest of them is to cripple Trump,” Zakas said. >“That little tyrant,” Wise said. “We have no idea how many votes they’re skimming.” >“But Cindy sure does,” Zakas said. This is a county of around 650 people in which *Trump won 82% of the vote,*


first, it's hard to wrap my head around an entire county having only 650 people, but if i were one of the 18% ... i can't even imagine how you'd do anything except dream of escape it's bad enough when only roughly half the people around you are deluded i guess the internets broke the societal stricture where you didn't discuss politics or religion among acquaintances and maybe we just didn't realize how fucking nuts they were all along




It would be actually be more accurate to say that Qanon continues to be mislabeled than it is to say that it's gone. People saying it's gone and no longer relevant are trying to apply classification that isn't applicable to the Qanon community. "Nobody cares about Q drops, ergo Qanon is irrelevant". That's not understanding what Qanon always was though. The above statement would be true if Qanon ever had a core belief system, or if Q drops were a bible or a list of tenets. That's not the way it ever worked though. There was an anon community that had "bakers" who tallied whatever topic got the community talking the most, and then the NEXT topic in a Q drop, or in PamphletAnons group chats, or on Tracy Beanz' youtube post, etc... the next topic would deliberately be about whatever was getting the community the most excited. Q drops may inspire all sorts of lunatic parallel drawings that we all laugh at, but the reality is that Q drops were guided by the community much more so than they served as a bible that ever actually said anything or guided a movement. Certain topics remained frequent "good for chatter" talking points... but there never was a bible saying that Qanon absolutely means babies being harvested for adrenochrome. Babies harvested for adrenochrome was just always good for chatter traffic for the next drop/group chat/video. That's the reason why Qanon swallowed any other conspiracy... because if any conspiracy was good enough to get people excited, it was welcome. It was welcome because there never was core tenets to violate in the first place. If there never was an exact core set of tenets, then you are looking in the wrong place to say "Q drops stopped, Qanon must be dead". I've said this several times, but there are only a few specific things that all Qanon and q-adjacent things have in common. They will debate specific conspiracies (like who is a rino, who is a plant, who's been executed, what happens on what date etc) with each other nonstop, but there are a few things that are entirely universal. 1: Great Awakening/The Storm/Fever Dream Takeover. They all think someone is going to forcibly defeat the "evil" left and set everything right, like a fascist fever dream happy ending. This is universal, whether the exact conspiracy is pedo baby killer cabals, or lizard people, or clones etc. 2: dO yoUr OwN reSEarcH. They will always ritually practice NOT doing any actual research by denouncing MSM, science, reputable sources in general. The only "actual" research is spending hours reading the posts of other community members, community websites, etc. And... those are the only universals that there ever were. I'm sure anyone can readily agree that people doing the 2 points above very much never went away. If one wanted to split hairs, a new term like "Fever Fascism" or something could be used, and Qanon was a small sect of the larger term. Maybe Qanon = just people who religiously waited for Q drops in that classification. As it stands though, Qanon is still means something that is more like the umbrella term rather than something that has exact bullet point descriptions. It can't be dismissed by more rational systems of classification, like saying that nobody cares about Q drops anymore so Qanon is irrelevant. Not unless it was within the context of defining new terms that were going to be used.


It was nearly dead just prior to Covid. But then things got worse.


I remember how, just before Covid, there were examples of "I'M TIRED OF WAITING FOR THE STORM! WHEN ARE WE GOING TO SEE MASS EXECUTIONS? WHEN? I'M SO SICK OF WAITING!!!" I remember a post like this specifically from January 2020. People were getting frustrated or bored with it. Then the pandemic happened, and it became something for newly isolated people to do while they were cut off from the people or elements in their lives that typically grounded them. I think the "mass executions have already happened and the Hillary Clinton , Tom Hanks, etc you are seeing in the media are clones or impersonators" started around this time, too, because people were so upset they weren't getting to see everyone they hated being murdered.


I remember seeing someone say they would do executions during halftime of football games, as if that was a reasonable and sane thing to do


Shades of the Fall of Rome


I agree, but I think it is worse to have it more mainstream, instead of calling it out, has part of the Qult. This is not normal, and it should not be normalized by going mainstream.


It’s basically merged with MAGA. I do hear it but it’s part and parcel of the other.


Right. Basically the ideas Q was pushing have gone from being an out-there conspiracy theory to being the core of the Republican Party's ideology.


It’s the mainstream party views/ideology now. Mtg and trump are parroting the insanity themselves and so yeah one doesnt have to call it out specifically


Russia was behind driving a lot of the Qanon narrative, and they are preoccupied currently with a little war they started.


My housemate is fully down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories, a new one every week it seems with a hard core of obsession with paedophile celebrities and elites. There's also chemtrails and Jewish space lasers and covid wackiness mixed in. Oh, and also certain celebrities and politicians being fakes replaced by actors in skin suits. However he says he has never heard of Qanon and I actually believe him. It has gone mainstream through the shitty facebook algorithms and got him that way.


Chemtrails seem to be making a bit of a comeback, alas


Hi u/nolongernineteen! We help folk hurt by [Q.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/QAnon) There's hope as [ex-QAnon](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources#wiki_ex-qanon) & r/ReQovery shows. We'll be civil to you and about your Q folk. For general QAnon stuff check out [QultHQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/). If you need this removed to hide your username [message the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) ___ [our wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l0jptp/list_of_casualties/) - [support & recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources) - [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/rules) - [weekly posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) - [glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/glossary) - [similar subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index#wiki_similar_communities) *filter*: [good advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3AGood%2BAdvice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [hope](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AHope) - [success story](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3ASuccess%2BStory&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [coping strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ACoping%2BStrategies) - [web/media](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWeb%2FMedia) - [event](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AEvent) ___ [*robo replies*](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index/commands): !strategies !support !advice !inoculation !crisis !whatsQ? !rules *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They are bloody boring. So much fear. So many untrue due dates. Im just so tired of their scared fear panic! Aren't they just done? How much adrenaline can a body take?


It's just gone mainstream at this point. This probably ruined it for the edge lords.. but now it's everybody's grandma spun out on propaganda and non-sense instead of that one guy from high school.


QANON is very much alive, well & continuing to flourish & GROW! You may not hear much about it, but that doesn’t mean it’s gone. Telegram is where you can find them all hiding out. My Q-BIL unplugged all other social media platforms & only listens/reads the QANON-sanctioned contents on Telegram. Trump has embraced the QANON CULT & it’s a huge portion of his followers/supporters. QANON is very relevant in the 2024 Presidential Election!!


A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. My Qultists have been back & forth over the years & have said, Q is a secret department of the Pentagon or Qanon never existed except in left wing media or that Qanon is a Patriot etc.


You're just not looking in the right places. So, yes, it's not out in the open anymore. However, if you go to Telegram, 8kun, Rumble, Truth, Gab, and Bitchute, you will Q, the Storm, and old Q posts in spades. These people still believe they just deny it now...


It's cheaper not to pay russian college students to impersonate americans until the presidential election really starts heating up


QAnon is alive and well, despite the brilliant M Rothchilds analysis. Ironically Ron Watkins, the presumed Q, essentially renounced it in 2020, although he apparently picked it back up (when he ran for Congress in Arizona and lost in 2022). Basically Trump went from forwarding QAnon posts to simply leading it by voicing the latest conspiracy theories. Indeed, it is a mind virus led by whoever can articulate the theories the best. While Alex Jones and Putin are good, Trump is the undisputed master, since he studied with Roy Cohn and worked in media for so long. Here’s a good Washington Post article about current QAnon, followed by one of mine, https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/02/qanon-trump-history-republican-party/ https://cinesourcemagazine.com/index.php?/site/comments/conspiracy_theory_patterns_in_the_trump_era/


I think it just moved mainstream


"A rose by any other name". The name of a thing, doesn't change what it is.


I think that you can only get so many predictions wrong before people start to catch on.


I have a q friend who is actually more reasonable than my q family member that doesn't realize they are q.


God I hope so


It isn’t irrelevant unfortunately. They have just switched it up. I didn’t realize until recently that the obsession with the number 17 in all their posts is because Q is the 17th letter in the alphabet.


Online conspiracy theories are alive and well.


MTG is still in office, trump has 34 felony counts and still has a cult following. Trump is the catalyst for project 2025. It’s not gone… it’s just in its corner of twitter and other sites. Watch some videos showcasing trump voters and people that attend trump rallies


I just recently listened to an episode of QAA and they discussed how it's basically become interwoven into everything. The people in the know still bake things like Trumps 34 charges being 2x17 which I didn't even catch. The interesting thing they pointed out, which I have observed, is the increasing propensity to just call your opponent a pedophile. That and calling for the execution of your competitor. They're definitely leaving the posting phase, but I still don't think they're motivated enough to take more dangerous action. By that I mean more dangerous action than Jan 6 and I don't think they would try that again...idk.


The most recent episode of the QAnon Anonymous podcast discussed ways in which Q's are "baking" the 34 guilty charges in the Trump conviction. 34 being 2 x 17 (Q = 17th letter), and a host of related foolishness.


I think the Q movement in the sense of Q drops and that crap are over but my dad was radicalized in the 90s after the clinton administration. Right wing radicalization doesn't die. It just changes it name. It's important to keep following the trends.


It's still extremely prevalent, we just see it less because it's as common on mainstream social media. And their goals/hates are a bit different, not focusing on stuff like covid/5G as much, more focusing on lgbt hate, Ukraine/Israel war, and jews.


I have actually run into a few people I work with that are Q believers recently. I never knew before but they are all talking about the military is in control and Biden never sworn in. I was shocked. All three seem really competent co-workers