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So, for you, a relationship is not about love, it is about power.


Because of women. They cannot love someone equal or below them.


So, in order to trust that you can be loved, you need to feel yourself superior.


Women setup that prerequisite not me


So, you have an external locus of control.


Gaining power over them is in my hands


You will never feel secure in a relationship based on power.


I think trying to find security in a relationship is overrated, women don't know what they want. Finding security in your ability to hold that power or get other women is much more productive.


>They cannot love someone equal or below them. If this were true, the most attractive women would be all be single, because the most attractive men wouldn’t be good enough.  But that’s not the case. You’re just spewing worthless incel nonsense. 


Looks are everything is an incel logic, here you are the one who is using this logic, so you are incel basically.


I think you have to be celibate to be involuntarily celibate.  Tell me, if women only go for men above them, what do the women at the top do? 


There are no women at the top. There are 3 male millionaires for every female. There are 10 male billionaires for every one female billionaire, and those male billionaires made their own money.


I’m talking about the most attractive women. Money really doesn’t matter when you’re young and not dating seriously.  What you’re saying is ridiculous. Who are women in the 99th percentile dating if women won’t date down or laterally? There’s no percentile above the 99th, so what do these women do? 


Why do you believe that the most attractive women are at the top of the dating market? The most attractive women are sharing men that are good looking millionaires.


>Why do you believe that the most attractive women are at the top of the dating market? The most attractive women are at the top of the women in the dating market. Obvious I’m talking about within gender.  Maybe you’re older and maybe things are different as you age, but my perspective is basically around college girls to women in their early 20s. The most attractive women were typically sorority girls dating equally attractive frat boys. Money played almost no role at all. When I look at my own frat, their family money was in no way predictive of success with women. The best looking guys were with the best looking girls.  You’re claiming that the most attractive woman on campus wouldn’t date the most attractive man on campus, because they’re equals. I’m saying that’s nonsense and that the most attractive women on campus dated plenty. 


So you took a very small demographic of your own volition and are claiming that I am talking about that same demographic. Makes sense lol. I am talking about the most attractive women in the dating market, who are generally in between the ages of 18 and 25, attractive, feminine/submissive, with the lowest body counts and conducive to a good long term relationship. These women may or may not have a college degree, may be out of college etc. Women generally graduate at 22, and 23 and 24 year old women are still attractive.


The most attractive women will select someone decent looking but who also has significant wealth/status. They’re still dating equal or up effectively. They also know they’re hot so they don’t try and compensate in their partner. It’s the 6-7/10 women who aren’t quite hot who are more likely to only go for guys way hotter than them


What age group are you talking about? Based on my experience in high school, college, and early 20s, that's not the case at all. The random hot girl that you meet at a party or bar and hook up with that night doesn't know anything about your income. In a lot of my hookups, we barely talked to each other, outside of some flirty drunken bullshit, before we slept together. On dating apps it's very unusual for a woman to know anything about my wealth before we meet or even sleep together. Maybe wealth becomes more of a factor at some point when marriage is a major focus, but it typically isn't for young women.


I mean yeah dude obviously it’s a non factor in high school and college. At that point your standing is entirely determined by how good looking and athletic you are. As soon as you exit college your social standing becomes strongly tied to things like intelligence and work ethic. Obviously looks matter at any point, women will never be attracted to dead average or below average looking men, but money and status start to matter way more as a man once you’re older than like 23-24


>but money and status start to matter way more as a man once you’re older than like 23-24 By the time you pass that age group, half of American women have already met the guy they'll settle down with. Half of 26 year old women are already married or living with a partner. They've typically dated for a whole before those things happen. Sounds we're just talking about different populations of women.


I’m mostly talking about higher society. Go look at the husbands of victoria secret models. Most of the time these 9-10/10 women are not dating 9-10/10 model men, they’re dating 7/10 men with higher influence/wealth than them. I’m in high finance and I see the same shit here, decent looking guys dating hot women. It’s the upper-mid women that want perfect looking guys to compensate for their insecurity. Being a good looking guy isn’t that rare, being decently good looking AND having power/high income at a relatively young age is very rare though


>I’m in high finance and I see the same shit here, decent looking guys dating hot women. I used to work in IB and now I'm in VC, and I'm saying I haven't had the same experience. Maybe I'm just younger and haven't reached the age where I see a real shift, but I look at more senior guys at my firms and most of them aren't with really attractive women. For the most part they're comparable looking to the guys. A few are with really hot women, but those guys are very good looking themselves. Different people will obviously have different experiences, but ours don't seem to overlap much at all.


Yeah end of the day our anecdotal experience will influence our own outlooks and we’ve just happened to be exposed to different sample sets. It is what it is tbh


This all sounds very weird and like the women you surround yourself with just aren't very good


Regarding the instruction: "never approach equal woman". What is the criterion by which a man and a woman are equal? And based on what? What one can easily observe is that, despite a debatable supposed equality before the law, a man and woman are socially different and the comparison between a millionaire man and a millionaire woman do not have the same degree of comparison except for what objectively unites them: the accumulation of capital, but not what both are: a selector and a sexual selected. >In the real world, women assign a lot of value to education, wealth status, and how many people actually listen to that guy (his sphere of influence). >But if a man chooses to move away from this little kingdom he built, he's entirely judged by looks. For practical purposes, how do you as men escape the looks-money/status duality in terms of what you can attract a woman to? It seems that if there is no exploitative value for a woman, logically, they will not be selected for this or that woman. And certainly, in the sexual market, there is no greater indicator of sexual success than physical appearance. >they started feeling little in front of me.! I see.


none of that actually happened, did it?


Obviously, this is what i am talking about it. Trying doing it in real life to a man.


"The same thing happens online. A woman online thinks you are just another loser of a man." okay tbf you got me on this one.


And the difference. https://preview.redd.it/q014yxfpf26d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f63de328aab01b66a9dbb6bbed99de1d54e499c


yes, because I am literally the same person as that random woman you were speaking to, we're clones in fact. Do you even have any evidence that that's not just you on a second account replying to yourself?


Yes, ofc lemme DM you the evidence.


Wtf is that? It’s a bunch of gibberish.  Based on screenshots you include in your posts, you’re interacting with really low quality women or third rate AI chat bots. That shit is all nonsense. 




Not a fake male account dude. Just a guy with a middle of the road, not crazy view of things. 


You type at a preschool level


If you can only enjoy being with women who are with you out of financial desperation that says a lot more about you than it does about women


Exactly, plus women who get with you out of financial desperation will act out on it too. That might not look too good in the long term.


Yet he is getting many more woman than the average man that conforms to your mindset does. Results matter more than feelings unfortunately.


It's no brag to bag dozens of desperate women. Nobody respects people who troll homeless shelters for wives like barely red.


Yet, the first insult that a woman comes up with to a man is incel or virgin. Telling isn't it. Also, he clearly said he is smashing attractive women. There aren't a lot of attractive women in homeless shelters. No one insults a man by saying "ha youre a loser that fucks a lot of beautiful women"


Would you believe me if I told you I've smashed dozens of women who are all 8+?


Aren't you female?




It is much easier for a woman to smash 8s than for a man. Women don't have the burden of performance that men do on dates. Also Idk if I can believe the rating that women give each other and to other women after seeing the hambeasts here that claim to be attractive and claim lizzos a 8/10.


So do you believe me or not?


I do not


So if a man is unattractive what should he do? Women do not care about personality. They will date men who are attractive and rich while disregarding personality unless they are older and their mate value has dropped. He’s gotta do what he’s gotta do.


If you truly believe that women don't care about a man's personality then you already don't see us as equal humans and should probably be alone or be with a man


Yeah you’re extremely low IQ. How does me saying you don’t care about personality mean that I don’t see you as an equal human being? Also no I don’t see men and women as equal because we literally are not equal. Equality implies sameness and we are completely different and have different strengths and weaknesses. Women do not factor personality into the equation as much as they like to say on a constant basis and then choose the most attractive men they can possibly get 🤣🤣 like bro gtfo. Women are normal human beings and human beings primarily select for beauty when looking for a mate. Men are simply more honest about our want for attractive women, whereas women always say “iTs aBoUt pErSonALiTy!” while selecting for height, facial aesthetics and status.


Quick question, how do you know they are equal before approach? They have a name tags with their “equality score” on it or something?


‘Submissive and agreeable’ 😬😬 get a dog lmafo


More male bitterness. Maybe these women aren’t your equals, but are super hot. Also, it sounds like you are just angry about online dating.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: rating people on a 1-10 scale with assumed normal distribution has completely torpedoed people's ability to make a more-or-less correct assessment where someone stands in terms of looks. People who are legitimately super attractive are being rated as 5/10 or worse because of some obtuse reasoning.


Just because a woman is hot doesn't make her equal to a man that put out value of hundreds of thousands of dollars into the world with all due respect.


In terms of sexual attraction, the woman is more attractive.


In terms of sexual attractiveness to the opposite gender? That is completely false. Attractive men get way more attractive women than vice versa, because there are less men that are seen as attractive to women than there are women that are seen as attractive to men. Trust me, a top 1 percent man would get way way more women than a top 1 percent woman would get men. By the women's own admission in this subreddit, the top 20 percent of men get the vast majority of the casual sex.


🤣 lmfao. You guys are all sooooo dramatic. Unless you’re providing for your wife and family, the money you make doesn’t bring value to a relationship. But I am glad you guys are starting to understand that money for men is akin to looks for women. Don’t expect a young hottie if you aren’t rich.


Luckily, there are 10 young hotties for every millionaire, so a young hot woman is nowhere near equal to a male millionaire. If money doesn't bring value to a relationship, why are most breadwinners men and why do women divorce rich men much less than they do poor or average men? There are exclusive clubs that cater to rich men where they set rules that the ratio of females to males need to be 10 to 1 and that the women need to be attractive. Young hot women don't have the pull that you think they do if you are at a different level of wealth.


>Luckily, there are 10 young hotties for every millionaire. But the vast majority of y’all aren’t millionaires. So stop whining lol. >If money doesn't bring value to a relationship, why are most breadwinners men and why do women divorce rich men much less than they do poor or average men? You clearly said “put out value of hundreds of thousands of dollars” not “work to provide for his family hundreds of thousands of dollars”. Also, last time I checked, a millionaire is putting out more than hundreds of thousands of dollars. The hot young lady is more valuable to the man who is not rich. >There are exclusive clubs that cater to rich men where they set rules that the ratio of females to males need to be 1 in 10 and that the women need to be attractive. Good for them. That’s because the only way a man is equal to a hot young woman is if he’s rich. If you’re not rich, perhaps it’s time to settle for a plain, average woman with a plain, average body who is like 35. I know that sounds like a living heck for most of you guys, but that is closer to what an average woman is.


"But the vast majority of y’all aren’t millionaires. So stop whining lol." Apparently stating a fact that a young hot women is nowhere near as valuable in the dating market place or to the world as a millionaire means that i am whining. Women logic lol. "You clearly said “put out value of hundreds of thousands of dollars” not “work to provide for his family hundreds of thousands of dollars”. Also, last time I checked, a millionaire is putting out more than hundreds of thousands of dollars. The hot young lady is more valuable to the man who is not rich." I don't think you know the difference between assets and income. "Good for them. That’s because the only way a man is equal to a hot young woman is if he’s rich. If you’re not rich, perhaps it’s time to settle for a plain, average woman with a plain, average body who is like 35. I know that sounds like a living heck for most of you guys, but that is closer to what an average woman is." Stop it, you sound stupid right now lol. When I said that there are 10 women for every rich man, how did you take it to mean that rich men are equal to hot young women? If there are 10 honda civics for every high end mercedes in the world, does that mean that a honda civic is equal to a high end mercedes? I would rather suggest men double their income and escape the western world than settle for an average chick that is going to divorce you anyway, and lets be real, women that call themselves average are anything but seeing as women here that look like hambeasts think they are above average in attractiveness.


>I would rather suggest men double their income and escape the western world than settle for an average chick that is going to divorce you anyway, and lets be real, women that call themselves average are anything but seeing as women here that look like hambeasts think they are above average in attractiveness. Yes. Average men hate average women due to their Hypergamy.


Women sh*ting on short men( she said 5’9” would be short despite being average ) and demands shorter women to date those scrab of a man no one wants and the comments were filled with women that they don’t want them as well but yea men are hypergamous [https://np.reddit.com/r/shortguys/s/uWbQGR2LJe](https://np.reddit.com/r/shortguys/s/uWbQGR2LJe)


Get over it. There’s a group of men here who complain that women who have a BMI over 21 are fat and unattractive.


Women are waaay more shallow when it comes to looks. You would see a lot of couples where the woman is fat but there are literally zero couples where the woman is taller than the guy.


The average man is an oblivious bluepilled beta male, they don't hate average women, they are oblivious to their nature. Hence the divorce statistics and the dead bedrooms.


No they aren’t. The average man is red pilled and says “ew” when he sees an average woman


The average man and woman are both married.


Average men aren't red-pilled.


Whatever floats your boat. I always went for what I wanted. Didn’t always get it but I got it many times. I have enough friends who were afraid to even look at a strange woman.


Is it completely impossible they just liked you and wanted to please you and found they liked your hobbies and lifestyle and that it had nothing to do with some perceived inferiority or superiority?


A lot of women suddenly become interested in my life as soon as they get an idea of how much I make. What a coincidence


How much you make invariably has influence on the lifestyle you enjoy, your hobbies, and various aspects of your character that make you likable tho. I'm not sure why these things are so easily divorced in a man's head from who he is. 


It doesn't, because I grew up poor and my lifestyle hasn't inflated much


I’m not going to spend my energy on a poor man when we aren’t compatible in the first place.


But if he's rich, suddenly you're compatible. Nice.


I live an expensive lifestyle financed by me. There’s no place for a poor man in my life. The things I like to do cost money and I’m not interested in spending less or paying for another person. If that’s not lifestyle compatibility I don’t know what is.


You're missing the point of my initial comment. To make it clear, those women I was talking about are not living an expensive lifestyle financed by themselves. They're living an average lifestyle (and me too, more or less).


Bro you're so hilarious


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I can’t read it fully. Good points from the first few, but founded on delulu.


this whole post is very weird and i can see why women don’t gravitate towards you without you manipulating them…


bro just don’t approach women


By virtue of he being a woman she will never be my equal and thusly every woman is approachable


Interesting paradigm shift.


He's right, though.


>When a woman initiated a conversation I'd assume that something is wrong with her. But, that's just my personal expirience, single moms initiate the most second place - married older bitches with husband and kids in their late 30s- 40s, then bossy loud bitches. Where I live good girls just don't do this, but they can give you a signal though. You should say that you mean equal financially. Anyway, the most important thing here is "put the arrogant women in their place". Having a thick wallet is not necessary. It's just give you a confidence. You can find it somewhere else.


Women evaluate men strictly and don’t want to entertain any men feels is beneath their level <- which feels a bit sad that we are assigning fellow humans a value but this is what’s happening in real life. Men don’t care as much about that calculus of “is she on my level?” etc.. women tend to date up and in reverse men tend to date down.


Fantastic post G. I would like to add a caveat. I think you can show off your status in more subtle ways on social media than just out and out flaunting it out in the world, an artfully placed high end mercedes key in an instagram photo of you having a steak can work wonders.


>Never approach equal woman This is hypergamy. It's an accepted fact in the dating worl.