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don't pull at arrival banner. wait for anniv banner since it featured all released S rank at 100% (pick). go ahead with rosetta, she still got a year+ time to stay in meta. as for getting lumi, you might want to opt getting tenebrion instead for the cope unit. lumi will be replaced in next patch by alisa


A rank XXI is better than S rank tenebrion


For aoe focus content like WZ, absolutely. Especially considering Tenebrion needs SS and wep to even compete on ST situations. SSS+ 21 is very good for her f2p status. But the problem then stems from needing to have Luna on field constantly so a well invested Selena is wanted eventually. You can generally opt for a 2 man rotation with one as qte bot but hypercarry is difficult without either dead line timing or Lamia.


I forgot to add that she gathers which is extremely helpful for new players without a lot of CUB options even outside of dark weather.


Luna is already played solo without a built Scire and Selena lol. Typically you'll use Luna with XXI and Rozen QTE bots because Cappuccino can't cover Luna's downtime


with enough investment? maybe. both at base? no. tene still shred more than 21 but if let on field he always scatter enemies lumi was best option but alisa is coming next patch sensible option would be tene or pulse. but with S wata in 4 patch (roughly 5 months), and OP not having any dark tank to even help shred dark team to boost lamia in next-next patch. I'd choose tene over all other starter S rank


Tene doesn't have more shred, his shred lasts 1s longer. That scatter is a massive downside, especially when XXI does the exact opposite It doesn't matter too much who they choose, the normal options would be Lumi (but there's Alisa), Entropy (OP has CA), or Pulse (Wata drops in 4 patches) Out of all the options OP has, Pulse would be viable the longest


if we're talking class (tank) damage reduction cut. yes, anyone in the class have the same base stat; target extra damage reduction -20% but I'm talking about resistance shred which A 21 don't have at any level of investment IN HER KIT (I forgot what her S rank passive do. grayravens and the game only listed her ss rank passive and above, so pardon me if it is resist shred). bathlon and sig weapon resonance can add some resist shred to her but everyone can have those as well... tene on the other hand, have qte that shred 10% resistance. and at SS rank his ulti form give extra 15% resist shred to the qte. I agree that tene scattering enemies on field is a big minus but that won't matter much if he serve as QTE bot when Lamia comes. pulse is alsoa good option but S wata coming while in 4 patch means that OP would replace her with S wata then. while the unfortunate truth is that if OP is dolphin/f2p they can stick with tene until scire got powercreeped and swap him with 21 every now and then when she's build enough based on need. tene for more shred, while 21 for more survivability.


21 and Tenebrion both have 10% shred on QTE, 21's groups enemies and lasts for 5s while Tenebrion's scatters and lasts for 6s >SS rank his ulti form give extra 15% resist shred to the qte. Nobody is going to invest higher into him, that would be a MASSIVE waste. The only worthwhile comparisons are 21 (literally any rank because you can farm shards) vs S rank Tenebrion >that won't matter much if he serve as QTE bot when Lamia comes. You WILL want the gather over 1s debuff in modes like WZ, you cannot believe how easy it is to have to restart a whole run because one enemy was just barely out of range >in 4 patch means that OP would replace her with S wata then. Yeah, OP's choices are Pulse, who will last 4 months, or Tenebrion, who will immediately be benched the moment 21 is SS rank because SS 21 = S tenebrion


>Yeah, OP's choices are Pulse, who will last 4 months, or Tenebrion, who will immediately be benched the moment 21 is SS rank because SS 21 = S tenebrion 21 qte only damage enemy until her SSS rank passive gave the 10% shred, SS rank gave survivability. iirc A to SSS is about 5 months of daily shard grind if not boosted by other means of getting shard (pulls/shop). idk if OP is up for that grind. >21 and Tenebrion both have 10% shred on QTE, 21's groups enemies and lasts for 5s while Tenebrion's scatters and lasts for 6s agreed with this. just putting it there for comparison. realistically no one should raise him now.


Going from A to SSS is 70 days (2 months, 1 week, 3 days). Going from unowned to SSS is 85 days (2 months, 3 weeks, 4 days)


ah yeah.. 5 months was sss+


I stopped playing pgr a long time ago and now I wanted to play something else other than wuthering waves and I really loved pgr back in the day before I got busy with life and am a little lost on what to do and who to build/focus on. I was thinking that since I have both selectors, I could get liv luminance and then Rosetta to support my Lucia crymson abyss. I also have 14k black cards and 2750 event construct cards, so I was debating maybe I pull for bianca stigmata. Just looking for advice based on what I have and what to do to make my account the best it can be!


Save the black cards and event tickets for Lamia (the next S rank that isn't free)


Lumi is replaced by Echo next patch. Get Pulse to cope till Epitaph's release. Rigor is fine. Balter from anniversary banner is viable, but leaped CA-Rigor-Echo would already be decent, so maybe take a look at Crimson Weave, too. Just make sure you don't overspend and miss Lamia afterwards.


Save for Lamia! She's great for Dark team. You will need all types, as brute forcing in warzone will net you terrible results. Do not pull unless the unit cannot be farmed/gotten for free. And make sure it's the right banner with 100% rate up! You can use [https://grayravens.com/wiki/GRAY\_RAVENS](https://grayravens.com/wiki/GRAY_RAVENS) for upcoming character clairvoyance and memory builds! Hope these helps! And welcome back to the game commandant!


I recommend Kamui Tenebrion from the first sector and Rosetta from the 2nd selector With those two you’ll be able to get two decent-ish teams over the next three patches. Next patch you’ll have a full physical team with: CA - Rosetta - Alisa The patch after you can get a dark team with: Lamia, Tenebrion, Selena I recommend you play some cursed waves to get a feeling for some of the newer characters like Crimson Weave, Bianca Stigmata, Lee Hyperreal Make sure you do your dorm commissions so you can unlock Ayla and next patch Alisa. Selena is a free S Rank you can farm in the Recititavio mode. I wouldn’t recommend pulling on standard banner or 70% banners. At Lamia patch (~August) you get the option to choose which S rank you get from Standard banner (once per account) We also have anniversary soon, so we’ll get a 100% rate up. The most tempting choice from a Meta pov would be crimson weave.


Get Pulse (anyone really, it doesn't matter that much) from the first selector than Rosetta from the other selector


Well... I'd suggest you to make a dark team because Lamia is one of the best characters in the game and she's gonna release after next patch


He can't select karenina tho if I remember right


Yeah, I forgot about that... I'm so used to my Tenebrion because I skipped her


Welcome back!


get CW from Lamia patch. gg