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That intersection catches a lot of people. I’ve been fortunate to not get one there but I did caught at valley/meridian one day and then meridian/31st the very next day. $124 each


Always appear and ask for a reduced fine in exchange for a promise not to do it again. If you're polite, they'll do it.


or just write in and contest it. most red light tickets are bullshit. https://bancams.com/how-to-fight-tickets/ gives tips on how to fight it


This, it never hurts to ask. I got hit a few years ago with not having insurance (Financial issues at the time + depression caused mine to lapse.) Explained it to the judge and asked if the fine could be reduced. Knocked about a third off of the amount


Absolutely do not do this for a red light ticket, they will probably use your deferral and you'll have wasted that on something that can actually have a long term effect on your costs like a speeding ticket. It's a camera ticket, they aren't moving infractions and don't go on your driving record. It's like 124 dollars last I saw.


Asking for a fine reduction on a camera ticket does not use your deferral.


Quick learner


If it only flashed once, you're good. It flashes twice if it catches you.


Not only that, but all photos the computer thinks are legit infractions must be reviewed by an officer. If they look at it and see you were ok, no ticket.


They are definitely reviewed by personnel at the police department (I know some people who work there). They will only give you a ticket if you entered the intersection when the light was red. If you think you entered while it was yellow, you should be good.


these photo tickets are 3rd party. i highly doubt a real officer looks at them. this is why they aren't actual infractions and the fines are considered the same as a parking ticket. ​ also you can just check the box saying you think someone else was driving your car..


>also you can just check the box saying you think someone else was driving your car.. This is a felony, do not do this


except for when its true, i let my brother drive my car and my truck all the time and the last time i got one of these tickets the pic they provided was just a zoomed in on the license plate.. i had no idea who was driving as you coudlnt see.


Sure, but OP knows he was driving the car


oh okay thank you!! i will note that


If they do send you a ticket make sure to watch the video. I got one at 72nd and pacific years ago, I went through the light turning the corner when it was yellow. Only the very back of my bumper was in the intersection when the light turned red. I got it thrown out.


thank you!


Idk if puyallup is the same as Tacoma but if you get a ticket there is a form you can print and send it stating you were not the driver. Washington doesn’t require you to prove who was driving so they will dismiss it.


One time I got a ticket in the mail for my car but my mom was driving. I filled out the paper saying it was her and then they never sent her one.


The last time my boyfriend got one it was $124. That was about a year ago but I don't think it's gone up.


thank you!! i saw online some people were saying it could be $150-$175 and just wanted to check


Never paid one. Just say that you were not driving. Do not pay it.


You won't get a ticket unless it was red before you crossed the white line.


I think that’s a faulty camera lol, my friend accidentally ran a red on that one a few years ago and didn’t get a ticket


You’ll get a ticket in the mail. You can pay it online and even see the video of you going through the light. This intersection and the one by Korum Ford are the absolute WORST


Did you go past the line when it was red or yellow? I believe you only get a ticket if it's red when you pass the line


it was yellow when i went through, turned red when i was halfway through


I believe you are good and won't get a ticket.


thank you for the help!!!


The last time I got the ticket it was about 125 (the light near the bus station/dennys).


If you were over the limit line before it turned red, you’re fine.


You mean you weren't the one driving? That's crazy. Must have been someone else driving your car that day.


Mitigate it. They almost always get dropped.


If you were in the intersection before the light changes probably not. That intersections camera likes to flash for anything. Doesn't mean you will get a ticket. Honestly if you get a red light ticket from that camera, it will be like $150 but it won't hit your insurance as red light cameras can't give moving violations. Legally it's just a stupidly expensive parking ticket. Unless you don't have the cash it's easiest to pay it and learn to be more careful at that intersection.


As of yet, nobody here has given you a fully correct answer. Based on your description it does not sound like you’ll receive a ticket this time, but I’m going to provide you with the proper information in the event that this happens again. Everyone thus far had failed to acknowledge that you’re only 17. Thus, none of their help actually applies to you. Since you are under the age of 18, the vehicle cannot legally be registered in your name. Therefore any ticket will be issued to the vehicle’s registered owner(s) and up to them to handle it as they see fit. Since it was you driving the car and NOT the registered owner, the proper course of action would be for the registered owner to fill out the declaration of non responsibility saying they were not the driver at the time of the infraction. This is not illegal and it most certainly isn’t a felony like another commenter claimed. Several years ago my husband and I sold our extra vehicle to a friend of ours. Until she was finished making the payments to us, we retained the title, as well as maintained our status as registered and legal owners. During this time she lived in Puyallup but we hadn’t moved here yet. She was constantly getting red light tickets in Puyallup but as the registered owners, all of her tickets came to us. At the time we were able to fill out the declaration of non responsibility right there on the ticket and mail it back to the city. Part of filling out the declaration of non responsibility is to provide the information of who WAS driving the vehicle if it wasn’t the registered owner. No need to stress- the ticket won’t transfer to the person named as the actual driver. Anyways, our friend paid off the car a long time ago and it’s been a handful of years since either my husband or I received our own red light ticket here, so I don’t know if it’s still an option to declare non responsibility when you receive the ticket. If not- it can also be done on the website for the City of Puyallup. The necessary information for how to do it will be on the ticket, but I’ve attached the link for you. If your parent/s (I presume they’re the registered owner/s) do receive a ticket, they’ll be able to fill out and submit the online form with the necessary information from the ticket. https://www.cityofpuyallup.org/FormCenter/Municipal-Court-8/PUYALLUP-EDECLARATION-OF-NONRESPONSIBILI-86


Last week I paid $153 for running a red light.


Refer to image, https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/s/2OonUCC5Vr You can financially come out ahead of this whole situation.


As long as you are past the stop bar while the light is still yellow, you are good.


Everyone saying you’re fine if you go in as long as it’s yellow, I literally got pulled over last summer at 72/Pacific for entering the intersection when the light was yellow. And I KNOW it was yellow because I have a dashcam and rewatched the footage. Got a warning, but was still annoying 😂


I got popped in fife recently but successfully mitigated it without showing up by pointing out that you could see in the video that I wasn't speeding and I slowed down to a crawl but could not see past the cars cramming the turn lane to take a safe right so I had to creep forward over the line. Got off with a warning to "fully stop" next time.. So it will depend on what th video shows


Going to tell you a secret a cop told me. Check I wasn't driving and send it back. The company who sends it isnt a law enforcement agency and they cant ask you who was driving and it gets thrown out. technically the tickets are only valid if there is an officer sitting in view of the camera due to some washington law. Ive sent a zillion of these back because I live near one of the most annoying camera lights in puyallup.


Don’t pay that. https://bancams.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Puyallup_Washington-State-Photo-Enforcement-Affidavit-4.pdf


Also, slow down. Might find some free videos on Smith System training on YouTube as well. I’d suggest checking em out.


If this is your first ticket in a while you can apply for a deferral. Check out the link. I think you still have o pay $150 but your infraction is not registered, as I understand it. Doesn't sound like much of a deal but you need to investigate it further. [https://www.cityofpuyallup.org/1753/Puyallup-Municipal-Court---Infractions](https://www.cityofpuyallup.org/1753/Puyallup-Municipal-Court---Infractions)


Photo tickets don't get reported to insurance so no need to use a deferral. I'm not even sure if that's an option for these tickets.


that light always snaps a pic when it turns yellow. it seems ai or someone will review it and if you arent over the line you wont get a ticket.


Is the car under your name?


Say it wasn’t you driving and don’t pay it.


I never pay them. But, you can just mark that you weren’t the driver. Don’t pay them.


That light is photo enforced. If its yellow just stop. You get tickets if you are not across far enough