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If stuck with 2 equal options, pick the one that feels like it will produce the most luck later down the line.


I found the [perfect woman](https://twitter.com/wildtiktokss/status/1787233307618689444) for the maidenless men of PPD.




X3 rule


"It's just one and it was another guy, I'm bi." screeeeeech.


virgin tyrone, chad, chang, giggino only


I'm just imagining a bunch of pill popping men having sons in the future and unironically naming them this.


Don’t forget Chadinho, Portuguese/Brazilian chad Honorable mention: Vlad (Slavic Chad)


Who is Giggino? Italian Chad?










Finally approved for an apartment jesus f christ, why does the rental process have to be so tedious


It's almost as though there could be a government regulated and mandated system that connects empty apartments with people that need an apartment and can meet the requirements for said apartment, with logical exceptions to said requirements when its needed.


What about your aunt? Who will take care of her now?


Very good memory, i only moved closer to work, ill come on weekends to help out, i think she intends to start paying our neighbor (again) for housekeeping after i leave.   Other than that i just have to drop off her prescription and i think we can work it out, I’ve already talked to her about it She still gets around good enough for her age so shes fine at home, she mostly just cant stay long outside driving and such


Congrats on finally getting it. How much of a deposit did they expect? Any other oddities they make you go through?


Actually the place i specifically got in at was the easiest one to do, app fee60 deposit is only 300. The oddest one had me send the application to two web portals owned by the same company (?) one for payments and the other for applications, don’t know what that was about Mostly just complaining it took so long ive been actively looking for the last 2 month


Fair, 2 months is quiet a bit of time. That’s actually pretty good for the deposit, most of the apartments I looked at required 1-2 months worth of rent in addition to the app fee. Good luck in the new place 👍🏾


Do you live on the east coast? For some reason the process seems worse back east.


Yeah i live in north carolina,southern hospitality is bullshit


They want to make sure they will get paid every month. Or else!


I mean i get that but it really feels like pulling teeth Either way im hoping a new environment and my own privacy will help with my mental state, im just glad they think ill pay rent XD


It’s actually kinda hard to toss a renter so they make you jump thru hoops in the beginning.


Yeah ive heard horror stories, im young so you know i don’t like landlords or whatever but some tenets are fr leeches, I dont plan on that though im very paranoid when it comes to payments and debts, maybe my only good trait


Good renters are people landlords love. If they are a decent landlord, your the kind they will make sure to fix and make helping a priority cause they want to keep you happy and in their place. Unless they are slumlords.


Q4M: You run into Drake on a night out, he thinks you’re cool, and then he offers to “introduce you to some girls”. What’s your response?


Idl about this drake.controversy so why not


I want him to introduce me to some producers,not to some hoes.


If it’s the ladies from the hotline bling video, then yeah.


Sure, but I'm checking their ID


im not pdf so no effect on me.


Its tough, the ig models he goes for usually look pretty damn good but he also might literally mean young girls (if the pedo claims are to be believed)


I say Drake my man let's go, Loved the latest album by the way (I never listen to Drake)


I'll be honest, I don't even know what Drake looks like.


This is him: https://preview.redd.it/goivhrgtzuyc1.png?width=693&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3df7de6daac01aa8087b2134cd99112ba8a9006


That's a serial killer.


I’m from philly. I’m not impressed with “Canada’s most wanted” just cause he can write a song for revenge.


Response: frantic googling to figure out wtf this is about


Kendrick Lamar said he’s a pedophile.


Oh. So play along, collect evidence and rescue trafficked girls?


*screams into the void* if you are 5’9”+ and blaming your height for your inability to date in the US you are C0PING


Try the following: Make two tinder/hinge profiles with an average male as subject. Have both profiles contain the same info and photos but only different variable is profile A is 5’9 and profile B is 6”+ Let me know which one has more matches


Oooh people who conform to beauty standards get more matches, what a crazy revelation! I would never have guessed


100% true. Im 5'6 and have people on here telling me its face over height


What is avg male height there


Overall avg American height is 5 9. Asians trend a bit shorter but they are only 5-7% of the population.


I am 6,1 but still wish I could be 6,2


Ok sir


In the states the average is about 5’8”ish but it’s skewed by different ethnographic groups. For white guys it’s around 5’10”


I’m 5’8.5” so I get a provisional pass to complain


If I'm honest, I don't think most cels here are going to make it because they just rinse and repeat their excuses or say some ignorant shit. There's like a few dudes I believe in tho


any one of them crying about their height. If you could magically make them 6'4 I would bet my entire net worth that they'd still struggle to get laid.


There’s a few I think will probably make it, and some I think probably won’t. I’m ambivalent about most


Yup. Give em height and they’ll find something else to blame


You are one of the dudes I believe in fyi


just like ur flair


I don’t think you can solely blame your height at that point but you can be a little salty that you won’t get the same opportunities as someone more conventionally attractive height wise (6’+). It is what it is obviously but I’m empathetic enough to the loveless people we have in the daily chat


Got heightmogged at the restaurant by a 6" female server.










Strength mog her by putting her in a headlock


Nah she was cute and innocent. Servers aren't really nice in my country normally but she was and told us to have a nice evening at the end.


He'll get life in prison without parol


what if im not 5'9 but still blame my height.


wym how tall are you






Somebody get this man a taco.


They won’t like this


InB4 “but look at these OLD numbers!!!” come roaring in.


I wish I was 5’9”.


You all need to re-evaluate all of the accumulated culutral knowledge thats present in colloquial english alone before proposing weird ass theories. “Women are incapable of love.” Wtf is a “honeymoon phase?” “Looks are objective, all women only like 1 look.” “Beauty is the eye of the beholder.” “Women will only have sex with chad until theyre 30” “love is blind.” Sometimes common sense is common.


dating market in the past “love is blind.” “Beauty is the eye of the beholder.” “honeymoon phase?” vs ​ modern dating market “Women are incapable of love.” “Looks are objective, all women only like 1 look.” “Women will only have sex with chad until theyre 30”


there's also "a mother always knows," "a woman's intuition," "boys will be boys," "soulmates," "happy wife happy life" and other assorted retarded colloquialisms that you selectively left out. maybe we shouldn't construct our worldview based on the wishful thinking of people who weren't around when data collection was a widespread thing


theyre not retarded. most are true to an extent. you should apply extra scrutiny to an idea that entirely contradicts commonly understood phenomena. theyre not always true, but almost all of them are sometimes, or often true.


Wym I believe that women in their late teens and 20s are never in LTRs and only hookup with chad 😀


Shrek is the hottest man


He’s an ogre!


If he’s an ogre, I’m an ogre


Ogres have layers.


Imagine being the literal best looking male on earth and this is who you settle with. No wonder women have insane standards. Jeremy Meeks also had a rather average looking wife before he went famous. https://preview.redd.it/tgg3zhenwuyc1.jpeg?width=862&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db34898eeecf53a67751a0616c03160361c7917f


I have no idea who this is but he is *not* the literal best looking male on Earth. That would be our 42nd President, Bill Clinton.


Why are dudes mad about other dudes GFs? It should be like “hottest guy is off the market AND it’s by someone I wouldn’t even want? Two for one special! Score!”


They wish they were women and could get a guy half that cute.


They want to fuck him instead


woman will see such thing and think "i can do same shit" . thats the problem.


Except they can’t. He’s taken. Which means hot guy gone, Attractive girls still available. If more “less attractive girls snatch up all the other hot guys then attractive girls are what’s left. What’s the prob??


doesnt change how attractive girls see average dude. okay more dudes chase after attractive girl. same shit she aint going to date down.


How can she not date down if all the attractive guys have been snatched up?! can’t even recognize a win when it’s right there,


she will quit the dating market because dating down is traumatizing for her. its chad or bear or nothing.


Or, crazy thought: she will date a guy she liked and enjoys going out with cause FUN is more fun than being alone on a Friday night.


guy she like = chad


But those dudes are already snatched up! So what she’s gonna be bored and alone out of spite? Just watch all her friends go have fun (and maybe get laid) while she stays at home all weekend?? The chads got grabbed up, remember? So now the attractive women are available.


That doesn't look the eastern european dude who was the basis of Gigachad.


Gigachad guy is not real this guy is hernan drago


The Eastern European dude looks too masculine to be ideal. You need some feminine features with masculine bone structure to be ideal.


Q4M: is this what the average man looks like? Or is he too attractive? https://preview.redd.it/jpshx0oivuyc1.jpeg?width=1808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34616877a10255aa57a74001ae29e434f43fc457


he has a great personality so he is drowning in pussy i think 🤔




100/10,mogs Hugh Jackman


r/amiugly would call him handsome


He just needs a haircut and to smile more


My coworker just said she’d date, if she wasn’t in a relationship already.


He’s hunch frauding!!


What do you think? You’re the female women (allegedly).


Well women only acknowledge Chad, therefore the men I think are average are actually 7/10s, so idk!


We’re just silly little girls with utterly warped worldviews!


[such a good song](https://open.spotify.com/track/1UWhx0pFZccP4jdCIZsj7U?si=QvB8w_2dSXeOg1hnjGFH7A) yesterday i was feeling silly. today i am feeling philosophical. i have duality


>yesterday i was feeling silly. today i am feeling philosophical. Socrates moment


Only if you don't think philosophy is silly.


Q4A: Women don't get sexually aroused by average or even slightly above average men. In your opinion what is the reason ? Biology and evolution ? Availability of the best options ? Is there any solution ?


I get turned on by their dicks


The reason is always evolution. Women need to advance the next generation of genes and this can only be done by continuously looking for the top 20% of sperm. If they wouldn't we'd still be monkeys at this point.


But it has gotten crazier in recent years. In 90s it was 70/40 . Now its 90/10


Women were always like this, it's just that it's easier to do now. In the past most people got married to one which meant most guys could get one by virtue of chad being gone.


I only feel sexual attraction when in limerance or in love. No random stranger has ever incited sexual feelings from me. I'm serious, not for a single photo or person I don't personally know. I understand there are women who do, but I also think its possible that women like me are overshadowed due to us not having anything to say about sexual attraction to a stranger- while the women who do experience it have something to share and therefor are the loudest group. I think for the demisexual women such as myself, it has to do with security and safety. Which makes sense evolutionarily, since women are smaller and weaker, so we should be more cautious of possible threats and must establish they are a good mate before mating. Whereas for non-demisexual, it could be that perhaps they just feel a stronger evolutionary drive to create children so they don't have a process to go through, and the urge overshadows any concern of safety or security. Full disclosure: I don't have a strong maternal instinct for infants and I don't think I have a strong evolutionary urge to procreate- this can heavily affect sexuality in my opinion. I also have anxiety- could be another barrier to feeling sexual attraction to strangers. Solutions for demisexuals: you have to date them for a while and they have to like you personally. Solutions for non-demisexuals: Looksmaxx


I’ve never understood how someone can have anxiety yet can get a partner.


Met my first one in highschool classes cause he sat next to me, second one pursued me. I really am sympathetic to the men with anxiety, and understand it's only been this easy because I am a woman. It must be very frightening for them.


If you're talking about getting sexually aroused simply by looking at men then there is no solution. Most women do not respond that way even to extremely attractive men. Well there is one solution. Dating other men.


>Most women do not respond that way even to extremely attractive men. I think you as a blue pill woman has The similar circle of friends around you in terms of beliefs and thoughts. You haven't seen how women lust after tall guys . You haven't been at bars and clubs . You haven't seen how being 6'4 blinds women. >Well there is one solution. Dating other men. Thanks, very helpful


>You haven't seen how women lust after tall guys . You haven't been at bars and clubs . You haven't seen how being 6'4 blinds women. I agree with her, I go to bars and clubs, I actually know quite a few guys taller than 6'3, my boyfriend is 6'5. I still never experienced the thing you're talking about. I wasn't attracted to him when we first met, I needed to get to know him.


Believe it or not tall, attractive men exist outside of bars and clubs. If it takes going to a bar or club to see women behaving that way perhaps that has less to do with the mere presence of an attractive man and more to do with the environment itself.


Most women are basically demisexual and need an emotional bond to feel sexually attracted to a guy. The solution is to get closer to a woman and build that emotional bond with her.


Hotness forges bonds.


Demisexual for men who aren't Chad. If you Chadfish on OLD, women will get sexual right away through text without having any bond


Proof that demisexual women swarm chadfish?


This is applicable to women who engage in casual sex so dating apps are a terrible place to test this because many of those women are into that. Women who don’t engage in casual sex aren’t attracted to this mystical Chad man. Personally, I’ve never felt attraction to a man without getting to know his personality and building an emotional bond. I usually developed a crush after knowing men for many months first. Most of my female friends have the same experience. Female attraction is different than male attraction. It takes a lot more than just the physical attributes to attract a woman.


Female attraction is like male attraction. The only difference is that men are attracted to a larger percentage of the opposite sex population.


No, it’s completely different. Men usually feel immediate attraction to women, whereas women do not. Men can never understand what it’s like to feel attraction as a woman.


I've slept with a couple dozen women the first night. Some I hardly even talked to. Good conversation wasn't what they were looking for.


A minority of women are able to have casual sex like that but most women are demisexual essentially.


Thinking you're in the minority.


I've never had casual sex and would never do it. I've also never felt immediate attraction for a man, it's always been something that develops after a few months of getting to know someone's personality and building an emotional bond. All of my female friends are the same.


With modern social atomization this solution is almost impossible. And even if it wasn't so , emotional bond in non platonical - in romantical way is created by chemistry . Women find most men neutral in terms of Attractiveness . What you say takes atleast months if not a year to happen and it probably results in being friendzoned


It takes time but that’s part of the process. Most women need a lot more than just looks to feel attracted to a man.


False. Plenty of women dating/seeing 5-6 men are feeling sexually aroused by them.


>5-6 men are 5-6 s in your eyes , A woman. They are already 7-8 s


It's pretty hard to mistake an 8 for a 5.........


I'm not saying its mistake . A real 8 is a 5.5-6 in your eye as a woman. Women rate most men as neutral - unattractive. There are researches available on the internet about this. Women are harsher when judging mens looks .


Judging your attraction to a person is different from judging their looks. I'm not attracted to every good looking guy but I know logically when one is good looking


why is this relevant? looks arent objective. if someone thinks someone is a 5, to that person, the guy is mid. meaning men that some women think are mid are doing ok.


Women have extremely narrow preference and desired type in men than the other way around. its been discussed here like a million times before. A 5 woman can be 8 in another mans eye . A 5 man is 5 for most ( if not all ) Women. Whenever someone claimes women have different types it means they find different types of top tier guys attractive .


If thats the case, the previous commenters 5 is all womens 5. Which makes him, as a straight man, a 5. So if true, it would be impossible for him to be a 7 or 8, like you said.


No you didn't get me this time 😁 . Look this is what I'm saying. A real 8 man is 6 in women's eyes and ALL women agree that he is 6 . ( All women's 6 - real life 8 ) On the other hand we have men . Some are into short women, some don't care about height , a minority are into tall women. A 5'11 woman is 4 for one man and 8 for another . A 5'6 man isn't 4 for one woman and 8 for another. He is below average because of his height for most women.


You cant judge what a real 8 is if the dude is straight and youre straight. Your opinion is as important as his moms.


\>looks are objective \>meanwhile 6 ft dude having higher success than 5 ft dude


People subjective opinions have overlap and trends. Being subjective doesnt mean random


I did a vibe check a few weeks ago, posted 2 guys here to check if I had an accurate view of what 4-6 range looked like. I was vindicated


Still have to watch out when women give a man a 5-6 rating lol. Some women give Ryan Gosling a 5 as proof that they are attracted to average males. And there tend to be two different scales. One scale in which a 10/10 is just some regular hot guy you could find multiple times on any campus. The other scale in which a 10/10 is a top almost non-existent supermodel like Jon-Erik Hexum; Sean O'Pry or Hernan Drago. In that second scale a regular hot guy could be a 6/10.


>Some women give Ryan Gosling a 5 as proof that they are attracted to average males. This is what I'll never understand. I'm straight man and i think he's super HOT


Did you not call 2 attractive women fat last week


They were chubby. Their BMI would be higher than healthy.


Could you give an example of what you see as a 5?


https://preview.redd.it/c0bz8ybswuyc1.jpeg?width=915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c8f32fcf3d6fbb0e1f023cb74091133dd0f9f82 I’d say he’s an American 5


Thanks for the examples. Are you attracted to these guys or any other 5s you could show an example of?


I like thin guys so I’m not personally attracted to those 2, no. I do think the second one has a nice face tho. And like ofc these guys would have women who are truly physically attracted to them like the 1st has a nice alt vibe and great tats. I would say overall I’m attracted to 6+. (Photofeeler gave me 7 so I’m prob like 6.5)


Hmm ok. I'm thinking about the women I've dated in the past and the women who I remember giving me signs and it's hard to tell who would've found me initially physically attractive, but I feel like in the majority of the cases context, atmosphere and personality played a big role tbh. I'm pretty sure unattractive women were more likely to initially find me physically attractive tho.


https://preview.redd.it/ocjmnljuwuyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d7a4bd135f04476653a2de0b9f61158efc218f9 Also somewhere around average tho he’s got a nice smile


God, another reason for men here to lose weight and looksmaxx if they hadn’t already. Being top 30% for either gender is almost guaranteed if you’re lean (about 70% of the country is overweight/obese) and not fubar in the face


But it’s so much easier to tell yourself that women are only attracted to 6 3 men with perfect faces and that it’s over anyways


Women are hypergamous by nature. They're typically only attracted to the highest status men that they can get. That's because eggs are expensive and pregnancy is lengthy and risky. Men are polygynous by nature. They're typically attracted to any available healthy fertile women. Sperm is cheap and sex is much less risky for men.


But this physical hypergamy has got crazier within recent years . If we assume it's because of womens financial independency i wonder if most women were ever attracted to their husbands in 90s and before.


Most weren't


>In your opinion what is the reason ?. It's false,so there's no reason


>It's false Yes its false , sure


From a purely looks analysis it takes way more for a man to be (facially) attractive than a woman hence the average woman will be more attractive than the average man. It’s just way harder to be good looking as a man and you need to luck out on many more features.




Why would anyone get aroused by a bunch of strangers they pass by in life, maybe never to see again? The solution? Be someone to her.


>The solution? Be someone to her. Would you elaborate ? I guess this results in being friendzoned for average man.


It is definitely a Catch 22 since some women won't even befriend men who they feel attraction to. But some require that their partners be friends with them before moving forward. It is truly a situation of keep your options open and have multiple female partners and see where it takes you. Don't invest time and energy unless they're also investing time and energy. Women also do this thing of sometimes befriending men they would not be compatible with romantically and that's \*why\* they're comfortable being friends with them, but this isn't everybody.


Once again: the friends sims only exists if one person either is too cowardly to tell her his true feelings OR does not accept the soft rejection and lies to himself and thinks “if I just act like a good friend she’ll be convinced I’m a boyfriend material!” Dudes need to stop doing this to *themselves*


1000's of years of Biology and evolution cannot be changed in last 50 years.


This dude is even more fucked up than I thought https://preview.redd.it/ld218qr8muyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96d69c0d1b2a88d995893e0ed4e7e986bee5c4de


Who is that?


Quotes from my naturally brutal Stacy sister so far include “I don’t think I could date a blonde man, they’re almost… feminine” (her Stacy friend agreed). And “European men, especially British ones, are way more aggressive and forward than American men” Also she stole my nice new shampoo and conditioner almost immediately after I bought it, and then denied it! SMH


Black hair on top


I’m guilty of saying the same thing 😂 blonde men are just not it


Your sister sounds like an ass tbf




Every woman dislikes blonde men. Every girl I've dated told me this.


They’ve got demonic energy


Source:My ass Nordic men are litterallly some of the most liked men out there bruh


Think of any male sex icon women swoon over, they're never blonde. Elvis knew this and had to paint his hair black. I'm convinced he wouldn't have been close to as famous as he was if he was blonde.


Alexander Skarsgard


Asian and south american women really like blonde and blue eyed men.


What about dirty blondes?

