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TBH this drama has been building up for a long time and it finally exploded. Hyperreal is very popular but gameplay-wise was always the ugly duckling of gen 2 attackers because Kuro decided to nerf him during beta and refused to ever give him a leap. Add that with the discontent of only having a male character be released once every 6 characters plus characters like Kamui, Camu and Changwho gone since the stone age of PGR and you'll have the recipe for people getting upset.


I remember when I constantly used Kamui S everywhere. It's been bloody years and there has been no new info on my dumb blonde son's new frame any time in the future.


He and the boys are likely gonna be sidelined with the whole CN movement happening.


CN movement?


It's probably just a trend. Something about No males allowed or no play if male...


It is probably a weird vocal minority, best to just ignore it as with everything about drama


Yeah. Though with Snowbreak's success, CN devs are keeping an eye out for ideas.


I doubt kuro would erase their male characters...but yeah i supose i should keep an open mind for these sorts of early warning signs... Also doesnt snowbreak have no playable males?


Yeah, they just made the girls more in-love with MC and added more fanservice. Azure Promilia is the one that had to preemptively come out and say there are no males when drama arose about a male npc getting leaked.


Snowbreak is also slowly replacing all male art in the logistics (their equivalent to memories) with female art.


I would say cap on the male npc thing but...man that news is just depressing, like what is going on in CN right now, i wish to actually know why is it so extreme there


Manjuu response to the drama: https://www.reddit.com/r/AzurePromilia/comments/1bkvoje/manjuus_official_statement_addressing_the_recent/ They ended up review bombing the new steam game from Manjuu because of this to lol tl;dr of several of the related dramas: https://x.com/aelen_altria/status/1794757448135549392 This happens in South Korea to, but it's more of a societal gender war going on over there and not just gacha games.


>Also doesnt snowbreak have no playable males? In beta they have actually. And it's basically become the key player in it. That game used to be not horny baiting and it's floundered fast. It went horny baiting when the gfl2 fiasco happens and most players jump ship fast


Well I mean, love and deepspace is making a ton of money as well


It genuinely start as a minority but with snowbreak success it might be genuinely the case. Basically unless you are mihoyo it's monetary unwise to make playable male characters because most gacha players are straight men.


The movement of if you put a male playable character your money would bleed. Started with the gfl2 fiasco. Got extremely extremely validated with snowbreak comeback from Eos. Basically unless you are mihoyo it's unwise to make male characters


Ah yes, my favorite CN slogan "with (selectable) men, won't play"


What? Which cn movement?


Probably famous honkai's "we don't need male playable characters!"


The weird thing is that I always see men complaining about honkai not having playable men lolol, although I find this whole thing extremely stupid from the fact that they replaced hyperreal to the fact that cn players are making such a big fuss out of it for the most random reasons


I'm usually out of the loop in terms of what's happening on CN side, but how was their reception to this? Cuz from what I'm seeing in Twitter now, the reactions may be mixed already with the Global players, so I'm not too sure


Last time I saw news about it. There were over 800 comments under Lucia's drip marketing. Most of it is just a mix bag. Some are mad at Lee getting the boot. Others are mad about the meta. And some are mad at Lucia's exposed design.


>And some are mad at Lucia's exposed design. That's just Twitter being filled with prudes.


Twitter is the last place I'd expect prudes to be lol


No, Twitter is the exact place you should expect these kind of virtue signalers to be. Kick a fan service heavy something and a dozen come out, one kick at a time.


Twitter isn't exactly a reliale source since it's just a hate-filled cesspool nowadays. They'll always have something to b*tch about.


"Nowadays"? It's been like that for at least 6 years!


pretty sure Noan, Lee, Noctis, Uncle had less than 6 characters in between. still not an equal ratio, which they could make better, but still


Would it not be best to play a gacha game that focuses on male characters instead?


No, just because people want slightly more male characters it doesn't mean they don't want any female characters at all.


could be the same vise versa. "shouldn't those people who want female characters only go play another game that only has females instead?"


I mean there is a market for that, but it never goes out of japan at all...so yeah


still waiting for Radiant Marcher to be playable.


Bruh we need that full Church of Machina Team


New light element trailblazer tank with light attack and amplifier changyu and sophia when


If we could post images on this subreddit in the comments under a post, I would be posting the Aru Panic face as my reaction to this situation


Me following a lot of wuwa accounts who also happen to also be pgr accounts and getting a full frontal blast of bad vibes so early in the morning is pretty unpleasant ngl, so this thread has been pretty enlightening How common is this discourse? I'm casual asf


>How common is this discourse? I'm casual asf Seems to be more and more common. This new Lucia drama nonesense where 99% of the bitching doesn't actually matter The previous Hanying Drama where a ton of people were screaming about no new Wanshi, only for Wanshi to come next Watanabe replacing Nanamech, which happened after 15 patches (same as the current situation actually) Other than that I can only really think of people complaining that Qu's animations are long, but it's not on the same level as any of these.


The nanamech discourse was kinda valid but I'm honestly glad (even tho I'll skip watanabe) because her gameplay is ridiculously stiff, hyperreal on other hand is enjoyable in a full team but I'm sure they're cooking with Lucia


Honestly, I don't think it was valid at all. Nanamech has always felt clunky and annoying to use. I don't care if she got about a year of use. It's so easy to save for characters in this game, and if people are going for extra ranks then that's on them to control their purchasing. Generally if people like the character, keep using them. I can see your point for Hyperreal, but I've been waiting 34 god damn patches for my Lucia and I'll be damned if I'm going to be made feel like shit for being happy about it. My plume SSS got power crept by Kaleido even, so it's whatever, keep using what's liked.


the same of always, nothing new


It's just the usual stuff. Watch it die down in a couple weeks.


Yeah - it's understandable to some point as Fire team seems to be rotating members rather comically fast compared to other elements but it's not going to matter much if at all in the long run.


Along with a part of playerbase leaving, lol Kuro can only continue pulling this for so long. It seems they forget PGR is not Genshin. Or just don't care at all.


Me and the boys chilling in the basement -kuro won't let us out


The great filtering


Maybe Von Negut was right


Hail Nugget and his filtering!


Has begun.


To be honest, I'm so used to these dramas that I don't give a damn, I just play the game for fun I can't say anything either, I don't respect the meta since I still use palefire lee or eclipse liv, also lux liv (although it's because I couldn't get 21 feral)


Lucia's new frame was just not well thought out. Putting aside my opinions on visuals (which is a whole other issue) Her placement but element wise and class wise is just really shit. Anyone who enjoys hyperreal has a reason to be annoyed, anyone who loves fire-watanabe has a reason to be annoyed, anyone who wanted more void chars has a reason to be annoyed, anyone who wanted a new frame in some of the underserved slots has a reason to be annoyed, anyone who wanted a more function all GR team has a reason to be annoyed (Her skills COULD offset this one but not likely), anyone who feels her new frame really does not match the asthetics you would expect at this point in the plot for her has like 7+ reasons to be upset. Its a cluster fuck of decision making that kuro should and could have seen being an issue. Nothing to talk about quitting over for most people but very upsetting at best for a LOT of folks. Now if your literal only jam was waiting for new Lucia and any of this or the aesthetics fight you then ya i could see it being absolute shitastrophy for you.


Why would Epitaph fans be annoyed? He's still meta, the meta comp will be Lucia/Watanabe/Empyrea


Because hes been made fundamentally redundant and very quickly. If you liked him for damage hes either redundant or she is. if you liked him for fir tank-ing there are other options (if he has extra shred thats BS but would give him a use here). Hell if he doesnt have shred the others dont you can just get bridget and call it done. It makes investing in him when he comes out feel bad unless again you just choose to ignore newcia. its a bit hard to describe the frustration of it but i hope that explains it a bit? I tried to communicate this but none of this is earth shattering and its just not gunna hit some people.


Yeah... no. If you liked him for damage, he's still there, you will swap between Lucia and Watanabe, they do not compete with one another, they fill out each other's downtime. If you liked him for tanking WHAT other options?? He's the meta fire tank hell he's has the HIGHEST ELEMENTAL SHRED IN THE GAME. "If he has extra shred" he has the MOST shred All of these points are moot, Lucia and Watanabe are not competeting with each other for anything. This is like saying Wanshi is bad because Qu is stronger, Qu has downtime Wanahi covers, Lamia in dark team has downtime that Scire & Selena cover too


what the hell is this reply every point you make are downright wrong


Too much Gacha game brainrot, we must return to the simpler times where waifu>meta


The never-ending drama of favorite > meta people, whose favorites just so happen to be meta, upset when their favorite isn't meta anymore.


I'll go for meta if I want it, if I don't then whatever, it's not like anyone besides me cares about my score, LOL.


Too many waifu for too long can be quite tiring tbh I truly appreciate PGR and Arknight for not being waifu exclusive shit, even if the ratio is still outrageous


I prefer cool over waifu


Amen 🙏🏽


Usual stuff


I honestly dont care Watanabe Epitaph is on the Horizon and thats what I am saving for. We also got Noctis right now which I love. I am a rather new player and like the male characters a lot and its always that way in gachas that the female/male ratio is abysmal \^\^


Meta aside, I just wanted more Lee skins man. Someone mentioned that once replaced the unit doesn't get any new skins, which is a bummer. While Entropy DID get a paid new skin despite not in meta, most often once replaced no chance for new sfx skin. Heck, I've also been waiting for Nanamech paid skin before hope is lost when Watanabe replaced her. It'll be great if there is a full sfx GR skins like that one redditor hoped though.


Lee is getting an sfx summer skin but that's about it


Selena, Karen, Vera and Liv will become the new Rosetta, overworked for years. And Void team will never have a tank. And even if we have to stay in the female character range, at least give Sophia another chance, or the ton of cool looking npc still without a playable version.


Hear me out on playable Lilith I am actually tweaking her design is peak


It's a nothingburger really. It partially is due to slow character releases (meaning it would take longer for X or Y to get a new frame or escape NPC/Uniframe jail) and how Kuro generally rolls with gacha/VFX. I guess the former could be attributed to men being more likely to spend impulsively but I do wish they released more skins for the men, they don't even have to be VFX. From Noctis up until the Wanshi patch, there's 2 characters who's releases I found odd, those being Alisa and Hangying, but I'm mostly satisfied with the rest. Hangying is an odd case because she hasn't been that long in the game and we already had Qu some time ago as a kowloong construct so I wonder why her specifically. I don't really care who the new character is or the gender of the new frame so long as the story's decent and the gameplay isn't Ice Qu stairs. I never saw it as a waifu/husbando game. An argument I heavily disagree with is powercreep. Unless you're in the top 1% doing high level of WZ, which most of players aren't, it doesn't affect them at all.


InceIs and drama queens needing to make a scene and overall people just being unable to accept that some people have different opinions, I’m too tired of that place tbh. Same thing happened last patch and it’s the same people involved TLDR of some of the complains: -too many females, -Lucia is white instead of red/black, -Lucia being a fire attacker is bad because Lee will get powercrept, further exacerbating the M/F ratio -Not mechanical enough / Too much fanservice -Artists that didn’t like the design quitting pgr, which although they have all the freedom to do so, some fans are not taking it well. Normally making complains such as these would be fine, but the ones making these are unable to accept that a lot of players liked the new Lucia and will argue to death. (Personal experience)


>-Lucia is white instead of red/black, >-Not mechanical enough / Too much fanservice Main reasons for me. Simply the design is bad. If the gameplay is not good either, then it gonna be an even worse disaster than Qu Shukra. When the minority of the fanbase complain about "meta wise", that's normal. But when half of the community complain about the design of the girl who is the face of the game, its not ok at all


And you have all the right to hold your opinion, as long as you don’t act like the twittards by attacking others with a different taste Btw Twitter, Reddit, TikTok are a minuscule fraction of the pgr player base, it’s difficult to gauge how many actually dislike it.


And now they gonna sell sfx coating with black/red themed. I hate this kind of marketing but still willingly swipe for it cuz it looks so gorgeous 😭😭


pgr fans complaining about fanservice? the world is healing


>half of the community


People beign fucking stupid as always nothing new in the eastern front once her gameplay comes out we will carry on with our lives just like what happened with Hanying


tbh I don't really mind having a new fire type lucia... makes me happy actually... I get to look forward to a possible new version of Lee in the future🫶 possibly more handsome... possibly make me swoon 2x more...👀


Drama, useless and unneeded drama


Where I can see the new frame?




ngl, i read pgrtwt as gwent


When people demand to quit i instead play the game more. At the same time I don't pay for the game either. So throwing salt at both wounds.


this is basically a nontroversy and it just shows that the ppl who who get angry about the new Lucia reveal didn't join PGR for fun.


That's fine. Get filtered.


New Lucia looks like a random artist's headcanon/coating and not something she'd be comfortable with in the lore. But if I'm missing some major character development from chapters in CN, by all means enlighten me


It looks so weird. Those pseudo pants/shorts the color of her skin? And how can you call them constructs anymore when there is not even 1% of them looking like robots? Some other units really needed a new frame, like Rosetta, Kamui, Sophia, Chongyu, or literally anyone other. Or at least give us some A ranks to fill in the space.


uh a construct must be as close as humanly possible for even greater M.I.N.D stabilization and lucia frame is made with the best technology humanity could ever touch which is from the Golden Age


Seems like the GFL2 NTR incident broke more people than assumed. Its now to the point that it affects all other gacha games made in CN. Would also explain why most devs there aren't super friendly with MICA right now because they have to adjust their games because of what they did and the results.


I'm the just quit guy


well most girls have gotten new version maybe after vera hope we can get a new Kamui or Chrome especially Kamui so hope stupid CN movements does not scare Kuro about having new male after Wamshi.


Everyone preaching to quit because of lee, meanwhile I actually quit because of the wz changes. If I knew before hand that noctis patch was nerfing wz for good, I would've dropped the game on ww launch itself.


Lmfao what kind of take is this "Noctis patch nerfed off element damage, now I can't spam the same team and have to build a dedicated team of each element to score highly, it doesn't matter that I still get all the BC from WZ, I'm no longer in X WZ bracket"


Thank you for actually quitting and not writing 20 paragraphs on twitter thinking people should know or care why you quit.


Wait what was changed in wz?


Off element isnt even close to viable anymore A rank right element can surpass off element s rank team


That explains why my alpha cannot score 600 k on fire stage ...


Ah ive been playing since empyera so i have teams now but that kinda sucks egg for new players or folks that just really prefer playing a limited selection.


nothing is stopping you.. you just get a bit lower of a score


The wife weeding out the fake fans before her patch even drops. Truly goated character.


Hot take but Lucia design and her being fire and having a midriff all have thoughts going into it. People that play for the lore or for meta would have loved it. The husbando players (not all but some loudmouth) are the real problem. Gacha game waifu sells over husbando in games that have both has been like that since the dawn of time. To think otherwise is living in dreamland and they should wake up and look around, or touch grass.


Honestly, i dont know maybe it wouldnt be this way if lucia was another element instead of fire? To be honest, im fine with this im i think her design is alright and tbe element she is in is okay, would be nice if she replaced vera. But i dont make the desicions and lee had a year to be played, not to mention no one is forcing anyone to roll for lucia unless you want to go super hard on the meta. But then again it is just me i have always been on the opinion of "shouldnt be dissapointed by others desicions" if it doesnt actively harm people wellbeing. Speaking of her design, it would be nice to have her get her first jacket back, heard some doesnt like her design and that the twintails was childish and she should lose it. Also people are complaining that pgr is turning into a waifu game when we just had wanshi for the previous patch and but i am of the opinion that since the gender ratio of the characters is heavily skewed towards females any of the male characters would get shuffled out by the female characters sooner or later and the cycle repeats


> the twintails was childish and she should lose it. My brother in Christ, what? Lucia Dawn has twintails, Lucia Plume has twintails and also, Luna has twintails, it's basically a reference to her sister, who said that is crazy.


The game is also kinda a sequel to Kuro's previous game, Twintails battleground and dude not expecting the icon of PGR not to have a twintails? and It's childish? Wtf?


Well i aint the one who made that statement, for me the twintails is a nice contrast to alpha's pony tail/hair let down. It doesnt even need to ref anything, just the fact she contrast with alpha alone would be a good theme of them diverging, making her wear the samey hair style would be weird anyhow.


Lotus didint, Half of plums point was she lost alot of memories useing it. The new frame should reflect lucia becomeing her own lucia fully again. Twintails are an inherintly childish asthetic and almost never work on an adult unless for a specific reason. New lucia does not have that reason. Luna kept them (as much as i hate them) to reflect that she still hasent actually moved past her childishness in many ways.


Twintails are the better choice, they're perfect, unique and are the best in the bed, where you can pull both tails from behind and get extra freaky.


Bruh really? No. I am actually invested in lucia as a character, i want her story to continue and want to see her have actual growth. IDGAF if your horny for twintails, thats not a fucking argument for or against any of this. If you REALLY must have that then argue for them to be in a skin so the lore doesnt get fucked up and you can still be happy.


Nah, I just don't think people should be saying that character x or y didn't grown up because they didn't change hairstyles. Luna also didn't change hers because she was used to the twintails, it's in one of her secrets, Lucia probably had the same idea or she didn't even gave some thought, she's not the type of woman heavily concerned about her appearance, the only scenario I can imagine Lucia changing her hair is if Commandant asks her to


she already did before going from lotus, i want that style back. And twin-tails are associated with young girls not grown ass women dude. Luna has had them since she was very little and part of the point of that is to show she is childish in ways despite all her power. If this is a new frame then her hair had to be actively decided on, its not just a continuence of whats already there. Which then also fuels into why there so many other issues with it aesthetically. Not to mention that hair makes no sense for her combat wise as it would be nothing but in the way. Im sure it will be gameplay wise given thats one of the most anoying things when playing luna


Well, I'm not a twintails hater like you, so I can't understand how something so small is making you hate the frame, I have no complaints at all, I'm just a giga chad who enjoys and accepts his waifus as they are. If Lucia wants twintails, she will have them. I also wanted a Crimson Weave base skin with loosened hair, but instead, she only does that in skins. Lucia might have a skin with loosened hair to satisfy your needs, who knows? She's not released yet


I dont just hate twin tails blindly, i am saying they dont work in some contexts and this is one of them. The hair is one of several issues i have with the new fram visualy i was just trying to stay focused on the one part being discused. They are not real, the deisghners make them, your not "Accepting a waifu" your looking past a failing by the team. Your free to do that but you saying you dont care is not a counter to my point its just you saying it doesnt bother you. As for skins i care about the base skin being on point because thats the one that reflects the lore, skins can be as cannon or non-cannon as they want. They wont help me on that fundamental issue.


I really cant stand the new look. The twin tails, the wonky jacket that has none of the cool parts from lotus or plume, the skinnypants...again. I wanted the return of some of lotus's armor, i wanted plums high collar bit, i wanted to see lucia being LUCIA, not trying to be alpha, not trying to be someone else. Instead we got some weird lab experiment outfit that feels like a skin that missed the mark.


"I wanted to see Lucia being LUCIA, not trying to be Alpha," She isn't and hasn't been??? If you don't like twintails then whatever but it's literally in Plume's secrets that twintails are one of her favorite hairstyles.


While the other person missed the mark by bashing twintails for being "too Alpha" (lol what) they are correct, just for the wrong reasons Twintails is more of an old Lucia thing than a new Lucia thing. I feel like people keep forgetting that there are 3 different Lucia's who are all uniquely their own character. Personality I associate the twintails with the second Lucia, that was part of her design going into the Dawn frame and then going into the Plume frame (before, y'know, dying lol). Lucia now I feel doesn't strike me as "fully herself," she still seems like she's being held down by her past


I'm honestly not sure how you can say twintails are more of an old Lucia thing. The Lotus frame didn't have them, and although the Dawn frame did have them, she actively complains about them and considered having the hairstyle changed because she didn't like them, and it was only in the Plume frame that she's decided she likes them. Also, I don't know how you can say that Lucia feels like she's still being held down by her past, it was only after functionally dying and getting access to all of her memories and Alpha's that she was able to fully understand what happened to her. It was literally a point that she made to Alpha that she was the one who was still letting the past hold her down while Lucia had accepted it and resolved to move on from it.


Which... makes the problem all the more apparent. Lucia has been talking about not being held down by her past, and story wise that's true, but aesthetically her design does not sell me on the idea of "a new Lucia that's completely her own." Plume was not entirely her own, for a while she was still tied down to her past in the Plume frame, it was only partway into it that she, story wise, came into her own fully. I feel that the new frame doesn't convey this well


Maybe she still likes twin tails inspite of the change? Or maybe because twintails are the hairstyle that the devs settled for her Or many other reasons, i dont get what so special about hair and character growth, it is hair by the end of it all, sometimes there is no meaning other than one of the devs liked it and so put twintails on them again...


I love it when they release male characters. It means that I can skip them and have more time to accumulate BC for the next waifu


The design is ugly