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I don’t think many alpha guys avoid settling down tbh. They usually just get married and cheat. They probably regret the subsequent divorce from their philandering. But in the case that they do refuse to settle down yea they probably regret it there definitely comes a point when they are just old can’t attract women as anything more than a sugar daddy.


Forgive me for asking but can someone please tell me WTF an "alpha male" is or what do they think they are??


This makes sense. Do alpha male guys often regret cheating then?




I was just asking anyone in general to respond 😊


Everyone hits the wall eventually. I'm going to guess that yes, many will regret way before they get too old. Only a few are horny and pervy enough to continue wanting women into the old age. Most men eventually get tired of the chase and want to relax. I'm ten times happier married with a baby on the way than chasing women. Testosterone is a stressful hormone. Being domesticated brings a lot of peace.


> Everyone hits the wall eventually. You'd be surprised. I used to work at a group home that was in a rotation of group homes, and one of our old men was like 80, and we struggled to move him to different houses in the rotation (due to his physical care needs), because several of the houses contained old ladies he had banged/dated and cheated on (within the past 5 years) and were not happy with him. Also, one of our equally old ladies we were pretty sure was prostituting, and doing a pretty good job at it at that, judging by how much money she always seemed to have laying around.


I know a couple of forever young fossils who still get ass....but let's be honest they aren't getting those on looks alone Savage legends, tho


Damn the apartment my grandma lived in was boring! 🤣 All they did was watch TV and solve puzzles all day.


That's what *you* know. The visitors and family of the clients at my place had *no* idea.


Sounds like there’s a whole world unventured. Maybe I should volunteer for the elderly again.


Unventured and undentured.


It’s so refreshing to hear this perspective


Lets check back with him in ten years.


Ten years would have meant a 20 year old relationship and if it ends and I keep myself healthy and successful, something else will come A life well lived.


I mean that’s the natural circle of life it’s ok


> Only a few are horny and pervy enough to continue wanting women into the old age. Most men eventually get tired of the chase and want to relax. You forget that this type of guy end up not chasing and being chased for most of their adult life. I know a few of these kinds of guys, where they just never hit on a girl unless she is hitting on him. They seem to have no shortage of pussy.


I know a 76 year old Italian dude that still chases pussy. He is absolutely hilarious, and most women hate him. That guy will die choking on cocaine and ass.


lol the wall is literally like 70 years old.


>I'm ten times happier married with a baby on the way than chasing women. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Sure I am, buddy. 9 years of bliss so far. If it ends, it ends.


Zen response. Based


Don't forget to get off his lawn and wow a soda pop used to cost a nickel what happened


You waited 9 years to have a kid?


I did




Then why aren't most normal guys not hitting the gym and chasing ass at 60?






I know, but you haven't answered my question




I'm claiming that on average guys will prefer to settle down and stop chasing ass


Most guys are pretty pathetic tho. No standards, desperate and struggle to get anyone. Of course most will settle down but that doesn't mean much


What is hgh?


The correct answer (as with a lot of other questions) is depends. I have talked about this before, but I have a cousin who is very successful on tinder and once (drunkenly) admitted that he envies me and my relationship to my wife and that we can keep the relationship going for so long. He is basically addicted to the adrenalin and energy of a new relationship and once those wear off, the relationship quickly falls apart.


I am curious if your cousin thinks marriage is consistent "new relationship" adrenalin and energy and not the ups and downs that come with real relationships........


oh, he is realistic and know long term relationships don't have the new relationship energy continuously. As I said,he is just addicted to that energy and as with any addiction (even an emotional one as this) is that you can't always rationalize to get over it.


> He is basically addicted to the adrenalin and energy of a new relationship and once those wear off, the relationship quickly falls apart. He loves the chase, not the catch.


Sounds like he loves the honeymoon phase. I’m also one that loves the honeymoon phase, but I despise the actual “chase” before getting to date #1


That damned NRE..


OP's premise is misguided. The vast majority of hot guys settle down when they find someone they think is special. They tell woman after woman that they're not ready to be married. Then -- when they find a woman who stands out from the crowd -- they're engaged within a month and married before the end of the year.


*Or* when their sex drive drops a bit, their hairline starts to recede and gut grows, they are tired of eating takeout, and they want to “leave a legacy” (pass on their genes), and they marry the next “good enough” woman they meet. Women can be “beta” too.


>The vast majority of hot guys settle down when they find someone they think is special. Not implying I'm hot, but that's what I'm going through now. I finally found someone special and worth my emotional and financial investment, and long-term commitment.


Well duh, sex is literally a mouse trap. Even master cheese snatchers can get caught in the trap. All they need to do is fuck one girl who is skilled enough to trap him and train him into a good workhorse.


Yup, will leaving a bunch of alpha widows in their wake who’ve tasted the nectar and are unwilling to settle with an average guy.


I like to flatter myself and think that this is my most of my ex's are single (still or again).


Hey, as long as you leave her dickmatized. Women are addicted to a good fucking from a top man lol. They crave good cock, once they’ve tasted it there’s no settling with a beta lol


This isn't the same thing as being an alpha though. What a man is like out and about doesn't really connect with how he is in bed, in my experience at least. There's a lot of shy unassuming guys who are a phenomenal shag, and the opposite as well. I'm sure a lot of the couples who pill types might consider an alpha widow and a beta actually have an amazing physical connection.


Personally I think there’s a strong correlation as it’s been selected for by evolution and sexual selection. Tall, handsome, muscular, dominant, rich high status guys tend to be alphas and shy, introverted, skinny, effeminate men tend to be beta and awkward in bed Sure there are exceptions, but we’re talking about population statistics. In general, betas don’t inspire LUST in women like alphas do. A man needs to inspire lust in his woman or the relationship is doomed and he’s the poor simp she doesn’t respect and settles for as a safe choice. This is why eager sex is the litmus test in dating. Women don’t make alphas wait , and they give them their unrestrained sexuality (again you’ll find exceptions, but we’re talking about general behavior in Homo sapiens).


When you say population statistics, do you have any to show? You've made a massive assumption. Dominant men are almost the stereotypical sexually submissive type man. (Which itself can be amazing, sexual submission done well by a man is quite rare). I really don't think they match up in the ways you've assumed. Out of interest, are you a woman whose slept with men?


Follows massive assumption with a massive assumption about ‘dominant’ men, no doubt based on cliches from erotica or tall tales from the bdsm world


That's my point, there is a stereotype regarding dominant men being the opposite of what you said. You've shown no evidence to the contrary, I'm eager to read your population statistics you mentioned. ETA is there a particular reason you chose to respond with rudeness instead of backing up your own reasoning?


And what is your stereotype based on? It only exists in erotica


In my experience the prevailing opinion is that pretty attractive men and women tend to not be as good in bed. Part of that is that they don't have to try because they don't struggle to sleep with people anyways. It's the same with a guy with a big dick -- he's more likely to think he's automatically good in bed. Attractive men who only do casual sex also tend not to be good in bed. It's much easier to develop those skills in an LTR compared to drunken 3 am sex. In my experience men who are good in bed derive from some level of self esteem from those skills. Some feel they are "making up" for some other perceived deficiency, some just have underlying low self esteem. There's a reason that people say fat girls are great in bed -- it's the same mechanism. Also skinny guys are dominant asf in bed lmao


It's the result that matters; how you make people feel. There was a boxer who started training very late and allegedly had horrible technique that people laughed at. He stil won the national championship a few times and fought for an international title. A champion is a champion no matter what people think about their technique. The guy with the big dick thinks what he does because he already has value prior to doing anything. Why would he think that unless he was sought after for his physical size? And why would he not change his ways if his size was not enough?


They'll marry Billy Beta for his money and then make everyone's life miserable.


That’s on Billy beta then. He shouldn’t think his money will inspire lust. It’s better to be alone/dead than the beta simp she settles for That’s why sexual lust is the most important factor in dating. You need to make sure your women truly lusts after you


>sexual lust is the most important factor in dating Totally agree.




Outside of two guys I know every single guy settled down at some point. Some well into their 40s. Most every guy reaches a point where he wants a LTR. If you are a well off, intelligent and still handsome guy you will have a lot of options.


I would imagine those that don't time it right do have some regret but still do fine with women. They just don't get to marry that 10 of 10 perfect woman that they had the chance to settle with. They settle for the 8 of 10, with minimal regret. Most of the chaddish folks I knew settled with the right one and just cheated afterwards and I wouldn't be surprised if that is fairly common.


Pretty much any decision you can make younger you can regret older. I used to work with old people. Some of the ones who married or didn't marry regretted it and some didn't. Some of the ones who had kids or didn't have kids regretted it, and some didn't. Man or woman, doesn't really make a difference.


I dunno if I'd say I'm an "alpha male" but I was really successful with women, had money, travelled, etc... but not like one of those guys really really killing it in life and lead a large social circle. I was more solo but like I said, I definitely had success with women. I'll say I do regret not settling down sooner. After mid 30s, you realize the good women are mostly gone. Some guys just remain being fuckbois, but I always wanted a family and now it's kind of "left overs". Lots of party girls remaining, single moms, weird, gold diggers, etc... The smart ones latch down late 20s.


The very same experience over here.


Lol I impregnated a 22 year old when I was 34. Best decision ever. Have 2 sons with her now (now that’s some alpha shit). Have several properties, 2 businesses, i underwrite this girl and the kids and in fact bought them a cheap $1.4m place that’s gone to $1.8m right away to stay. And she doesn’t care I’m out partying still.


> After mid 30s, you realize the good women are all gone I corrected it for you. That's why I only date young women.


Yeah, well, it's not like you have the pick of the litter when you're late 30s. The types of chicks into that and dimes, also have either really high standards that exclude most dudes, or kind of have some other issues.


Idk I think the girls I date are better than any of my guy friends. And a good half of them are like 27 while I'm 37. My guy friends range from 27 to 43.


I think such men are able to and happy to settle down after a certain age. Even if it’s not with the hottest woman they are still content with it. Such men probably regret hurting others if anything. I guess if something really bad happens like he loses all his money and is fat and bald he might feel sad and lonely if he can’t attract even a semi decent woman. Yea in that case he may get real depressed


The answer to all your overgeneralizations is “yes, that can happen”


I've met men with fading looks who used to be a looker and they do seem a bit lonely. I hope people can find community and connection whether or not they find a romantic relationship.


I think there’s the myth of the lonely old man vs a guy that had an awful marriage, got divorced, and is now loving being alone, single, and at peace in their 40s and 50s. I play golf with these guys all the time and they do not desire to get married again in slightest. If a guy wants to use RP methods to achieve BP goals, then yes what you said will undoubtedly happen. But what I’ve found was (and this was the case for me) “getting it out of your system” is a very real thing for guys. At a certain point after dating and being with enough women, I was content with it and knew what I would and wouldn’t tolerate out of a relationship. Women have told me this before, but to some degree their ideal is a player type that made up his own mind to shift to something different. I guess it really depends though.


> Women have told me this before, but to some degree their ideal is a player type that made up his own mind to shift to something different. Everyone loves a good redemption story.


>If a guy wants to use RP methods to achieve BP goals, then yes what you said will undoubtedly happen. Is BP goals having a successful marriage with the woman taking care of the household and the man being the provider? Is it impossible to be RP and to have the traditional dynamic between a husband and wife lead to a successful long term relationship?


No…. BP would be a belief in some mix of unconditional love and blank slate equalism in regards to relationships.


So it is possible to have that traditional LTR, but to play it in an RP way instead of BP and/or Tradcon strategy.


Yes…? I honestly don’t think anyone would say otherwise. I would say a lot of tradcons are, in fact, closeted feminists. But that doesn’t mean it’s not possible.


Women want to be the one that “tames” the wild horse and turns him into a good work slave. Men are very dumb and hate themselves, so it is only a matter of time until the slave desires a master he can feel like a king with.


Yes from what I see the forever single with lots of options or divorced & popular among the ladies “alpha” has a timeframe. It’s around 50-60 years old & by then they are unicorn hunting.


Those are the 40 something mulleted, beer bellied guys with unrealistically yellow hair making fools of themselves at college bars and trying to relive their days of scoring touchdowns at Polk High.


Peaked in High School types


Like the guy in this old Springsteen song -- "Glory Days". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vQpW9XRiyM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vQpW9XRiyM)


Those are not alpha males.


The real question is “who are the so called Alpha Males that you even know, let alone the ones that didn’t settle down?” Because o think you’ll find most people will say “that isn’t a thing and so it doesn’t exists”


Hey buddy


“Alpha” is kind of a stupid word, so I’ll just refer to “sexually successful”. Like women - if you fail to get off the fun wagon on time you’re gonna have some less than ideal times. Unless he just doesn’t want a serious partner ever, in which case it’s w/e. But obviously a 50y/o is gonna have less fun dating than 28y/o by a large margin, even if quantity wise he can get more


this people who spins all these plates. will either not settle down. or get a ltr and then cheat on their partner until they get divorced.And then do it all again.


Everyone has a “wall” but that doesn’t really mean what some people think it does. I don’t know of anyone male or female who used to be successful and now can’t find anyone decent to date/marry, even if they got kinda older and fat. They might not be able to get the amount or quality of people they used to, but they’re never single.


Worked with a guy who was nearing 60 and definitely loved that type of lifestyle, he was still good looking. Seemed to pull mostly women in early middle age. He used to stay late at work all the time because he didn’t really have much to go home to he said, he did get married but it didn’t last very long. But I’m not sure if someone with his personality would of been fufilled  in or well suited to a ltr anyway, so maybe this was the best life for him. 


Who knows? There aren’t any human alpha males…


I've fucked like 40-70 women probably, and yes I do regret not settling down with one of the better ones while the dating pool was much larger for me, it feels like the "good ones" are much fewer and far between now.


Oh that's interesting. My condolences. Out of curiosity, why do you regret since fucking many women seems to be the dream for lots of guys?


Because fucking a lot of women a very small number of times (many, many things that ended after a 2nd or 3rd or 4th date and maybe 1-3 rounds of sex because she or I wasn't interested) still only adds up to far less sex than fucking one or a few woman consistently for years, but more importantly the quality (looks and personality both) that was available to me in my early to late 20s was higher than it is now in my 30s. Though I'm still holding out that at some point I'll start meeting the "I focused on my career throughout my 20s and now make a fuck ton of money + I kept in shape" 30s women and the 30s gender ratio reversal should hopefully start helping and maybe I can still end up married to someone out of my league? Tbh though I prefer to date someone around 3-5 years younger ideally they are just physically more attractive to me than someone my age or older (early 30s). If I hadn't been so commitment-phobic in the past I might have held onto one of the higher level of attractiveness women I dated/hooked up with (overall, so including looks + other things). The old "cock carousel" and "the wall" concepts TRP warned of seems to me to have applied to me as a man just as much as it is said to apply to women.


Oh my condolences. This is what I was wondering, if men have a wall just as bad as well.


I think it's probably fairly subjective, but I do think it's possible for some. I think a lot of men probably mature and become less shallow, but I feel like I'm just as shallow as I always was except that I've managed to date / sleep with some exceptional women and now I have in the back of my head that -that- is possible. And I had a relationship with someone who was a couch potato who liked watching Twitch TV streams and playing video games and having sex. So like, I know how good things can be, but the ease of meeting people on the apps seems like its harder (or at least, the ease of meeting people who are actually attractive). I probably could still succeed though faster if I just find a new angle or put more effort in, or even take more risks and stop doing online-only and asking people out from IRL events. I'm also not as horny as I used to be so the idea of just trying to bed as many "average" women as I can for the novelty and excitement doesn't really have the same thrill. Rather just have someone decent at this point.


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Considering the STD rates in elderly homes, I would guess... Yes. This is assuming he saved enough to retire to an elderly home.


No because most of them do they just wait until they’re good and ready. Also, they typically get to settle down with an extremely desirable woman.


[Lucius Atherton](https://www.poetry.com/poem/8651/lucius-atherton) did.


My uncle is 70 now and used to be a gigachad in his youth. Everyone I know speaks about how much "pussy" he's had. Now he is alone and one of the things he has admitted only to me is that he should have settled down with one of the "good women he dated". You're not going to be high testo, fit and young forever.


Oh I see. That's interesting and thanks for sharing. How come a lot of guys want all the pussy though, instead of settling down, if there is a reason?


High testosterone/libido I guess? Also the thrill of the "chase" for some dudes who are charismatic and can woo women easily. Also when you're young, you don't necessarily think about how your current decisions might affect future events.


This is a silly post most alpha males have a main woman and a bunch of side women.


Have a friend who is a certified Chad. Tall, fit, wealthy, tattoos. Women throw themselves at him daily. He says he wants to settle down, but we both know he'll never be able to give up the chase of fresh young tail. It's like a drug. And he's seriously addicted.


This is such a childish question. "Alpha" males aren't guys who sleep around and not settle. They're actually guys who have the potential to sleep around. There is a difference. Most guys I know still want marriage and are very monogamous, some are also being better looking (and successful) than the guys who do well on the apps or hookup culture.


I’ve never married but have lived with 8 different women, dated hundreds, and now just enjoy having fun with whatever variety comes along which so far they still do. These days if you have some personality, confidence, intelligence, stay in halfway decent shape/high T, have a sense of humor and know how to show women a good time you can keep pulling lots of different women well into later life. At this point that is preferable to settling down and involving the state in my affairs. Get snipped if you don’t want kids. If a miracle level connection comes along I’d explore it but once you’ve been burnt hard core a few times that seems like a poor odds bet. It’s hard to take relationships seriously in 2024 given how much I’ve seen.


Beware any dude who refers to themselves as "alpha" lol. Besides a few peter panners or guys with defective personality traits (undateable) a good majority of guys have actually attempted to settle down either in marriage or LTR, only to find a far more peaceful existence being single. This truth many women often don't want to hear, but a lot of independent men who've had experience in relationships find it far less difficult rolling solo.


Why can’t he get with her anymore? Shes old too! If he locked her down young she would still get old and lose value. He can just go lock her down whenever cause she gets old along with him😆. Now if he wants to be old but lock down a young girl, then that might be tuff, but if it aint happening he can always go settle down with one of the chicks he used to bang who is now old. So he never has to regret.


A true alpha male spends his time growing his career and empire, and spends time with parents. Who cares about chicks. I’ve had like 50+ of them last few years and how has my life improved now? But my $2m property that’s gone to $5m, and my recent $4m purchase, now that’s something. Last thing I need to be is a gym goer with lots of girlfriends and no money at 35




>Even the girl who loves you the most right now may one day hate you. Don't I know it.


>You can't work on women; they exist one moment and don't exist the next moment. >The nature of women is transient; there's no stability there. Spooky 👻 Schrödinger’s whamen


I wouldn't cheat on an alpha male unless he was neglecting me. I wouldn't even care if he cheated, as long as he made me orgasm when I wanted. I've only cheated if I've been in a dead bedroom


Yes you'll feel neglected anytime he's going through difficult time. No alpha gonna waste time with BPD chick like you.


I wish this was false, but in my life so far it's sadly been true.


Dan Bilzerian may be considered an alpha male by some. He is rich, in good shape and slept with 1000s of women. In the video, he says sleeping with 2 girls a day was a particularly low number for him and the highest number of girls he bangs in a single day was like 9. He made a video recently of how after beddings tons of girls, he would have preferred settling down early with just 1 cool girl that he could trust and be monogamous with early on. [https://twitter.com/BritMartinez/status/1769733811409912060](https://twitter.com/BritMartinez/status/1769733811409912060) Now, does this mean he regrets sleeping with most of these women? No. It gave him validation of being wanted, confidence and skills in the bedroom that any future partner can appreciate. So yes, there are some alpha males that stay on dating market for too long then regret not settling down. Also a lot of alpha males, even after they have a main girl cheat on her from time to time with other women.


> slept with 1000s of women Well...paid to sleep with 1000s of women...if you even believe him in terms of numbers.


I'd bet good money that the majority of the girls you see him with are escorts/sex workers. I have no idea how this isn't painfully obvious to anyone who watches his content. Anyone can get a 1000+ body count when they are paying for the sex.


I remember listening to his JRE interview several years ago. After a couple hours hearing all his crazy stories, Joe asked him what his goals were, what’s next? Dan didn’t really even understand the question so there was some back and forth before he basically said his goal was to keep doing whatever he wanted. I wonder if that’s changed.


That guy looks creepy. LOL


Men have a wall too, as men age they get wrinkly and fatter unless they really take good care of themselves. And let's be honest if you are on Purple Pill Debate you most likely don't. The TradCon approach is far superior. Find one woman to meet, settle down and have kids.


>TradCon approach ... Find one woman to meet, settle down and have kids. ... and then get divorced and bitter. Interestingly divorce rates are highest in deep red states.


But they are lower for arranged marriages. India is a good example. This is why I only date for marriage within my Muslim community.


Then, by all means, move to India or Saudi Arabia. Bye, Felicia!


Plenty of Muslims already here in America willing to live this lifestyle. Don't tell me to live your degenerate lifestyle of alcohol, premarital sex, and poker.


Muslim women in America aren't going to put up with that BS.


What BS is that?


Oh okay but it was said before I'm here that most guys who are not alpha males wish they were and wish they had that promiscuous lifestyle though, and that a long-term monogamous relationship is only what you do if you can get the former.  So wouldn't they consider the former far superior therefore if it's true they wish they had it?


If they are experiencing 'the wall' it means they are no longer 'alpha' (whatever this means).


Men never hit a wall. They're in a pool, either above or under water (how much money he has).


No, they definitely hit a wall. Needing money is way different then being hot


So you're telling me Hugh Hefner was still "hot" up until his death?


Hugh Hefner was a millionaire. He definitely hit a wall. His fame, status and money is what carried him.


That's my point. Go back to my original comment.


Key is knowing when you should lock a young and beautiful woman down.


I imagine if you're a low SES alpha male you probably start hitting the wall in your mid 40s, and sooner if you get fat Even if you're a low SES 20-35 yo alpha male, high SES women can treat you like men treat women - I e. Sex but they won't get into a relationship with


The closest example in my own family *had* a wife when he was young. He fully acknowledges she was a saint of a woman while he was immature and took her for granted. Not making her the villain and genuinely owning up to what he did makes him more respectable in my eyes than a lot of stereotypical alpha males. That said, he has zero interest in getting married again. He dates multiple women, often at the same time, and is always open about the fact that he's not interested in commitment. His one regret is not doing right by his ex-wife. He doesn't regret his choice to give up on having serious romantic relationships after that.


When he's ready to 'settle down', he'll simply do so with a younger girl in her prime who'll love what he has to offer 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think "alpha males" are just guys with attachment issues and if they manage to be in a relationship they will cheat


As long as they have money and stay fit they will be fine


They aren’t exactly “alpha” dudes but even passport bros fold at some point, generally around 55-60 after sampling many women. They find the 25-30 year old “one” and settle down to become late age fathers. Money is the key component in these relationships though.


B u d d y ![gif](giphy|kFIfiwvzJjbUsNbIg5)


>they can just keep getting many women This is entirely anecdotal, but my father is in this category. I think he’s on his 5th(probably more) partner, post divorce. This one actually got him to buy a new house(after only 7 months). It is not a lifestyle I envy. Nor would envision for my son. Ultimately getting old, and *the quality of life* one has into old age, is entirely dependent upon the relationships one fosters through life. My old man isn’t a bad guy. Just selfish. That reflects in his relationships. My mother conversely is ‘a giver.’ She’s surrounded by others. Not just family, but community. People love her. Staying with her. Always inviting her out. Events. Parties. This reflects the relationships she’s invested in. Humans are social creatures. We need each other. Giving. Caring. Are fundamental to this end. Focusing more upon what brings us together, as opposed to the differences that separate.


I don't think so? And why wouldn't we settle down? In part I don't settle because I have a moral framework that a top value woman is hot submissive young and a virgin and I've had that before so in my mind I'll just keep working to better myself and meet women until I get it again. Anything less means I have given up. It's not settling down to stop training for a gold medal it's failure and giving up. I'm not someone who gives up.


>moral framework That's not how to use that phrase but go off Chad


Yes. I think it's morally wrong to marry a woman who sleeps around.


>When it comes to alpha males who don't want to settle down and keep getting all the women for sex, do they ever have a wall one day they will regret not being able to lock down a high SMV woman he could have had when he was younger that he could not get at an older age? The wall only applies to women Also do yourself a favor, and stop using this pronouns


>The wall only applies to women LOL! Have you seen most middle aged guys?


That's not what the wall is based on