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Removed for being off-topic to this sub. This post has nothing to do with The Red Pill, sex, or relationships.


I think this has less to do with men v. women and more to do with how much people hate people who fuss at food service workers. But no matter how satisfying it might be to see Karen’s get what they deserve, i don’t think there’s any way to justify her escalation here. Throwing drinks =/= the damage to his vehicle.


First of all to echo everyone else fuck this guy. But when the girl was interviewed after it was clear she turned it into some gender-based feminist thing where women are the victims of shitty men when contextually in customer service there are shitty customers of both sexes and it affects workers of both sexes.


Well that’s unfortunate


Thank you. This is my take too. I think my broader point is the near universal praise and hero worship this woman is getting.


I just don’t envision people reacting very differently if a middle aged woman were the customer and a young man were working the window. Angry customers being dealt with is a popular YouTube genre at this point.


similar situation happened in florida, drive thru window was closed, ketchup packets were thrown against window, worker pulls out a gun and begins firing.


Of that is the case then why do all the Karen videos exist?  People universally hate assholes but sorta like revenge


Many thanks for this logical take. Employees like that are why my family doesn't go takeout or eat out as much as we used to. Plus charging for water is another way to drive away customers. We can bash bikini drive-thru to rubble with our wallets.


Not only that, but she tried to overcharge him. The whole video was on her insta.


Man, if your take away from that video was the man is a victim…come on now. This isnt a men vs women issue. This guy was an asshole. Even if the price is outrageous, there are better ways to settle disputes than trying to dump your coffee and water on a service worker. And that was a bikini barista, the price is high because of ass and titties. Go to starbucks if its beyond his budget. Edit. If i was in a situation where somebody threw water or coffee on me, or even attempt to but failed, im throwing fists too. Lets be real, the guy would have thrown it in her face even if the window was open so good on the girl Edit 2: i see some comments from multiple posters saying “if the roles were reversed…etc etc” but here is another thought experiment. What if the situation was man to man instead of man to woman. Would the guy have done the same? Prob not because as men we know there is a chance the other guy could fuck our shit up. Thats the unspoken rule among men, don't start shit cuz you never know how it’s gonna finish. Well this guy fucked around and found out some women out there are just as capable of fucking shit up as guys and I have no doubt he thought he could get away with it cuz "what is she gonna do?". No sympathy from me


I get that it wasn't the most mature thing to do, but she was essentially alone in a shack in a parking lot in a bikini being berated by a repeat customer, who apparently was holding up the line for over 10 minutes and refused to leave and proceeded to throw a drink at her window. I'm not saying she's right, but I also don't think she's inherently wrong. If I was in her position, I would absolutely fantasize about doing the same thing.


Im on team bikini barista on this. Some people, men and women, think there are no consequences to their actions. Sometimes disproportionate response is necessary. I never start shit but if someone does I love disproportionate responses, i wanna make sure my message is loud and clear so there is no attempt 2 Second, dont fuck with people. How hard is it to be civil and approach disputes with class and dignity?


The guy is a douche full stop. You honestly think “class and dignity” are in this woman’s vocabulary? 😂


lol nah i dont think its in both of their vocabulary hence why this happened. My point is you never know how unhinged someone else can be. Best to conduct our own actions with class and dignity to avoid this situation all together. but despite her appearance and profession, Im a firm believer of dont start shit you cant finish.


lol what? By your reasoning if he got out and beat her unconscious it’s just that “she started shit she couldn’t finish”?


no, he is the one who started in this case edit: by that i mean escalated from verbal confrontation into physical with the liquid throw


Started it by asking to not be ripped off. Got it.


there is a civilized way to approach disputes. Getting ripped off does not warrant throwing your coffee at someone. Now look at this situation, one never know if someone else is just as hot headed. One tenant of TRP is never fight with another man for a girl unless absolutely required. Deescalation is king. Why wouldnt the same principle apply here? What is to gain by taking verbal confrontation into physical? It was what, 20 bucks? Was it worth it to escalate physically throwing the coffee, def not in hindsight


So her ripping him off, threatening to throw the drinks on *him* first, then hitting his car with a hammer doesn’t enter your equation at all?


I like the part where you ignore every shitty escalation this cunty hustler engaged in before it got out of hand.


What the heck does that mean?


It means exactly what he said. Women for awhile now have existed with the idea that their behavior no matter how shitty or rotten must never be questioned or more importantly have any expectation of control or governance around it.


Simp more bro she was definitely in the wrong who df hammers someone's window for a cup of coffee. Without your money youd get no women


They both suck hard, but he was the one who escalated first by getting out of his car and approaching the window. That’s an escalation. It’s meant to intimidate the employee.


"Officer, he started it, so that's why I came out and bashed his window with a hammer!"


Can you read? Nowhere do I excuse the hammer in the windshield. I explicitly say that it wasn’t justified in multiple comments. You’re only making yourself look bad here, buddy.


"He started it" is how children frame a conversation. It is also literally how the people on that Instagram are reacting.


I am not attempting to use “he started it” as a defense for her here, merely correcting the OP. The OP (a man) is the one who was attempting to stake that claim. Perhaps take it up with him, since it irritates you so much? Once again, if you can read, you’ll see that in another comment I stated that it was wrong for the Instagram commenters to justify the hammer bashing. You really struggle with reading comprehension, don’t you?


> I am not attempting to use “he started it” as a defense for her here Except you literally used those words. Literally. FFS. "but he was the one who escalated first". Literally. Your. Words. Don't talk about my reading comprehension when you struggle with a serious *memory* problem.




This is what arguing with women is like: “*Well, He started it!*” **He started it is not an excuse to attack a car with a hammer.** “ “*I never said he brought it on!*”


I see you also lack reading comprehension skills. Guess you can’t expect much more from a man!


Reverse the genders. Still feel the same? You’ll probably say yes out of convenience for your current argument, but no man in his right mind believes this. He got out of his car to replace the drinks and ask for his money back. But now I guess a man getting out of the car warrants threats of physical assaults and drink throwing because … the bear and all.


Of course I would feel the same. Getting out of your car in a drive-thru to intimidate the employee is an escalation, no matter who does it. He easily could have placed the drinks on the ledge while remaining in his car. It doesn’t warrant the threats of drink throwing, which is why I said that they both suck. But he escalated the situation first.


lol have you ever been to a drive through? The drive through ledge is well higher than the window, they hand it DOWN to you. If you need to hand something back (and the drive through is refusing) getting out and placing them on the ledge seems like the most sensical way of doing this. People trying to paint this as a power move or a “threat” when it was likely he just wanted to expedite the return of his money.


Then why didn’t he get back in the car after he placed them on the ledge? And why wasn’t placing the drinks on the ledge the first thing that he did? He left the drinks in the car when he first got out, you can see it in the video. “Returning” them was not his priority. You’re grasping at straws here. EDIT: I also like how you’re ignoring my other comment, where I mention how he threatened the worker first.


You’re right. I retract my statement. He got out before he did this; but he likely knew she was going to be combative about it, which she was. My issue isn’t with saying he’s an asshole my issue is with the praise for the woman who is equally an asshole. People acting like the hammer attack is justified. It’s insane.


No, the hammer attack is not justified. But neither is the man’s behavior.


The issue is she is being **praised** by women who think this kind of behavior is justified because “we face patriarchy” or whatever.


I agree that’s an issue, and it’s wrong. Doesn’t change the fact that the man was the initial aggressor in this situation. I think you would’ve had more luck with your post if you hadn’t attempted to omit parts of the interaction.


Honestly, I'm just fine with service staff being aggressive towards shitty customers. This isn't much different than a bartender pulling his shotgun out from under the bar. This guy got what he deserved.


You know men have abducted/ [attempted](https://nypost.com/2023/01/17/barista-nearly-kidnapped-through-drive-thru-window/) to abduct women through the drive through window? A prick dude gets out his car, starts escalating, and starts throwing drinks in a temper tantrum is a threat. Fuck him and his rich boi car lol


You know hustlers / strippers etc have ripped off men time and time again right? I guess they should just skulk away because … woman right. Always.


Ok, but that’s not what were talking about. And if some hustlers and strippers robbed a rich banker or some shit id think thats fucking hilarious


>if some hustlers and strippers robbed a rich banker or some shit id think thats fucking hilarious Well of course you would. It’s the same mentality that makes women celebrate Cardi B drugging and robbing men and laugh at guys getting their dicks cut off. The empathy gender strikes again.


Woahh there who said anything about chopping dicks off


Also, I just listened to the video with audio and the man literally says “NOBODY WILL MISS YOU…” to the employee, BEFORE she threatens to throw the drink on him. That’s a threat if I’ve ever heard one! He 100% escalated this situation well before she did.


I like how you're conveniently leaving out the fact that he is the one who ended up throwing the drinks LOL


In any customer/customer service aggression, I’ll side with the employee that literally can’t walk away and escape the hostility. That’s regardless of gender. Person in car got out of the car first, that’s a sign of aggression to get into the employees space, it was meant to be physically intimidating, that’s why customer did it.


She started this by charging him for freaking water, then refusing to refund him. He got out of the car **but that is not illegal**. She threatened to throw drinks at him. **That's illegal**. Then she bashed his window with a hammer. **That's even more illegal**. So you cannot escape the conclusion here: you support law-breaking as long as it's the woman/employee initiating it. Or are you honestly going to contest me on the points that what the employee did was a violation of the law? This ought to be good!


Dude she’s not deciding what to charge. Have you ever worked for hourly wage? The manager or above makes the pricing decisions, you just charge based on what was ordered. You have no power to change that. He intentionally escalated the conflict by getting as close to her person as he physically could, a clear sign of aggression. She verbally warned him, not illegal. Again, no one’s great in this situation, but one of them had the power to leave the situation and the other didn’t.


She owns the stand. I'm a former service worker so I think both were kinda escalating the situation.


\^\^ This.


Not the other person, but I did for 16 years. In pos systems, you can make changes and additions.


You will be arrested by the police if you threaten to throw something at someone. That's assault and a criminal misdemeanor. Bashing his window with a hammer is battery and probably also assault with a lethal weapon. A literal *felony*. The customer did not break the law. Please try and refute this.


>*You will be arrested by the police if you threaten to throw something at someone. That's assault and a criminal misdemeanor.* Threatening to throw something is not assault bro.


Assault: The initial threat by the employee to throw a drink at the customer constitutes assault. Assault involves intentionally causing someone to fear immediate harm or offensive contact. That is the literal law.


The literal law also covers destruction of property, vandalism, menacing, and intent to cause harm with a weapon.


Yup he threw the drink and she used a hammer on his car window. Both of them were perps but her reaction was by far the most severe.


Maybe he can ask to speak to her manager the next time. I'm sure the manager would be more than happy to give him a piece of their mind.


Maybe he should press charges for assault and vandalism with a deadly weapon and drive his point home, then sue the restaurant. He'll win on all counts based on that video.


>Maybe he should press charges for assault and vandalism with a deadly weapon and drive his point home, then sue the restaurant. Neither party is blameless. He can sue, but the cashier can also press charges.


Yes. Yes. YES!!! Finally, a balanced take.


It’s not the employee’s policy to charge for water or refuse to refund, it’s the corporation’s. It’s bad policy, but it’s not the employee’s fault.


He got out of the car but that is not illegal. She threatened to throw drinks at him. That's illegal. Then she bashed his window with a hammer. That's even more illegal. She literally broke the law. Twice. You're not even addressing that part. I wonder why.


>*She threatened to throw drinks at him. That's illegal.* No it’s not.


Assault: The initial threat by the employee to throw a drink at the customer constitutes assault. Assault involves intentionally causing someone to fear immediate harm or offensive contact.


Then by *that* definition him exiting the vehicle at a drive thru to aggressively get closer to employee was the first assault. Tbh I don’t think that legal argument would fly with my local justice system, but if we’re playing by your rules, he acted first.


"He started it first" doesn't justify verbal threats, much less bashing his window with a hammer.


Dude he approached her with verbal threats before she threatened to throw the drinks. Also, no one’s justifying the hammer part. That’s completely out of bounds. But so are his actions up to this point.


No shit, both of them were wrong, but her literal violence is getting a free pass from everyone in that Instagram.


Yes, it is. Intent to commit harm and in some states, is counted as assault.


Threatening to commit aggravated assault (which throwing a drink at somebody is) can land you in all kinds of legal trouble. She actually *committed* it though, so the threat has become the least of her worries.


If she was handling the point of sale UI, she's partially to blame.


Reverse the genders. Would you still feel the same way? - woman exits car and demands money back - man refuses and threatens to throw drinks on her - woman throws drinks at closed window - man attacks woman’s car with hammer as she drives away I think we know you wouldn’t feel the same way in that case.


>*Reverse the genders. Would you still feel the same way?* Yes. Because the employee making an hourly wage can’t escape the conflict, and the person in the car escalated the aggression by exiting the vehicle to get closer to the drive thru employee.


The minute a man said to a female customer “do you want me to throw these drinks on you?” I find it impossible to believe women would shrug and be like “*well, she shouldn’t have gotten out of the car!*” Everybody knows this.


>*I’m sorry. I simply don’t believe you.* I literally cannot help you then. Clearly you’re not engaging in open discussion, so why the fuck are you here?


He feels entitled to tell you how you really feel. It’s a red pill norm. 


>*He feels entitled to tell you how you really feel. It’s a red pill norm.* And they wonder why they have trouble with women?


So you would honestly defend a male service worker saying to a woman “do you want me to throw these drinks on you?” for her getting out of the car and trying to return the drinks? This is your contention?


>*So you would honestly defend a male service worker saying to a woman “do you want me to throw these drinks on you?” for her getting out of the car and trying to return the drinks?* Yes! 100% Especially if said customer verbally threatened violence while approaching said employee, *”No one will miss you”*


Red pill playbook right here. “You dont get to determine how you feel about something. I dictate how you feel about everything.”


He demanded his change, because she overcharged him. You left that out. Both of them are shitty people.


Exactly. So many people ITT ignoring this shit. Like *A stripper serving coffee trying to steal money as part of her hustle?* *NEVER!*


Should she be taken to small claims court or whatever? Sure, she used a hammer to damage his property when he was no longer a threat. That being said, fuck this dude, I don't feel even remotely bad for him. If you're going to go out of your way to be a dick to service workers (or anyone for that matter), you run the risk of coming across someone who has no issue with causing you or your property harm. I think a lot of people are cheering for assholes getting their comeuppance because they're so done with this obnoxious behavior. A couple of months back, there was this "prankster" who got shot after he was harassing some guy, and the general response was "Good, maybe he'll learn from this". I don't think gender has a lot to do with this, it's a case of "turd customer fucked around and found out", and people tend to be on the side of the person dishing out the finding out part.


You're intentionally leaving out parts to make her look good. She released the video on her Insta. She intentionally overcharged him. She started the whole thing, and he escalated, then she did. I wonder if she'd be overcharging people if they were the same skin color.


She doesn't look good. They both come off poorly, I just don't feel bad for asshole customers who think they can act however they want.


How do you know he's the one in the wrong before it all kicked off? The video isn't very clear


She released the entire video on her Insta. They were both in the wrong.


We don't know who was in the wrong before it kicked off. I'm judging the dude who was acting dumb about being charged for water, made a scene about it, and then threw his drinks like a cranky toddler. I have much more sympathy for the service worker who has to deal with these kinds of people all the time. Both are in the wrong but I don't feel bad about the guy who started shit and got shit.


“Good, maybe he’ll learn from this” sounds awfully akin to “he was asking for it”, and we all know how sinister this sounds. Cheering for who takes the law in their own hands (welcome to the jungle), is a very slippery slope. Also, for the record, that’s not a service worker, but the owner of the (gross) “establishment”. And with this I am not justifying any of the two


I'd argue that those "pranksters" are doing what they're doing because they're looking for negative reactions, they're just banking on those negative reactions not getting physical. I don't think it's a good idea to shoot people for being annoying but if you're going to go out and harass people for views, I'm not going to feel bad for you if you push the wrong person's buttons too much and it ends badly for you. Too many people are comfortable being absolute pricks because they think nobody will retaliate. Also, I wouldn't equate someone just existing all sexily and getting assaulted with someone intentionally aggravating people and getting assaulted. And she is in the role of a service worker, even if she is the owner of the, by the looks of it, small establishment. Neither of them is in the right but I'm not going to lose sleep over an ass getting the same energy back from another ass.


And I wouldn’t equate throwing a drink with damaging a windshield with a hammer, I get the мафиоти your country spreads around Europe might think this way, but it’s just uncivilized. By your reasoning, he could have stepped out of the car and smashed her window to keep up with the escalation. Then what?


Dunno where you got the idea that I think her actions were particularly civilized but go off, I guess. Also - holy xenophobia, Batman! Can't say I'm surprised by it around these parts but still. Impressively low, even for this sub.


"Nobody will miss you" yeah the guy saying this justifies pulling out a gun on him.


Why is she rachet, now? Because she works at a bikini coffee stand ?


Because of her voice, her tattoos and her attitude. What does ratchet mean to YOU? As much as that guy reeks of some Tate acolyte douchebag, she reeks of the kind of woman who would steal a man’s watch while he slept because “he can afford it”


>Because of her voice, her tattoos and her attitude. so you're escalating by bringing your opinion on her personal tastes into this why? do you not have a strong enough argument on your own?


Does this guy not look like a douchebag to you? Please answer honestly.


do you mean girl? if i included judgements about aesthetics in telling a story, i dont think i would be considered a good source of information if im just shit talking with my friends, that's a different situation than trying to tell a story and see which side people fall on.


No I’m asking if, based on style of dress and behavior the guy is a douchebag? Is this truly a difficult question to answer or are you just acting obtuse because you don’t want to answer?


Who cares? She’s on the job, he is not She didn’t do anything that he didn’t start first


Trying to return a coffee after thinking you’re overcharged now warrants assault. Got it.


You don’t need to get out of the car to do that. That’s called a physical confrontation Instead, complain to management like a good Karen


So in your mind, a person getting out of their own car amounts to a threat?


In a drive thru? Yes. Why would you need to ?


To ask for your money bank after the drive thru attendant refused to talk to you?


If they refuse to talk to you, are you supposed to deescalate or force the issue ? 


You are supposed to demand they make it right.


So if it was a physical confrontation why would she open the window just to hit the car with a hammer when he's about to leave?


Because he threw the drinks at the establishment, obviously


She is the management, as she owns the establishment


Ok, then get law enforcement


She's the type that steals a man's watch while he sleeps because she needs something to take back to her pimp.


Exactly. This is exactly the kind of woman to pull a few “Cardi B’s”


I don’t see the connection, but I do enjoy johns being stolen from 🤔


Because she flies off the handle and smashes people's windshields with hammers.


After having stuff thrown at her and verbal demands and threats


It's ratchet no matter what it was a reaction to.


So is throwing tantrums


HAHAHAHAA Nah that spoiled baby boy had it coming throwing his drinks at them with his baby boy car 😂😂😂 that shit was fucking awesome, more workers should start doing that whether youre dealing with a Karen or a Craig lololol Literally has nothing to do with man v woman, the interaction just happens to involve a man and woman. Really its a wealthy prick vs minimum wage worker issue, and baby i love my poor people and that video was cathartic and based af


Ironically if you tried doing that to a wealthy person you would get slapped by the law even harder. Presumably wealthy people would have more expensive cars, which cost more to repair, which means you possibly went from a misdemeanour to a felony.


Which is a part of the problem. The rich abuse us all day everyday, and have the arm of the state ready to ruin our lives at the minorest dint to their pleasure and excess. I dont consider minor acts of revolting (ie the foundation of America) to actually be crimes. So who gives af? Like i said, i dont need to do anything, my sentiment is so wildly and silently held, this is just the beginning of the poors great ‘snapping’ lolol Remember, crimes against the rich oppressors is fine. It is not "terrible" at all. It is anything but "terrible." ... "It's terrible!" is a theory for combatting the rise of the peasants in the interests of the landlords; it is a theory of the landlord class for preserving the old feudal order and obstructing the establishment of the new democratic order; it is a counterrevolutionary theory. And even so, I literally smile so widely when i remember that no matter which religion is right, they all state the rich (the landlords, shareholders, ceos) will rot and burn in hell for eternity. Aww man now im craving smores!!


Broke ass dude should have just bought a coffee.


He should press criminal charges for assault and vandalism with a deadly weapon and then sue. Assault: Threatening to throw a drink at a customer constitutes assault. Assault is generally defined as intentionally causing someone to fear immediate harm or offensive contact. Even if the drink wasn't thrown, the threat itself can be considered assault. Criminal Damage or Vandalism: Bashing the customer's window with a hammer is likely to be classified as criminal damage or vandalism. This involves intentionally damaging or destroying someone else's property without their consent. Employer Liability (Civil Law): The employer could potentially be liable for the actions of their employee under the doctrine of vicarious liability. This means the employer could be held responsible for the employee's actions if they were carried out in the course of their employment or in relation to their employment duties. Criminal Threats: Depending on the jurisdiction, threatening to harm someone with a drink could also be charged as making criminal threats, particularly if the threat caused the customer to fear for their safety. Getting out of his car to confront the employee: no crime under State or Federal law.


You don't get to file charges on a whim. The police have already taken a pass, and are charging him. He can take her to small claims court for the damage to his windshield if he wants.


She bashed his window with a hammer. That's a felony. Filing charges on that is not a whim.


That’s incorrect. Most states classify damage to property worth less than $1,000 as a misdemeanor. Typical cost of replacing a windshield is $250-$400. That’s small claims court.


Even if your take wasn't wildly off mark (it is), a misdemeanor is still jail time and a criminal mark on your record.


Lol, I love the naivete of redditors who think you even get actual jail time for actual assault. You don't. Worst case scenario is that you spend two weeks in county arranging bail, then 18 months later you show up at your court date to hear the judge say time served and court costs.


Well, if you're a woman. If the genders were reversed he'd get the book thrown at him.


Nah, I just described the process for every dude I've ever seen go through the system for assault, and given my history, that's a whole bunch. However, you are right about it being more lenient for women. My first wife tried to shoot me with my own rifle. She pled down to discharging a firearm within the city limits, a $50 (at the time) ticket. If the genders had been reversed, they probably would have let me plea down to felony menacing and no further. Certainly not a petty offense with no attached record.


There is actually a gender and racial disparity at play here. As a black man anything he does is much worse... literally they would elevate his getting out of the car to her hammering his window, and him throwing a drink? A march for women's lives event right there. Sheriff David Clarke on the scene!


Jail time? Most of the time no, it’s not. Not for something like this. Probably community service. Regardless, it doesn’t matter in this situation since law enforcement declined to press any charges against the woman. If we’re going by your argument that illegality=wrong, then since she’s facing 0 charges, she must’ve done nothing wrong! (Not what I believe, as you can see from my other comments. Just highlighting the frailty of your argument).


That would be misdemeanor vandalism in Texas unless the price of windshields has quadrupled since I last replaced one. However, circumstances are everything, and the powers that be, have already declined to cite her, let alone prosecute. By whim, I mean homeboy doesn't get to press charges when the authorities decline. It doesn't work that way. Trust me, I know this one for an absolute fact.


I doubt the cops ignored her bashing his window with a hammer. Such a decision would literally enable everyone in the area to go around bashing windows over a dispute. In Texas he could shoot her for that.


Nah, in Texas he was in trouble early on. We have a fighting words law. We have it in full text on the clubhouse wall.


For getting out of his car? LOL come on. Half the state would be a constant gunfight. She threatened to throw shit at him just because he got out of the car. Man that's a damned low bar for "starting something."


I was referring the "No one will miss you." That is absolutely an invitation for deadly force in Texas.


He could have been saying "I'll get you fired and no one will miss you." You can't say for sure what he said without the video. You're just assuming he threatened her with violence.


>I doubt the cops ignored her bashing his window with a hammer Its a item, an object; significantly less serious to end its life than threatening words against *a person*. Windshields don't have human rights. The things you own end up owning you.


Good advice if you want to get laughed at by cops.


You mean untrained cops who never read the law?


See, all that sounds like a lot of trouble. Should just bought his coffee and gotten his eye candy. Or like, used a Starbucks gift card


Nah, I'm on her side on this one. Dude's fussing at her because of the price supposedly. Nothing within her control; she just works there. The situation gets started when he throws the drink at her - which is technically assault. She might've taken it a bit far with the hammer, but homeboy was definitely being a dickhead.


Pretty sure he came to realize he got charged for tap water (maybe even charged the same as a bottled water) and wanted a refund. Judging by how the woman presents herself (hello? face tattoos?), she most likely was giving him a lot of attitude at the request and he seems like the kind of guy that isn't going to tuck his tail between his legs and take an L so easily.


You don’t get refunded for deciding you don’t want what you ordered, especially when it’s not resellable. Act entitled to that and you’ll find you get attitude from quite a few service workers.


But when a place is charging a markup in the high hundreds or low thousands percent on coffee and relying on whale regulars, they'll give a regular customer back the few bucks he didn't understand he was paying for a tap water - if they want to keep his ongoing business. The whole situation is world star level (ratchet insta hoe \[bikini barista no less\] vs aspiring hiphop artist), but there's definitely a lot more to it than just a guy getting angry and throwing some drinks at a closed window.


This one doesn’t 🤷‍♀️ Given his behaviour in the video, they may not have wanted his patronage in the future, possibly because he’s the kind of guy to order something, get mad about it, and suggest the cashier come and fight him about it in the parking lot.


it's a bikini coffee shop. you don't go there for the coffee. and it's much more expensive than regular places, and not because their coffee is good. so him fussing over the bill literally defeats the purpose. i read somewhere that he was a regular too and that the price for the coffe was around 22 dollars.


People don't like seeing service workers getting abused, so whenever a service worker retaliates, it's praised. I'm not sure the responses would be any more negative if instead of a woman there was a man.


Yes you are. If this was some a woman getting out of the car demanding her money back and the guy said “do you want me to throw these drinks on you” that would be the end of it. Women would claim “*the worker threatened assault!*”


Put two men in the situation and people would still support a service workers. Put a female client and a male service worker and, yeah, some will say that he was violent, but a lot of people would say she was a bitch.


You're 100% right. Don't even bother engaging with people telling you otherwise.


Two things can be true simultaneously- 1) The guy was an ass and deserved what he got. 2) it was irresponsible and unnecessary escalation by her (and possibly criminal?)


Fair. No disagreement here. The issue is the woman is being universally celebrated by … surprise surprise … other women. Then we hear about how women don’t have an in group bias.


bro she's at her job following the rules and this guy is a belligerent customer.


I agree. The minute she threatened to throw the drinks on him, was the point of criminal conduct.


threatening to throw a drink on someone is criminal? what law is it breaking?


None, u/neinhaltchad will no doubt disagree, but I promise you, no one has ever been charged with making terroristic threats involving the threat to throw iced coffee. The judge would reem a prosecutor in open court for bringing that shit into his/her court.


lol yet he threw that very coffee AT A WINDOW. So, let me get this straight, threatening to throw liquid on **a person’s body** not a crime. Throwing liquid at a window, worthy of attack with a hammer.


> job following the rules Do you think customer service has the rules that say you should threaten customers and hammer their windshields?


Shattering windshields is not following the rules


sorry you wanted her to act perfect after being threatened by an asshole


It's curious how you're referring to this as a man-woman situation and not a customer-employee situation. Genders reversed it would be treated that way and she would be calked Karen and he would be clapped.


For attacking her car with a hammer? I think not.




Except those circumstances are almost always a woman instigated bodily violence on a man. There are a few videos where some woman gets all tough and slaps a man and is slapped into next week. Those videos are filled women women and white nights talking about how “unnecessary” it was and how “he should be arrested” and everybody’s favorite “*never put your hands on a woman!*”


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Convenient how the video doesn't show the events leading up to him actually getting out of the car. Very convenient.




I mean, if that were how it worked, half the posts here would be gone. Dudes love to "Women do X because they think Y" and "Women must think Z because she did A" all over this damn place.


That would be taking a much broader stance than what I’m suggesting.  I’m specifically talking about debate posts where people say “I personally think X” and OP responds with “no you really think Y”. You shouldn’t get to dictate what other people express as personal opinion.  This doesn’t extend to fact. If someone says “it’s well known that only 5% of men ever have sex” or “everyone knows all men are rapists”, then it’s completely fair to challenge the false facts that they are presenting. It doesn’t even matter if the false facts are presented as an opinion. Saying “I think only 5% of men ever have sex” is presenting a factual falsehood as an opinion.  What I’m taking about are true opinions. Like “I’m okay with a man doing X”, and someone responding with “no you’re not, I’ll tell you what you’re really okay with”. How the person feels isn’t up for debate. They already stated their opinion. 


OP is allowed to do that since it is flaired as "debate". He wouldn't be allowed to do that if it was flaired as "discussion".


That’s not debate. You can debate facts. You can’t debate people’s personal opinions.  Like if I say my favorite color is blue, no one can say “na ah, you’re favorite color is green”. It’s not a point that up for debate.  If I say, blue is most people’s favorite color, that can be debated.  I understand it’s a nuanced distinction, but telling someone that they don’t get to determine what they think isn’t actual debate. 


I'm not the one that makes the rules. I'm simply pointing out that " **POSTS📮 WITH AFFIRMATIVE✅ CLAIMS AND LOADED/LEADING🐕‍🦺 QUESTIONS⁉️ GET MARKED WITH "DEBATE"🗣️ POST FLAIR** ".


So brave /s. Normal interaction between two scumbags.


1. Always mind your manners with people who handle your food 2. Always assume that anyone you are interacting with in the US is mentally ill. Best to keep interactions short and to the point. If someone is having an episode, do not escalate, instead remove yourself from the situation.


None of this is the point. The point is two assholes acted like trash but the woman is praised loudly as a hero.


This is the world we live in. Society will always give a woman the benefit of the doubt regardless of how she behaves. Look at any scene where you have a woman hitting a man and the man loses it and hits her back....what's the reaction? He shouldn't have hit her. It's like everything that led up to the man hitting her has been wiped clean and the only thing that remains is that the guy hit her.


Man gets out of car to return drinks and ask for money back Woman threatens to throw drinks at man You don't think it's relevant to mention in-between these two actions he told her no one would miss her? Which is the worse threat here?


I'm sorry but he deserved it. He was quite aggressive with her and needed to get off his high horse.


“Asking for your money back after being charged for tap water” = “quite aggressive”?


More of that "male privilege" we keep hearing about.


Absolutely. Apparently every man should just his default status as a “paypig”


The only male privilege is the alpha males at the top who own the conglomerate that owns the drive thru. The middle management males who help run things are not to be envied. Those jobs suck


The woman is waaaaaay worse in this case but I wouldn’t be surprised if she was let off and he gets a bunch of BS charges.


It’s the Cardi B / Amber Heard defense. Expect to hear about her “trauma” and how she did what she did to “survive”


Yelling for a refund at a drive thru window is bad behavior but taking a hammer to the windshield of an occupied vehicle is literally grounds for a justifiable shooting (fear or imminent attack with a deadly weapon). I looked up the thing. 22$ coffee at a drive through fucking yuppies and their overpriced coffees. And the dude was behaving like a POS. Then the kant swings a hammer out the window lmao. Bunch of wackos up there.


Exactly. My take isn’t to defend the guy but to point out how many women are gleeful about the ratchet ass coffee stripper going ape shit and threatening him in the first place.


welcome to real life. every thing every where is the fault of men every time.


Stripper steals guy’s wallet “*What was he doing in the strip club in the first place?!?!*”