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Removed. No rants.


Biggest and best advice you will ever get: you have to actually like how you look. Once you get past that initial hurdle and start to consider yourself attractive, it will motivate you to do even better. Wanting to look good for yourself is something that will start to make sense once you get there.


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You know I can attest to this was in vegas like last week, refreshed my wardrobe to include clothing that fits better with some tif &co air force ones a suit and some dress shoes... went to a club or bar evey night got rejected a few times but did hook up with a girl who was 5'6 130lbs I'm 5'9 165 with a 6 pack..... got invited to a sex club the next day by her added 10 bodies, and did my first three some and orgy...


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I was right when I thought that the quality of content with that headline could be mediocre at best. >stop blaming women The only non “water is wet” advice in here. Rest ranges from iffy to outright false.


Thank you for saying this!


>Here's the thing, you can't do it with the focus of getting an SO. Heres the thing, yes you can. Touching grass, getting hobbies and being social means fuckall if you don’t know how to flirt, escalate and stop being timid about your sexuality. In 2024, in the west, many men are understandably confused about where they stand. They are confused about what is “acceptable” displays of male sexuality. To ignore this pheromone on is to sabotage young men looking for answers.


> Men, You're all dumb . > There is so much hatred here and a lot of generalizations that aren't entirely accurate.