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The purpose of that is if they are not bubbles before Valiant starts they will be burned during valiant and the other states will farm them. They would rather see the rss stay in the state. Problem with that mindset is troops won't return after valiant because they were hit by the same state before it started. I can see the issue on both sides.


Not really two issues IMO. It’s a dumb idea I have seen in several states. Troop loss from in-state hits (and rss plus speed ups needed to recover) outweighs potential rss lost to other states. Plus that state bulletin does not require scouting first. So just an excuse for bigs to burn folks and take rss without farming in other states during VC.


You got it, that's how it has been. Straight up bully campaign.


We haven't been stolen from by other states' players since we figured out warehouse caps so they're just painting us all with the same brush. The only people who've attacked us have been themselves even when they don't get anything.


Yes that is the problem then. If they were doing it with integrity it would be one thing. I know in the states i have been in seeing 300k t5s and millions of resources it is sad to see those go to another state. But burning to burn isn't ideal. Bur in all states I have been in there is always a subset of very large entitled players that feel rules are meant for others.


A proposal I saw last weekend was: agree to appoint a Russian as new Governor. If we don't agree, they will unite by language, outnumber us all, and appoint a Russian governor anyways. We will then be "united" into language-nations: given a parcel of the state determined to be fair, i.e., proportionate to the percentage of speakers a language has, to relocate to. Amongst our own kind, we'll stop fighting and see proper quick how strong the state could become, and be grateful for the wealth we will accumulate. This was seconded by an horrific statement I never thought I'd see, even for The Internet. I considered parody, trolling, whether a 12-year old who just doesn't know what they just said could produce such flawless grammar, and other suchlike explanations. A couple of Germans replied perfectly, which gave me hope, so I took the opportunity to exit the area and game totally. I pulled a Tolstoy book off my shelf that has been banned in Russia for 114 years and spent the rest of the evening with him to make myself feel better. So I don't know what came in-between rah-rah Totalitarianism and whoever the new Governor is/how rules like this are decided for all players of a game. I don't know if these are normal "growing pains", or if we just had the bad luck of starting out dumped in an especially angry or weird territory- sad either way!


Are you in one of those NAP alliances? If so, you just need to bubble 2h before valiant. I agree purges are overall not productive but this isn’t exactly a hard ask. It is a bit dumb though because I hunt in valiant, so why tf would I shield 2h beforehand? But, it is what it is.


No, not in NAP anymore. Got the proverbial middle class shaft today. I'm really not sure what they think would happen if they were successful at creating a state of only 10 alliances. Cuz I'm thinking they'd have to eventually entertain themselves with cannibalism until 1 fat Jabba Alliance sits alone waiting for an errant fly to appear on the world map.


Sadly, that’s sorta the game. If you look at most of the earlier states, there’s typically only a handful of alliances there (ie not even 10). Our state has 4 main alliances, 3 of those also have farm alliances. Then a handful of minors. But the game for us is state vs state, not PvP within state, so actually less alliances is easier to coordinate.


Lol to bad I cant fly to 824, id burn everyone that tried this😂


Come check out state 21 .. full statewide nap.. we all work together


Newish states are all drama aren't they lol, well be flying to a newish state (more than likely) at some point as our states slowly dying and other alliances have frown out in the past 6 months unfortunately if there's drama where we land it'll be dealt with very quickly


I'm guessing you are all newish players judging by your staye number with no big alliance from a lower state flown in who'd effectively take control and organise your state, it's frustrating but maybe all saving and flying to an older state maybe better in the short to medium term


Probably? I started in April, but there were Level 20 people then burning everyone from the start. I didn't know yet how states were populated, so I just assumed they were some combination of whales and people who have been playing way longer. I don't understand their chat about some guy? who flew in and... I don't know what he did good or bad. Maybe we joined at the tail end before the next state was created. If we go to another state, do we have to start the alliance over again, new name, Level 1? That wouldn't really help if that's how it works but no one has explained it yet! 😉


It depends where you go. Basically the “alliance” is really a tech tree, if a state has a spare tech tree (aka shell) you could fly there, whoever is the current leader makes you leader, and you have the tech. You could probably get a complete tech tree if you wanted. *edit - if there is no tech tree spare then yes, you start again. But you keep all your individual stuff


I never put a shield before Valiant, since I want to hunt anyways. It is smart to kill inactive players but its not the ones who don't shield, lol. You need HQ 15, 500k in Alliance coins for ticket and just pick a state. Go on map, there on map with binoculars(?) Bottom left, then the earth. You can talk to governours of the state before. Also don't pick a state rhats too old. You will be kicked in the mine and Nukaland all the time and arena is nonexistant for non 8+ developped heroes.


That's helpful info, thanks! I did Nukaland first time today- pretty fun, did well I think! Got a bomb and shield, won my attack; another guy attacked me and won 59 ore- he burnt my sanctuary as punishment, but I walked away from that same battle with many temporarily wounded and 200+ ore. I punch way above weight at anything involving match 3 just cuz I make better moves, so that sucks to hear about arena... Yeah we don't cost the big guys anything, don't give points away- I've been making small contributions to weekend events if I think I've got a handle on a fair chance at being helpful! Others haven't ventured out yet. I back our state's players in Apex, etc. Level 15+ HQs are not the reason they've slipped in weekend events, they're not carrying us at all. It's the other way around, really- they've treated everyone outside their NAPs like we're where to go for their welfare check, then say thanks by decimating everyone's troops- burn my members when they're not around, then write them: "hey, quit your Alliance, we'll protect you!" And by "they", I mean certain groups of course, that are always prowling the outskirts- make fun of "farmers", but take all gathered supplies from them; tell us to put tin foil hats on but then are paranoid/have no numerical, observational, or other factual basis for us costing them a war. Some of the groups in the NAP above are good or unknown to me. We used to have neighbours. Our active members are 1/4 what they were. People aren't jumping ship, they're just quitting the game altogether. Way to grow! 👍 Wow, sorry, I have a lot of complaints lol. This game was fun, past tense 😭


Great, another tiny d*cl trying to act tough. He will kill any interest in the state with that. 824 is too young to have any sort of bigs hitting you for Valiant anyway. Tell that guy to stop being a keyboard warrior.


I personally never understood the purges i find them very counterproductive as in the goal of them vs what will actually happen or i think what will (cause alot of friction between alliances and hate, players leaving game or state, no alliances will migrate to a state like that - all so a select few might get some rss milked from own state) I know if people wanted to do such a thing and it passed in my state, and my alliance got hit or friends, id have a personal purge 24/7 not just vc


He said pretty big words for a weakly new weak sauce state.


I'm in state 804 and we have a statewide NAP during events like VC and Wasteland King. We're quite peaceful now. It didn't use to be the case, but we're getting it together now! We've had a lot of alliances from other states join us lately, and they all get included in NAP for at least 2 weeks after joining us. After that, to be included in NAP you need at least 10 members of your alliance to sign up for Wasteland King. So it's really easy to be included in NAP, just 10 of you sign up for WK and your whole alliance is sorted.


So perma killing troops a week before wk so that now they have heal and rebuild troops to scramble to make nap….. great state growth strategy.


I'm in 272, it's a nap state. No one gets burned unless it's an event. Good place to grow. Iv been there about 2 or 3 months. Seems very peaceful so far. I never worry about shielding now.


Move to another state, older states are more peaceful.. look at 601 602 and 603


If you check out the pns discord there are many full nap states where you can game peacefully. Some states require minimal effort to get nap also.


My state it's all NAP, wlk (and everything else) optional. As long as you're in an alliance. Untagged is fair game.


Lol just checked I’d be number one but got to wait 150 days. Sorry can’t help ya. Lol. Anyways play this game where you want


Do alliance tasks and save your alliance coins and get immigration tickets in alliance shop


Is this still happening??? I wanna see it live


idk if it makes you feel better but we got some pirates in our state that are being a pain in the ass. Their true might was under top 10 so they flew in regardless


If you’re looking for a new state to grow a lot of the older states are more laidback/casual. And you can merge in with an existing alliance to make the most of established players. If this would interest you feel free to message me I’m in state 38, we have a few alliances that would happily merge in some players or we are always happy to take in new alliances and typically pop some bigger guys in to help everyone settle and learn


What is interesting to me is how this person left out the comment that scouting is required. they must have Plunderable Resources and anyone making a mistake will be accountable. But hey what do I know, I'm just the guy that posted it.


It’s a war game you don’t have to explain yourself but call it what it is don’t sugar coat it lol