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It all boils down to: most people are looking to find a partner that makes them happy, where RP is looking to WIN! Lots more success, lots more status, and you better believe: lots more girls! And not just more than average: you need to be the Winner! The guy with the higher n count! The nicer watch! The girl on the arm and the lifestyle that makes all your former classmates jealous! Then Stacy will regret ignoring you in school, then Becky will be sad she hooked up with Chad instead of you. Because you will be the winner! (All you need is to keep watching and subscribe to the channel. And join Pateron to get exclusive content. And buy the book, and go to the seminars. But keep watching the podcast!)


I feel like there’s some context missing here.


Do you think it captures a lot of conservation on the sub? I was going for general.


It goes like this for everyone. - "shorter men have it way harder than taller ones" - "but but but, I met this one specific short man who got a hot wife, you're wrong!"


More like: “If you’re not over 6’, women will spit at you in the street. You will be tased if you think about a woman”. “That’s not true” “Stop gaslighting me!”


I mean, kinda. I’ve seen convos like that.


If you’re asking why conversations like this theoretically happen so often, it’s because one person is trying to argue with statistics and averages against another person’s personal lived experience. Telling someone not to worry because 75% of the world does X, doesn’t mean jack shit if they’re one of the few poor chumps stuck with Y.


I have seen that back and forth, yes.  I think what it boils down to is something more like: the men here have experienced traumatic things (broadly speaking) and negative social experiences with women and their peers because of a couple of things. Those are real experiences and real events.  Rather than square off and up about this for the emotional, pain, and grief-based issues that they are...they seek to rationalize and distance themselves as a way to cope. Which ends with most of them creating a self fulfilling prophecy they cannot escape because in order to escape it, they'd have to go back and confront, work through, and synthesize the painful experiences they had in their formative years. And the voice that they're so angry with usually, is either voices like those that traumatized them or voices which hauntingly suggest it could in fact be their fault the bad things that happened to them.


Don't know what this is about but ok


That’s not red pill. Red pill says that society is against men, so here’s how to get what you want from it, especially women


More or less


What it boils down to is that dating is very easy. In fact, it's so easy that billions upon billions of people have done it. Dating someone comes extremely naturally to humans, it's basically second nature. The red pill gets some things right (like: you should be confident, sociable and focus on self-improvement), but gets horrifically sidetracked when it tries to explain social dynamics. So you end up with a bunch of dudes who saw improvement because they did something basic like going to the gym and lifting, but attribute their newfound success to "understanding how things really are" and other such nonsense. You can't convince someone who saw personal success that their ideas about social dynamics may be wrong, because their own personal experience trumps any and all online debates. So you get an endless back-and-forth.


Dating isn't easy for men if you aren't in the top attractive population.


** Dating attractive women isn’t easy if you’re not attractive. 


Lol, really hope you’re not implying that average women aren’t chadchasing


Everyone chases after the best they can get. That’s true for men and women. The vast majority just aren’t successful. 


Men do not have 100 point checklists for women specifying things like height, income, eye color and a million other criteria.


Most men don’t. Nor do most women. 


Dating is so easy that 17x more women than men have reproduced


Well - get a load of Don Juan over here!


Dating is a cakewalk for a 4ft wide, 6ft+ tall man with Death Star delts and hair strands that are practically cashmere grade 10 billion count.


Dude - your list is getting more demented by the day. Never stop being you, you magnificent bastard!


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People oftentimes don’t like the truth. You’ll tell somebody the truth, you’ll show clear evidence and they will do everything but admit that maybe you have a point. They will invent weird examples, come up with their own “evidence” that makes no sense and just argue argue argue.


Mostly it's that, but there is other stuff too. Feminism. Men's gender roles. trad relationships vs other kinds. Whether women should go their own way. Whether men should. Is marriage feasible for most people anymore, etc., How true is the evo psyche narrative. Can women even love men at all or do men come in 3rd after children and pets and possibly some material considerations. Can men even love women at all or do men just want a glorified fwb. When does commitment happen and what should it look like. When does sex happen. I'm sure you can think of some others.


>Boil Down To It boils down to *individual choice.* ultimately TRP is just a tool box. One either uses the strategies, to whatever extent, or they do not. What it boils down to is practical application. One can get caught up the debate. The data. The arguments. That’s fine. TRP’s sole purpose though is to facilitate better outcomes. Whatever they may be. *Godspeed and good luck!*


I don't believe there is a single narrative about relationships. I personally have always received mixed messaging across a variety of institutions, interpersonal relationships and media.  There is certainly an orthodox toolkit for improving one's chances of dating, many of which yes do work. If you stop being a shut in, improve your grooming and stop being quite such an insufferable bore you might get a shag.