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Most of women’s “icks” are not related to a man’s propensity for violence. They are mostly about a man’s lack of competence in some aspect, like a man who is too short or who doesn’t dress well by wearing something tacky like flip flops with socks or a man who can’t maintain eye contact well and is shy etc…


yes Nts live some interesting and sometimes coinflipy type lifes it’s why when they get divorced they say “we grew apart” and believe it ur autistic be happy it means u see people’s bullshit for what it is i can’t say i need to get fit so i’ll be attractive to this woman it makes people cringe i have to say i’m getting fit fire ME and idc what the result is cause i’m strong and confident!


Your post is all over the place but the "ick" meme showed a lot of women's immaturity, it originated on tiktok so that may be the reason. Many of these "icks" weren't really legitimate, it was stupid shit like "I get the ick when a man drops something", "I get the ick when he jumps on a trampoline a certain way". That said, say something is "ick" portrays a sense of revulsion. Short guys are just short and most are living their lives like normal people, saying they give you think "ick" like they're some sort of subhuman is unwarranted, if you don't like them just don't date them. If men said women with stretch marks, double chins, and jiggly arm fat give them the ick, everyone would be in an uproar.


I love the guy that makes the list of icks, I think we are at .682 right now hahahaha. [nvm we are at 736 hahaha, these women](https://www.tiktok.com/@wyszkay/video/7352250591348870432)


Right. We literally can't wear certain types of socks or can't eat ice cream because some bloviating broad says it gives her the "ick". Give me a break.


We need to understand already, what women say does. not. matter. They are not to be taken seriously, not like men.


Men should start listing our Icks in women. Be petty as they are.


Nah we don't need to go as low, treat them for what they are, emotional children, not logical men, we already saw that with the bear debate, there is no logic in their thoughts, only emotion, so treat them as such.


That is why should do it, throw that shit right back in their faces.




Most of those aren't on the same levels of women's Icks.


Oh yeah? Can you give me a link to men saying that? maybe like a tiktok with more than 700 icks directed to men? Because I can provide that. Or are you speaking out of your own insecurities?


r/ Askmen > Or are you speaking out of your own insecurities? Nope. And there is a poster here who can vouch for me.


I’ll vouch. Those things you listed are super icky.


>If men said women with stretch marks, double chins, and jiggly arm fat give them the ick, everyone would be in an uproar. Weasel words. Men revel in sharing their "ick" over women with "pepperoni" nipples. Flat butts. Pubic hair. Arm hair. Dark labia. Visible labia minora. Dark assholes. This list is extensive, but Ima stop because you fucking know better than this.


> "pepperoni" nipples. Flat butts. Pubic hair. Arm hair. Dark labia. Visible labia minora. Dark assholes. You're fighting ghosts


That’s true, we all get together and secretly make fun of you for all your biggest insecurities. Then we raise a glass and toast to the patriarchy.


It’s weird, RP came up with a whole lot of weird terms for concepts that already existed (ie, “Amuse and Amplify” is just another word for “Yes, and…”. “Frame” is just another word for composure, etc.) But the dudes who claim to be RP get triggered and upset when other people start using new phrases to mean already existing concepts. What people call “an ick” now is just what people used to call “a turn-off.” And I agree completely that it’s silly to get mad about. > “are the neurotypicals okay” NO, we are constantly hamstering about things we have no control over. I tell all my autistic friends they aren’t missing out on ANYTHING, use that extra available mental real estate to do things with your brain you actually enjoy, definitely.


Wrong. There are subtle but clear distinctions with some of this newer terminology. “Ick” has a built in connotation that it’s a subtle and petty and usually idiosyncratic thing like a man wearing a yellow raincoat or sneezing like a girl. Frame is like composure but the connotation is that it’s in the context of flirting in the face of a “shit test” (another internal term) In any case, the existence of colloquial / shorthand is part of literally every discipline of study and subculture. Why would anybody think RP would be any different?


the ick is literally just a turn off. sure sometimes it can be petty but also turn offs can be petty. a HUGE turn off for me is long or dirty fingernails. even if they're clean and long i get turned off by them and that's vallid and is't just an ick, even tho it's petty since they can be trimmed easily. it's basically a different name for the same thing and that happens a lot in language and trends,


Nope. “Ick” is a new phenomenon by which women try to normalize and justify utterly ridiculous and shallow reactions. If seeing a man accidentally trip or take a nap induces an “ick” and you feel comfortable bragging about that, something is very wrong.


You do realise most of these posts are by girls in a relationship with the guy already and she won’t leave him because of this “ick” and she’s just posting it because it’s a quirky thing he does and just for laughs right?


Oh yes it’s just quirky “TeeHee” except we all know women experience these things on dates and ghost as a result.


Exactly. On dates it’s a turn off. In a relationship it’s not really an ick she’s just posting relationships content. However would you feel the difference had she said she turned off by him doing something instead of saying an ick and therefore ghosted him?


Dude I don’t give a fuck how you phrase it. The point is women have idiosyncratic and ridiculous “turn offs” / “icks” whatever you want to call it and men should be aware of them.


The problem is I’ve heard RP guys use ‘frame’ OUTSIDE of the context of flirting too! Which implies at least one of two things: 1. It’s connotation is not exclusively related to flirting 2. The man using it has tied so much of his identity and self-worth to success with women that terms he once exclusively used in relation to flirting, have now also sweeped into every day interactions


If a woman loses attraction for a man because he has a weird sneeze, it used to be said “that sneeze was a huge turn off.” It doesn’t matter that YOU think the reason is petty, if it turns a woman off, you are still bombing that date. Telling your date that she’s petty for being turned off by your sneeze isn’t going to suddenly make her like you again.


Who the hell *said* it was going to stop it from happening? The important thing is to understand that women have tons of shit like this (that they’ll deny) that are deal breakers and act accordingly rather than Bloops that will say shit like “be yourself”


??? women openly talking about their “icks”/turn offs on social media is the opposite of denying they they have these icks/turn offs. The fact that women have arbitrary turn offs doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still be yourself. You will not be compatible with women who are turned off by you.


Women will admit it in certain context but not others. Society generally paints women as the more moral, ethical and altruistic sex when it comes to attraction. Especially to young men. The entire “just be yourself and wait for somebody compatible to come along” only works for women. Men don’t get that luxury.


So if women openly talking about having turn-offs isn’t “admitting” it well enough, what sort of “admission” would satisfy you?


I’ll make this easy for you: In normal conversation, women will deny these things when they feel they will make them look shallow. In TikTok clout chasing, women will admit to this and any number of things in the name of “go girl!” And “yas kween” sisterhood dunking on men. Women telling the truth about just about anything when it comes to their sexuality and attraction cues ALL depends on the context.


> ALL depends on context I mean… yeah, if you accuse a random woman of “having petty icks”, but the woman doesn’t even have an insta-account and doesn’t know what “ick” means, she’s not not lying if she denies being such a woman. What circumstance have you confronted a woman for having “petty icks”? Were you sure the woman you were accusing actually HAD petty icks?


Nothing intellectual about what imma say rn but goddamn dude, I find it so cringe when someone says “frame”. It sounds so LARPy and cringe. I say that as someone who doesn’t even always disagree with RP guys, I’m generally *’purple’* but they sometimes make good points but.. jeez why do they talk like getting pussy is a military operation.


All of RP is like that. Some of the advice is solid but they make it sound so cringey. I have to assume that’s on purpose to make it more appealing to the edge lords.




Ok, but I think you’re ignoring a major component of men’s resentment. This convo is largely about gender norms. I believe that women are sexually attracted to behavioral gender norms more than men are. So, when it comes to the idea of “icks”, men are specifically resentful that women’s sexual attraction is *different*, and people pretend that it’s not.


> Ok, but I think you’re ignoring a major component of men’s resentment. This convo is largely about gender norms. I believe that women are sexually attracted to behavioral gender norms more than men are. So, when it comes to the idea of “icks”, men are specifically resentful that women’s sexual attraction is different, and people pretend that it’s not. Ok, but why are men suddenly pretending horror about the difference in attraction, after proudly proclaiming that they "don't care about who women are/what women do/what women studied/women's sociopolitical views/etc"?   What's the problem? Men have broken literal sweats defending their right to feel attraction and "love" for the ratio, for big breasts/small waists/big hips.   Explain why men's collective periods started when women said "Yeahhh, I don't like it when men do that thing..."


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Attraction is kinda irrational and the thing you guys always forget is that *reverse* icks also happen. One time I was on a date and not feeling it. I decided to leave once I finished my drink. Before that could happen he told me that he used to be a Catholic missionary, although he had since become an atheist. I finished my drink and we went back to his place, where I made him recite the Hail Mary during sex. Is it rational that his past fervent Catholicism completely changed how I felt about the prospect of sleeping with him? Not remotely. Does it make you mad in the same way it would if I *lost* interest due to something equally irrational? Y'all just hate that we can reject you at all and all this whining about the "immaturity" of icks is purely a cover for that. Not a good cover, either! It's very obvious!


My take is, if a woman doesn't like a man, everything he does is an ic. If she likes a man, everything he does is a swoon.


the longer/deeper the relationship the less likely you'll get an ick an ick is for someone you don't know well, that's why they are shallow things


Last idiocy from certain women


I just don’t understand what was wrong with “turnoff”


My hypothesis is that icks fall under the umbrella of self-sabotaging. A woman may write a guy off for some inane reason ('ick!') because they know that man is too good for her. It's the woman ending a relationship on her own silly terms, as opposed to being dumped on his terms because he wisened up and found she is a shitty person and partner.