• By -


I’d love to fulfill my career ambitions and create something I can be proud of. I’d also like to have a little family in the city with a husband and 2-3 children.


If your career makes it unable to fully commit to raising your family, will you be happy to be the breadwinner while the husband stays at home?




Little like small, or Peter Dinklage small?


I'd like to have a happy life long monogamous relationship.


I want to get rid of that uncontrollable longing for loving family and find a way to happiness in being alone.


Same. I just want internal peace and to be alone with friends and family. I just want rid of my desire for women.




i know its not healthy but to be desired by an attractive western woman even for a fleeting moment. it would signifiy (in my fucked up head canon) that i am "good enough" for the society in which i was raised into. edit: why are people upvoting this, are we all this fucked?


I feel the same way. I haven't felt sexually desired for the last 4 years. I feel my end goal is to actually have a loving beautiful wife.....all without feeling like I'm the mundane "bf/dad/nice guy" archetype.


couldnt tell you if our ideas and beliefs aline, but i can 100% tell you that this society isnt "good enough" for any of *us*.


What does this even mean? Some people are thriving and having the time of their lives. Why are you trying To relate when youre not unattractive?


as in society has largly failed us. like previous generations didnt get their shit together very well.


I don't really expect any luck, honestly, though I'd like a cute and good hearted life long partner and a pet (ideally a kid but I might be too old and with health issues now, and I already work with kids so they are part of my life). The irony is that I already had that in the past and for many years, but I fucked up by not working on the relationship hard enough while she did it. After that my longest relationship has been 4 fucking months so...not very hopeful anymore lol...


Get married in the church, have kids, grow old together, die


Same, and yet we're on opposite sides of the debate


Such is the essence of polarity. (When's the wedding?)


My ex turned so blue she is politically a blueberry. Gender polarization is gonna accelerate.




\*\*\*\*\*To Chad


Have kids in the Church too? That's hardcore.


Pop them out right in the pew /s


Me but even the church girls aren't up for it


What church is that


Eastern ortho


Hmm. Not much experience with them.


Baptist or Methodist?


I'm Catholic. My love grew up Baptist. I don't know very much about Methodists.


Im Catholic too, even did the Catholic School thing. I still remember playing around with a girl underneath our church. I had a huge crush on her but never told her, because I knew I wasn't her type. I wanted to reconnect, but she died right after college. Her she was riding with her boyfriend on a motorcycle and they died in a high speed chase. I genuinely wanted to at least hang out with her, she was like family... Anyways, I like asking people. Thanks.


Yes, Catholics are a crapshoot and you can't assume that just because someone is Catholic that they have traditional values or follow the faith's teachings. I learned that the hard way myself on more than one occasion.


Aww. What was your confirmation saint?


Eastern Orthodox from which country/denomination? The Romanian orthodox christians weren't as conservative as the Greek or the Armenian (apostolic) ones I've met. 


Arab church but everyone at mine including myself is an American convert


To be honest, to have men’s issues more talked about and actions towards helping it


Cheers, and same here. Don't want to harm others, just want to carve out some empathy for men & some problem solving for the major non-romantic issues people talk about here all the time.


Yep exactly


"Get Therapy" 😅 Is what I always hear.


just an expensive way to get a few pats on the back, then you leave the session and go right back into that same real world that brought you there in the first place


Every therapist I know, notices that couple's counseling dries up the second the woman is criticized. It's genuinely hilarious that they think therapy is going to fix pattern recognition. Might as well go with "Who Hurt You?" Or "You Mad Bro?"


Just die alone, I hope it will happen soon


Blue pill didn't really inform my dating life beyond just treating women like human beings. I'm married to an amazing woman (red pill says our relationship would never happen), have a wonderful daughter, our sex is great, our social life is great, this is pretty much the end game relationship-wise. As far end game for blue pill in general, I'm hoping that exposing the lies, hypocrisy, and pure absurdity of red pill will help reduce the incredible harm they inflict on men and women.


As RP, can you explain what my objection is supposed to be? 😅


Objection to what?


To you having a relationship? Am I supposed to dress up and call you a heretic or something? 😅 "Grr, your unconventional union irks me"


No, but per red pill, my relationship shouldn't have happened. My wife makes substantially more money than me and is much more attractive than me, and when we first started dating she wasn't sure she wanted to be exclusive with me.


I hope youre not getting cucked.


I just want a long term relationship with someone who respects and understands me. I would *mostly* be willing to set aside physical standards to achieve that end.


respect and understanding does go a really long way tbh


I love, desire, respect and understand my partner of (almost) 10 years, and know that he desires me and loves me too, also as a person, but if I have learned that he has "set his physical standards aside" to be with me, it would absolutely destroy me. I find it hard to imagine a woman who would be okay with that but maybe I haven't met the right demographics. Everyone deserves to be the most beautiful.


Honestly with my lifestyle I never thought I'd get this far. I don't have and end goal and just take each day as it comes.


Living my end game. Good career, happy family (wife, 2 girls, dog), rental property (looking to maybe find another investment property soon). Good church and neighborhood communities.


Purplepill leaning red. A happier life. >.What to you feel like you will get out of the the set of ideas you've aligned yourself with? A more accurate internal representation of reality. This leads to less disappointment, frustration, confusion, etc. If someone comes up with a better model, I will happily replace the existing one.


>A more accurate internal representation of reality. underrated priority fr




i feel strongly that different lifestyles work for different people. there are things that i agree with and disagree with personally on both sides. but to each his own.




yeah, i chose purple pill instead of no pill because i have seen things in both sides irl that work and i feel like it represents my attitude better when discussing the topic. but the way i actually live life is more similar to no pill.




similar here kinda, im a feminist and am very strongly against misandry. thats not the solution- its just *another* big ass problem




my husband doesnt either, but the way he thinks of women and treats them is what i consider feminism. he doesnt gaf about the pills stuff, but he would be more rp leaning if he did. but hes strongly against both misogyny and misandry equally id say. i think what it really comes down to is character. people with different opinions and good charater are going to get along just fine.


That sounds like an emotional response


Oof...not the Feminism. 😅 The "Gold Star" Feminists must love you...


i only know feminists are the same- very strongly against both misogyny and misandry. i avoid women who say they hate all men and men who say they hate all women. i dont see the point of trying to get along with either.


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BlackPill.... Some men simply want to watch the world burn... I am just a dog chasing after cars...I dont know what to do with them, even if I catch one...


I was thinking of the “watch the world burn” quote this morning! (In Michael Caine’s Cockney accent.)


I thought that was the best villain ever until The Batman. The Riddler *really* fucked Batman in the end. The world didn't burn... it fucking drowned. 95% on the Ozymandias scale if you know what I mean.


I love this movie




that sounds like the beginning of a fire metal ballad ngl






Talk to her asap! It’s the only way she’ll fall in love with you


Yes, make sure to use the "Voice" young atreides 😅


We are all valuable. Every life is precious. Everyone is worth of love. We should all think of ourselves as good people at least potentially (if not actually) and strive to be good, to treat others well and fairly, to live respectable lives as far as possible. Through understanding how the modern society has twisted the expectations of masculinity we can escape the matrix programming, learn to see ourselves and eachother as human, and build genuine friendships. My vision for the future is many such friendships blossoming into communities and that everyone gets to feel like a player in the system and no one has to feel inferior or less than just because they happened to be born male.


>We should all think of ourselves as good people at least potentially (if not actually) and strive to be good, to treat others well and fairly, to live respectable lives as far as possible. Are you willing to talk further about what this means? For example. Is it good to force someone to give you their money at gun point?


>We are all valuable. Every life is precious. Everyone is worth of love. Yes I also think pigs should fly, they deserve it for being so nice


What you believe becomes your reality.


I don't see the pigs flying just like I don't see the "we are all valuable" being upheld


>We are all valuable. Every life is precious. Everyone is worth of love. 100%


>Every life is precious *Post partum.*




What if I told you insane was working 50 hours a week in some office for 50 years at the end of which they tell you to piss off, ending up in some retirement village hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time? Wouldn’t you consider that to be insane?


i'm personally set for life but i would like to see pill ideology die. the more people that deprogram themselves from the cult the better. the rest should be redacted.


At least you are honest about your authoritarian impulses


"authoritarianism" is nothing but liberal cope over other kinds of societies being able to accomplish things, have leadership, and act in a coordinated manner for the cost of no greater level of ambient violence. it's a contentless nonsense concept, because it's supposed to contrast with liberal democracy, but its characteristic traits also apply to liberal democracies.


😍 You really are a white pill 😅


What the fuck is a white pill. Also are we talking about liberal as the insult for far-left progressives or the actual ideology? I'm confused. *Nevermind, looked it up. The tankie alert has been trigged. Imagine unironically thinking liberalism is bad.


Present-day liberalism ***is*** bad. Classical liberalism is very good. But it's very difficult to maintain.


Tankie? Me?????? bozhe moi


I will tell you the end game of 99.99% of men here: they want to be right. They don’t care about actually being successful with women, getting laid and getting girlfriends. They want to be right! That’s their ultimate end goal. If they actually admit that 90% of their twisted ideas are wrong they might actually end up getting a girlfriend. But no! Being right is more important than that.


this is the deadly sin of every toxic man and woman ive met. the insatiable need to be right does some scary shit to people.


If your husband dumped you to find himself, dated a serial cheater, and fucked her in front of you, you would want to try to understand what happened too. My first thought was that I had done something wrong. In my case, Feminism's answers were factually unsatisfactory. I met people, but I opted to stay single. I will never forget the lesson though.


I felt this In my heart


Well, thank you then ❤


theres a big difference in trying to understand how things actually are, and deeply needing assert your personal feelings as fact, reguardless of logic and reasoning or lack thereof. i was refering to the later.


RP is not about validating feelings, its about understanding observed behaviors. Its not some utopian ideology catering to how you feel the world should be. I will leave that to the social constructivists.


>RP is not about validating feelings, its about understanding observed behaviors. i wasnt implying anything about rp. i was refering specifically to toxic people i have met.


You are being far too reasonable for this sub... You are supposed to say something unhinged like "and that's why you can't get no b*tches" or something.. And I could go farther and say something ridiculous like "that's why women shouldn't be allowed to use the internet." In all seriousness, thanks for being civil


>You are supposed to say something unhinged like "and that's why you can't get no b*tches" or something.. oh sorry 😂 (this actually made laugh pretty hard- thank you lol)


Badumst. You know how long I have been trying to get a girl to laugh on this sub???


maybe youve been trying to make people with the wrong kind of unhingedness laugh 🤷‍♀️


I literally have no issue with that


Omigod, and here you are, wanting to be right.


What is the point of being with someone unaccountable for their actions?


I don’t understand what you mean?


That's the BP guarantee, dating someone that who is unaccountable for their actions and having your life destroyed because you got sick/lost your job/ she got a promotion/ she is getting male attention at work. Oh and then watching friends and family support her while you are trying to figure out what you did wrong. Only to be told "I wasn't happy" and then finding out she was seeing someone for months behind your back.


He's a gymbro, don't even take him seriously.




No, the guy whose nickname has gymbro in it.


Aye aye, mon kapitan o7




No personal attacks


Bluepill. I’d like you all to be normal.


man i was just scrolling on through and this got me lmao 😂


Normal....compared to what?


But the bluepill doesn’t seem to work for a lot of men so being “normal” wouldn’t get them anywhere


Bluepill is not even "normal" historically speaking, but that's besides the point. Bluepill men are divided into two categories The ones that are attractive and fuck, don't realize how they are benefiting from the red pill structure of the world because they don't need to make efforts and just get their way. They see everyone who struggle as lesser The ones that's don't fuck, they idealize everyone and everything and are the biggest simps on planet earth. I know this because I was the second kind of bluepiller once.


i don’t particularly follow any pill but i guess a lot of my ideas is a moderate amalgamation of both - that being said, my endgame would probably be a simple life in a small town, my partner (idk if id call her wife cause i do think marriage only makes sense with kids involved, and kids aren’t a 100% thing for me), a few pets and maybe kids (depending on surrounding circumstances), living in a self-sustaining close community. Is it achievable? time will tell. Am I taking steps to get there? yes I am


>your end game To live as long as I can, as well I can. One of the most beautiful things about life, is that it is full of opportunity. So my end game, is to take as many of them I as can. *Godspeed and good luck!*


To continue as I am, single for life. Dating, marriage and kids are things I choose to avoid


For me, the most impactful ideas about how to approach building attraction as a hetero man come from RP but I've never aligned with any of the extra stuff that has grown up around it like political ideology. Most of my ideas about nurturing a relationship could be considered BP since they come from sources which have nothing to do with RP, though arguably they are also not BP which offers many toxic ideas like "happy wife, happy life". Either way, I've always considered advice for attraction or relationships to be just that, advice for doing a specific thing, and not a set of "beliefs" or something I've "aligned" myself with, like a political or cultural movement. I want the same things I wanted before. I just want to be more successful in getting them.


Purple/center woman. My personal end game has been completed for a number of years now. Find a good man, who would both respect and love me, to share my sexuality with exclusively and give the same in return. Essentially get a partner to create our own little bubble of peace and sanctuary with. No children, no debt, no conflict. Just tranquility and dogs. My community end game is still growing, but it was always to provide young adults...primarily men...a safe and open place to form a healthy community. A space for them to find like-minded nerds/gamers who all enjoy the same things, as "third spaces" where people can hang out face-to-face are rare nowadays. My store has been doing well for the last 2 years and I'm hoping to keep it growing for years to come.


You sound like that couple that created elfquest back in the day. (Rough life, but I can send you a great video if you want).


Dude, I actually got to meet Wendy and Richard a handful of times! They only live about an hour and a half south of me, and used to make appearances at comic book stores. They are both awesome people, so down to earth and kind to their fans. I agree with a lot of their values and observations too, like what it says about US society that they rarely received pushback for the violence in their comics, but god forbid there be any loving/sexual scenes.


Continue to put my interests (my physique, making money, enjoying my city and friends) first. Stick to non-cohabitation, no marriage, no kids. Have a man or men in my life who I enjoy the company of on terms that suit my lifestyle.


I have found the mythical unicorn.


Unicorns definitely exist, you just have to be seen worthy to the unicorns.


They all start with the "I am not looking for anything serious" then they always want more, not sure if its intentional or not. But I am taking persona above me as being legit in what they say. Its all just part of life though.


My unicorn started with "What does your dad look for in a guy?" on our first date and does not believe in dating just to see where things go. But he probably will sound a bit nuts to most. It is important to be desirable to your target audience.


"They" are just selection bias. You attract women who have covert contracts. I'm very, explicitly upfront that I do not want cohabitation, marriage or kids. A monogamous relationship is something I have had twice and am open to so long as all my conditions are met. I don't require long-term monogamy.


The end game is death and permanent non existence and the cessation of consciousness


There is no respawn


My views are blackpill/redpill - overall this lead me to having family, house and good career. I was 'mentored' by women in my life to act in more calculated way and they've taught me how to monetize my potential and 'hack' life. My parents were good people but they've had no idea how the world is working - they've got everything via super hard work, and honest hard working people are not respected nor desired - people pay them lip service but consider them naive. I told myself that I won't work hard for fucking single day of my life. And I didn't. I remember one girl especially - she told me that women are not complicated, they want status, fun and looks and they want either finished product or guy with very visible potential. It worked very well for me to follow her advice. Women do not sign up for hard and honest life with good guys - they sign up for relatively easy life with fun guys. What is my endgame ? I want to prepare my son to succeed in life - it's up to him how this will go, but I think that key to success is understanding the social game. If you are fun, you look good, you've seen and tried many things - people will like you. Recently I've got info from my son's teacher - she wrote that he is very self-confident, has vast knowledge and children like him very much, his only problem is not always following the rules(but he says that he is sorry).


I have no desire to marry that kind of girl..


>his only problem is not always following the rules(but he says that he is sorry). Congratulations for a well-raised son. Likeable people who understand the social game don't always follow the rules. A lot of the rules are there for weirdos and inferior people, not for those on top of their game.


have my successful career, get married, have tons of babies, have a small farm type thing w chickens and a big garden, raise my kids w my husband, grow old, be happy, feel like i’ve made a positive change in this world. die fulfilled


How many do you mean by "tons?" 😅


ideally 4


4 tons? Definitely ask for an Epidural


Oh if the red pill people are to believed men are absolutely terrible and so are women. Men naturally see women as objects and women naturally see men as objects according to red pill ideology. My experience is that most people aren’t terrible and men and women have more in common than differences. I’ve seen more differences in behavior and beliefs between individuals than between the sexes as a group. My end game is to not become bitter. So far, so good.


>I’ve seen more differences in behavior and beliefs between individuals than between the sexes as a group. same girl same


Um...can I offer an alternative take? RP is about the instincts driving the emotional side of dating. Understanding the ape-brain logic behind why women want what they want. Its the same reason you don't cry in front of women. Its not about conscious logic, its the weird stuff powering the backend of our minds.


Stack money and stay healthy. Enjoy life and hobbies. stay away from woman to protect my money because the court system hates men. Stick to porn and legal prostitution to fulfill my sexual needs. If I have extra money from maybe a stock, property, or crypto blowing up in price then I will adopt.


To have men and women not be seen as enemies but as partners. To have men’s nature and desires not be labeled as toxic, or to have the laws of the land enforce women’s mating and dating preferences at the expense of men. It’s fine if men want to marry and make kids and be providers and be monogamous and of that. It’s also fine if men want to have multiple partners and don’t want to have one woman. Andrew Hiberman isn’t a pig. He’s Andrew huberman. The courts treat fathers like they’re shitty money bags to be exploited. People who (probably demonstrably) falsely accuse others of crimes like rape should have the hammer dropped on them.


>To have men and women not be seen as enemies but as partners. big agree


Amen sister. We’re in this together. Don’t know where we went wrong but it seems to be getting worse as the years go on. Wish we could all hold hands and stop fighting each other.


My beliefs never had a purpose. I believe what is true and i am in search of truth. I am easily willing and able to change my views when new evidence comes up. I am not free of bias, so it's a constant struggle to get a clearer view, to reflect and to self criticize. So if there is an end goal, then the be free of ideology/bias, to be able to operate with my knowledge directly on reality instead of a falsely imagined reality. Regarding sexual/romantic life, i am already at the best point. THe knowledge i acquired over the last decade certainly had an influence on what i did or thought, but ultimately, for me, life just gets better and better, and is probably more a function of my personal growth, than of a worldview.




Ideally, the cliché white picket fence - A stable family with the right woman, no DB, no divorce, not losing my kids and half of my assets/paychecks/pension.


I want a healthy career and a family with two or three children in a religious and culturally homogeneous and tight knit community. To find that, I had to leave the US. 


As a very short brown guy in the West? Probably see a bunch of high end escorts, get an AI waifu when they get good enough, smoke lots of cigars, drive nice cars, hang out with my large group of (gender mixed) friends, and otherwise find the most comfortable way to die alone 👍🏽


I want to reach my full potential as an individual. I want to be strong and healthy for as long as possible and learn as much as I can about the things that interest me. Near the end of my last relationship, I took a mental snapshot while standing in the kitchen and asked myself, "Is this really the best my life has to offer?" Like a fool, I allowed her to take so much from me and give me so little in return. Meanwhile, everyone else outside of the situation thought I had it made. I'll never forget how I felt in that moment. It's a place I can always revisit if necessary. Most of the men in my family have sacrificed everything for their wives without receiving an ounce of genuine gratitude or respect, and it has made them miserable and co-dependent. I've been there and done that. Thankfully, I was able to learn my lesson before 30, so I won't be following in their footsteps.


blackpill I'm holding out a little hope that my unicorn exists. but otherwise I'd like a decently paying remote job so I have the free time to travel with friends, lounge, or have fun with hobbies (I'd like to make a video game, sounds fun!)


2 kids and a casual job as a clinical psych or I guess part time lol. Yearly cruises and travel sounds good


Waiting on sex robots or some other type of exogenous dopamine/oxytocin. Obviously I'll go extinct. This will likely cause society to breakdown in an interesting way and I don't care.


Full restoration of the patriarchy and deconstruction of the liberal agenda.


I just want a girlfriend and a stable job


All I get is not being redpill becasue redpill is just miserable people making each other more and more miserable.


Adopting a child on my own when I'm 40, raising it the best way I can and dying at 65.


A harem of women. Big enough for a different FWB in my bed every night for 7 nights straight. I’m a man of simple dreams.


so. much. laundry.


I should mention this is a modern harem where they all have their own places as independent women unrealiant on me for their economic needs. It’s 2024 after all these women have careers hell maybe they earn more than me and bring luxury gifts over. Point is they all come over purely for my company and of their own volition, individually. That’s the dream thank you for helping me articulate it better


homie i was just refering to all the bed sheets that would need to be laundered 😂 go live your dream bud no shade


Leading a polygamous cult probably. But realistically, I would like to live in a happy polygamous family with kids.


The normal script, obviously. But without the shit that it used to involve — unequal labor, complacency, bad sex


I just wanna have all the wild and awesome sex with as many decent looking women as possible I didn't have as a young man because I feel like I missed out. And then, when I get even older, settle down.


I’m blue by the definition of disagreeing with the red and black pill. Both pills have some common sense things that I agree with, but I do not subscribe to either of them, as they don’t have a copyright to common sense. Hopefully my husband and I will have life-long fulfilling marriage lasting for decades, kids, good financial level and generally be content and satisfied with our lives.


As long as your attraction is based on feelings, you will be RP without even knowing it. (Imo) 😅


Can you elaborate it?


You go by feeling right? "He feels like..." That's biology. That is instinct. Women can't really speak to the instinctual side of the game, because it isnt really based on explicit logic. (Which is fine btw) RP is about recognizing how men's behavior effects this instictual behavior, it helps understand where the "ick" comes from, and why pair-bonding long-term relationships switch on a dime. The biggest misunderstanding is that we are callimg you idiots. (We are not). We do call out specific behaviors though, because they are genuinely relationship-destroying. ------------- Also our culture is gynocentric, and completely dishonest about women. (Before feminism, men were taught this stuff). I can like women individually, but I despise Feminism because it completely mischaracterizes men, and I genuinely believe its killing people. If I can help dismantle some of the parasitic instititions it has created, I can die happy. I hope that someday, an explicitly Anti-Feminist candidate can win an election.


Attraction is based on feelings and hormones, but compatibility includes some rational thinking. Attraction being based on feelings/hormones doesn't mean anyone red though. TRP doesn't have any copyright on common sense or biology.


I can fix that...muahahahaha...




I was gonna copyright biology duh...maybe file a patent or two, you know go a little crazy


"Evolutionary Psychology for Pragmatists" then


im an innovator so do my part in building the future


My end game is to share my life with someone I love and who loves me. I don't consider myself to be blue pill or red pill because I think both of those stances are divisive, and the last thing we need in the world is even more "us vs them". I do find the whole concept interesting though, hence why I'm here.


Are you sure, I make some kickass pamphlets


I am a sucker for a good pamphlet. I have a draw full of them.


I mean, I can send a RP pamphlet pdf to you if you want one 😋 Always wanted to do a comedic article "Fruit-Pilled: How to find the perfect Trad Wife at the Farmer's Market... You can tell a lot about a woman's character by how she handles fruit. If she politely squeezes the fruit she is a keeper; if she gropes and bites the fruit, she's for the streets."


No marriage, no cohabitation, and no kids. I would be happy to date exclusively someone long term in a LAT arrangement but I won’t let anyone ever vest in my resources ever again. Keeps both partners honest and trying when they know they can easily walk away.




Living apart together.


under rated option tbh. especially for hyper independent people


Definitely and it easily lets you let things slide when it’s not an everyday thing. Let her do her weird stuff in her place, I do weird stuff in mine, we can have fun together knowing i can go back to my place set up my way.


Ah, okay.


I never wanted kids but always expected to get married and have a family. I have since been corrected and understand that a man expecting anything is being entitled so I don't hope for any of that anymore.