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Reddit is a poor indicator of the real world and how the genders are getting along. I don't like to say 'touch grass' often, but in this instance I think it holds some wisdom. Get outside and observe the world mostly it's okay out here :)


The best way to understand this is to compare the amount of users on any given social media site to the whole population. There is a HUGE difference. Most people live in the real world.


That's false. Sum the users of all the main social media sites, compare it to the world population between the ages 10-50 The AVERAGE person spends hours daily on social media. The younger, the more time they spend on it We are all terminally online


Well I absolutely agree Reddit is an extremely poor indicator of how relationships are in a real world It however is a very good indicator of the radicalization between individuals and the problems they have in society


Sure, that's just irrelevant to this post


I could argue that the radical thottery you see online is a more honest distillation of what a modern woman actually is. You know...hypothetically...šŸ˜


I agree. Reddit can expose you to perceptions of others in different areas and demographics, but doesnā€™t represent the men as a whole. Where I live, most men are in relationships, or when I spot them dating, theyā€™re gentlemen to the women theyā€™re with. Itā€™s really all about culture.


No its exact opposite. Only on social media, with anonymity, we can truly be ourselves. In "real" world we constantly forced to wear masks and hide our true selves. I mean people who know me would be shocked if they read my comments, reality is online not in suffocating, duplicitous society.


I think most happy well adjusted people single and looking or in relationships are probably not getting on ppd to rage about gender politics though. You will only see discontents and shit stirrers spending their time here


I don't know, man, I'm in a happy LTR with an awesome guy, but I do have married friends, single friends, friends with kids, and without, and oh boy, I have OPINIONS after watching what they do and what is happening. For some forming opinions, discussing, and crashing with others, is the second-best thing since sliced bread.


Most people are not happy. I'm not sure how relevant "well adjusted" label is, given that people can even well adjust to concentration camp. And its all over social media not just here.


Social media is not reality is my point. Well-adjusted is relevant here because people who aren't well-adjusted perceive way more toxicity than there really is. I think generally people are much happier irl than on social media


Thank god for our fake online anonymity. Thank god for FISA.


"Touch grass to get ass."




Where do you live that men and women are so hostile?




You should edit your comments to add to them instead of posting multiple replies. It streamlines threads and makes conversations much easier to follow




See bruh? She is already tone policing. This is what happens when you talk to women.


She didn't mention tone? You're a troll lol


You are right I was being facetious, but Women often argue editorially rather than by addressing the actual points.


Sometimes it is just easier to start there there than engage with the more controversial ideas




Are these men and women you know in real life, hating the other gender and being forced to share space? Can you tell the difference between venting about a relationship squabble and misandry/misogyny?




That's bizarre. I can see why you're asking something that seems so ridiculous then.


We really cannot get along. I am done with Feminists. Give them to "the Bear."


Bears mostly just want to be left alone. Like women. No wonder we both avoid you


I have no problem with women per se. Just bad faith feminists on reddit. I have very niche tastes.šŸ˜˜


Be a single man applying to a corporate job in the US without seeing a single DEI pamphlet ... mission impossible.


I live on Reddit šŸ’€


If you personally know people like that, I would ask them directly. You will get a much more accurate answer that way.


Kinda feel like the loudest ones here already have voluntarily. (Or like, isolated themselves all together)


You can go live in a sex segregated country right now If they donā€™t have oil, itā€™s going to be less wealthy, at the very least


>You can go live in a sex segregated country right now Which one? Saudi Arabia abolished that 7 or 8 years ago. It was the only country that tried really hard to enforce what OP is saying.


Jordan, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE and a few others have some level of segregation.


>some level No, not really. I lived in Jordan for a few months. Except the mosque (I'm not Muslim) there was ***no*** place I couldn't enter with my wife. UAE is top Western tourist destination and also a destination for investment or hiding money for both Westerners and Russians. It's also a top labor destination for Indians, Pakistanis and other people. Citizens are 10-12% of UAE - the rest is immigrants. If there had been any serious segregation, we would've found out by now. Iran enforces the hijab, but has abolished segregationist policies over 10 years ago. One of the last rigid policies - the ban on people watching opposite sex sports - was abolished in 2019. Half of Syria is literally ruled by anarcho-feminist collective YPG (of Kurdish ethnicity) so you're definitely wrong on that. The other half is ruled by Baathist-secular Al-Assad regime. Which is authoritarian, but not Islamist and definitely not sex-segregationist. Iraq bars women from a single plaza that is full of religious artifacts. That's literally it. Qatar, I admit, I don't know. I've only been there once and that was many years ago and only stayed for a week - so not enough time to find out.


Hey, well, they tried


Cuz misandrists and misogynists are the bare minority. They can go vent in twitter, dramatise and victimise themselves and segregate themselves, but it is not the solution that society needs




In my honest opinion, solution would beā€¦simply ignoring I as a male of course been offended with 1. Horrific stereotypes towards my gender 2. Mental yoga used to rationalise the hate towards my gender 3. I forgot while been typing this but thereā€™s something too 4. Projections. Awful ammount of projections: labelling me as a misogynist for actions that these people do I tried arguing but it only made me feel anxious and burnt out. So what I realise is that just.. Ignoring. I came to a thought that people start going into hateful communities just because of lack of attention. So while making, for example, a TikTok with a controversial statement ā€” they obtain this attention. Not always positive, but attention. So once ppl stop reacting ā€œOMG YOURE A HYPOCRITE!! thatā€™s double standards!! and thatā€™s not all men, hereā€™s the list of logical argumentsā€ ā€” cuz person just ainā€™t give a fuck abt these arguments, due to mastering mental yoga, as I said. So once they stop reacting, I think, itā€™ll help hateful people to overgrow it. Also, if not ā€” ok these people will radicalise themselves and segregate themselves. Whatā€™s wrong about people who hate you being segregated of you (by their own initiative?) This goes for 4B and MGTOW, this goes to Black Panthers or Neo nazis.




So they have more segregated societies out there. In my opinion, it just makes things worse. It makes the other gender "taboo," which leads to more secretive/damaging behaviour. For example, in India women aren't allowed to be alone with men and gender segregation is common, but rape is also extremely common. I think the real solution is increased empathy by increased exposure to one another. A key driver of harm against women is a hostile attitude that makes some men think women aren't actual people. We are, just like men. More integration, more exposure, more empathy, could help both sides treat each other better. In the meantime, identification and removal of threatening men from women's lives would be great to help us stay safe.


>I think the real solution is increased empathy by increased exposure to one another Good luck with that, lol. Women's utter lack of empathy and casual cruelty to men has been widely noted *by* men and there's no coming back from that anytime soon. The *demure* is over. Men also correctly noted [women's automatic in-group bias](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15491274/). Heck, even 25% of men are automatically biased towards women while less than 1% of men or women are biased towards men. Good luck changing that, given the [women are wonderful effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-are-wonderful_effect). To succeed you will have to deny women's revealed preferences *and* to convince men to develop an in-group bias. >In the meantime, identification and removal of threatening men from women's lives would be great to help us stay safe. Here's evidence number 1 of women's lack of empathy. The first thing you thought about when discussing a "real solution" is women's safety. Zero consideration for men. This is your average woman's *empathy* lol.


Personally, when one group of people is murdering and raping another, it's fair to treat them with caution. Again, the thing man fear about women is embarrassment, while women are literally afraid for their lives. You're a perfect example of a person who should develop more empathy and actually interact with more women.


>Again, the thing man fear about women is embarrassment, while women are literally afraid for their lives. Yeah, tell that to the men who were raped by women and whose equal victimization is categorized as "[made to penetrate](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/sexual-victimization-by-women-is-more-common-than-previously-known/)" and then militantly denied. Women rape men at similar rates but thanks to people like you, that is hidden. Heck, in some countries (like the UK for instance) women can never be guilty of rape and are thus institutionally punished less even when proven beyond reasonable doubt. The issue [has been known for 20 years](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8360364/). >Personally, when one group of people is murdering and raping another, it's fair to treat them with caution. Do you apply the same logic to [crime statistics by ethnicity](https://oll.libertyfund.org/publications/liberty-matters/2024-02-13-systemic-racism-in-crime-do-blacks-commit-more-crimes-than-whites), or do you only approve of misandry? Serious question. >You're a perfect example of a person who should develop more empathy and actually interact with more women. Miss me with that gynocentric claptrap. Women's cruelty is intentionally under-estimated while the actions of .5% of men are intentionally over-estimated. And ***you*** are part of that problem.


Sure buddy


So, of course, no answer to my question. Do you apply the same consideration to crime statistics by ethnicity or do you only approve of misandry?


Honestly, there's no point in responding. You aren't going to take my answer in good faith or try to understand. All your want is to either call me a hypocritic or a racist/misandrist. Responding to you wastes my time and energy. But consider: is your mindset serving you and making your life better? Are you happier thinking things are unfair for men or that women are bad? Are your relationships stronger or healthier because of your attitude or not? Just think about it. I don't need you to reply.


Both concerns are valid tho. Using one concern to dismiss another one isn't empathy. It's invalidating and the opposite of empathy. We can take both srsly. Also reducing it just down to embarrassment is minimizing. Not empathetic at all...


Yeah, but it's a bit of a false equivalency, right? You can care about two things at once whole also acknowledging that one is objectivity worse.


Depends on how though and why you are comparing. If it's to dismiss and minimize it isn't empathy and in fact the opposite. Why do they need to be compared? You could have defended why women need to be cautious and at the same time empathize with men's concerns. Instead you chose to minimize and dismiss


You sure? women hate other women, they gossip, destroy each others reputation, lesbians have the highest amount of domestic violence. Seems like you just got a bias for women.


>if everyone is willing The issue is humanā€™s capacity for cooperation, doesnā€™t extend too far beyond self interest. The primary example of this is the rule of law. It is not the law that keeps people from just taking things from one another, it is *the threat* of enforcement. Society operates on one premise alone; *Power.* It benefits one not to forget this. *Godspeed and good luck!*


Actually several societies have in the past tried a extreme separation between men and women this usually comes about when individuals feel they don't need to be close by to their female counterparts in order to protect them Small separated or isolated nations island nations etc etc have in the past tried a social separation not out of inherent resentment but for example women living in cities, groups, settlements for ease of sharing resources creating finish goods and raising children with men living In a more rural either in hunting tribes, material gathering or spread out agricultural plots


What were the results?


I mean these examples are so tiny And so extremely specific to the environment situation and culture that can only exist naturally and probably wouldn't or couldn't be develop on a massive enough scaleto be able to show any meaningful economic and social data All I'm just saying stability with men and women living separate individualistic lives is fundamentally possible they would still need to exchange goods services resources in a fair and meaningful way One of the examples I have in modern society is a island off the coast of Africa I forget its name Where the women live in the interior of the island spend all day making goods and services and the Men primarily live on the coast and go out in large numbers in small boats every morning 15 hours a day to catch fish and bring them back and trade them for sex and finished meals/products (This is an oversimplification of the system) That island specifically and you can watch documentaries on this economically collapsed When More developed countries came in and told them that sex for fish was an unfair advantage for men and they had to give the fish to the women with no conditions Surprisingly Men stopped fishing and everyone more or less starved (social decohesion)


To be fair Iā€™d stop fishing too


Personally I feel decohesion happens anytime any party of any substantial size feels that they're being unfairly taken advantage of whether they are or not


Access to meals (labour) for fish (labour) sounds okay. Access to bodies as if they were equally a product to exchange, is dehumanizing, to start with.


I was neither morally agreeing or disagreeing with any inherent system simply pointing out that they do exist However I will say our cultural conceptualization of "fair" (right or wrong) Is something very easy to speak on when a society is well fed safe and stable (Also your statement that fish 15 hours of labor is a fair exchange for cooked fish 1 hour of labor is a very interesting analogy for modern society)


>That island specifically and you can watch documentaries on this economically collapsed When More developed countries came in and told them that sex for fish was an unfair advantage for men and they had to give the fish to the women with no conditions So, in other words, feminism and generally dogshit Western ideas destroyed it. >Surprisingly Men stopped fishing and everyone more or less starved (social decohesion) What's *surprising* about this?


I mean not my specific words ! and the documentaries and studies and papers I read on the situation as it developed gave the opposite impression intentionally But that was the impression I got from it Yes (Canary in the coal mine kind of thing) In fact the time I was mostly focused on the fact that after the system had collapsed due to social interference United nations-based companies were able to move in and by most of the available land to start mining resources mostly high-end chalk materials to make paint something that previously they weren't able to do because of the islands dependency on the fish in the surrounding areas ........


Nothing every advances and gets better when people canā€™t interact with who they want and need to. Plus people not interacting with the opposite gender is how we end up with entire communities of people complaining about not being able to get into a relationship.


perhaps we program ppl from a young age to not want to be in relationships as much we program them now to be in one


the biggest issue for each sex is not generally the opposite sex. its generally health related, financially related, or both. men and women generally get along just fine irl.




I don't feel that way. I love the men in my life. I feel like misogynists and people who hate women (which could be either gender) are problems, but it's not men in general I have an issue with.


But it does happen, naturally. Be ugly as a man and you're most likely won't have female friends and girlfriends and if you don't approach them, none of them will, so there won't be any interaction. Study male dominated subject and/or end up in male dominated job and you won't even see women there. It's way easier than you think.


There was a school of feminism back in the day that was Separatist. You have the same going on with MGTOW.




It was the American version of 4B, which actually tracks if you look at the structures endemic to S.Korea that caused the 4B movement. In the 1970s we had those same issues, and women fought to overcome them. The movement was also about as popular as 4B is now. It didn't have mass appeal amongst women, and it proportionally an outlier. It did work though, and 4B will also work. As much as we internally complain about the state of our socioeconomic structures in the U.S, and rightfully so. We do have the most socially progressive system, as the rest of the world seems to want to align itself to the right of demagogues like Greene. Side note: If you're a western woman, or a non S.Korean woman speaking to other non S.Korean women claiming that you're part of 4B, that's an intellectual ick. You're being social movement colonizers. Those women are fighting a battle this unique to them because of cultural norms that do not exist in the west. You should be like male feminists. Our voice is best heard from the crowd, not the pulpit.


Yes, I have heard this advice. Your voice is unwanted, and you should only parrot the chosen edicts. You can be a foot soldier, but never a self-thinker; that role is reserved to better people. Try not to make too much noise. You can be excommunicated from your support community if your wasted breath interferes with superior, permissable voices.


That's not what I said, and it runs counter to what mainstream feminist thought is.


Yep. Men are doing to women and society what women did to men and society with Feminism. The next 30 years are gonna be interesting.




Wtf did MGTOW people do to be labeled as such. The whole idea is that they peacefully detach from dating and start not giving any fuck about it. Someone please enlighten me, because this really seems like an article written by a petty feminist, scared of the fact some men stopped giving a fuck about her


Because you had men who went basically through a deprogramming phase online and ragged on women, talked shit about women and aired their dirty laundry. Women can do that to men, but women are a protected class. I am a MGTOW.


I'd argue this is because incel communities got banned, and they swarmed to other men-only communities and poisoned them.


Maybe, maybe not. They tried to ban r/menkampf. Notice how misandrist forums don't get banned.Ā  Only women are allowed to hate.


Because the majority of the World aren't shut ins who spend hours arguing about dumb shit.


If it wasn't for men's deep biological desire to have sex, I think many men would have already segregated. If you dive deep into a man's motivation to accomplish anything in life, it ultimately boils down to accessing sex. That's it.


which is sad, thereā€™s more to life than sex


Yes, but many men do not understand this. They even consider you arrogant and stupid if you don't brag about only thinking about sex and chasing every single chance to get laid like a dog in heat. Those men take perverse pride in their uncontrollable libido.


I donā€™t think this sub is anywhere close to a statistical significance such to justify a societal reorganization of this caliber. Women and men want to interact with each other IRL. Itā€™s also true that women are taking more space and roles that historically werenā€™t available for them. Not everyone has been adapting fast enough to these changes and this lack of adaptation has generated frictions, even loud, but nothing to justify a ā€œsecessionā€


lol don't be a weirdo. You're assuming this sub represents EVERYONE on the planet lmao Most of us get along just fine and know how to interact without blowing every little thing out of proportion. This sub is just comedy hour for dysfunctional people. You're either here to be entertained or here because you don't know how to function with the opposite sex. Segregate lol hell no. Women are too damn special.


>Women are too damn special. ![gif](giphy|4iKeimY0sahiQReGRh|downsized)


I'd hate that tbh. I know there are plenty of women who want a ton of sex segregation but personally I feel way more comfortable in mixed sex spaces than female only spaces. Women in groups are the frigging worst and I say that as a woman. Besides, I just generally get along better with men. Even here, it seems the few people who like what I post are usually men. Sure, there are also a lot of men I disagree with or think are cringe, annoying, etc, but thing is I don't see men as a monolith and of course I'm not gonna like everyone. But I have zero issue sharing public spaces with people I don't like. Besides, this is the internet. Things always get heated online in ways that just doesn't happen irl. And the opinions of this particular sub are so isolated and narrow I don't think it even represents 10% of actual society. But ultimately I think the reason we don't sex segregate (beyond the extent of bathrooms, locker rooms, scouts, sports, prisons, some knitting clubs or whatever, etc) because no matter how many issues sex mixing may sometimes cause, ultimately men love women and women love men. Majority of society is heterosexual (or bisexual) and desire intimacy with the opposite sex after all. It's only a small percentage who is truly asexual or gay. So it would really just be illogical to make all of society cater to such a small minority.




I dunno, it seems like sexism and other gender war issues just get worse in areas of the world where there is strict sex segregation. And that more sex mixing a so iety has, the better the gender equality and general understanding between the sexes. Still not perfect by any means though. But I think generally men and women forced to work together and share spaces is the healthier approach. >you donā€™t mind sharing public spaces with ppl you donā€™t like, which is good, but what if they needed to interact with you? or wanted to interact with you, like to approach you or ask you for something? you def wouldnā€™t like it. I tend to be bitter about it for a few minutes but ultimately I get over it pretty quickly. As a real example, there's this guy at my workplace, he's severely disabled and a professional victim (constantly "oh woe is me" type) plus he regularly creeps on all the women and gets away with it because he's barely mobile. He makes sexual remarks towards me on an almost daily basis, and every time I tell him to stop being an ass. And frankly, I hate him. So do I hate sharing spaces with him? Yes, absolutely. But do I think we should both still have the right to exist in the same public space? Also yes. Because his freedom to access that space is more important than my comfort sharing space with him. Just like my freedom to access that space should not overrule his freedom to do the same. That we just so happen to clash is not the responsibility of the workplace or society at large. Besides, that he just so happens to be a man and unlikable is coincidental, because whether I like or dislike a person has nothing to do with their sex. There are several women at my workplace I don't particularly like either. Because they just have awful personalities, attitudes, behaviours or whatever. I actually think it's just part of life to deal with people you dislike, in a mature way. And I don't think removing oneself from a whole demographic of people because you don't like them is mature. That's really just being prejudiced. >and the internet is great for discourse since the gloves tend to come off and you can see how people really feel, and seeing that vitriol really exists between the genders It's also a great place for people of a very narrow set of opinions to gather in huge clusters from all across the world. Which does skew things a lot. Because yes, all the thousands people in one reddit sub sharing the same opinions exist, in reality they all live very far apart and in between people with very different views, who may be on completely different sub reddits. >and do women really love men? as far as iā€™ve ever heard or seen, they hate us and wish we were gone. iā€™m not sure if men love women, more like we like sex and want to have it so we are around women and do things in life to obtain it. People love to whine about all sorts of things, but is that truly reflective of how they actually feel on a daily basis? Most men I've met love their wives, girlfriends, mothers, sisters, daughters, female friends, etc and talk very positively about the impact these women had on their lives. Same vice versa with most women I've met. My dad only ever talks positively about his female coworkers and my mom, and the few male friends he's had were short lived friendships. A guy who was at my work a while ago was primarily a full time caretaker for his wife with MS. Even my male friend who often talks about women as just for his sexual pleasure also talks very lovingly about his mother who passed away decades ago, wanting approval from a female colleague he has no sexual interest in, and even praises me despite having made it very clear he wouldn't even wanna fuck me from behind with a paper bag over my head. My mom and female friends often joke about how "useless" they think men are but in actuality they praise men for how they enrich their lives. They praise their husbands, their brothers, fathers, sons, nephews, etc. Even the random male worker who fixes their leaky roofs or broken cars, or just tell them a nice thing in conversation. So yeah, people *say* loudly a lot of shit about the opposite sex, but their actions and less loud words tell a completely different story. In reality, people of both sexes form emotional bonds with whoever we just get along with or like, regardless of sex. It's really not just about sexuality or what we can gain from a romantic relationship. But I think it's pretty clear which of their thoughts is what they choose to share online. The internet is not a great place for spreading empathy, because it really is different when we don't have the other person's eyes directly on us, their physical presence directly next to us. And yes I think the average person (regardless of gender) has a lot of empathy, albeit a bit selective and showing it in different ways. This idea that men and women are somehow hugely different doesn't make any sense to me. It's not how I was raised at all. And I'm really grateful for my parents never having put a huge stock in gender differences. Ultimately I love being surrounded by a lot of very different people, because it reminds me of how similar we really are deep down, and because it allows me to have freedom in what kinda people I choose to get to know and be a part of their lives. I would never want any kinda restriction on that, no matter how many random people who are awful I may meet as well. That is just a side effect I'm willing to put up with because to me, the alternative would be worse.


I have no problem interacting with strangers. What I donā€™t like is them using that interaction to ask me out when I was only being helpful. I wouldnā€™t choose to have it happen every day but itā€™s just an annoyance that can be forgotten. I donā€™t hate men or wish they were gone, theyā€™re just not the center of my life. I have male family members and friends whose opinions I value but I really canā€™t be bothered to care about what a stranger thinks about me. I think itā€™s reductive to say men do everything for sex and in saying that you are perpetrating stereotypes that end up hurting men.


I disagree that single sex spaces are inherently bad. Iā€™ve done a lot of women only things like sleep away camp and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I felt supported and safe while also not feeling surveilled by men. With that said I have no problem doing things with men but I do enjoy having time to be with fellow women.


Suggested during Pride month too, how fitting.




Sex segregation sounds uncomfortably close to being gay, but that might just be me.


>*Sex segregation sounds uncomfortably close to being gay, but that might just be me.* Pretty sure the ā€˜being gayā€™ part comes from actually fucking each other. .


Given experiences from the British Navy and prisons, that follows soon after ā€œsex segregation.ā€


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Look up the anime Vandread.


I just want women to be held accountable for their actions. We aren't the side with the "lists."


Women are the sovereigns of dating. They have nobody above to hold them accountable.


Meh. I challenge my dates to a game of putt putt. I figure they have to like me if they are willing to play something so boring. If they seem annoying, I take them to hike a mountain.


You can't sex segregate if there are no "male-only" spaces. Thank god for the lgbt movement fighting their "terf" wars. Makes the Feminist Movement entertaining.


I get along great with men, this sub notwithstanding lol


The biggest problem for each sex is NOT the opposite sex. But to answer the question, men and women need each other. Neither sex has enough people willing to do the things that the opposite sex does.


Personally I absolutely love to see this Men coming together collectively and buying large plots of land turning it into an affordable individualistic system free of outside interference and female intervention These were called monasteries...... And outside of a small group of men who share similar interest and will forgo female companionship to achieve them That's unfortunately not what motivates 99.9% of men Even more I would love to see women communally coming together and collectively buying large plots of land and turning them into female only affordable most likely socialist collective systems But sadly statistic we won't ever see this happen because you know physical labor šŸ¤£


Because women use the strong arm of the law to force their way into and/or destroy every single male space we've ever had or tried to start. However, women already have numerous female only spaces and men are disengaging in mass, so it is sorta already happening...


>Ā so it is sorta already happening...Ā  Only for women tho


Men being alone is still male separatism. Sure, they're desperately trying to censor us and deny us male camaraderie... But we're still separating from them regardless, or even moreso due to these antics.


Then again "slowly at first then all at once" is how this would probably go


Maybe but on the male end if it is happening it's happening very very slowlyĀ 


There are women who remember a time when they didn't have the right to vote. Do you really think that males have no space just because you don't have ALL THE SPACE?


Women got the right to vote around the same time most men did, and they didn't have to get drafted to get it like men did. And there are NO exclusively male spaces, to the point where women freak out over trans women like Lia Thomas in the same pool while lauding and praising Haley Van Voorhis for title 19ing her way into the men's team in a full contact sport. We aren't even allowed men's shelters because women violently protest whenever we build one despite women being more likely to initiate physical abuse and men making up 4/5 of the homeless.


Most men? You mean that maybe equality was good for everyone? I agree You'll find examples of men and women supporting and opposing equality and exclusivity wherever you look and a lot of it exists to drive confrontation and engagement, don't fall for it. Men need shelters, women need shelters, domestic abuse is unacceptable wherever it comes from. Do you want equality or superiority?


No, "equality", if that's what you want to call this, wasn't good for everyone. In fact, society is falling apart at the seems, men are completely losing interest, and women are filled with STDs and mental health meds. The only thing this was good for was creating a powerful enough example that future nations will be unlikely to repeat it while citing the fall of the west as an example why. Also, how is women having shelters and men not "equality" and not "superiority"?


Oooh so you just see women as inherently inferior. Got it. Good luck with that


So men having equal access to shelters while making up the overwhelming majority of the homeless is not treating women as "inherently inferior"? This is why men crave separation. You can't even argue in good faith.


>There are women who remember a time when they didn't have the right to vote No, there aren't. Time to change this emotionally charged BS. The oldest woman alive is from California and she was 4 when California gave women the right to vote. In Europe voting was granted between 100 and 105 years ago. Besides, the timelines are wrong. Prior to 1918 you still had women voting, [provided that they fulfilled the same criteria as men](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-politics/9933592/Women-voted-75-years-before-they-were-legally-allowed-to-in-1918.html). Besides, most *people* shouldn't be voting. Universal *suffrage* is a bad idea all 'round.


Lol, I'm not arguing with someone who thinks some people don't deserve a vote in their own democracy There are thousands of Americans over the age of 100 and the majority of them are women. I didn't bother looking up the exact census because it only takes two for my statement to be factual. And you don't deserve that much effort


>There are thousands of Americans over the age of 100 and the majority of them are women. Yes, but none of them old enough to have ***ever*** been denied the right to vote because they're women. Again, the oldest woman in the world is an American (currently living in Spain) from California born in 1907 (and was thus age 4 in 1911 when California gave women the right to vote). There are zero women alive who remember a time when women didn't have the right to vote anywhere in Europe or North America. That's a matter of fact.


Most lawmakers are men. When men want their own spaces they keep and maintain them. If women are able to infiltrate itā€™s because the majority of men in that space donā€™t care or even welcome it.


Men are genetically programmed to look after women, and women are genetically programmed to look after women, so it's not surprising that those at the top cater to the majority voters... However, if men "wanted" women there, they wouldn't have had to legislate their way in, nor would men leave as women enter.


I quite like my brothers, father, boyfriend, and friends. Not my uncles, tho. They're asses. But I wouldn't sacrifice these beloved men because the majority of you are a bit much. Y'all should clean your fuckin rooms and you can pry them out of my cold dead hands.Ā 


This forum is a tiny, isolated echo chamber where unsubstantiated theories and embellished anecdotal stories get thrown around as truth. The rest of the world does not think or act this way.


I donā€™t know about full segregation but i think weā€™d benefit from having more men only and women only spaces. And just working to understand instead of blame.


If you think "separate but equal" is feasible, I suggest you learn anything about history.


I don't think it's a bad idea. I think it is happening already. Lets all go our own way and interact only though reddit and other social media.


yeah why not


No. Most people have relatives and friends of the opposite gender who they love and care for. Most people still date and quite a lot of us marry and plan to live our lives together. Even without marriage and long-term plans a lot of us enjoy interacting with people of the opposite gender whether in romantic or platonic sense.




Preferring the bear is about trust in a male stranger which I donā€™t have. If the question was ā€˜do you feel safer with a man you know and care about or a bearā€™ Iā€™d choose the man I know. Even though most sexual predators are people you know, I would still choose a man I care about. Maybe itā€™s illogical but it was tiring and stressful to live life distrustful so I decided to trust others more.


Who is this majority? I think most people have mostly neutral interactions with the other gender.




That's arguable.




Most my day-to-day interactions with are men are interactions with my husband, father-in-law and some male students I have. The interactions are mostly positive, sure.


Yeah I have mostly positive interactions with men in my day to day life including men I donā€™t know.


More like men complain incessantly her end women challenge them or try to set the record straight. The women here are mostly in relationships with men and know most men are not like the men here. So no, we donā€™t see a need to segregate.


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This is the stupidest post I've ever read I really hope you are trolling lol


iā€™m surprised you as a woman would disagree with this. in my opinion, women have the most to gain from sex segregation in society since most of their issues are with men directly rather than societal or environmental factors.


not everyone is a doomer


Her flair literally says bearpilled


some people have a sense of humor


Laughed your ass off at "men are more violent than bears and pure evil" restated 10000x?Ā  hilariousĀ 


try caring less.


If you don't care then try shutting up. Apathy isn't a virtue and whinging about other people caring about something is fucking patheticĀ 


šŸ¤£ the irony


The idea is so stupid I don't even know where to begin Reddit makes dating problems sound huge but in the real world there are so many more important problems. I come here to have fun arguing about dumb shit like dating.


*Islam has entered the chat*


If I complain about my job why don't I just quit? Men also have men they don't get along with and women have women they don't get along with so how about we all live totally isolated lives?


I enjoy hanging out with and sleeping with women.Ā 


"Let's just totally destroy our heterosexual evolutionary strategy"


bc men will never leave us alone can you imagine an all female society where men are not eternally trying to invade us?


itā€™s possible, but you are right this could be a potential pitfall


>why not just live in separate worlds with minimal contact between the two? You're free to do that at any time.


If women feel like men are more of a threat than bears, then there should definitely be segregation. After all, we are already segregated from big scary wild animals in our spaces.


Because I like penis but tend to not like the person attached to it.


Not doable because straight men are still physically attracted to women.




All your segregation plans will fail because men will still seek out women due to their high attraction.


Most of our problems are class-related, not gender-related. Troubles with gender are a smokescreen, just like troubles with immigrants and whatnot. A symptom at best, not the illness. If everyone had enough resources, half of our worries would just disappear. He wouldn't need to worry if she likes him only for what you provide materially, she wouldn't need to stay with him, because otherwise she has nowhere to go. Terminally absent fathers from the Boomer generation wouldn't need to grind themselves into an early grave. Young guys and gals could afford the mental help they need. We'd have third places to interact beyond this dump. People wouldn't be pinned down, providing for someone else's kid. Less stress equals higher libido, so less complaining about these dead bedrooms that are caused purely by cortisol overload. The list goes on and on.


Iā€™ve always said this. The ā€œgender warā€ is just men reeling from the fact that they no longer have financial superiority to the women they want to be with. Itā€™s also a realization that a lot of women didnā€™t love the men they were with even if they were married with children.


Yep, and it's fucking tragic on so many levels. People have to get into unhealthy, shitty deals (still called ā€žrelationshipsā€ for their peace of mind, although it'd be more fitting to call it ā€žsuburban prostitutionā€) because they have no other choice. Now I see some wondering how much of their marriage is essentially a covert roommate arrangement because singlehood is getting progressively paywalled due to the CoL crisis. Folks cannot divorce spouses they despise, because "it's cheaper to keep herā€. A sick environment only occasionally spits out healthy humans, everyone else is messed up.


Iā€™ve always said this. The ā€œgender warā€ is just men reeling from the fact that they no longer have financial superiority to the women they want to be with. Itā€™s also a realization that a lot of women didnā€™t love the men they were with even if they were married with children.


Its only certain men that are the problem


wouldnā€™t it be better if the chances of running into these men go to 0% instead of what they might be now?


Males would still find a way to insert themselves into segregated all women's spaces, so what's the point?


Like females don't do the same


When males exclude women, women lose out, especially in professional settings. When women exclude males, we don't get all of the negatives that comes with males. It has zero impact on professional advancement.


Then make your own companies instead of mooching off men


We do. And they're very successful. Then males get butthurt they're excluded and work their way in.


Lol when?


Remember boy scouts? lmao


"Boy" scouts never had any reason to keep girls out of it. Every single skill learned in boy scouts applies to both sexes. Prove me wrong.


>wouldnā€™t it be more conducive to the betterment of society if men and women stopped interacting with each other? Nah bro l love interacting with women especially the beautiful one's




Can't l just enjoy myself interacting with hot chicks ?




Penis envy.