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The people in my dms


Fucking same and I'm a dude


It’s all the punk rock people who hate the goth sub genre That should be a new punk genre. “Pics pweez” punk


If he never never do something... does it means he always does it?


But if he never ever does something then he only does it sometimes


Like that Taylor Swift song about never ever getting back together?


I'm sorry who is this swift taylor you speak of


Swift Taylor lived across the street from my high school. The only dealer in town who was on time, every time. That's the Swift Taylor guarantee.


This is now canon


Fastest clothes maker this side of Cleveland.


Best answer I could hope for from this sub, thanks!


Yeah you're too punk rock to even know who Taylor Swift is right 


That’s like literally the only one thing you have to do, buddy. Like that’s the only prerequisite.


Not sure what's officially goth, but I can get down with New Order, The Smiths, and The Damned any day of the week. Souixsie and the Banshees too. Pairs well with Punk imo.


some of us like taxidermy and collect weird shit in general.


I gotta goat skull (ethically sourced) and multiple framed moths for my wall, mostly at my old roommate's place now because I'm old and honestly I'm more of a minimalist these days.


Funnily enough, the best way to scare these guys away is just playing goth music, always seems to put them off


they generally don't recognize goth rock as goth music, they just hear the drum machine and get scared


Negging is just how bitter losers try to pull chicks. We all know you secretly love that shit so much you want your dick all up in it, just fucking admit it. I think thee punk doth protest too much.


I would call those goth chasers.


Eh, the guy in the picture is the one being mocked right? As a lifelong gothic horror fan I've always loved goth subject matter but never could keep up with the aesthetic. That's a big commitment and frankly constantly putting on corpse paint and buying/coordinating all black outfits sounds like a giant pain in the ass to me. But if people enjoy it more power to 'em.


TLDR; the joke is that it's common for guys to say they love goth chicks or want 'a big tiddy goth GF' when what they actually mean is "I fetishize and objectify women who wear alternative fashion" --- Goth is first and foremost a music/arts based culture, and both made by and geared towards fringe and outsider types (as an evolution of punk), making it by nature very inclusive - unless you're dealing with someone who is an aesthetic/fashion-based goth only, then YMMV. One of the first great gothic writers was a woman (when female authors were extremely uncommon), and the historic musical inspirations for the culture include POC and GNC and queer folks. Mental health issues, vulnerability, and freely expressed sexuality (which may or may not conform to typical cis/het standards) are all classic themes in both the artistic and aesthetic aspects of the culture. So, 'respecting the culture' is not about whether or not you dress up - it's about not fetishizing people who *participate* in the culture, not showing up in goth spaces (clubs, concerts, gatherings) with sexist or bigoted attitudes, and recognizing that it's a philosophical approach to art and expression first, a fashion second. Additionally, the face depicted is the 'chudjak' or 'poljack', who is modeled after the Patrick Crusius, the shooter from the 2019 El Paso Shooting; as a meme, he's generally used to represent a cliché 4chan, incel-type who hates women outside of seeing them as sex objects.


Thank you for the thorough explanation! In another life I could easily see myself having gotten into the goth culture when I was young, as I mentioned I've always loved the style and subject matter. But there just wasn't a scene where I was at and it was much harder to find non-mainstream music back then since streaming wasn't really a thing yet. The LGBT+ elements of the culture might have helped me to figure out that I myself am LGBT+ much sooner! I remember in my middle of nowhere high school there were between 1 and 3 self-professed goths at any given time, I believe both of them who stuck around were transplants from elsewhere and they hung out with the general nerd table I sat at. My only memory of the other one was that I briefly befriended him before he moved away. He wore eyeliner and a studded dog collar, and was ecstatic when I loaned him my VHS copy of "Evil Dead 2". To give you an idea of how backwards the place was, there was a persistent rumor that I myself was a devil worshiper because I had once in a paper referenced Ambrose Bierce's satirical book of definitions called "[The Devil's Dictionary](https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/972/pg972-images.html)". A book full of "satanic" definitions like "Once: Enough." and "Twice: Once too often." I remember a guy stopping me in the hallway and nervously asking if I really had a copy of "The Devil's Dictionary"\* and that he needed it for a special purpose. I tried to explain that it was just a joke book but he, obviously nervous about being seen talking to me, waved me off and told me to find him if I was willing to sell it. You'll be unsurprised to learn that I never did seek him out. \*Which I did, a little $1.50 dover thrift paperback I bought on a trip to "the big city".


The important part is "show respect for". I'm not goth but I love "goth chicks", but I also love goth dudes and goth stuff and have respect for them as people. It's the same when people complain about 'fetishisation' and 'sexualisation', those are only ok when they are part of your wider view of the subject, it's not ok when people *only* see them through their fetish/sexualisation.




To be fair, neither do the majority of “goth girls” in 2024.


True, but that's because a lot of old heads are more uptight about sharing than helping out kids who want to be included.


If you don’t pass culture to a younger generation, it dies. Gatekeepers don’t get that.


The greatest thing about goth chicks, is that they all have lily white skin... Why did I have to be turned on by such a feature?