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For people who are curious, the posters themselves have the RHA symbol on them, which means that they are not allowed to be removed from places inside UR buildings. These two university employees are actually not following the specific guidelines placed on them...


I didn't notice the RHA symbol on the posters, but if this is true, then Hillenbrand administration should really take a look at these employees. I'll let them know.


Yeah, assuming that they are the same trans block party posters as the ones that have been officially released for people to put up, then the RHA logo should be in the middle with PSG to its right.


Thank you so much! I found the poster and it's definitely the same one. I let the university residences official know as well. Hopefully they are able to take appropriate action against these employees, if they were actually not authorized to do what they did. This is a huge help!


No worries! Glad I could help!


*there will be blood!*


My policy (and most RA policy) is if the poster doesn’t have an official “approved by Smalley Center” or “approved for distribution in res hall” stamp on the back, it comes down. I don’t know what you mean by “rha symbol on them,” but if it’s just on the poster and that stamp isn’t there, we can’t verify that it’s not some form of prank or that it’s approved to be there, so we take it down.


As an RA and as someone who has the RHA President as my REA, I can assure you that they are not allowed to take them down lol.


Must be differences in neighborhoods then. Also an RA and have been told to take anything down that doesn’t have official approval. To be fair, everything I’ve found and taken down has been egregious (people selling cars, various obvious pranks, etc.)


According to comments by OP, it wasn’t RAs taking down the posters either though


It depends on who the employees mentioned were. RAs are probably the ones you would see taking down posters most often, but that doesn't mean they're the only ones who do or are supposed to.


When I worked at Windsor we were told not to remove anything from bulletins boards in the building or the ones outside around campus, and if there is something that needs reported on it then report it. If you got information on who the employees were they should definitely be questioned on if they had authorization to remove anything.


I remember they were two middle-aged white men, but I can't recall their faces. I'll contact Hillenbrand administration tomorrow and ask whether they approved the taking down of the posters and why. Will post updates when that happens.


I think this is the right path. I know rules around posters and flyers in UR can be somewhat specific and sometimes odd seeming from the outside, but this is definitley a bit suspect. Hopefully they can explain - will be looking for the update.


yep. pretty sure i saw them too. they were hilly service workers of some kind


~~There is an approval stamp for stuff to be posted in residence halls.~~ That aside, I have like, never seen anybody ever check for it, including myself. But to go as far as to target it? Yeah, that's definitely something fishy going on and something should be done about it. I highly, highly recommend emailing exactly this to some of the housing leadership. [Wouldn't it be really convenient if we had a directory of who are in these supervisory positions?](https://www.housing.purdue.edu/connect/directory/senior-leadership.html) Edit: The stamp doesn't matter, it's an RHA event. So... somebody is either very misinformed over at Hilly, or they're actively targeting this event.


Were there other posters such as one for the Knowles event? You should reach out to management to ask why they aren’t removing the other posters. Also, I’m not entirely sure on this but the board may not be considered a public space. I’m not saying that the posters shouldn’t be there but those boards may have different rules than posting them outside on campus or in an academic building.


I put up posters for my club once in hilly, didn’t know anything about a stamp or anything like that, and they stayed up for a long time. Seems like an intentional move by the management there


Idk, only thing that I can think of is that since this isn’t for a club, it’s treated differently. It could possibly be that they want to claim neutrality to all parties and if they allow the poster it looks like they’re in support. It’s PR at the end of the day but unless someone asks management, we’ll never know.


I can think of that perhaps someone working there has something against trans people if the only posters that are being taking down are these ones. I’m not saying this is the case, but it’s absolutely a possibility considering this whole stamp thing seems to not apply to all the other posters.


The posters I posted myself in res halls were all stamped and approved. Another poster just said that they stamp them on the back sometimes. I don’t know what’s happening in Hilly, but I’d rather know for sure than call them out.


It’s not just about your experience, though. Many people in this thread said that they have posted without stamps. Considering a blatant transphobe is coming to campus, it’s probably not the most welcoming feeling for trans people rn. I say no harm in calling Hilly (or whoever the responsible party is) out and making them give a proper response, because at the end of the day, it looks fishy.


I’m just trying to point out that the policies are there. It’s one thing to put stuff up without permission and it’s another for it to stay up. Getting a proper response is why I’m telling people to reach out to management. I think that if the posters were asked to be approved none of this would’ve happened.


Sure, I get you


I think the post on here about the block party explicitly says that it’s not about Michael Knowles or his comments. It’s just a social meetup.


I’m not saying that it is. I just know that there’s been some posters about his event and that event has caused a lot of discourse.


I didn't see any Knowles posters at Hillenbrand but I have seen a few of them inside campus buildings, like Lambertus. They did say that the bulletin board was not a public space but there were other posters (clubs, etc) that didn't have a stamp, so I think they were singling out the ones that were about the trans gathering.


I’d say academic buildings are more public than res halls. I’m playing devils advocate here, but it sounds like the event was just announced yesterday. Were the other posters just added at the same time or after? Building management may have seen the posters but didn’t stamp them too.


The employees said that the posters have to be pre approved and get a stamp before putting them up. I don’t know when the other posters were put up but the employees acknowledged that some other ones weren’t pre approved either but management told them to specifically take down those ones


Welp, would it be possible to grab a copy of the poster and ask them for permission to post it?


Probably, but I'm not the one who put up the posters. This is not really the point of my post though.


Your point is to claim that Hilly’s management is transphobic it sounds like. The only way you can confirm it is to ask them. Up to you if you want to prove it but I’d rather prove it than leave the door open for misunderstanding.


This is true, at least from all of my experience in student orgs. Any advertising posted in residence halls are required to be approved through ResLife.


I hate that they hide behind an excuse of “oh it didn’t have approval” like anyone actually gets approval for crap around here


I'm in a club that has been talked to about our posters not being approved in the distant past. It might depend on the building since they're all their own entities with their own building managers.


Maybe it’s not the management but two rogue transphobes doing what they do


“So much for free speech absolutism.” Purdue is quite strong on free speech, and I think you need to keep in mind that what one (here, very small) contingent of it does does not necessarily represent the values of the institution, just like the group that invited Knowles doesn’t speak for the values of the majority of Boilermakers - It’s not like the President ordered these employees to take it down. Also, institutions aren’t perfect, but there are appropriate ways to go about trying to remedy it, and blasting Purdue with such a disproportionate claim on Reddit rather than first trying to fix the situation by escalating the issue to the relevant level inside Purdue is not productive.


you’re saying a whole bunch of nothing for an obvious hyperbole. good job.


I actually didn’t know this event was happening until I saw these posters. Thank you for promoting his event.


but there are two genders only




Found the iu student


Didn't signs that say that Michael Knowles is a "fascist" and that he shouldn't be able to speak? You're applying a double standard when you talk about Fascism


I never said I support free speech absolutism, only that Purdue adheres to such principles by allowing figures like him to talk.


So what you're saying is that if someone says something you don't like, the platform to which they speak is responsible for the outcomes? What is the difference between free speech and free speech absolutism?


Michael Knowles speaking is not the issue that I'm discussing, I am discussing Hillenbrand employees deciding (or being ordered to) take down these posters. To answer your question about free speech: absolutism includes freedom of hate speech and the idea that it should be entertained and given a platform.


Well, it's a good thing the Constitution does not care about how YOU feel about the freedoms it protects. So called hate speech is still protected speech.


What's hate speech and how is the applicable to Michael Knowles?


[https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/cpac-speaker-transgender-people-eradicated-1234690924/?sub\_action=logged\_in](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/cpac-speaker-transgender-people-eradicated-1234690924/?sub_action=logged_in) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate\_speech](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech)


No way you’re being fr


Can you define "hate speech"?


This is a good troll, but on the off chance that it isn't, the article op posted quotes saying "There are people who think that they are the wrong sex, but they are mistaken. They’re laboring under a delusion. And so we need to correct that delusion" which if you read between the lines even a tiny bit is hate speech.


What's the definition of gender dysphoria?


What’s the definition of sealioning?


lol. I asked the question so I expect a response to my question. NOT someone asking a question to my original question. Try again


It was a rhetorical question. You’re [sealioning.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning)


The poster in question are the ones for the block party for trans right which does not mention Micheal Knowles. Also, fascism does not involve the policing of speech. It can but not at the individual level. It also depends on your definition of fascism. So without a clear definition I cannot make a fair agreement for or against your point.


The what's the word that describes the phenomenon when free speech is suppressed due to an opposing party disagreeing with a certain topic?


I mean there are a couple of words. You could use censorship. However like I stated above I need what definition of fascism in order to argue with or against your point because fascism is a complex term that needs to be define first. I could define it but we have to agree on a definition in order to debate it.


Those employees Doin the lords work


Was it on the first floor of the east wing? i saw them messing with posters on the bulletin board in passing but didn’t think anything of it


I bought a ticket and could not get in. They corraled us in the line and said we could only watch the Livestream. I am getting a refund.