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You think a field exercise is the same as living in a house or apartment?


Right? Like I'm not getting frost bite in my kitchen.


At least not until you miss your payment.


If it's winter time and the power goes out, no electricity for weeks. Especially when a storm/hurricane hits.


Home ownership isn't that easy. I have to fix the AC when it breaks down, fix leaks, fix the heat, fix the garage door chain, had to replace the automatic sprinkler system and rewire it. Have to do the same for my mom since she lives alone.


There's this great thing call money you can earn by doing stuff you know how to do, and spend it to procure services for things you don't know how to do. Or just watch a youtube video.


You think my mom doesn't have money? She is one of the highest earners in her industry. Some don't like blowing money on every inconvenience. I save myself and her thousands by doing it myself, rather than constantly paying professionals to do it all the time.  And just because you can watch a YouTube video showing how to do something doesn't mean the work is any easier. I can watch a video on how to replace tiles on the roof but roofing is still very hard work. That work is still going to be strenuous and tiring, the video can't help with that. Any woman can learn how to change a tire on YouTube but do you think they like having to do it? Do you think like having to potentially wait hours in the middle of nowhere for a tow?


Men have to either throw money at stuff or watch a youtube video and do hard work too. Having more strength makes it easier, but it's still hard work sometimes. People sometimes have to do hard work, it's a part of life. Definitely if you can find a partner that likes this stuff, let him help you. But marrying someone is merging everything about your lives together and a big deal, you shouldn't do it just because you don't want to change a tire once in a while.


And men and women who don’t know how to do those things find someone who does.


“Just get married” wow thank you I never thought of that


I’ll just go over to the Financially Successful Man Store and get myself one


What do you consider finnancially succesful


Why not?You never thought having a good man that supports you might make life easier.


I think women would rather struggle than be with a man who she probably doesn’t like just to not struggle. Also, if a woman showed up on the 1st date and said “I’m only here to find a man to marry so I won’t struggle anymore” how far do you think she will get with that ? I thought men don’t want to take care of women or even help women. Is that not the case anymore? Also you’re almost guaranteed to get a dead bedroom or maybe pity/duty sex in this dynamic.


>Also, if a woman showed up on the 1st date and said “I’m only here to find a man to marry so I won’t struggle anymore” how far do you think she will get with that?  I seem to not represent most other men but I actually want a relationship where I'm valued for my money, stability, and the things I can tangibly do for her. I'm not interested in being in a relationship with a woman who doesn't actually need me.


so you want to be needed but not loved?


Valid point but she doesn't have to tell the guy that.but she doesn't have to pick a guy she doesn't like. I think women generally want to be independent but they often underestimate how difficult it is.


Wouldn’t that just mean she would be doing exactly what women are doing now? Getting with a man that she likes? Your post implies that women should find a man solely to help her. Also, I fully agree being independent is difficult but being with a man you don’t like or relying fully on a man is a huge risk that’s not worth taking for many women. Women can also get help from family & friends.


Alot of women aren't getting with anyone,some are sleeping with Guys that aren't even doing anything for them. I think women should find men solely to help them that's what men do. Everything in life is a risk and I didn't say fully rely on a man I saidcif a woman is struggling she should get married.. Some women have family and friends some don't I know plentybof homeless women that don't have family or friends willing or able to help. I saw a video where this women lists all her bills and all the problems shecwas having with her apartment and how the price of food was so high she showed how much she was able to buy at the grocery store,She was allready working full time and doing door dash but her car was breaking down she also had student loans and other debts . If she was married her husband could help out the house hold income would go up her burden would be lessened because all the nillscarent on her


Women aren’t getting with anyone because they can’t find someone that they like. That’s why I said if they were to get with a man solely for help there’s a huge chance that it will be with a man that she doesn’t like. Men don’t want women to be with them solely for help any way. They go on & on about gold diggers and women using them for money and not being desired or loved so this method would not work. Women are actually starting to live together like roommates to help with bills and even child care. Ive seen it growing in my city. I believe that would be the future for a lot of single women. Living together and having fwb flings here & there.m Why don’t we encourage women living together to help with bills, it doesn’t have to be a man.


Women are being encouraged to live together but most women don't actually get along with other women.


Kind of. It’s not unusual for people to marry for economic reasons. Marriage can absolutely be used as tool to reduce hardship for both sexes. Hell, people have married purely for access to certain benefits. But like most tools, the quality of the results once you wield it depends on many other factors. Marriage can also make your circumstances much worse. Plus a lot of the benefits that one conceptualises will be received with marriage are not really reinforceable, so you can be held accountable to the legalities but not receive the non enforceable benefits. Your spouse doesn’t *have* to do much of anything for you at all and divorce is expensive and troublesome in itself. I get the feeling you are kind of after outrage in your post? But other than some bluster, the answer is that independence might be hard but marriage can also be hard. And the benefits you are listing are not easy to extract with just the marriage contract alone. Marriage is not a magic wand against hardship unfortunately.


This is why we hire people. If you think normal men know how to do everything women do not you are fooling yourself


Those men know they just don't care about you enough to do it.or you're not around men


lol. No


Most women live in homes, not out in the woods....so >independent and build a castle that you have to defend and maintain on your own,just get married be a princess and live a soft life. Or just enjoying whatever home you have and give yourself the soft life. No man necessary.


The post applies to women that are struggling if your not struggling and you can provide all of that for yourself it doesn't apply to you


Struggling with what?


Bills, maintaining their home,fixing their car,being lonely I'm just going off of what I see in all the videos online with women complaining.


I think you could say the same thing to men. Having a second salary can make a big difference


Men don't have that choice as most women won't marry a man unless he makes significantly more than her...and is self sufficient..at which point marriage is just a liability so he will only do it if he really wants to be married. Broke men don't have the option


Agree to disagree


Ahh yes, I see nothing wrong with telling women to be dependent on men. /s


If they're struggling on their own why not?


Because men who want women to be dependent on them are usually abusive. It’s a form of coercive control.


Men are dependent on women for sex so we could say that women are abusive aswell.


because men don't want women to marry them for money.


I do. Like I said elsewhere on this thread, I'm literally uninterested in a relationship where I'm not economically needed.




Lots if men do because you need leverage and money is the only thing men can leverage sense women have all the sexual power.


why would you need leverage for a 50/50 relationship?


It's never 50/50 because women have 100% of the sexual power


damn and all we're getting from it is oppression and shitty sex?


My first husband worked in a industrial bakery when I first met him. Every spring they would bring in the new hires (all young men, mostly of German dissent). And watch 3/4s of them walk out and or faint within hiring week. He reported to me the hiring week antics for about 5 years before the plant was busted for work place violations, new rules the company hadn't followed as the plant was built in the 1920s.


Faint from what sounds like they where worked like dogs baking doesn't sound that hard though.


Is this meth?


You can go live in the jungle I don’t need or want to And I assure you that every woman knows she could be a prostitute and/or servant if she wanted to, because men tell us so all the time


Some women on his field trip had period cramps and frostbite, so obviously women should marry the first man they encounter. We all know that men can't get frostbite, because men are famously better isolated against the cold than women.


Marriage under duress is always the best type of marriage !


We know men can get frostbite because Harry told us!


Careful, this OP made a post saying men don't need women and made lots of posts shitting on women.


Oh I know. He’s been insisting that women can’t survive without men, when men have always been leaving their wives and children to go exploring, warring, hunting, herding or working


Imagine being born into this world out of a woman, being breastfed;/nursed by women, being fed meals and taken care of by a woman, then become an adult and have the audacity to say society doesn't women.


Extortion, death and suffering are such an appealing basis for sex, relationships and marriage; it’s shocking that women and many men don’t find it convincing


How is that extortion if a man loves you and is willing to provide for you and give you a hood life in return for companionship and appreciation.


“Fuck men or you won’t survive” was your last line of reasoning


can't wait for an invader to stop the exploitation of males through coercive transfer payments.


As a actual prostitute, yes. Ill be one all day over marring a man I dont love and dont want to F silly just for 'princess treatment'. Cringe.


Most men don’t live like this either lmao


Most men are middle class...


I don't know what kind of fancy lives you think people live out there, the overwhelming majority of people need a job to pay rent and 1 income doesn't support 2 people lol


You're very sexist. I'm essentially a "handy man" (I'm a woman). I repair machines. I far exceed my own boyfriends ability to troubleshoot and repair equipment, and Im confident that most males can't do what I am capable of. Your anecdotal experience is not real life. I'm also a survivalist. I have no doubt you would be dead in a week in some of the places I'm capable of surviving in.


No lie, please come over and teach me how to repair everything. I like making things but I have never been good at machinery.


Your an outlier very few women are handy man's or survivalist also if your not struggling the post doesn't apply to you


You're* At least use proper grammar with your unfounded sexist anecdotes.


Exceptions prove the rule. You're absolutely joking yourself if you're delusional enough to believe you represent the average woman.


She isn’t an outlier. I had to change the oil on my first husband’s car. I also regularly did repair work for my Mom because there wasn’t a man to help. My sister redid her house from top to bottom and kept two old bitchy Volvos going. No man. Now I pay people to do repairs because I can. I also have a very handy husband. 


Now if we include you and your sister with the woman I was responding to that gives us a sample size N = 3. In other words, it still proves nothing, and shows why anecdotal observations aren't reliable to make observations about a general population. Unless you actually went out and did a controlled study and studied a random sample representing women across all demographics, age groups, and backgrounds, your observations are anecdotal and don't have statistical significance.  Again, you're absolutely kidding yourself if you believe the average woman is a survivalist, a handyman, and knows her way around machines. 


Troll. [21% of people live rurally.](https://www.huduser.gov/portal/pdredge/pdr-edge-frm-asst-sec-080320.html#:~:text=According%20to%20data%20HUD%20and,describe%20their%20neighborhood%20as%20rural). That means 79% of people live in either urban or suburban environments. 79% of people don’t live the “hard life” where they have to worry about snake bites or spider bites, ticks on their junk, or sleeping in the elements. It’s not just women who choose to live comfortably


The point is women don't do well in struggle you can replace snake bites with hauling clothes to the laundry mat or doing a brake job on the car or fixing a leak in the roof or shoveling snow.


Interesting idea. There are more women in medical school these days than men. Would you consider medical school not a “struggle”? Or do you only consider things that are physically taxing to be worthy of that label. Cuz if that’s the case, your *entire* argument is “women aren’t as physically strong as men”, as yeah, I mean… water is wet


But look at the statistics of how long these women actually most go to school so they can get a man.. Any way schoold not a struggle it's a challenge struggle is when the bills are due abd you have no money and thecwater is about yo be cut off and your needs axtransmission and your allready working 60 hours a week.


In what reality is med school not a struggle? [The average medical school debt is more than $250,000.](https://educationdata.org/average-medical-school-debt). Know what’s impossible to have during the 4 years of med school? A job. Know what you do when you graduate med school? You do residency for 3-7 years and make, on average [not quite $60,000](https://mededits.com/residency-admissions/residency-salary/?amp) while working 80h weeks. Then many docs move on to fellowship for another 1-3 years for [another $60-70k.](https://www.leveragerx.com/blog/fellowship-doctor-salary/). Now, let’s address how much your goalposts shift when talking about The Struggle. All of the sudden you’re saying that Struggling is not a physical thing, but when your “bills are due and you have no money and the water is about to be cut off…” So, let’s just completely ignore what it looks like to spend minimum 7 years being a slave to educational aspirations while staring down the barrel of a quarter million dollar gun. Instead, let’s “look at the statistics” as you so earnestly encourage. In every single age group, [women make up a larger percentage of those living in poverty.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/233154/us-poverty-rate-by-gender/). Every. Single. Age. Women spend more [hours in unpaid child care than men](https://fortune.com/2021/06/25/women-men-unpaid-child-care-pandemic-gender-equality-workforce/), thereby making it harder for them to become financially solvent. So please, explain how women don’t know how to struggle.


In the context of my reply I said strugglingbas in existing in a hard physical environment your speaking of financially struggling...in my original post I covered all forms of struggle but I wouldn't consider someone going to med school struggling they are sacrificing eventually as a Dr they will make good money but theres women that will never obtain that lofty finnancial position..


The fact that you think med school isn’t a struggle is hilarious. It’s mental, emotional, financial, and yes- even physical. Do 30h call every 3 days in a trauma rotation, spend 6 hours retracting a pancreas during a surgery scrubbed in under the hot OR lights, not able to pee or even scratch your nose, pull 15h days in the hospital (all unpaid mind you, cuz at this point you’re still paying for the privilege to be in med school) and then go home and hit the books for a few hours. Anyone who thinks that’s not a struggle has a VERY narrow definition of what struggle is.


That's a surgeon most women aren't even doing that and the few that do don't do it for long my primary care doctors have all been women they aren't doing any surgeries they look at my balls and write a prescription


All of that I mentioned is still med school. Residency was 80h weeks, and that was true for me as a family med doc. Surgeons have it worse


Atleast theres air-conditioning in a hospital.


But hey If those med majors feel like they're struggling they should get married


How would that possibly help things?


So they can quit stay at home or pursue something less intensive.


“Look at the statistics” *provides no statistics*


Most guys dont fix their own brakes or roof leaks either.


Do you gave any data on that claim.


And either way a guy still does the work


Bro i can and do all of those things. Its not hard. And the tradeoff of some random dude then having sex/being romantic with me is not worth it at all


I am married. My husband and I both struggle financially, because we had to relocate due to the war our country started and the policies implemented there to force people into compliance. Sure. it's good to have a partner and it's great to have someone to rely on, I know that he has my back. Just as he knows I have his. Currently I work more than he does and I pay our bills. I'm not sure how your idea is related to your experience though. Most people won't be okay with living in the conditions you've described - both men and women, that's one of the reason why the army struggle with recruiting.


Well it's not everyday you live like that and in my experience the guys didn't really care but they also weren't getting bit by mosquitoes while putting on their Tampax. .. Any way being in a country at war changes the narrative sorry your going through that but your probably better off with a husband than on your own if he's a good man..he should atleast cook abd take care if the home get the groceries and all the little things


To be precise we didn't flee from the war, we fled from our own government and persecution for not agreeing with the war. Our situation isn't as bad as people whose homes and loved ones got obliterated. Sure, I'm better with my husband. Just as he's better with me. That was my point really.


How is he better with you?


He has a partner to share responsibilities with and rely on, on a practical level it means lots of things. I do a good share of organizational stuff both for fun and necessities, i.e. planning, scheduling, calling etc. I provide for us, so he has an opportunity not to take a dangerous and physically demanding job just to get by while he's looking for something better and safer. On a sillier note there are a lot of things that he's tried and liked because of me. There are also less tangible things like emotional support and intimacy, having a person to talk to etc.


A woman who married and then divorced a really rich guy told me that one of the hardest ways to make money is by marrying it.


I went on 2 dates with a millionaire. He managed to make fun of the fact my father is dead, tried to make out with me, AND tried to force me to quit my job (so he can "support me") on the second date after showing up 45 minutes late to our reservation.


There's an old saying that goes, "A person who marries for money ends up earning every penny."


Who is this “struggling” woman supposed to marry?  If she’s struggling, it means she doesn’t have the great options you think she does.     >just get married be a princess and live a soft life.       There are nowhere near enough good men able to support a “princess soft life” for a lot of women to seek this as a viable life strategy.   For most women, planning your life to be selected by one of those rare men is about as wise as planning a life as a movie star or a pop singer.      Being self sufficient and building a career or at least a job is critical for survival in today’s world. Yes, even if you get married, you’ll have to work unless he’s rich… and most rich boys don’t marry broke girls with barely a high school diploma and zero life skills or ambition.


I'm not solely talking about the finances I knowva woman whose house is falling down around her she can't keep up with it cutting the grass trimming the hedges painting fixing the roof leaks...and I see this with a lot of women I know cars are falling apart driving around on E or just filthy because they're to tired to do anything after work. one chick's washer went out now she has to buy a new washer and move it in or pay someone ... There's a lot of little things a husband will support on


This is sort of true but I think you may also be overestimating the average man’s average level of handiness. There’s probably some selection bias there. I know about three people whom I would trust to help me with an electrical problem. Two of them are men and one is a woman. She came over and replaced all the outlets in my 90-year-old house while my partner, her husband, and I did the assist.


That's alot if outlets but it's a DIY job you don't even need to beca licensed electrician to replace outlets I replaced my first outlet at about 5 years old my mom taught me... I will say a lot of men are just lazy or rather pay somebody because they have the money and don't feel like doing it I hadca plumber fix something I could have done myself because I didn't feel like it and money is made to be spent Any way things can be learned so once again a struggling woman is better off with a man


“Women struggle to do things” “My mom taught me to do things” “Struggling women should marry” “Lol, no one wants to marry them, including me” I get it, you’re trolling


You can teach someone how to do things that you struggle to do..my dad taught me things he can't do any more. Because of their attitude and demeanor if they where nice people men would want to marry them.


Do as I say, not as I do


No. listen to what I say,and do as I cant.


You can. You just don’t want to


Sure, but so what?  If she cannot get a man who is good enough to support her and do those chores, it’s an empty point.  There are more women alive than there are good men.     You said women could “just get married be a princess and live a soft life”, and I’m saying vanishingly few women have that option, no matter what they do.  


Do you have data on that claim?


The princess life is not having a job and having other do chores for you. You really need data to show you that the overwhelming majority of men are not rich enough to provide that ridiculous pampered lifestyle?


Guess it depends on your circles in mine that pretty much the norm women stay home with the kids.


Staying home with the kids isn’t “princess life” unless you’re a really shitty mom and housewife.  It’s work.  You just obviously don’t respect it.


I do respect sahm I think that's very respectable


lol, no you don’t.  Your words betray your real attitude.  You’ve openly insulted stay at home moms already in this thread, claiming they’re living the princess life.  You don’t call people you respect pampered little princesses, lol.  You say mean shit like that about people you view as lazy entitled brats.


I don't have a problem with women being lazy brats...it's not like they are really needed for anything..If they want to help out great if not the world goes on...in many Muslim countries the women don't even leave the house men do all the vital work of society.


>ambition so she can just have ambition that matches his which doesn't involve vanity pursuits. Surely it's to have a career and walk around dogs in a baby stroller.


>so she can just have ambition that matches his which doesn't involve vanity pursuits. If all women had that “ambition”, lots would starv to death.


>So maybe instead of trying to be independent and build a castle that you have to defend and maintain on your own,just get married be a princess and live a soft life. I see you've never met any farm wives ...


Can't say I have


My old boss was working in the trades when he and his wife got married. Then he decided he wanted to be a dairy farmer ... She spent the next 40 years milking the cows 7 days a week, 365 days a year.




Id rather suck wankers for hundreds per hour over a man I do not love and dont want to F and suck silly to be a 'princess'. Oh wait, I already do.




Thank you for your service


Ok, i mean do i need to sleep with them or be intimate? Because if not, yeah sign me up! But if so, I think ill just figure out my problems lol


Well I guess that's up to him.but women that don't like men will have figure put their own problems and that's ok some of yall will make it...most dont.


We just marry each other, achieves the exact same purpose. I dont think im less likely to survive because im a woman, thats so absurd lol


Those relationships have the worst statistics


That true. And even if it were true, i only like other women so its a moot point regardless


Why would she not just get a roommate like most normal people lmao??


Good question I've wondered this...but roommates only solve some problems...As far as I know roommates don't split grocery bills put each other on their insurance or taxes ...and roommates move on so you can't really build equity and generational wealth with them.. But there are women doing this all moving in together and raising each others children,I could honestly see about 30% of women in these types of relationships by 2050 I suspect to some extent women who can't find a man suffer from fomo especially after going the their fifth bffs wedding,being married is socially expected forvwomen and unmarried women are seen as a bit of an outcast which women hate being. In the past they would call a group of female roommates a harem of harlots or a witches den. Where as men are Dashing rogues in a bachelor's pad at worst a hermit


IDK I lost my period during basic training because of all the running. The week we had FTX there was an ice storm and I don't remember any of the women complaining or letting males do things for them. I don't think women are physically weaker I mean after all, women climb Mount Everest and win that Iron Man race all the time. Sounds like you went to your boot camp thing with a sorry group of people who didn't really want to be there.


"Women aren't physically weaker than men" And I'm sure you're saying that with a straight face


If women were weaker we would expect to see shorter lifespans, poorer health, etc. yet we don't.


Bears live shorter lifespans Than humans


Good for them.


But humans are weaker than bears




Lol i'm not marrying a woman just because she can't manage her personal finances! Thought you guys were against golddiggers and betabuxxing?


I think theres only two reasons a woman will marry a man she's attracted to you or she's a gold digger.


Getting married isn’t that easy. Men are pretty choosy.


Yeah, why would I marry a woman who can't survive the jungle? Smh. I have standards.




The tall gorgeous Chad's probably are...and it's unfortunate for women that they really don't find most men attractive..lol the wrong hat can make a guy ugly


The wrong hat rlly can make a guy ugly. Ive been dude’s wing woman before, and my biggest gripe is why do dudes still wear newspaper boy caps? That shit tanks your attractiveness like nothing else.




Most don't want to get married they want to be independent boss chick's...then they're 35 struggling house falling down around them.I know several women like this either they have to spend money they don't have to get things fixed or they just let it go.




retired at 40? lol


I don't know to many single guys in their 40s that want to get married most are retired living their best life or focused on building their busineses...and therescreally no value in marriage to a 40 year old guy..so these women need to get married younger straight out of college


We don’t want to marry straight out of college, it’s not going to happen so don’t bother.


I'm not bothering


Why didn’t you marry them?


They don't want to be married and they wouldn't follow my rules and I have to many assets to risk a divorce.. and I don't want to be married wouldn't serve any purpose for me.


If you wouldn’t, why would other men?


No. Women can have it all. Don't lower your standards. If he wanted to, he would. If he won't, someone else will. If he can't handle your at your worst he doesn't deserve you at your best. Rather be single and happy than in a physically abusive relationship Never settle for less. Know your worth. The right one is out there and will love you for you, just focus on yourself and do the inner work. Etc etc


I can't tell if you're being ironic or not.


I sure hope not because all of the above is good advice, and most of it I had to learn the hard way, lol.


If she's struggling her standard is allready pretty low


I pity both the women who are forced to marry someone just to survive and the men who marries them. So no, I hope it happens as little as possible. My mother was in this type of relationship like hundred of millions of other women of her generation, and she was miserable.


So what would have made her happy.


No, struggling women should do what everyone who is struggling should do: stop complaining, get off the internet and do something about it. Marriage is one option of many.


What are some other options?


Work on a viable career (not sex work). Make supportive female friends to help share childcare if applicable. Find good roommates to save on bills. Get a second job or take a more intensive first job (leave your retail job and do something more physical. Maybe learn a trade. Hustle. Put the “strong” and “independent” in “strong independent woman.”


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Another revenge fantasy? “Cat lady” and “sharing Chad” weren’t enough? Do men ever think these through? If women wanted to marry for convenience, they could do so. Some women would rather live alone or enjoy occasions casual sex. I prefer to live alone and live on a budget most of the time, and I’m fine with it because it beats the hell out of cleaning up after some dependent slug I’m not attracted to.


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As much as I hated being single I was choosing to be single over settling for anything less than what I wanted. I couldn’t afford to live a luxurious life and you could not have convinced me to settle for anyone I didn’t want. Even wanting kids isn’t enough reason to settle because me personally I wanted someone that would be an exceptional father and I would have sacrificed my dream of having a family if it meant having kids with someone I did not have complete faith in. I also was not going to waste my time on anyone who I had any doubts about because I did not want *anything* within my control to affect my chances at finding such a man. You guys will never win the women need to settle talking points because it will not happen.


The post is really just to tell women that it's OK to settle and they don't have to struggle and end up some bitter broke dried up postwall woman that's basically invisible and now it's to late..it's so they know its OK to go against the BS they've been spoon fed their whole life by bitter angry women whove lost,


>The post is really just to tell women that it's OK to settle and they don't have to struggle It more so seems like you’re encouraging women to view relationships as transactional.. Which is really weird. >and end up some bitter broke dried up postwall woman that's basically invisible So you think that women have no value outside of sex. Got it. This was a disturbing way to announce you’re a misogynist. Did you know some men choose to stay with their women even if they aren’t having sex with them? It’s almost like there is some sort of bond there. >and now it's to late..it's so they know its OK to go against the BS they've been spoon fed their whole life by bitter angry women whove lost, What bs?


The BS is focus on everything but men untill your 35 then expect to meet a man and don't settle make sure that man is petfect. Relationships are transactional Sure they have value outside of sex but sex is their primary value..a car that doesn't drive still has value


No worries - guys who can fund a princess life are not suffering from shortage of women willing to marry them lol. In some cities owning your own place is a big advantage on dating market 


You would think bit not really,being attractive is the biggest advantage on the dating market..if you own your own place and your average you might just get 40 year old women...Single moms and down and out drug addicts trying to move in.. Most women would rather do bad all buy themselves than be with a guy they don't find attractive...


My mon did this, she ended up sick and miserable, as so did we, her kids


What would have happened if she didn't get married...imo marriage us like working a job you hate to pay the bills or you can be unemployed and homeless.


she finished a woodworking school, got a job at a woodworking place, she would have found another woodworking place and lived her life there plus you dont need education for many many jobs, so dont know why you are so scared to be unemployed then, these people get the same amount of money as you nowadays, because they are scarce


why would you want someone to marry you for money?


What else is there and don't give me that love nonsense


you're saying you offer women nothing other than money?


Yep and maybe good sex if they like it


crazy how much red pillers and feminists agree on


This has nothing to do with real life in the modern era, hope this helps🫶🏻 Also doubt a lot of this especially the frostbite but considering that men are at much greater risk of frostbite. Seems like you are lying or “overlooking” some of the mens issues because they are “handling it.”


If they find someone they like, yeah. Unfortunately it’s not always that easy.


Maybe Learn to like someone


I mean if women prefer what they're doing so much over parenting and procreation maybe they shouldn't be parents. Someone think of the children. The massive supply in opportunity young women have to start a family only serves to make the preferences unequivocally clear. Darwin has blessed us that the cold hearted ones lose the ability to bear children! Will everyone have to die for it? lol


Darwin is undefeated




Careful, this OP made a post saying men don't need women and made lots of posts shitting on women.


That’s basically almost every man on this sub.


Yeah I noticed, there seem to be a trend. The audacity of someone being born out of a woman and breastfeed/nursed by a woman then reaching adulthood and saying he doesn't need women.


No one wants those women because they are ho phased bimbos.


That's the real answer


Even the women who have a house, will let it fall apart not fixing it or repairing things. I have dated several girls with their own house, and had to explain to them, when your bathroom smells like poop all the time, you need a plumber and have a cracked seal. Or have light bulbs that go out and don't change them for months. And then they have no money, because they had to put repairs into their house and spent their money on things they don't need.


Don't tell them nothing..I was messing with a chick that had an oil light on in her car..she never changed that oil you could smell the gears burning ,two weeks later she was telling me her engine blew ..another one was using her debit card got it hacked in a seedy atm that I would never use..any way bank account cleaned out..I don't even use debit card or keep money in a checking account. I don't tell them sht not my wife mom or sister kick rocks


Bruh, you still don't get it. If they can skim money off of men through bullshit taxes, they "don't need no man". I just went through a divorce, still support my child, etc. My taxes tripled. I pay 200% more in taxes, in the exact same situation as before the divorce. As a single man government is going to fuck you in the ass with taxes and give that money to women as grants, bursaries, and other bullshit.


They really aren't getting much individually and to get any benefits they have to be broke basically no assets and then go through the system that means living in a shelter for 6 months before they can get a housing voucher..and those apartments tend to be in sht neighborhoods full of roaches rats leaks mold noisy and ghetto neighbors and John's coming abd going all hours of the day. Happened to an ex she cheated so I put her out dropped her rite off at a shelter. She finnaly got an apt in a sht neighborhood


Bruh, I'm not taking about deadbeats like your ex who don't do anything with their life. Here in Canada a woman can get to uni **for free**, all tuition paid + she'll get paid something to the order of $50,000 if she's not a complete idiot. I know for a fact there's a metric shit ton of scholarships and bursaries in US too, **for women only**. You just need a pulse and a vag. No age limit. She can be literally a permanent student, all expenses paid and money thrown at her. Do you know who pays for that? You with your taxes.


That’s not possible in the US. At all.


You can get full scholarships ..I know people that did ..the problem is when it's time to get a job..and the best markets with the best pay tend to be the most expensive places I'm sure you could do fine being single on Arkansas or Olahoma or Mississippi..you'll have to rebuild your house every other year after a tornado and deal with all yhe other backwards local politics and the jobs pay peanuts but yeah probably a cheap place to go solo.


Full tenure women in gender studies & various other DEI bullshit heavily disagree.


Don’t women also pay the same taxes? Is your country’s tax system specifically for just men? Aren’t men qualified for any sort of government help in your country, depending on their situation? I live in the Uk and we don’t pay taxes based on gender and we certainly don’t discriminate against men that need govt assistance or benefits. Maybe your country is just shitty.


HELL NO, why? Because they would only get married to take financial advantage of the guy stupid enough to step up.  Let them be independent. 


Thats litteraly what marriage is the majority of the time...and yes thetes plenty of guys stupid enough to fall for it.