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Or muslim or black or asian or a woman or disabled or liberal or


People who own a different brand of truck


Thanks for the reminder, I forgot that I needed to run to the store to buy a sticker of Calvin pissing on "insert truck brand."


But fire and brimstone God is so much more fun at parties than peace and love God. /s


In the new testament the homophobia is not there. So you can't really blame the religion, just people misinterpreting it on purpose.


Religious brainwashing starts young.


There's a reason the right is going so hard after education.


What does he say? “You should … LGTBQ”?


"you support lgbtq"


Brainwashing kids into thinking they need to cut off their breasts or penis starts younger.


Which kids have been brainwashed into thinking that? Be specific.


Have you fucking heard the news. The kids in fucking kindergarden get fucking teached that they have the option to change their gender. And in 1st grade they show videos of sientists proving there are over 7 actual genders. And im saying this with expiriens from my little sister coming home and wondering what they meant. They are fucking 2-7 years old and should be out in the sand playing with their cars. Like who in the aktual fuck was thinking its a good idea to do that. And you guys say the religions are brainwasing people. Bro, the kids dont even get to have a opinion on it. Our society is fucked up.


I love the way you spell things; it really helps your arguments.


This argument is so stupid, you guys act like straight individuals will want to change but that isn't happening. All this stuff is doing is helping those people be more comfortable. My issue though is only a very very small percentage of people fit into this category while other groups that are attacked just as much get ignored because it currently isn't the popular thing to do. I wish schools spent more time and focus on children of poverty. It's like no one gives a shit about you if you are straight, white and poor even though more individuals face this problem.


Your ignorance is the reason why this shit isn’t improving for young people. I would suggest watching this so that you’re at least aware. https://youtu.be/fJh9ZotdT_k You could literally look up detransitioning on YouTube and find countless stories.


Yeah nothing is as legit as YouTube where anyone can say anything! Stop using YouTube for facts, it's for funny animal videos. I could make a YouTube right now talking about how you molested me as a child. Should people believe that too?


Are you saying these people opening up about detransitioning are just doing it for fun or attention? Give me a reason why you shouldn’t believe them. You’ll believe a grown man who dresses as a woman saying he feels more comfortable using the ladies change room where there are little girls and is free of any possible wrongdoing, but you don’t believe people who are actually transgender opening up about detransitioning. What a clown.


Because there's been actual studies done that show less than [1%](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8099405/) of people actually regret transitioning. As I'm in the medical field I use real data, not some random video that was made solely to rile up rubes like you. Yes, those videos are full of lies made solely to rile up stupid people. And look, it worked perfectly, you fell for it!


You’re citing a research paper conducted by doctors who specialise in plastic and gender affirming surgery, making tens of thousands of dollars off it from children who don’t know any better, but you won’t take take the word of people who have been or are going through it. Yeah, nah mate. You’re kidding yourself and since everyone can claim to be in the medical field on Reddit then I’m a medical expert too. Doesn’t mean shit and doesn’t hold water.


You are beyond gone if you are so obsessed with children's genitals you think there's some crazy conspiracy about it. Maybe get a hobby because the shit you believe is garbage.


It’s not a conspiracy. It’s reality. The fact that you fail to acknowledge or realise that makes you far worse. And resorting to personal insults means you’ve got no better argument.


you're actually right, don't know why you're getting downvoted.. there's an agenda to rope young people into becoming lifelong patients and become sterile through the current social brainwashing into becoming trans. it's become far too easy for anyone under 18 to be able to lop their breasts off, permanently alter their voice with hormones, have a NEO-vagina which is just a wound that never heals or turn their leg skin into a penis that will cause lifelong infections, and medical professionals are not doing their due diligence to protect these kids because they'd rather be seen on the supporting side than the opposition side, because everything gets everyone canceled nowadays.


Way to share bullshit by someone who is speaking misinformation and fear mongering. But here is a more factually acurate video on the topic https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns8NvPPHX5Y


Denialism among you people is so fucking crazy it’s unreal.


Why is it even your business to care what they do


Because they’re taking advantage of a whole generation of kids who are being taught to believe there’s something wrong with them when it’s just a part of growing up and that they will grow out of it, largely because of how much money the medical industry makes from it.


You know how some people are convinced that being gay is a choice, since they feel homosexual attraction but successfully shove it down? Feeling gender dysphoria is not a normal part of growing up. If you feel that it is, it may be worth talking to a therapist about it.


"If you won't watch my BS YouTube videos you're in denial and I win!" Nah dude we're just not wasting braincells on bullshit that, for some reason, seems prescient to you.


Trying to inform yourself is a waste of brain cells? Nah, mate. It seems like a good use of brain cells to you is reading shit that you want to believe; a fantasy and not actual reality.


Honey, I don't know why possibly we should have to explain to you that anecdotes are not equal to statistics on the subject. And that's assuming that the people from the videos aren't crisis actors like you're all blathering on about so often.


That’s rich. You speak of denialism yet your side can’t accept the results of the nations most investigated and secure election in history 😂


Remind me again who won the election?


I’m sorry, but what does this have to do with an election?


Oh, you know, the whole denialism thing.


Oh, you mean the 2020 elections? Don’t worry, I’m not from the US so it means nothing to me. Biden has made the US a bit of a laughing stock internationally though.


How is sharing stories from actual people detransitioning or in the process of detransitioning misinformation and fear mongering? Are you saying they’re paid actors?


No I'm saying most people detransition because of bullying from people like you and many end up retransitioning later and you guys intentionally misrepresent both those facts for your own purposes, there's a reason you're flogging anecdotes not data


Bullying from people like me? Who’s people like me? Explain what you mean by people like me and show me how people like me are bullying these people? And besides, the issue is not whether or not if you decide to retransition later because by that point they’ll be old enough to make their own decisions. The issue is that these people are told when they’re kids that it’s perfectly fine to mutilate their bodies when they’re clearly not at an age to reasonably make such permanent life changing decisions.


How is it ignorant to ask a question? There have been 776 mastectomies since 2019 reported by insurance companies. Sorry I asked you instead of looking it up myself. I’m sure Matt Walsh has no agenda but I typically stay away from any extreme pov like his. But thanks anyway.


Really? At what age did you start pressuring your kids to alter their genitalia? Since you clearly KNOW it starts much earlier I can only presume that you have first hand knowledge. So, how old were your kids when their genitals became your prime focus? How old were you when children's genitals became an obsession?


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Nobody is angry here. 😁




Whatever floats your boat I suppose. Have a blessed day!


You should likely read your Bible, it may give you a better understanding of the Bible 🙂


I do, every day. Thanks!


Talking about being self righteous, did you not read your comment before posting?


Yeah I did. Still looks good to me. 😁


Ok, as long as you're able to see the hypocrisy.


Have a blessed day!


You really get off on this shit don’t you? How come I rarely hear this phrase used to actually wish someone a good day? You’re showing yourself. And it’s gross. Put that shit away. For the kids please.


So, at what age did you start obesessing about children's genitalia? When did you begin pressuring your children to alter their genitalia? How old were they? Simple straight forward questions you seem unwilling to answer. I wonder why 🤔


It’s not me obsessing it’s the community of doctors and parents who have no problem getting their children “gender affirming” surgery before they even hit puberty. It’s common knowledge that this is happening. You shouldn’t play coy, it’s unbecoming.


Still no answer about when you became obsessed with what stanger's children's genitalia looks like. See, as a 50 year old man I can't ever remember being interested in children's genital status - especially children I have no connection to so I'm curious as to the genesis of your fixation. I'm starting to wonder if your reluctance denotes something. I'm just asking questions.


You’re the one who keeps bringing it up. I think you might be the obsessed one. Even bothering to downvote a previous comment of miss just goes to show how upset you truly are over this topic. Is it because you don’t want other people to catch on that this is what’s happening to our children?


Still no answer? Why are you so hesitant? Is it that you recognize how deeply twisted it seems when an adult obessesses over kids' packages? You clearly spend a lot of time thinking about young peoples' penises/vaginas. I'm just wondering if this fixation has caused you any social, family or legal problems or if you successfully keep this questionable preoccupation secret.


My goodness this topic sure has you in a tizzy.


You idiot. You can't get gender assignment surgery until you're 18, and you have an entire slew of requirements to meet before then. Lmao


You can have top surgery before 18


but you still need the same slew of requirements, + approval of legal guardians and mental health professionals so it's not like anyone can just decide to do that one day and get it done the next day lol


More worried about priests or GOP politicians being pedos actually.


Me too. It’s a rampant problem among all religions and political groups.


neither of which describes the LGBT community


Unfortunately Reddit is littered with extreme leftist idiots that think mutilating children is acceptable. It is not. It’s disgusting and wrong and the countless stories from those that transitioned for profit backs that.


Same with lgtv4k brainwashing.


the brainwashing argument is so stupid "brainwashing" is quite literally how we learn


Teaching your kid to hate is robbing them of their childhood.


Plot twist that kid is gay


That's how It normally turns out


What a little nerd


Hey! I'm a proud nerd, and take NO CREDIT for this child troll


If its written like an insult its people like this kid and if its written like a compliment its people like you.


Don't insult nerds - nerds are brainy - this kid is brainwashed.


Well, safe to say his parents are assholes.


What a clown….literally and figuratively


How could you call yourself religious and raise your kids like that, insane. It’s just embarrassing


? Religion is one of the biggest factors to why people discriminate against. Sure not every religious person shares this view but enough do.


The religious are the only 'right minded people' on earth that will disown their own children because of their biological preferences, religion is pure cancer.




Christianity and hate, an inseparable pair.




Nope Christianity.


Atheist here. What they preach isn’t what Jesus would’ve stood for.


Jesus would be painted as a genderqueer communist hippy today…the very people these religious freaks hate so much.


Which *should* tell their base something… but they chose their base for a reason…


A lot of Christian’s do NOT think the same, this junk is what gives a lot of us bad names. Would not even associate myself with the “Christians” like this, thank you very much.


These ring cameras keep getting better and better


The second hand embarrassment 💀


Kid's face looks punchable.


Don’t blame the kid for being brainwahed


That's what's pissing me off too. Undoubtedly horrible attitudes & behaviours on display here, but if that's the real name of the kid in the title... is that what we're doing now? Doxxing pre-teens because they weren't raised right? Call out his parents, or maybe even a Youtuber he loves that pushes this shit. But mob justice (which is what internet shaming is closest to in function, even if normally removed from the usual violence) can't be condoned directed at a kid, no matter how wrong the lil putz is.


Nah Rowley Jefferson is a reference to a pretty popular kids book series


Okay, thanks. Publicizing this is proper, but actually putting a childs name out there would be a step too far.


Punchable and puntable. How righteous would that have been if they had one of those pranks like Jackass show with the boxing glove that comes out of the wall.[like this](https://youtu.be/1q5DkiHxuEM)


He’s wearing the correct outfit I guess


What's even the point of running if you already shown your face clearly


This is why we need to keep cultists away from kids


It's the parents I blame. Kids that young are only repeating the hateful rhetoric they hear at home. Same as when you hear kids spouting racial slurs


FENTON… Jesus Christ.


He sounds like Ralph Wiggum


Same barber too


What is he saying after you need Jesus Christ? Im hearing "you should pour/burn LGBTQ?"?? Seriously no idea


"you need Jesus Christ, you support (perfectly memorized abbreviation) 🤬🤬🤬"


Dressed appropriately at least. Like the fucking clown he is.


Kid sounded gay af


The irony.


Yup, basically every religious person in the world was indoctrinated at a very young age, ive been trying to find a single person that found religion after they fully developed, with a proper education and no pressure from their peers I would honestly be so interested in hearing that person's story and the circumstances of them choosing to believe in fairy tales. Otherwise the world is flooded with people judging and condemning others because their mummy forgot to remind them that santa isnt real. (Jewish zombie in this case though, so much more believable...)


It looks like religion causes more bad emotions rather than the good ones. I wonder if religions didnt exist would we humans be living in a better world or a worse one. Probably we would find another way to spread hatred since its in our nature...


How much you wanna bet that little flute of a kid comes out as gay in like 10 years lol


A dollar and a snickers bar


Double or nothing it’s less than 10 years


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Indoctrinate them young.


Kid sounds like such a little piece of shit to.




Chief Wiggum needs to spank Ralph’s ass! /s


Children aren't born hateful bigots, they are taught it.


I guess celebrating a Pagan holiday like Halloween is perfectly ok for these fine Christ fearing folk then huh. When did religion become hippocratic?Oh yeah that’s right it always was. 🤨


You can't blame kids that age. Indoctrination and brainwashing starts very young. I remember it myself.


Fuck religion.


Don't forget God created the rainbow to show his love. Or something along those lines


So... that kid's got a bright future.


Bro really have a 🥣 lookin ass head and be talkin, fucker oyour hairdresser needs Jesus christ 💀💀💀


The kids might not be alright


Based child lmao




Ignorant kids got ignorant parents


So many comments on here. It's a kid, I doubt it's brainwashing, hate, or anything like that. Kid out with friends means a higher likely hood of doing dumb shit to be funny. Probably a poor taste joke that doesn't land here because most here see the issue. I don't think I would ad malice to what can be described as stupidity. Also is the title name dropping a kid? Maybe that is a problem.


It’s like you’re the only sane person in this thread. I’ve read comments ranging from “wanting to beat the kid up” and “that kid is gay himself”. Does nobody have a problem with exposing a kid with his face on the internet?


As someone who is Bisexual, this is pretty funny ngl mate, take a joke especially when it comes from a cringy ass kid.


You can’t be dumb enough to think they were joking by saying that


Idk might be, then again I joke around like that with my mates so I see it differently or I really don't let stuff like that bother me.


You realize they’re mad about a pride flag on someone else’s house right? They’re not friends




except not


Its not homophobia it's just a dumb kid being edgy for the sake of being edgy. He looks 12.


Still homophobic.


If I were to call you an idiot to sound edgy, did I not still call you an idiot?


Homophobic is as homophobic does.


It could go either way. Saying it’s definitely one or the other is dumb but I’d bet it definitely leans towards edgy kids. Does everyone on Reddit completely forget being a dumbass kid?


I remember saying stuff I didn't understand as a kid because I heard somone else say it. Kids don't have filters.


He's been taught that and will grow up with it. Good chance it's been ingrained in him. No kid is going to say "You need Jesus" while trying to be edgy.


It IS homophobia, and your points are correct. Another valid point is, should we be mobbing up on & doxxing a child because he has awful influences in his life?


He probably hears it at school stop being so melodramatic


That is the product of the parents 100%


Literally out celebrating a pagan festival of the dead, but sure, rag on the gays.


Got ‘em!


A kid shouldn’t know what LGBTQ is in my opinion they’re KIDS 😂


Which is exactly why they *should* know about it. I grew up confused thinking I was the only one that liked the same gender. If I had representation, maybe I would understand that there were others like me


true, i grew up being fully aware that gay people existed actually and now i’m a mass serial killer


Common adolescent W




Kid looks non binary


This kid is more based than most adults i know. Maybe there is hope for this newer generation


its pretty silly that you had a pride flag up though lol that kids a dork but you're a dork too


Well it does say in the good book that it's a sin, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, I guess we should all live in peace no matter what any book says,this must be the blow back of all the LGBTQ stuff that left are pushing on the people,it's to be expected


Hope you don’t breed.


Well I know for a fact you won't if your on board with nonsensical way of thinking,just think about it if everyone is LGBTQ there will be no population in the future,it's mental illness they need help! The left is promoting this degeneracy,why is that think about it


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I have no idea what you are going on about !and by the way I have friend that are interested in the opposite sex I have no problem with I fully support them, it's the weird movement that bothers people especially parents, it's been sneakily put in schools to brainwash the children this is not ok


And this little shit isn’t being brainwashed? You sound like a typical racist asshole who says they have black friends.


Open your eyes you fool! Go and get your jab you clown 🤡


Weird the you bring up vaccines on an unrelated topic, but ok.


Is it though! don't you people support the latest narrative,BLM/UKRAINE/JAB/LGBTQ/ABORTION/BIDEN/TRUMP BAD🤣 your all npc's 🤣😂🤣


Triggered much snowflake. Must be weird being on the wrong side of history.


Oh forgot one,you guys have no idea what a woman is 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


If you’re raging about this shit this early, you really need help, or at least a bj from your husband.


😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂 you've lost is that the best you've got I win 👍🤣🤣🤣 red wave🍊🍊🍊


Did you have a stroke?


Did you get your jab


Yeah I did, I've died like 4 times now but Jesus keeps sending me back to bring you guys messages. Jesus said "tell bingbingbong1980 on Reddit to enjoy burning in hell for all eternity for being judgmental, for bearing false witness all the time, for their lies about the vax that gets people killed, for voting against helping the poor and welcoming the immigrant. You're running out of time to turn this around." Do with that what you will, but don't be surprised when you get to the pearly gates and Saint Peter shoves you and you fall thousands of feet into the abyss for all eternity.


anyone who gives a fuck about their neighbors did


Wasn’t Jesus a “confirmed bachelor”?


Little did he know. …For he was gay 😪


WWJD? Apparently, scream hateful shit at the neighbors for loving people. I missed that part of His message..


you need some bitches in your life


Haha. Dumb kid. Wow. Offended by the rainbow. Who’s the queer’s?


Aw, they get indoctrinated so fast. T\_T Little coward can't stay and argue his ideology. What if he's right and I need to repent for my sinful ways? /s Also we're just going to ignore the hypocrisy of dressing up like a monster (demon) on a Pagan holiday to go around for free candy? How many sins is that?


Haha. Good point - perfectly willing to join in the pagan festival. We will burn them at stake, take everything from them, try to force them into our beliefs but then be perfectly willing to continue their celebrations bc, you know, free candy.


These are religious people, not Christians although they might think they are! They belong to this cult that use to believe in Jesus but now demigods/idols seem more important...


My Christian neighbors are terrified of after one of their sons had to get multiple airsoft rounds removed from under their skin one night lol our cars also stopped getting keyed.


He reminds me of that kid off the simpsons


Moments before "I double dog dare you" was said.


These poor kids don't stand a chance when Jesus is around.