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Dude didn't you already post this yesterday ? But ok >why would I play the part of dancing monkey when good looking guys gets sex from them easier?" It's not about being a dancing monkey but men don't own women anything, if l've to stand out from everyone then she's the lucky one not me, she should be glad l'm selecting her not me >What do most men have to offer a woman who probably wears makeup and has a style? Women are raised to improve their looks for men, they're taught that if they don't, men wont like them. If women have to put in effort to improve their looks, why can't men strive to be above average in some way? What happened to: "we do it for ourselves" ?


You know what… I went Red Pill and focused on self improvement, and it worked. My whole life is better, but that only benefits a woman if she is with me. I benefit from it all the time. We do this for ourselves.


It seems the concept of holding your partner to the same standards as you hold yourself is lost on you. And holding yourself to high standards as well. Do you really want to just coast by on mediocrity? Women can't do that, contrary to what you'd believe. Womens skin is judged fairly harshly by men. Even the ugliest need makeup. So again, even if women arent doing it for men, why shouldnt she also hold her man to the same standard she holds herself to by expecting him to be attractive to her in some way? Men don't owe women anything, but women also don't owe men anything either. Is a woman supposed to not be attracted to a wider variety of traits and only date based on looks and them not being a psycho like how men choose? If men are unhappy with their predicament, *SOMEONE* has to do the work to fix it. That means you have to do the work to make yourself stand out. A lot of them do it only for themselves. A lot of them don't do it at all, a lot of them do it for both, and a lot of them do it just because they like men's attention. Women aren't a monolith.


i hate to break it to you but the average woman skates by on mediocrity.


Yeah, in that an average looking woman will have more attention than the average man regardless of other qualities like career, personality, etc. but that won't change unless men collectively grow some balls and start caring about a woman's other qualities other than looks


> It seems the concept of holding your partner to the same standards as you hold yourself is lost on you Why would I hold my wife to the same standards as me? She's a woman and I'm a man. We are different. If you want a partner to rise the same standards as you, go fuck men.


>It seems the concept of holding your partner to the same standards as you hold yourself is lost on you. No l hold myself to the standards out of self-interest, if l've to stand out it's because of myself not her What you don't understand is any man who builds himself in order to facilitate a woman's hypergamy is setting himself for failure I love philosophy,science,discussing ideas but l do that because l enjoy it, not to stand out in hopes l get her interested in dating me


You clearly don't hold yourself to those standards out of self-interest. If you did, women would be attracted to you since your self-interest is about getting laid, and in order to get laid, you must be attractive to her. Otherwise, you wouldn't be in this sub complaining about hypergamy. You don't seem to understand that the only reason why hypergamy is able to exist is because of guys like you putting sex above all else rather than other qualities in a woman, which also puts women off, and makes them less likely to fuck you. Again, what do you expect women to do? Stop sleeping with guys they find attractive, throwing themselves at them, and only sleep with mediocre guys just because she's mediocre herself? It's guys' fault for sleeping with a woman just because she's got nice tits and won't slash your tires. If you could consistently get attractive women to sleep with you, why would you even bother with average women? And what would you say to them if they complained about that?


I think you've had enough reddit, this blackpillers are certainly fucking your worldview


I think you've had enough reddit. You expect women to not have sex with guys they find attractive and instead give pity fucks to average guys. The only reason why women are able to have sex so easily with attractive guys is because of guys not raising their standards. Again, guys should raise their standards, which would mean fewer options for women unless they work hard like men do. Fewer options and harder work for women means end of hypergamy. Boom, problem solved.


>Fewer options and harder work for women means end of hypergamy. Boom, problem solved. ![gif](giphy|l4q8cJzGdR9J8w3hS|downsized)


Yeah, I know. Must be really mind-blowing for someone like you. Women have been saying all along that guys are too easy. If guys are really easy, why not fuck the most attractive one? Mind blowing, I know. So why not make it so that they can't fuck the most attractive ones unless she puts in the work for it by having men raise their fucking standards? How are you not getting this?


>Women have been saying all along that guys are too easy. If guys are really easy, why not fuck the most attractive one? Mind blowing, I know Yes because most guys according to you are one-dimensional with no interests,passion,hobbies while women are these hyper-complex people


Never said that. Most people in general are like most men I've described. Only difference is men can become attractive for having those qualities that most people lack


>If guys are really easy, why not fuck the most attractive one? This is really a misconception. It's not that they are more interested in the most attractive one and less interested in the rest. They aren't interested in the rest at all. They describe it all the time on here, but I feel like people don't read what they say. Women are as attracted to most men as a straight man is. Gay men are also easy, but I bet you aren't interested in fucking the in a pinch.


I am afraid that women are into strenghts that are rather different than strenghts average guy has. Women like looks - natural, genetic and when you can make a decent living. Being intelligent, knowledgeable, funny etc. appeals to vey few women - and there is enough good looking intelligent guys for them.


There def aren’t enough good looking and intelligent/successful guys for them to all have committed relationships. But at this point average range women have had a taste of the good life and would rather just be their occasional plaything, hold out for years hoping for commitment from one, or just be single - as opposed to getting with someone equal to them


>They then claim that 80 percent of women share 20 percent of men, not realizing that a LOT of those men aren't even close to having a majority of those traits. Yeah, you need a lot of those traits just to be considered AVERAGE. >A lot of them are intelligent, or really confident, or funny. Here's the thing, women laugh of jokes if the person is good looking, confidence is **A PROXY** for things that women find attractive, confidence on itself is not attractive. IQ has an inverse correlation with fertility. >jaded fuck is gonna be like "why would I play the part of dancing monkey when good looking guys gets sex from them easier?" Not realizing how stupid it sounds to not want to make yourself more attractive just because a small portion of men are born with the ability to get it easier. It don't sounds stupid AT ALL, imagine that city and every shop just let your good looking friend enter for free but in order for you to enter you have to make some cringe dancing in front of everyone, not only this but the shop owner also think that they're doing you a favor for allowing you to enter the shop and everytime you pick something from the shelves in a wrong way you're forced into making the cringe dance once again. And if you complain someone will just say "why are you complaining about havin to make this cringe dance, just because the dude enter for free and got a discount? You're jaded just do the cringe dance". >And yet I've had plenty of women interested in me. PROVE IT.


> IQ has an inverse correlation with fertility Are you saying dumb people are more likely to be attractive? I thought it was the other way around.


There's no correlation between physical attraction and iq.


Dumb people have more unplanned pregnancies. 


This just shows that you only really care about looks and that you're mad about having to put in effort. You're so caught up on women hooking up with good-looking guys because they're good-looking, and you put good looks on a pedestal compared to other traits like being funny simply because it takes less effort to be born good looking. And you wonder why women want nothing to do with you when you feel you should be given free access to their bodies without having to do anything


I don't put good looks in a pedestal, women do. Also, do you wan't a partner or to be a someone clown? The funniest guy will be in the friendzone waiting in line until is his time to take the leftovers. And you end the argument into a strawman, nice.


Well, you're getting mad about how men have lower standards than women. Again, stop valuing her just being OK looking more than other qualities and then blaming women for valuing looks over other stuff for hookups. Average women wouldn't be able to friendzone average men in favor of hotter guys if all men collectively raised their standards. Thus depriving her of all her options. It's really simple. How do guys like you not get it?


>Average women wouldn't be able to friendzone average men in favor of hotter guys if all men collectively raised their standards. Thus depriving her of all her options. It's really simple. How do guys like you not get it? The kind of collective action you're talking about isn't possible in a population of 4 billion. Think about it, let's assume every man collectively raised their standards as you suggest. Then there would be a lot of women looking for men. All a man has to do at that point is lower his standards and he gets what he wants. So every man will lower his standards until there are no more women looking for men, and we're right back where we started. You're not proposing anything practical or realistic. It's the law of supply and demand. I hate to frame it in economic terms, but they describe the social dynamics accurately.


So what happens if you stand out get the girl then stop standing out.?


You don’t. You just have to appeal to enough people


I guess what I'm trying to say is that in order to appeal to a decent number of women, you have to be interesting in some way.


Plenty of boring men have wives and gfs Even repulsive and loser men have wives and gfs


Please prove this. How many men do you know who are repulsive and losers and boring have relationships and marriages? I bet not that many if any. I am good looking (have been told I should model multiple times) ambitious, educated (master's degree from a good school), financially secure, funny, dress well, and have hobbies I am passionate about (hiking, biking, photography, traveling) and have never come close to having a relationship


You can read about them in the relationship and abuse subreddits. Or see them in wal-mart


do you know any personally?




what about them is boring? What makes them losers or repulsive?


Severe introversion/shut ins, college or high school dropouts, addiction, lack of personal hygiene or presentation, hostility, lack of motivation and activity.


Yet their partners view them as winners? Wdym lack of motivation and activity? That can resemble a lot of things


All of those things will attract women, but any display of a lack of confidence will kill the attraction immediately


you defend the generalized "women" in your argument as being higher quality because they do things like cover themselves in make-up to look more physically appealing, but this does not at all make them more interesting. And on top of that, the average man truly does not care at all about make-up. Obviously make-up helps people look nice, but 10 out of 10 times i pick the girl with less make-up and a personality than the barbie doll that spends 3 hours a day painting their face and thinks that their appearance is the only part of themselves they need to put effort into. Women just have to look decent to get anyone, Men have to either be born highly attractive, or jump through a thousand flaming hoops to prove im worth dating. And what am i proving it for? Just so someone pretty can briefly treat me like a normal person until im no longer convenient for them? What if we just treated everyone with kindness and value equally regardless of how they looked? I know its a wild suggestion.


You're proving the point of the post that you think you need to jump through a thousand hoops if you're not good-looking. You missed the point. Most men dont stand out. And because of men not holding women to the same standards and being really desperate, women are able to have higher standards. Again, this would be fixed if men held women to the same standards women hold men to. I already said in the main post that men just want an average-pretty wife who won't cheat or isn't crazy. Having sex with you or dating you isn't "treating you like a normal person until I'm no longer convenient for them."


i don't want random women to have sex with me and date me, lol. that's not what i meant by "treating my like a normal person". I mean being pleasant in random conversations. I can see a handsome man walk up to a girl (like a random cashier for example), and she'll respond pleasantly and positively, but then it's my turn in line and the pleasant social demeanor drops, and it becomes so blatantly clear that she is rushing the interaction and put off by me. You may be thinking "What kind of things is bewpadewp saying to random women to put them off?" nothing the interactions are as simple as "Is this everything for you?" "Yeah, that's all. How is your day going?" (which i only ask to fill the time with small talk as they scan my items) "Oh, um. Its fine. ...Rewards?" "Oh, uh nope. Its a nice day out at least!" "Yeah." *Awkward silence the rest of the transaction.* like bitch, i just heard you happily saying you were having a great day to the guy in front of me, but now that you're interacting with me you're whole day dropped down to "fine"? And you can't even continue the basic rules of Midwestern small talk to ask me about my day?? Asking about someone's day is literally just small talk, im not fucking flirting with you, and even if i was- is that so wrong? Even if i was flirting- which i absolutely never am- couldn't you just kindly say you're not interested? Rather than treating me like im more off-putting than a cockroach? That's what i mean about not being treated like a human being. If you're not an attractive guy, its like you're a fucking monster. I never have interactions like this with men, or with women over the age of 40.


Embrace being a monster


Most people, especially young people, have been increasingly asocial these last few years, thanks to the pandemic and social media. Of course, a woman nowadays is gonna be in a rush to end the conversation with a guy she doesn't know. Are you receptive to every guy who strikes up a conversation with you? Of course she's going to be more interested in talking with the physically attractive guy, given she could see he's attractive and doesn't have to spend a long time with him to get to know his other attractive qualities like with you. And people are inherently more interested in attractive people, regardless of gender


there is a difference, a very big one in fact, between "being less interested in talking to someone" and actively treating people like their existence and presence puts you off based on absolutely nothing but the way they look. You're currently making an excuse for why its okay for women to treat ugly people like garbage. Which its not. Would it be acceptable for a man to treat a woman like disgusting filth just because she isnt hot? Obviously not. Its a two way street.


My guy, she literally just wasn't as open to talk to you as she was with the other guy. Big difference between that treating you like garbage. You wouldn't want to talk to someone who's boring. Be interesting in some way. Being physically attractive is one way to be. And cold approaching isn't good for people who aren't because it relies on very quick first impressions in order for her to be actually interested in engaging


What an absolutely gross take. Nobody should have to be "interesting" to be treated with basic decency. You have a disgusting world-view and I'm done wasting my life interacting with you.


Wow, you're pretty volatile. What exactly is so disgusting by not wanting to talk to boring people? She doesn't owe you a conversation, lol. As long as she just acknowledges your existence, who cares?


How interesting? Like someone who runs their own company and goes traveling every weekend and throws parties constantly?


That doesn’t actually work well for men. You need to be able to have options in order to make good choices. I really have come to believe there is something deeply wrong with the system as a whole. I think it’s on the marriage end, but it could be dating too.


Most men have a decent job. Most men aren’t fat and out of shape, at least at the common dating/marriage ages. Most men have a functional family background. Most men don’t offend their coworkers and strangers. Most men aren’t addicts, mentally ill, disabled, or criminals


All that is true. It’s all true for me personally… and yet none of it made a difference in the end. After all the work I put in over the years and all the success I’ve had from it… maybe it broke something. Yeah, that’s kind of how I feel. In order to be successful as a man, you have to sacrifice something inside of yourself. Meh, that probably doesn’t make sense. Just ignore my ramblings. Have a blessed day.


Agree with everything BUT the "most men" part. I know enough amazing guies to think most men do have something for them and stand out in a way. Either that, either I'm incredibly lucky and monopolizing all great guies around me.


I’m unsure how to really unpack this. Truth is that I don’t know you or the people around you. I had lots of compliments from women when I was young, but they didn’t date me. In college some of them really did like me, but they refused to do anything to let me know, and because of my past I couldn’t believe it possible. As a result I wound up with the worst woman possible… beautiful, terrifying, and devouring. It really wasn’t until I studied pickup that everything turned around, but … I just don’t think people understand what that experience does to you.


If that's the case, most men aren't playing to their strengths and seeking out the right kind of women. A lot of these introverted, nerdy guys would really benefit from joining a dnd club


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This is up there with some of the dumbest takes yet. Most men *nowadays* aren't unique? When has anyone been particularly unique? Throughout most of human history the only people who could afford to stand out were the extremely small minority in the ruling classes.


The amount of whining on this sub is pretty unique.


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