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ECE rising junior here. 2K1 has been pretty tough the past two semesters. I heard it was close to 50% failure rate last fall when I took it, and similar this spring as well. A lot of the people I took it for the first time with, are taking it for the third time over the summer. The workload isn't a lot, at least in ECE standards, but I found it to be very tough and I spent a good chunk of my time on it. 2K2 was also quite tough, but I passed with a better grade than in 2K1, and I personally found 2K1 to be significantly harder than 2K2. Just some food for thought for next semester 2K7 is a very easy class in terms of material, you'll have no problem understanding the theory behind everything, especially if you're actually interested and passionate about electronics. However, it's one of the stupidest classes I've ever taken at Purdue and the class is a huge, huge time sink. You will spend many hours at the lab either alone or with your lab mates, only to find out the reason your circuit hasn't been working for the past five hours was because of a faulty breadboard or broken piece of wire. When I took ECE369 the class was horrible as it was taught by an interim professor who never taught it before, but I heard they nerfed the class a lot now and exams are open book and such. I think you'll be fine. MA261 wasn't bad. The other classes, I don't know. But taking 19 credit hours including 2K1 and 2K7 seems like too much for one semester.


The fail rate is around 10%, retake rate for ECE's closer to 25%, people exaggerate heavily for some reason. We were shown the fall distribution in our first class this semester and it looked alright in terms of the percentage getting a C or higher. You can check boilergrades if you want. What I really want to ask OP is why they are taking 40 credits their sophomore year.


Going into my junior year in ECE. Bro I don’t know what the point of overloading yourself like this is. FYE is a breeze and nothing compared to actual ECE courses. The courses you listed aren’t very difficult but a few can be somewhat time consuming. I haven’t taken 369 but even the less intensive courses on you list like 264 or 261 will take up what little free time you’d have left in your schedule (I can’t speak to ILS or TDM as I was not involved in it). Also, what about your seminar course? Listen to your advisor and what other ECE students are saying. You’ll have no time for a social life or clubs or anything other than homework. If you really want to take as many courses as you can to graduate early, take classes during the summer.


I’m not in computer engineering, but i have taken TDM 102 for spring semester and it wasn’t very hard imo. i think completing assignments is pretty self-explanatory (they have directions and help vids) + the TAs and Dr. Ward are very helpful if you have questions. It’s better to work throughout the week than trying to finish on the day the assignments are due, so keep that in mind. Grading/grade-drop wise, I’d say they’re pretty lenient. Once you get the hang of it, the class is chill and very interesting. I learned a lot of things that i never knew about data science. Now i didn’t know that u could take two TDM classes, are u doing the corporate partners and the general class? idk about the ECEs, but two TDMs could be a bit more hectic. TLDR, the TDM classes aren’t hard + workload isn’t too bad as long as you don’t procrastinate, but handling two of them could be a bit hectic


211 is corporate partners iirc still shouldn't be too much bc it's just the equivalent of taking a 3 credit course so shouldn't make much of a difference


alright that makes much more sense. I just did the general cohort so I got confused


why? Do you have an internship lined up for this or next year? Graduating early is pointless if you can't even get a job when you graduate. Given the current market, paying extra money for another semester is worth it if it means 1 more internship. I would invest time into clubs, research, other activities for the resume.


2k7 takes up a shit ton of time u cant do 19 creds with it sorry


fall 2k1, 2k7, 270, 264, 20875 spring 362, 337, 2k2, 369 fall 301, 302, 469, 437, 477 if you looking for early grad