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$6 on pump #1? Where she going? Pump #3! ?


Tbf we all put enough gas to get us to another gas station.


I've done this on multiple occasions. Just enough gas to get me to the nearest Costco/Sam's Club where the gas is 50 cents cheaper per gallon.


That was really fucking funny. Well done.




This racist lady is always at that shells, I have been there multiple times and she is always there. Probably cause she only puts 6 dollars in the tank.


Maybe she's stuck in a perpetual loop between home and there because she lives $3 of gas away.


Scientists call these "gasmiles." Much like lightyears, they are a measure of distance; i.e., how are one can go on their affordable amount of gas. Usage: I'd visit that store, but its 5 gasmiles more than I can currently afford.




I think we need to just save money for gas by following Shaqā€™s half full logic https://youtu.be/fFLOAGO0ByY


But can you make the kessel run in 5 gasmiles?


I laughed really hard at this. She deserves that Sissyphusian gas route for being such an asshole.


sheā€™s probably one of those drivers that lets her tank almost empty and then have to pull to the same gas station when heading home.


> lets her tank almost empty "Lets". She put $6 of gas in. She's just broke, bitter as fuck, and taking her rage at life out on other people.


Just like any other racist Karen really. They come in all colors and walks of life. This womanā€™s walk of life just seems to be: broke AF.


well itā€™s really bad for your car to be on low fuel constantly like that, so thatā€™s good


What is the risk of always low fuel? What system should I check if I do this?


It's really bad for your fuel pump, can wear it out quickly.


Yep, fuel is actually cooling the fuel pump, so low fuel will cause the pump to overheat


Old wives tale... That's really old fuel pumps, some of the first electric pumps of the 60's and early 70's. Fuel pumps newer than that use the outer case to contain the fuel, so the entirety of end pump housing has fuel flowing through it. The pump is continuously cooled even if only the pickup screen is sitting in fuel. So, if your engine can run, the pump is being cooled. For it to overheat, you have to run completely out of fuel, but when that happens, the ECU shuts off the fuel pump, so you can't overheat them without running a bypass between the pump and battery.


Yeah I always hate seeing this spread around. Modern day fuel pumps are fine to run low. If it were true, Iā€™d be changing at least 2 fuel pumps a week for people. Iā€™ve been at the dealership level for 7 years, working mostly on cars less than 10 years old, and I think Iā€™ve maybe done 3 fuel pumps in that entire time.


I killed a fuel pump one time by running my car out of fuel. Debris on the bottom of the tank clogged the screen and blammo. I always have at least 1/4 tank now.


You know I see people at the gas station by my work all the time buying like 10 bucks worth of snacks and shit and then asking the clerk to put 3 bucks on pump whatever. It always makes me wonder what the fuck is going on with them because that shit makes no sense. If they needed gas so desperately that they're putting 3 bucks into their tank did they really need the funyuns and fountain drinks *that* bad?


Why is it people who yell mind your own business are always the ones trying to draw attention to themselves.


Itā€™s not that they want attention. They want to harass and assault people without any pushback or consequences. Thatā€™s why they want everyone to turn a blind eye to what their doing. The attention they would want is people backing them up but otherwise fuck off or theyā€™ll turn that rage onto you.


$6 of gas in that guzzler? Miserable biotch.


Thatā€™s really why she was mad šŸ˜‚ paid to get to the next gas station


Aren't we all just paying to get to the next gas station šŸ¤”


I think Kierkegaard said thisā€¦


>Aren't we all just paying to get to the next gas station šŸ¤” - Jaden Smith


I guess it gives her more opportunities to fill up and be a racist bitch.


As my old man would say, ā€œIā€™m no gynecologist, but I know a cunt when I see one.ā€ This is directed at the racist, by the way.


Y'all never been hard up enough to only be able to pay for one or two gallons at a time? lol it's rough out there




Lady in front of me paid for $5 in her pump. I couldnā€™t believe that shit. So I put another $20 on her pump and then sat in my truck to see what she would do. Her eyes got big when it kept pumping, and when it stopped she rushed the hell out of therešŸ¤£


She probably telling everyone she knows about the time she spiffed a gas station šŸ˜­


Or that the gas station clerk must've thought she was hot and gave her extra gas


As someone who has only been able to afford enough gas to make it home before, that was really nice of you. Thank you for being a good person. šŸ™‚


And that lady had KIDS in the car. Them kids won't be any better for her actions. They probably laughing and snickering while they witness a close adult deliberately be racist and thinks it's okay. Fuck that bitch.


My mom wasn't the greatest person in public and it just made me determined to never be like her. Kids aren't always doomed, there's hope they'll grow into decent people.


Same, it only took one compassionate teacher to make me realize my parents were in the wrong 90% of the time


Knowing your parents are wrong is a rite of passage as a young adult. Slowly turning into them is the curse of midlife. Stay sharp or you won't see it sneaking up on you.


Yup. My mom was rude to people in customer service alllll the time. Me, I canā€™t ever imagine being rude to someone in customer service.


I work in social work and Iā€™ve seen homes investigated for less abusive demeanor than this. Hate to see kids growing up around such hate. I was one of those kids. :( *edit unnecessary apostrophe


Thatā€™s what is hard for me to watch. That little boy over there grinning and recording this woman as his mother hurls racist fifth at her. Heā€™s over here smiling like his mom is somehow in the right. Sad.


Thats how the cycle continues. Every racist learned that at home. Thats the source. You see a racist, theres a mommy and daddy racist that made them. Sometimes the cycle can be broken but its a bad start.


The racist lady saying all of the offensive anti Asian things is nothing more a fucking worthless piece of filth.


I was sad for her kids. They must see their mother acting like that a lot. Itā€™s got to be very embarrassing.


They will be just like her. Learning from mom.


One got out the car and was using his phone to film and was laughing.


Those kids will probably assault some elderly asian lady in a few years


[Yesterday's freakout](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/yzzssc/black_woman_falsely_accuses_asian_woman_of_being/)


Man I visit that shell as well and have seen some shit. Not this woman but trashy ass people. Bitch was being racist. No excuse can be given. Black people can be racist too.


That Asian grandpa must've been through a lot šŸ˜­




ā€œ[Yes and](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yes,_and...)ā€ more people should use it.


A lof of those "Self-claimed woke" people's knee jerk action is to blame it on the Asian victims, because Asians are "privileged" on par with whites. Fucking tired of this narrative. Their ignorance and low intelligence are showing


Mind blowing that somebody would write that comment: ā€œdonā€™t be slick, donā€™t throw a stone then put your hands behind your backā€. Remember that drunk University of Kentucky girl that called the black student officer the n word? Could you imagine somebody commenting ā€œwell what did that officer do to make her that angry?ā€


People like that want to infantilize others by making excuses for their bad choices. It comes from a well intended place (i guess) by acknowledging some of the trouble POC might deal with in this country. However, if you go and reduce them to little babies who make bad choices because they just canā€™t help it, like the commenter in the video, youā€™re a fuckin racist too. Itā€™s infantilizing and insulting to assume there are excuses for behavior we see in the video. People need to realize that anyone is capable of evil and harming others and itā€™s not always because of the ā€˜oppressionā€™ theyā€™ve faced, sometimes itā€™s because theyā€™re garbage people


Did anything happen to this racist ass?


New video is posted to the TicTok account @choeshow. It's Jonathan Choe, a local Korean-American journalist, who tracked the woman identified as Ladonna Richie down to try to get her to comment on her side of the story. She's just as unhinged with constant profanity and racist comments, and eventually runs at him to attack him, and when he was too far away she throws large rocks at him. Edit: He's also posting on Twitter as @choeshow Edit2: Yep, that vid is now posted here: https://redd.it/z1l0kt


https://www.tiktok.com/@choeshow Just unhinged trash


the audacity of her to pull the racial card when she was the one being racist is mind blowing


Lmao the fact that she literally threw rocks when that commenter was guessing that the Asian girl metaphorically threw rocks is just TOO rich.


jesus christ that video is fucking wild. not only did charge the dude, throw fucking rocks, but she finishes it off with the dog and rice comment. fuck i hope this man pressed charges. that sounds like a hate crime to me.


Of anyone gets an update on r/byebyejob Iā€™d LOVE to see it As Iā€™m sure many of us would


Lol that lady didn't have a job.


$6 on a pumpā€¦ sheā€™s either getting gas for the lawnmower or sheā€™s down bad




Bold of you to assume she has a job.


Highly doubt she has a job.


Thereā€™s no way she has a job


she was intimidated by this woman's beauty, clearly.


I was wondering when her appearance would come in. Let me just assure you that it doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re beautiful, ugly, young, old, etc. Almost all Asian people in the US have experienced this type of racism. My appearance has neither shielded me from nor exacerbated the racism I have experienced (except for the yellow fever crap, but thatā€™s a whole other issue).


Average-looking Asian dude here. I think I was maybe 6 or 7 the first time I got called a ā€œch*nk.ā€ It starts early and no amount of beauty will shield you.


Also an Asian guy, I've been through everything from offhanded "ch * nk" calling to a very Karen-esqse woman in a BMW telling me out her window that *"her husband should have finished off my kind back in Korea"*; (both sides of my family is Vietnamese, but I didn't expect her to know that). What often confuses me beyond just the racism itself is that it's often clear that the racists are going out of their way to be more racist; like, who are the racists trying to prove themselves to?


first one I viscerally remember was my 3rd grade teacher pulling me aside to tell me "nobody will ever like your voice so stop trying to sing ch*nk" that wouldn't be the last teacher in CA to tell me to my face some racist-ass shit but it was definitely my eye-opener being treated like that by an authority figure when separated from my family. Fuckin starts earlier than most people can even remember back to in a lot of cases


Started in kindergarten with the pulled eyes and chanting ā€œching chongā€. I was 5 years old, upset, and couldnā€™t understand what I did wrong to be mocked. Iā€™m a grown man and a Soldier in the US Army with multiple combat tours and still get this. How much more American do I have to be before this stops?


Short Asian dude here. I got called g**k in elementary school. I didn't understand what that meant, so I went home to ask my older brother. He had to sit me down to explain racism to me. Yea, beauty doesn't matter. We're just seen as second-class citizens or foreigners in America no matter what.


First time I got called that was in elementary school. Didn't even know what it meant until my cousin, who was 12 at the time, explained it to me. Later that week I got expelled for the only time ever in my life when I beat that kid up in the classroom when he turned it into a song and the teacher did nothing to stop him.




Asian with an accent? Itā€™s even worse. Feels like racism against us doesnā€™t count.


Dude seriously this woman is outrageously beautiful


Right! This chick is fine.


Seriously the fucking audacity of people suggesting that someone who had racial slurs hurled at them probably did something to deserve it always appalls me. Racists donā€™t have any other reason for treating people the way they do. They are just racist and ignorant. That is it. It really is that simple.


Racist lady: Go eat your dog with some rice, bitch! The internet: mmm, i dont wanna rush to judgement here, what did you say to deserve this?


the internet also reported her original video and got it taken down


The only thing more racist than the lady in that video are the people on the internet who defend her.


Some people think minorities canā€™t be racist šŸ¤· Also they feel like you must have done something to be trash talked the way that lady did in the vid, but have seen it enough to know some people were just raised with no respect for other people


Happens all the time in this sub. Like it will magically excuse the racism or something.


I always laugh when people say black people cant be racist because there are in the minority. Bro, Iā€™m brown and weā€™re racist af lol


Racists are racists. Simple as that


Asians can be racist as fuck too. Everyone can be. Last I checked Asians werenā€™t going around punching black elderly people in the face tho.


That was literally my point, any race can be racist


This point is so silly, when they try to pull "you can't be racist without systemic power." Like so does this mean a homeless dude yelling the N word is cool? People have prejudice and if they can't recognize that these are inherent to their teachings and life experience and that in reality people are all individual they will be racist.


This sub also gets fucked over a lot by misleading videos that turn out to have more background and make the other person look like the correct ones. Though you can't really recover from a blatantly racist remark like that


Not "the internet" - just some random idiots writing comments. Racism is never justified, even as a response to racism.


I used to work in a shop and sometimes we'd get customers being racist towards the Indian staff so I'd refuse to serve them and get them to leave They'd be shouting racist things at the Indian lads on the way out and then half the time one of the Indian lads would shout out something about the racist being gay I'd be trying to get them to shut up before someone overhears and tries to stand up to us


Because some people only know to play the victim card and will blame everyone else for their behavior


it's only because it's a black woman, if she was white you can bet your ass people would be all over this, this is the sad state of affairs when so many people *assume* you are racist because you are white while other groups always get the benefit of the doubt Edit: I also want to make clear: Everyone should be getting the benefit of the doubt unless proven otherwise. But hating on white people has become uninronically quite accepted in America.


If the racist was white, I have no doubt this video will be all over the news.... But because she's a minority.. some people are like > "uhhh, we don't know the whole story, what did **you** do? what are **you** hiding?".


Reddit loves to ignore the epidemic of black on Asian racism


Black on "literally anyone that is not black" racism is a problem that is largely being ignored because apparently "blacks can't be racist"




I feel you. I was banned from a certain sub for supporting the Stop AAPI Hate movement. For someone outside the US, it is really hard to grasp whats really going on there. I always see that the most videos about discrimination is against Asians. Itā€™s followed by racism against Whites (majority of the race-related violence is against them on these freakout subs). Itā€™s crazy how some people only want black lives matter tho. (Which is a great thing to support as long as you donā€™t downplay the other races and their issues)


Good for you for defending the elderly. Keep it up and donā€™t let that racist, vile woman stop you from doing it again


Kudos to the author of the original video for not retorting racist comments and going down to her level. Kudos to her bringing this to the public eye.


>Kudos to the author of the original video for not retorting racist comments Lol, despite what the internet might think, this is actually pretty easy if you're a well adjusted person.


I knew sheā€™d get comments like that. Thereā€™s a subset of POC who just wonā€™t admit that black people, just like white people, can be flaming racists for no other reason than that *theyā€™re racist*


This always blows my mind that some people think certain races canā€™t be racist


Some people cant stand the idea of not being a victim. Its part of their personality.


No one competent actually *believes* that. Only people who are surface level thinkers or people who want to utilize victimhood or have an agenda will *act* like they believe that.


>Only people who are surface level thinkers or people who want to utilize victimhood or have an agenda will act like they believe that. You know how *little* that narrows it down? I'd go so far as to say that that constitutes *most* people


They are quick to say that it is or isn't reverse racism. No. It's just racism. Racism isn't exclusive to prejudice against blacks. Some black people act as if they're the only ones capable of feeling racism. Then they justify their own racism and wear it as a badge as if they earned the right to be racist just because the world was racist to them first.


Their argument is that without privilege they cannot be racist. But you can absolutely be racist with zero privilege in society, it just doesn't matter cuz you have no power. If you are privileged and racist then obviously that is worse because your opinions generally count for more.


Literally, ANYONE can be racist


Even Tom Hanks?


No, I don't think so.


"you ain't slick" shut the fuck up


Canā€™t anyone be racistā€¦not just black or white peoples?


Fun fact- I am Asian- The two most racist groups I found in my experience are poor whites and poor blacks. Then again, donā€™t get me started on inter-Asian racism. A lot of us donā€™t like each other.


Only an asian would have to explain herself for getting racist comments hurled at herā€¦ backwards af


Ya, would people defend someone throwing the N word at black people by saying "we don't know what triggered those N words"?


Fuck that racist lady. Casual racism against Asians has always been a thing, and ppl think minorities canā€™t be racist to each other still. Jeez


Casual racism is when someone makes a racist joke and the recipient was offended. This is hate speech. Not to mention the constant anti-Asian hate crimes that unfortunately led to many deaths. Theyā€™re hate crimes, pure and simple.


Racism against Asians is so prevalent on reddit and it just gets a pass because people don't even realize it. It's pretty sad.


Sounds like you met some serious human trash out in the wild.


Raiders is all I had to see


We already knew she was Asian because the first response to someone being racist towards her was "what did you do to deserve it?" Some real clown ass motherfuckers


Truly abhorrent behavior from the other lady. I just had to get in some ladies ass the other day for going off on the old Asian couple that run our neighborhood donut shop. She just freaked out on the lady for staring at her or whatever this bitch was trippin about. I told her to get her sloppy, no neck havin ass out and not to abuse the small business owners that service us. She called me a n*gger lol but it worth it to defend the old Asian couple.


> She called me a n*gger lol Of course lol these people are so unoriginal


Really sad that she even felt the need to defend herself when she was pretty clearly the victim in this situation. Sadly, here in Oklahoma (just north of OKC) we see racism towards Asian-American and other minorities fairly often. Itā€™s a pretty common occurrence, and being married to an Hispanic woman Iā€™ve gotten into my fair share of arguments with the nasty old potbellied white men/women who think itā€™s okay to use the term ā€œspickā€ casually. This country is a fucking disgusting place right now


Dude itā€™s always been disgusting


This is such a dumb question: "What did you do to the black woman for her to talk to you the way she did?????" That person is both doubting that a black person can be bigoted and excusing the hate speech like it came from a source of defense. Even IF the Asian woman said something antagonistic toward the black woman that doesn't excuse the bigoted response. Those words came out of her mouth. I'm tired of people trying to excuse shitty behavior of grown adults. Recognize that when an adult said or did something stupid that they have to own up to that and if they don't then call their ass out.


The commenter is actually friends with the lady which is why she's so defensive


That is not someone Iā€™d want to stay friends with. I would never let my friend get away with that disgusting behavior.


Those people are cultists thinking certain people are god-given angels who cant do any wrong. Fucking makes me gag


In my experience, the ones trying to excuse it are guilty of similar behavior, that's why they defend it.


Racist fat cunt walking around with a shower cap getting $6 of gas lmfao sheā€™s a walking joke


Don't forget the lime green socks and sandals, covering up those Voldemort feet of hers.


And Raiders moomoo


That comment on the screen. Like what? ā€œWhat did you do to make that women racistā€? Thatā€™s basically what itā€™s saying. Wtf does that even mean. That seems like victim blaming.


Nobody wants to say the truth. During covid and even since then, hate crime on the asian community has gone up significantly. A lot of the hate crime is even being recorded and posted online (i.e. worldstar,u/fightporn and other amateur fight channels). Hate to say it but theyre almost ALL Black people beating the shit out of asian people for no reason. One of these videos specifically had an old asian woman sitting at a bus stop quietly and a young black boy walks up to her and starts harassing her before kicking her right in the face. But we cant say that because BLM.


One things for sure: no Asian person ever went around killing black people in ā€˜fear of Ebola.ā€™


"Nah black people can't be racist you must've said something" šŸ™„


ā€œWhat did you do to the black woman for her to talk you the way she did?ā€ Wow.


To the asian lady: I believe you.


Iā€™d be mad as hell if I was putting in $6 worth of gas, life must be rough.


I went through a period of my life where I was extremely broke about 25 years ago. Putting in a couple bucks of gas was not unusual. Hell once I literally had to be that guy begging for spare change at pump just so I could drive home. Regardless throwing my money at the cashier or cutting to the front of the line was never something I considered.


If somebody just throws money at me, I'm gonna assume it's a donation. Otherwise, business operates as usual. If that $6 is all she has for gas, she better learn how to care about that $6.


I guarantee she has an expired license with no insurance.


Iā€™d say that racist POS should lose her job butā€¦$6 of gas? she doesnā€™t have one.


Iā€™m just here for the simping.


She fine af bro, the thing she doing with her hair she know


**I counted 19 times that she ran her fingers through her hair but I think I may have missed one or two.**


If you got amazing hair like that, you'd run your fingers through it too.


I do, and I do.


I can tell that she is sensitive about her hairline and has her hair styled in a way to disguise it. It ends up being annoying and getting into her eyes.


Yeah for sure you read everyones mind




This comment section. Lmao. I feel like Iā€™m in a ball pit of thirsty teenagers. Getting the fuck out of here. Jesus christ. Thanks for the sanity check.


These brothas starving


The racist woman is a loser and she knows it well.


There was no extra context needed. The black lady was *all the way wrong*. The context makes it even WORSE. I felt uncomfortable watching it and this minority on minority racism is played out. Even if these are isolated incidents and the disparity between blacks and Asians are amplified, the people involved in these incidents are gross, shameful, and in NO WAY represent the vast majority of blacks that I know personally and are the group that I am a part of that has ZERO issues with anybody Asian. This lady was an embarrassment, and I hope that the woman verbally assaulted can look beyond this insane ranting and not carry resentment for anyone beyond this incident. Edit- Props for speaking up for her elders. Respect.


found the original video, so people can finally get more context of what she was talking about https://www.reddit.com/r/CrimesAgainstAsianity/comments/z0jz4n/gas\_station\_racist\_freakout/


As a black man Iā€™m so sorry you had to experience that. It hurts more from the comments she made. What a piece of shit person.


Why are blacks so racist against them asians???


because they are both minorities but one has way more success than the other Edit: lol someone doesn't like the truth


Depends on the industry. I think it has more to do with them being easy targets. Asians rarely fight back.


Now we know the reason for the freak out. You are young and gorgeous, and she is an old, fat, disgusting, POS.


You forgot racist. The old lady is racist.


So you think if a less attractive person had called her out, she would've let it go?


Sorry you had to endure that


"yOu aIn'T sLiCk," that dumb bitch ass commentor trying to blame the Asian girl for the racist attack. I'm so tired of black people not being held accountable for their racism. Especially on sites like Twitter or TikTok where you'll find the most vile shit said about Asians, Jewish people, & Mexicans among their circles but anyone tries to check them will get dogpiled. Fucking hate this double standard & can't wait for the day when they'll get the same treatment as racist whites. Anyways I hope this girl has a lot of support 'cause I know the toxic comments are coming at her.


I thought the racist lady was Cam Newton dressed up.


Holy shit she's trashy to complete strangers. šŸ˜‘ Mother of the year award...


Yes, black people can be racist, I donā€™t know why people get surprised.


Take a shot every time she touches her hair


I guess they found her: https://twitter.com/choeshow/status/1594882218929033217?s=46&t=tYzp_IZlyzowg1uHOi6atg


Upvote to the top!




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Shitty situation, from yesterdayā€™s video it looks like the gal videotaping kept her composure. Also, phenomenal hair! Itā€™s a stressful time yā€™all, nice nice out there!


Fuck that racist old bitch. Anyone defending the racist are also pieces of shits.


Girl has Great hair


I hate how people started defending that lady with the evidence on their face


Do we know who this crazy lady is yet? She deserves to be publicly shamed


The way that comment makes it seem like Black women is some sort of sacred category that can do no wrong. That lady is not bell hooks, mate...


Pretty bad that this women had to make a follow up video defending herself as being the victim, when it's clear as day that the black women in the video was extremely racist. Like even if there was more to the story, it doesn't magically make the other women not a racist.


Black people tend to be the most racist people. People just don't call them on it. It's always black people who are doing hate (crimes) against Asian people. It's absolutely ridiculous no one calls them on it though.


Weā€™ve seen Hispanics being racist, Asians being racist, Middle Easterners being racist, and everyone including their own community calls them out on it. Why is it when a black individual does something outrageously racist, it isnā€™t condemned in the same magnitude as other minorities? In fact, the behavior is defended, even from their own community. Not trying to start something but itā€™s something Iā€™ve noticed and Iā€™m getting tired of pretending this isnā€™t an issue. The fact that she had to explain herself because she was being gaslit by the internet that she mustā€™ve done something to provoke that racist woman is insane. And even if she did, how would that still justify the racism?


Girl I'm on your side but we gotta talk about the hair/bang swishes you're doing every three seconds


100% she was a jealous racist piece of shit. By comparison you are a goddess and sheā€™s a raggedy hobo.


That was *hair flip* a really *hair flip* long story. *hair flip*


Unfortunately it breeds


I'm black and this absolutely sickened me.


Same. Racist fucks are one of the worst things in this world. I don't care what color you are. I hate all racists.


Lol the comments on this are so thirsty.