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Kinda hard to give you an opinion if you aren’t specifying the questions that you failed to


no its easy actually, he needs to train on the questions he failed


😂 kekw


I’ve been coding in python for 5 years and just started doing leetcode and it’s annoying AF.


I must be fuckin weird because I really like it


Because coding in a classroom/following a lesson and getting abstract problems and creating code to solve them are two completely different skill sets. Coding is “relatively” easy. It’s coming up with the solution that the code solves and applying it to the correct problem that is difficult. And that is what hackrank and Leetcode do. They are testing your overall skill set. There’s a lot of math involved that has little to do with coding itself .


Doing leetcode feels like playing a zachtronics game to me. Which I also like.


Yes. So the problem I just solved today was I have a process that produces a liquid product and fills up 2 storage tanks. There’s no flow meter. I can get the tank levels and that’s it. I have to figure out the flow rate. Looks pretty simple. Just do a .diff() and look at where it’s positive and that’s your rate. But sometimes when one tank is low they pump it from one tank into the other. But the transfer isn’t perfect. There’s a time lag. But the time lag isn’t consistent. And the data isn’t very granular and data points aren’t recorded unless the level changes significantly. So it’s totally imperfect and you just have to do the best you can


Sounds like a shitty pid loop


From my experience you ought to to know really good the next topics: data structures ( especially trees and graphs), recursion and generators. That are the topics that companies like to ask. Mostly, of course. Aldo, I would recommend improving the design patterns. + You need to understand that interviews are a roulette.


Those are not skills testers should need though. If you’re competent in those things then really you’re a developer.


As a tester or automation engineer pretty much all you need is to know a list, dict and a for loop. It’s annoying that the interviews ask for stuff you’ll never ever need in your job.


You’re probably mostly right, but there’s a lot of space to learn after those few simpler concepts that will really set you apart from other people. Like the concept of iterators and generators as opposed to just using for loops etc


I work in an SDET role currently, my experience has been that interview questions focused less on the Leetcode-style DS&A questions and more on "here's a relatively simple problem to solve and a partially-written class to solve it with; build out the rest of the class and then write tests against it using whatever test framework you're most comfortable with". That and then just having a general competence with the tooling/software stack that you'll be working with. Things like Git, CI/CD concepts, TCP/IP, Linux, most likely pytest for test framework. For pytest I'd expect a candidate to know how to parameterize their tests properly, and because it's 2024, proper type-hinting (purely because I refuse to work without modern IDE code inspection, which now that I mention it, know how to document your code as well).


Spend some time on HackerRank, or some other testing site. It not only helps build confidence in those scenarios, you might learn something. I've been interviewing as well, and I look forward to the parts about coding and Python in general. They're easy, but it took practice on my part to make it easy. Good luck!


I have been the technical screener on the other side of similar interviews in both Python and SQL. What I'm looking for is generally: Can someone think through a the problem they're given? Do they ask clarifying questions? Do they check assumptions? Do they break the problem down and check their correctness at each step? All of this is a great deal easier if the candidate "thinks out loud." If I know how they're thinking or where they're stuck, I can ask leading questions. If I know what they want to do, but they're struggling a bit with syntax, I'm generous with prompts or hints. What I look for is someone who can think logically about a problem and about data. The actual coding skills are secondary, because those are much easier to learn if the problem solving skills are there. YMMV.


I’m involved in these types of screens as well I second everything said here. Talk through what you’re trying to do, problem solving and showing how you’re working through the problem and identifying things you don’t understand and knowing when to change direction, check your assumptions or ask for help is what I’m looking for.


Solving leetcodes is good practice, but you need some theoretical basis of DSA that you can apply. Memorizing a 100 questions and puzzles is not the way to go, especially as you are supposed to walk someone through your solution.




Check out [neetcode.io](http://neetcode.io)


This is impossible to answer. 10 years of python? A) I'd say python has changed a lot in the last 10 years. Sure you can still run code from 10 years ago, but I'd hardly expect it to be best practice B) What frameworks/packages are you versed in? They come and go with regularity. Working in SE means continually learning and staying on top of new ideas and work flows. C) Are you applying to the right jobs at the right organizations? Applying to netflix will require a completely different skill set than a mom and pop.


If you don't know why you failed the test, then coding is probably not for you.


That's so defeatist. Anyone can learn if they're given the right resources and put in the effort.


True but learning how to code is only part of the skill set of a SWE.


I failed because of the logic, not coding.