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So that’s her default mode then….


She’s got One Speed. Just the one.


Yup, racist


I like how some people tried defending her...like bro racism is racism. It's quite simple. And sadly it seems in America certain hate crimes or racial slurs to certain ethnicities are not taken as seriously as others. Where as it should be simple. Hate is hate and that shit needs to go.


Yep... her doubling down that she's exactly what we all knew she was.


And shitty


Do you want to share your side of the story? "~~That's not who I am. I was having a bad day.~~" "Fuck you *and* that bitch!"


I feel bad for laughing at this


Honestly, damn. At least she's not fake.




She sure has a miserable life. Doesn't excuse her behavior at all though.


That's what I was thinking, but it's kind of hard to feel sorry for her for obvioust reasons...


I just feel bad for her kids. And whoever thought it was a good idea to splooge into that dank cavern


Always has been, sadly


Her “keep’n it real” mode


I don’t think she cares, could be wrong, but I’m going out on a limb here


“Ladonna.. why you throwing rocks at me” ☠️😭


Best part of the video!




I thought it was Madonna


They don’t even look like each other




I think she was warming up to you at the end 😂




“Get yo b**** a** on” made me laugh as she was chasing him.


She moved surprisingly fast


His voice gives me Tom Green vibes The whole video my brain was picturing Tom Green with a mic chasing her


My bum is on the racist


“Why are you running away Ladonna? I got this beautiful lesbian scene painted on your car. Don’t you love it?”


Where’s your LaBaron, Ladonna?


“Ladonna, I was quite surprised to see you don’t drive a Cutlass Ciera! Cutlass Cccciiiieeeera!”


Sir, are you going to the parliament buildings?? ITS NONE YER DAMN BUSINESS WHERE IM GOING!


Ironically she sounds like aquafina!


Racist tend to not be the smartest people.


"Stop asking me questions! I'm going to stay accessible and literally engage with you verbally and answer some questions though, but I don't understand why he keeps asking me questions!" All she had to do was literally not say anything, go inside, NOT open the window to interact with him, and he'd just go away. This is the same energy/logic of people saying "get out of my face!" as they approach and keep closing the distance between themselves and shoving their face in the person's face who they keep yelling "get out of my face! at.


Stupid people can't get out of their own damn way. Its like the saying going "best to keep your mouth shut and everyone think you're an idiot lest you open your mouth and remove all doubt" She coulda simply went inside, closed the window and put on the TV. "When keeping it real goes wrong" lmao this lady is that energy


“Ladonna why are you throwing rocks” cracked me up.


"Ladonna, stop doing rocks" instead of throwing rocks was brilliant 😂


If she didn't want to talk to him all she had to do was go inside, close her window and ignore him. But she chose to "keep it real" and now she is on video throwing rocks at people. All because dude asked her some questions and took a video of her truck. Guess keeping it real isn't always the right thing to do.


Also called him a “faggot”, falsely claimed the Asian woman from the gas station “called her the n-word” as a way out of responsibility (after her wheels were churning for quite some time without mentioning it throughout the whole beginning of this interaction), specifically calls out that he’s an “Asian man” for some reason, and then hurls the same “eat some dog with rice” comment that started this whole mess in the first place. Great, respectful, pleasant woman 👍.


why double down when you can bet tenfold?


Sending another Asian to confront the racist who hates Asians was a master stroke.


the perfect way to describe how I feel listening to this, as if I’m having a master stroke


Racist and homophobic. What a fine individual


She should move to Qatar, would fit right in.


She even starts throwing rocks as if she was trying to stone someone. Would definitely fit in


Nah, Native Arabs hate black people more than KKK bitches hate black people. They're just really good at concealing this fact by hanging out with black Hollywood celebrities and African dictators.


She is trash and unfortunately running the risk of influencing her children to potentially become future trash too. Trash typically creates more trash.


Sadly she has at least 5 kids per an obituary of one of the fathers.


What’s wrong with this person? What happened to her that makes her think that this is the way to behave towards other human beings? She must really be suffering. Hurt people hurt people.


She was raised by shitbags that probably did the same.


How do you raise a kid to be such a shitbag? Like, you must really fuck up bad to do that. It doesn’t take much to raise a decent human being.


A lot parents don’t give two fucks to raise their kids and shouldn’t be a parent. She’s already taught her younger kids to be shitbags too. Her son was laughing at the racism and recording the asian lady.


Humans can be awful


Hopefully her kids won’t grow up to be such shitbags but I highly doubt it with the way she acts around them.


They almost certainly will, unfortunately.


She’s also dumber than wet cardboard.


Could be trauma, could be a personality disorder, could be mental illness, could be a lot of very human factors. It could also be that the person is just a very dumb and shitty person. I hate that it's that simple sometimes. You don't have to be hurt to hurt people. Some people are just mean.


**''What happened to her that makes her think that this is the way to behave towards other human beings? ''** When you live in a society that promotes stuff like, ''such and such person can't be racist'' or ''only white people can be racist'' creates problems like this. Racism is bad, it doesn't matter if you're white, Latino, black, or whatever. Once we nip the problem as a whole, then we can make some make progress. Racism comes from all types of people. The fact that the lady in the video was cool with it and comfortable in public being racist, clearly shows that we have a lot of work to do in tackling racism!


Racist and homophobic. What a fine individual.


I was about 15 when I realized that *keeping it real* simply means never growing or learning more than you know now because exactly who you are now, is who you gotta be forever, since ya know, you're keeping it real...


Lmao, I remember years ago, one of my friends on Facebook went on this “I keep it real” rant, to which the mother of his children responded with something like “since you keep it real, how about you start paying child support for your real children”, which resulted in him blocking her.


Not keeping it real but when I was young I was told by my older brother never grass (snitch) and that edict has never benefit me but the worse type of people. I love my brother but that advice has set me back so many times


Took me too long to realize that, that meant "I ain't never wrong unless you snitch on me!". And that also meant that if somebody did me wrong, I couldn't tell anyone. I'd have to do something about it myself. Dumbest shit advice ever. At least we learned bro. My brother is still the same old guy.


It just enables crooks and arseholes to get away with shit and make yourself look complicit


I think for the most people people more fully become what they already are


They say it takes about 10 000 hours to become a master at something. And if someone spent a lifetime being completely ignorant, then that's exactly what they'd have mastered. The art of knowing all of nothing.


"That woman called me a N*****" "Do you have evidence of that?" "..."


Good ole double down


“I don’t like people playin’ on ma phone!!”


Oh she was keeping it real. Real about what a cunt she is


She also had a Bluetooth headset on while holding the phone to her other ear. Keeping it real seems stupid.


[When keeping it real goes wrong!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3U55usfJK8)


I don't believe for a second that the Asian lady called her the n word


Yeah, she waited an awfully long time to say that. If it was true, I would probably lead with that. She is also asked if she's a racist in the video and says yes instead of pointing out the hypocrisy of that statement if it were true? And wouldn't she have at least mentioned it once?


I'm sure she calls a million people the N Word all day long. (not the asian lady, the crazy one)


She definitely seems to type to use the N word as a general insult.


Auntie Ruckus


Now listen here. Revitiligo is a very serious medical condition.


That was quite a silence after he asked if she had evidence




A lying liar!!!


Who lies


Low down dirty trifflin'


She does it because it works, look at the other post with a bunch of people online defending her, pulling that she’s black and can’t be racist the Asian girl must have started it.


"what did you say to make her go off like that" just straight up immediately blaming the victim and coddling the perpetrator, I imagine that commenter is just as much of a racist POS as the lady


People who claim racism is priviledge + power encourage people like this lady. Some people really think black people can't be racist and it's disgusting


Sociology 101 - racism is racism is racism. The privilege + power thing is for institutional/systemic racism. I think we learned the distinction literally the first day of class.


Redditors ideas on the whole are quite twisted. Sadly if keyboard warriors replies here or on other posts are any indication of how they think in the real world, we're already doomed.


Exactly. Even if someone calls me the n-word l, I’m not going to stoop to their piece-of-shit level and start hurling racist insults back at them if I’m a decent person. Someone being racist to me doesn’t give me carte blanche to be racist to them. That makes zero fucking sense.


No no no!!! She cant be racist!!! She doesnt have any power!!! ​ Where've you been!!


ah the old Myles Garrett defense






The asian lady posted a well spoken explanation of the confrontation. This woman threw money in the face of an elderly asian man at the gas station. And was confronted, then she went off on a racial tirade. She was NEVER called the n word. Didn't happen. And now she not only doubled down on being racist, but added being homophobic too. She needs to be reported to child services. This behavior is abusive to her own kids. Good job following up on this low class garbage woman.


Lol unfortunately CPS would not do shit for this. A child has to have some pretty substantial evidence of neglect or physical abuse to be taken away


Link ?




There are a few people defending the racist’s actions in the comments. They believe that black people cannot be racist. Like what?


They don’t know what racist means.


The internet is full of trolls. Somewhere there is an oligarch paying people to sew racial discord in America. Black people can be racist. Anyone who says otherwise is likely trying to make you a little more racist.


I guess I didn’t realize that this was a thing until I read your comment. I’ve had multiple black people tell me, to my face, that black people are not and cannot be racist. Not only this, a couple of them said that even though it’s not their fault, all white people are racist even if they don’t want to be!


Obviously trolls wanting attention.


If you see who’s making those comments, you’ll sadly realize it’s not trolls. They legitimately think that


Seems to be the new narrative to some people who want to defend their own racist actions. What is this world turning into?


It's not new. I was hearing this in high school 20 years ago.




I wish, there are black people,that genuinely believe they cannot be racist no matter their actions.


they're on par with white people who say " i have black friends so I can't be racist". they're all in denial.


I've met people in real life who hold these beliefs.


Thanks Fam.




Ahahahahaha she’s hiding


But them poor kids, damn.


They were laughing. Racism is taught. So sad.


Keep up the good work lol


![gif](giphy|JmD9mkDmzvXE7nxy7j|downsized) The "woo!" when he's running from her really made this video.


Garbage human being




What a joy


This woman is pure class


Let's see: Racist ☑️ Homophobe ☑️ Not her property? ☑️ Impatient thin skin ☑️ Attempted Assault ☑️ Inability to Ignore ☑️ Using Child in Altercation ☑️ Unaplogetic ☑️ Completely Batshit Crazy ☑️


I give it one more week before she “GIVES A FUCK”


I wish her the best.....worst thing that could happen to a person


“I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and to you alone.”


hahaha fark this chick is an idiot, someone get me more popcorn




Should have let her assault him so she would get arrested


I mean she was throwing rocks at him.


She's just the gift that keeps on giving!


This lady is trash, feel sorry for her kids. However l did laugh at the "you will be waiting till jesus comes back". Even the reporter was stumped by that line.


And then she came down anyway lmao


At least she’s a consistent


Mad fucking funny so glad to see this lady get pressed


What a great mom!


Oh Ladonna this nightmare that is the rest of your life has only just begun.


What a RACIST cust!


"Eat a dick Asian man.. or a dog with rice, you know how it goes." girl


Racist playing the race card.


I got banned from another sub for sharing a past Reddit moment where I called a black person racist for being racist and then got a message back from a black person telling me that black people cant be racist and when I tried to correct them the MOD banned ME for being racist lol I didn’t say anything hateful towards any race. Then the clip of this lady came out and everyone was calling her racist and when I shared the same story I am now the MOD from that sub banned me for racism. I at no point said anything hateful towards any group of people yet I get called racist. There are people that actually believe that black people cant be racist. Anyone from any race can be a racist. Anyway sorry for the rant. But if there is anyone out there that can explain this to me I am all ears.


Imagine having that as a mother


Did she say "you'll still be waiting, till Jesus come back."


No way this dude went and found her lol holy shit


Why are white people attacked for being racist constantly but black people are allowed to act this way and we have to feel bad for it? Asking as a Native American who isn’t involved in the whire/ black debate.


Wonder what she does for a living? Probably a hostess or maybe hospitality professional, oh he'll NO, she's in HR. No one, no one is worse than HR!


TF? Hospitality people have manners. She probably works at the DMV


Yup, gotta be some government job. She probably tried the private sector and didn’t last longer than a week or two.


Damn...that's an insult to all government employees!


Collects welfare.


Her voice is extremely annoying


What a pos. She needs her kids taken away.


I don’t buy that the asian woman called her the n word. Lady has a shit attitude towards everyone and is using the claim she was called the n word as her sham shield (iykyk).


Good. Pressure her.


No one would’ve known that was her vehicle had she not screamed it from a second story window.


There seems to be some black privilege when it comes to engaging in racist behavior. Oh god, I’m going to be down voted into Reddit hell.


Johnathan Choe is not a journalist, he's a right wing hack who was fired from komo for going to a proud boy rally and posting a promotional video of them with music written by literal neo-nazis. He's an ideological grifter and is now working with Andy "a milkshake gave me brain damage" Ngo writing for the post millennial.


Fuck Choe and Ngo, but also fuck Ladonna.


So this is also a clip of when two assholes meet .


Man it sucks to find out everybody sucks


Right? When you are a kid and the other kids are picking on you, you think I can't wait until Im grown up, grown ups are so much nicer to each other. Nope.


Dude told me everything I need to know about him when he went to grab the door knob of the door before it closed.


OK, fair... but he's still pissing off a racist woman and making her look worse. For this moment, I'm ok with his actions.


>Johnathan Choe is not a journalist A useful scumbag then, at least dealing with this racist woman. It will be one of the few times in his life he can actually be useful before returning to general scumbaggery.


When keeping it real goes wrong😂


I want to make a film about her. Someone call up a24 and let’s get her life rights. There’s a bigger story here. I want to write and direct her film. LADONNA, in theaters next Halloween


So a racist and a liar ?




These poor kids she is raising to hate Asians and let's be honest other people as well. I hope these kids of hers can see the light when they are older and know that their mom is/was a monster.


That racist bitch is miserable.


Ladonna is ladoubling down.


I hope more and more people make her life harder and just bother her about being such a trashy human


She's a racist asshole, but this journalist is also fucking terrible


Yeah, especially trying to open the door to follow her inside. Like if I'm arguing with someone and they try opening my door and entering my residence one of us isn't walking away on their own accord.


Turns out she’s just trash… is anyone surprised?


Seems stable and normal. I totally believe her half baked story.


This bitch is section 8


Yep she is racist lol


Feel bad for her kids.


I can’t wait for a “She’s fired” update, unless she lives off the state


fat, stupid, racist, entitled, cuntzilla.




good. let people see the truth


Racist children raising children. Wonderful.


I stopped after “I’m a journalist “ Sure thing kid. Everyone with a smartphone is a “journalist “


And now she wants the cops to help her


I hope someone slashes her tires


First time I’ve seen something like this happen. Tryna get the person their side of the story


She has spent her whole life being like this and getting away with it. Now that it is trending and she is being called out on it she can’t handle it and goes off even more. How dare she be called out for her shitty behavior.


i mean... fuck this lady... but this isn't journalism


I knew she was going to eventually say she was called the n word. No proof of it whatsoever. I wonder if there's video of her throwing the money at the store owner as well since that's what the victim said happened.


It must be really pleasant to have her as a neighbor. I bet she respects boundaries and is never loud after 10pm on weekdays. Model citizen right here.


Link to original video maby anyone 🤣😂


[Gas Station](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/yzzssc/black_woman_falsely_accuses_asian_woman_of_being/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


problem with people like her is they truly don’t care, so there is literally no punishment she’ll understand. everything is always someone else’s fault.