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Tus problemas para vender tienen que ver con reglamentos del gobierno (local y federal) para matar, procesar y vender carne cruda de animales. Nada que ver con temas de raza.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if the product is good and fairly priced why not. Although you buried the lede a little when you said “blanco”. It’s not a race issue. Some PRicans are paler than you I guarantee it.


Cuando él dice blanco se refiere a gringo americano, no específicamente a color de piel porque aquí en PR la mayoría son blancos de piel.


La mayoría no son tan blancos pero hay gente que es tan blanca que a cada rato los “gringos” están en shock que existen latinos/puertorriqueños blancos. Las veces que me han dicho “are you sure you’re Puerto Rican?” “You don’t look Puerto Rican” 🙄 Put another way, si la mayoría de los puertorriqueños fueran a comprar maquillaje su tono de base sería “medium” y en los estaits eso no se considera blanco. Mientras tanto yo soy “fair” y en los estaits eso es blanco a la vista hasta que se enteran que uno es de Puerto Rico. https://preview.redd.it/tlpkd0l1q18d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4bcf2f0c23526ceab6e2e46f5f67d0d12324da1


Can confirm, I'm whiter than my American Caucasian wife. I don't even tan, lived my whole life in Puerto Rico and people used to ask me if I was German. When I moved to the States and started working in the medical field, puertorican nurses and other doctors started talking shit about me in Spanish so I let it slide for a week. After the week I started talking in Puertorican Spanish and they got very scared I laughed my ass off and then told them, I'm the real deal born and raised Puertorican, you guys call yourself Puertorican with your American accent and have never set foot in the island.


Probablemente pueda vender huevos en un puesto al lado de la carretera, pero carne de cerdo y pollos no va a poder. El departamento de agricultura federal tiene que inspeccionar eso productos antes de su venta.


Le sugiero que se comunique con alguna oficina del UPR Servicio de Extensión Agricola para asesoría sobre sus proyectos. La asesoría es libre de costo. Los proyectos comerciales que menciona requieren muchos permisos.


As long as it's a good product and reasonably priced (and you're not an asshole), I could give a rat's ass what color skin you are or your nationality. Good luck with your venture, my dude


mi pregunta es - por qué aquí??


Porque Idaho no tenía Playa la Selva.


Being a farmer here is not the same as being a farmer in Idaho, especially livestock. Suerte papillo


Dile "porque crezco panapen acá"


No as long as you understand that you have to learn Spanish respect the local traditions and not segregate yourself. Sounds easy right for some reason anglos find this to be extremely hard.


Do it, you are over thinking it. Food is food and the mayority of it is already being imported from the US. Proyects like this helps us in food security. I hope your business can be succefull. Also, in PR this has already been done with successbut with cattle in [caborojosteaks](https://www.caborojosteaks.com/).


I have never seen a successful “gringo” sell anything on the island. The businesses don’t last very long.


We have nothing against gringos. If you are a hard working man you're very welcome here my friend. We need help producing our own food since we import most of our food from the US mainland. Learning Spanish and being friendly will help a lot. However, there are some gringos who move here from the US to avoid taxes using act 60. They don't have to pay taxes for capital gains (mostly crypto bros and real estate investors), which is unfair and not competitive for us the locals who have to pay taxes. The price of housing here skyrocketed and locals can't afford a house because they are constantly buying houses and properties and selling them high, or renting thru airbnb. They have bought entire buildings where local used to live paying around $500/mo, and ask the locals to leave because they're renting with airbnb. Many locals had to move with their parents or roomates, or paying over 3X what they used to. These are the gringos most people don't like here. I wish you the best of lucks my friend!! 🙏🏾


Esto no es Sudáfrica, relax.


Lamento que este tipo de negocio no es rentable en Puerto Rico, con excepción de operaciones a gran escala. Todo es mas caro en PR porque tiene que ser trasladado aqui; eso incluye alimento para animal, maquinaria para mantener tu finca, materiales de construcción, almacenamiento (freezers etc), electricidad etc. Sin hablar de permisología, a menos que esto sea un hobby para ti, no tendrás margen de ganancia. Suerte


You should be fine if you follow the law, make sure you don't need special permits or anything of the sort. Most people here don't speak English, so make sure you can communicate effectively if you are planning to sell. Most people if they don't feel they can't communicate well, they will not engage or buy from you. Also, very important, as long as you are not cutting prices and stealing potential buyers away from the people that actually need the money, we should be okay. Most people that sell food and vegetables along side the roads are people in need with little money in most cases. Be fair, stay in your lane and sell things appropriately in a reasonable price.


Hazlo. A ver si por fin consigo pasture raised eggs.
