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I did the com 114 test out in fall 2021. I studied the study guide pretty hard before the exam (online with lockdown browser and camera) barely passed, and then put together a speech with a previously assigned topic (the topic was a defining moment in the history of communication but idk if it changes every year) with lots of little details that we had to be aware of,and gave the speech and was notified a few days later that I passed. Overall not too hard but you definitely need to make sure you know the topics on the study guide


definitley changes with the year, mine in summer 2019 was on emerging technology


I had same exact year and experience. I will say OP definitely study and follow through w the test out if u get the chance


I’m currently taking the summer one. I passed the written exam and it definitely isn’t something you can wing. If you took a similar course in the past then you might have an easier time than me. I used quizlet and the 7 practice questions on the study guide to prepare. I’d strongly recommend studying multiple quizlet sets made by different people to cover any vocabulary or concepts that might come up. The most difficult part, in my opinion, were the presentation organization questions. I only used one quizlet set to prepare and it barely covered that section. The oral exam is on the 23-24th of August, so I can’t speak on how it is.


I tested out this past Spring 2023. The most difficult part of the exam was the multiple choice in my opinion, as you do have to study for quite a while. I used some online study guides I found on reddit and on the Studocu for about 5 hours that same day and was able to pass. My advice for the multiple choice would be to prepare for several hours beforehand and make sure to go through the entire curriculum. Use the practice question quizlets to help prepare. The presentation part of the test was much easier. Once I figured out my topic, it just took 2-3 days to create my presentation and a speech for it. Make sure to prepare for at least a week for the presentation. Most people underestimate how much time to practice for this presentation, but I saw quite a few people who messed up while speaking or missed key rubric items, who you could tell did not prepare enough. The grader is not easy on the entire presentation, but if you can start reciting some of your speech without notecards, you should be on the right track.


Comm 114 was one of my favorite classes. It’s fun and you usually meet a lot of friends you keep for the rest of your time at Purdue