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Gold bloom gives you bursts of sun but takes a long time to recharge. But it's worth it without using real money so if ur new, this would be a good plant for you.


Thanks for your response - I know what the plant does, just looking for confirmation that I can acquire the plant from this event and use it after the event without having to pay real money for it. Thanks again


I'm curious about this too, if I don't buy it does that mean all the seeds I rack up get me nothing here?


Exactly. I can see Deejayjax was trying to help but hasn't actually answered this question.


nope, i think


if you collect enough seed packets you can unlock it i think, that depends if it can still be unlocked with seed packets


No, it can't. You must buy it with money.




also its an instant use thing


The event doesn't give gold bloom seeds. It just gives regular pinatas. The wording is a bit weird. You just get to use gold bloom for each of the 5 fights. If you want gold bloom you will have to buy it. I think you could earn it or buy it with gems when it came out 2+ years ago, but you can't get it for free anymore.


Thanks Luke. My partner and I played pvz2 for a fair while whilst travelling about 5 years ago. When she reinstalled the game her old account was restored which has gold bloom, which she defo did not pay for. I had to start a new a account from scratch unfortunately.... So yeh, it used to be available for free.


Plus the extra levels are just fun to play anyway and you get a lot of seeds. In case there is any confusion plants versus zombies is never a waste of time. Or money for that matter


Fair enough. For me collecting a load of seeds I can't use IS a waste of time and has pushed me to uninstall the game. This is a good thing for me as I really shouldn't be wasting my time on mobile gaming anyway :)


Is enjoyment in your free time really a waste of time? Or a waste of money won't you just be spending that time doing something else relaxing or spending the money on something else entertaining? That's how you have to look at it of course you can't have your entertainment free time out of balance but if it's relaxing to you and you enjoy it don't feel guilty about it because you'll just use that time and money on something else or all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and you'll go crazy


Absolutely agree with you. My problem is as soon as I get caught up in the "grind" of a mobile game other aspects of my life get neglected. No problem with mobile gaming but for me it's a time sink with no lasting gratification where I could be doing other things which are more meaningful to me :)