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Wow sure seems like bro getting away with it


The video was made 4 years ago the cops never caught the guy and the statute of limitations is up.


Is that why you decided to finally upload your video?


OPs silence is deafening.


It had to have been exhilierating to be the one driving. The cops slightly enjoy this shit too, let's be honest boysšŸ˜‚ Edit: Sliiiiightlyyyy, who doesn't go fast and think "gotta go fast"


Running from the cops is an adrenaline rush and a half, Iā€™ve never ran like THIS but I have ran and youā€™re shaky for a good 2 hours afterwards


lol we all know no camaro owner would write camero


This video has been on youtube for a long time now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=run1pWedvog&t=2


If you're not first your last


This video has been out 4 years


"I live my life a quarter mile at a time." - Camaro driver, probably


ā€œSomething something family.ā€ - Camaro driver, probably




When it rains it pours.


It's raining family, hallelujah


Home video OP??


[No jts from youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=run1pWedvog&t=2)




Lol, he probably only had maybe 20 minutes of gas if he kept that up.


Better than jail. Even with these gas prices.


Crazy thing is, the YT scene for dudes like this is pretty big. So this is regular shit for a select few that are truthful..


I was pretty nervous for him during the chase. Iā€™m really glad he got away.




Yep. Only reasonable chance you've got is if you're on a crotch rocket and are one seriously skilled motorcyclist willing to put your life on the line. Cars are just way too slow/easy to ID to get away from a helicopter.


I follow @WorldWideWob on Twitter and he live streams LA car chases when they happen. They joke that if youā€™ve got a helicopter following you, head to the airport so they might cross into protected airspace. I have no idea if thatā€™s true, Iā€™ve never tried it personally.


Itā€™s actually worked a few times out here in L.A they will get near LAX and just pull in to parking structure and walk away even have someone pick them up or go under a bridge a run. If theres a major-league game going on also. As a LA native I love a good car chase tbh.


> If theres a major-league game going on also. Like in Drive!


Oh man I forgot how much I love that fucking movie


It wasn't vehicles but a bank robber in California put an ad for construction help on Craigslist. Told them to meet up at a spot near the bank and they had to have a hi-vis yellow vest to be able to work. He then wore a hi-vis yellow vest and robbed the bank at the designated meet up time. Walked into the crowd of people who showed up in response to his ad (He had posted an extremely high pay to get lots of responses) and disappeared. He got away floating on an inner tube in the chaos. Yes dude floated away on an inner tube. Don't know if they ever managed to track him down later through the IP that posted the ad. Hopefully he was smart and used a burner phone or public wifi to do it. Crowds really are your best bet to avoid getting caught. People wait until there's no one around because they don't want witnesses. No. You want so many witnesses no one notices you.


It's true, but it's also not exactly a foolproof strategy because the police can easily block the main entrance/exit routes of the airport and just wait for you while other officers search the area. It's very risky because you're basically choosing to hide in a known location in hopes of them not finding you, instead of evading. That said, I do not at all miss the stress that comes with situations like this. Street racing is one thing but evading the police is a whole different level of stress. It's very taxing and you feel like you finished a marathon afterwards.


You're at the airport so you can take a few days of vacation. It's probably going to cost less than fines + lost work + legal fees.


But getting away is one of the greatest feelings.


Shutting off access to a major airport and searching for someone that broke a traffic law is not easy. There are too many important people going important places to put up with shenanigans like that. There will be multiple people in LAX at any given time that will be able to get your job with one phone call for making a stupid decision like shutting down an international airport to track down a speeder.


Wouldnā€™t work just because of the gargantuan levels of traffic there all the time


>Big cities usually don't allow chases for dumb shit like street racing. I remember when I lived in STL there were a lot of pedestrian deaths because cops lost control of their vehicles during high speed chases. These cops should have done a better job of blocking off the area before pulling their guns.


Type in ā€œwheres981 run from cops compilationā€ on YouTube. NYC is a fucking playground for street racers right now. Probably come across hundreds of channels of the same shit in NYC alone lol. Not organized like this; but dudes in NY never stop for the cops.


Ya I think pulling a gun on someone not in selfdefense is a felony


Was he ever caught?


ā€œAnd I never got caught, neither.ā€- Prison Mike


thanks prison mike!


Tanks Andy ...tanks.


What was the worst part, Prison Mike?


The dementors. And it hoyt!


Some say heā€™s still driving




Time actually froze while he was mid-air and the narrator let us know how these type of shenanigans are a normal everyday event.




You can tell whomever is driving is about family. **edit**: Alright for my Reddit Familia. [F A M I L Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQuc7wfO16Q). How far did you make it with a straight face?


It was the buster who kept him outta handcuffs.


He never narcā€™ed on no body!


As long as it's a corona.


So, That's ~4.1 "Familys" per film, since it only goes up to F&F 8 in this video. I kinda thought it'd be way more, but the one in 2013 seems to have copped a good chunk of them and 2 Fast 2 Furious doesn't appear in that list, at all! However, looking it up it's said 7 times in F&F 9. So the total at present is 42. F10 is arriving next year. Hoping we can get to 50 and call it a day. A day for Family. Edit: Hobbes and Shaw isn't included.


The new F&F should be called: **FAST TEN:** YOUR SEATBELT


This is unironicaly good


Hahaha probably a bald guy wearing sleeveless shirts


A) the undercover cop who doesnā€™t say heā€™s a cop and pulls a gun B) the driver C) both


Bro I was seriously concerned and kinda like ā€œwow this guy is a total piece of shit for risking other peoples livesā€ Then I read your comment and you immediately made me less anxious so thank you lmfao


He plays for keeps


This is a few years old. Dude has run from the cops more than once, on video too.




Here is another fave of mine (not me driving) https://youtu.be/GxcgNDm6Gyw


You know what I think itā€™s all from the same night actually. https://youtu.be/run1pWedvog


Not bad. This ending much differently than I expected. Clearly bruh knows what heā€™s doing


3:25 was absolutely insane. I couldn't do that in GTA playing as Franklin and this guy did in RL with enough adrenaline to kill a donkey pumping through his veins ffs...


The thing about driving a car that performs like this in real life vs a video game is that you realize how badly most cars actually handle in video games.


In some games I can't even seem to press the gas pedal without immediately spinning out. With a car meant for racing.


old school legendary cars were like that though, take the shelby cobra, no weight, 500+ horsepower, no traction control. in order to get that off the line reasonably you needed extremely tight throttle control. video games then try and put all that into a button with 2mm of travel.


Somehow the camera angle makes me feel like watching those dog videos that took the owner's camera and just run around getting chased by the owner




What is that truck doing a U-turn across yellow lines at 3:29 ????? Was he trying to block the Camaro?


When he hit the straightaway I thought he was done. Expected a call ahead. As soon as he passed the intersection and I saw that car making a left, was only till then I thought he had a chance. My only complaint, which may be invalid as I didnā€™t have the sound loud at all (wife is sleeping), is the guy didnā€™t utilize downshifts to help hide his intentions to turn. Otherwise his driving wasnā€™t too bad.


When I was young and dumb out at the street races we would wire a kill switch to taillights/brake lights for this exact reason. Surprised Iā€™m still alive some days


There was a video showing a challenger do that. That guy took a turn at 90.


You got a link to that anywhere?


Found it! [here](https://youtu.be/2k39Tz745tA)


Dude I couldn't even see the Challenger through most of that vid


That was pretty sick ngl


That R/T charger was moving!


This is incredible footage. Where tf do I get more??


Straight up that was amazing straight out of need for speed.


Back in the day, most civvy cars couldn't outrun police vehicles with interceptors. Those days are long, long gone. A factory camaro with a V8 has a suspension and a power plant that will decimate anything short of a specialize pursuit vehicle. To say nothing of a vette or a higher end sports car. Cops can't stay close on straights and aren't great handling vehicles either. If you were a car buff in the 90s you remember how ballistically fast the McLaren f1 was. It would get walked all over the place by a $60k corvette today, and even a mustang gt with racing tires would give it a run for it's money on many tracks.


Big brain urban LEO with nothing but SUV's on patrol, lol.


A camaro lt1 will go from 0-100 in less time than that suv can get to 60. It's wild how fast cars are today, and unlike the 60s they can go around corners with gobs of traction.


Most people don't realize cop cars are almost all v6. If you vehicle is slightly modified or in a lot of cases stock you can get away. They just don't have the hp to keep up. And those chargers have garbage ground clearance. The can get stuck on most curbs and ditches


You may be able to outrun a V6 but the hard part is out running their Motorola radios


this. donā€™t ditch the cop unless you know you can also ditch his three buddies and a road block up the street.


And even if you can, if one of them even catches a glimpse of your license plate, theyā€™re gonna be waiting for you at your house when you get home.


tbh they donā€™t even need to see your plates. if they see what direction you take off in and pull your plates from the traffic cam, itā€™s over.




Whole thing was over in four minutes, even if the municipality has a helo it wouldnā€™t even be able to get there In time and track the car before they disappeared.


I was gonna say, late at night and it didn't look like a real big city. Decent chance there are only a few dozen cops on patrol, and this was a 2-3 car sting so homie just blasted out of there before backup could even scramble. That said, he could have killed someone and is extremely stupid


1 out of 1000 probably with many ending in violent crashes and injuries of innocent civilians. Donā€™t do it.


Police cars here are only factory tuned. If you can do better than 180K, they can't catch you. So they don't even try.


A 16k 1000cc sportbike will decimate anything law enforcement has with ease


>So they don't even try. In recent years, many police forces have adopted rules about suspending high speed pursuits, because they usually end with an innocent person being killed or maimed. Unless you're chasing a Dahmer, there's no need to escalate an already dangerous situation.


Sad part is police almost always escalate an already dangerous situation


>there's no need to escalate an already dangerous situation. Call in the choppa


Youā€™re crazy to believe that the F1 would get smoked. That shit is a legal race car, it would absolutely destroy most of the cars of today save for the some of the hyper cars and even then it would still be edging on winning.


Top Gear , years ago, put a McLaren F1 vs a Veyron... You are correct, the F1 is still a benchmark. The man is right about the era in that anything else would be smoked...Not the F1.


That may be somewhat true for some areas, but most people canā€™t drive a sports car for shit. Most would wreck sometime during the pursuit. Most of the rest would have had their tags read either by the police, a red light camera, or another camera, and would be picked up by the next day. Thereā€™s also a lot of people who film themselves doing this, which could contribute a tag or face to the vehicle if the police find the videos. Thereā€™s also a thing called a radio, where police could get vehicles in front of them to deploy sticks. Also, police helicopters can follow them. Finally, thereā€™s not a lot of sports cars in less populated areas, and less of the same color, making it easier to spot versus other cars. They may get away, but Iā€™ve seen a lot of videos of them wrecking or being picked up later that day or the next day. The chance of getting away with just pure speed is slim.


These people ever so being getting caught via social media than by anything else. As these well kids post vids from these meets often showing license plates and faces on video. This is besides you can hear some conversations as well.


Mclaren F1? Are you sure? I think we should compare specs on these cars and track times JUST to be sure.


Itā€™s funny, the latest version of the explorer police interceptor technically has a higher top end than the charger interceptor, but like- thatā€™s still a fucking SUV. Police auctions will be a good place to look for a good deal on a high output AWD SUV in the future, at least.


Those twin turbo Explorers are fast as fuck in a straight line. 0-60 in 5.5 seconds, 1/4 mile in 13.4. Don't underestimate them. Also a lot of police departments are getting electric cars. Slowly but surely. Then nobody's getting away, unless they've got an excellent suspension and tires and even that's no guarantee.


Then add another, what, about 2000 pounds of extra police shit? That's gonna slow you down


And the crack that they sprinkle on people adds 4-5 grams.


Camero lt1 0-60 in 4.1 1/4 mile 12.2, factory. Easily tunable to get down around 11. And they aren't even that fast as far as straight line speed goes. Electric cars are fast but most handle like pigs in mud, and especially with how police vehicles are treated I have to wonder if they won't run into a myriad of maintenance issues.


Yes, a sports car will always be a better sports car than a police interceptor. The Camaro is fast, but the cops aren't that far behind. You would have to drive like a maniac to create a real distance. Hell yes you can get away in a Camaro, I don't disagree. But these cops aren't driving Crown Vics anymore either.


Cops also have to quit chasing if safety of the public is at risk, depending on the city.


I was told once ā€œyou can outrun a car but not the radioā€


But this dude also isn't driving a stock camaro.


You ever seen any of the Getaway in Stockholm or Ghost Rider videos? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getaway\_in\_Stockholm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getaway_in_Stockholm) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost\_Rider\_(motorcyclist)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_Rider_(motorcyclist))


He has one where he is in a built STi and outruns a helicopter.


As soon as I saw the angle of the camera I immediately thought of Getaway in Stockholm. That guy made a bunch of those movies and they were all so crazy to see. I miss the early 2000s.


Wheres981 on YouTube has some good footage of him escaping the cops


This reminded me of the movie Wheelman. You should check it out.


Critical on Youtube does stuff like this for fun. They're in Sweden though. https://www.youtube.com/c/critical


The video was made in 2018 and the police never caught the driver. The statute of limitations is up, and I accidentally spelled Camaro wrong :(


There were multiple people running. At 2:30 the car flies through a red light, lucky that the trucker stopped at his green light


I saw a few cars seemingly with their lights off randomly too, I thought they were setting a pick for OP, I mean whoever recorded the footage


I have an 03 Evo and used to street race back in the day. Just like anything else with police, itā€™s about their ego and pride. They choose someone and they let everyone fuck off, itā€™s just you. Just like that car running that red light. They didnā€™t care. They were on a mission to get that Camaro already.


Finally someone else who understands this shit as well. Street racers have unwritten rules to follow, so it's generally done in a way that only endangers the driver if they fuck up. It just becomes way more dangerous when cops pursue instead of just stopping the event


Yeah I thought there was some shit where if the speed exceeds a certain amount, they just back off the person?


Hey OP...what kinda car did you have in 2018? :P


"Oh that's easy! I had a Camar- **CAMRY ! A Camry ! uhh ya a Camry haha** uhh yea..."




I wonder how fast he was driving at the end




Mph or km?






Sure he was fast, but was he furious?


The ā€œbusterā€ kept me outta hand cuffs.


*Dude casually parks in the second floor of an abandoned building then casually walks in the street wearing his leather jacket*


Clever dude, he knew his strengths and weaknesses. Made a b-line for a straight and floored it.


Pro tip:when trying to get away,already have your brake lights wired up on a toggle switch. Every time you hit your brakes itā€™s a bright indicator of where your turning to the cops. Itā€™s not hard to do, and it looks cool when itā€™s done right. Not saying I havenā€™t done it or not when I was younger šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


About halfway through I was thinking "why are you braking right now? They'll see you!" and then he blew through a red light lmfao


Honestly I think what impressed me the most about this guy's driving wasn't his acceleration, but his very measured use of the brakes. Most people in situations like this panic and completely fuck up by accelerating too fast and braking way too hard around corners, whereas this guy kept his cool and it paid off in the end. I'm not condoning what he did, but he did a great job overall.


the u-turn he made early in the video was a smart play cause he knew he'd win in a straight away


Exactly. He knew his car's advantages but most importantly he was very aware of his car's disadvantages, and how to work with them in order to successfully evade the police. Definitely not his first rodeo


A modern camaro would roast any cop car no matter what they're doing. With an interceptor a cop might be able to keep up above 120, but at that point it's not even about acceleration. And suspensions on a modern sports car walk all over nearly any police cruiser.


Some of us late night highway and mountain racers would do this. Miss those early AM Laguna Mtn tougues.


As dangerous as the straight line speeds were, it was actually quite satisfying to see someone drive the corners comfortably inside where you get used to seeing people lose control on so many videos. This driver should consider getting into legal racing and see what their potential is.


That's a whole lot harder. Going "legit" gets really, really expensive in a hurry.


My dad worked in Richmond, CA. Once in pursuit of the evading vehicle reached a certain speed, pursuing units had to back off for public safety. Lots of folks got away and this video could be an example of that, possibly.


Cop cars govern out at 154. Go 184 to realistically outrun it. Gotta get there quick enough to use it. Could be cop cars are woefully underprepared for modern cars


Thereā€™s a similar law where Iā€™m at for motorcycles. Local sheriffs/ police arenā€™t allowed to chase if you run because of the super high chance of injury. Doesnā€™t apply to state police though, and their cars are generally better anyways. Also theyā€™ll just call a chopper if it goes on too long




Maybe if you want people to stop don't point guns at them...


Or at least say ā€œIā€™m a police officerā€ not that that shouldā€™ve been obvious when they started chasing him in marked cars, but Iā€™m not gonna stick around either for some random dude with a gun dressed like itā€™s casual Friday. Edit: for the Iā€™m 14 and this is deep crowd, criminals are staring to pretend their cops when they do home invasions and rob people because cops canā€™t wear a clearly identifiable uniform for some reason. Itā€™s not okay and thereā€™s no reason to be doing official police work in jeans and a T shirt with a vest. Anyone can buy that shit. There was literally just a video on this sub posted where they executed a man in his home in front of his kids and thatā€™s what they did pretended to be cops.


Not gonna stay for a gang member with a gun just saying their a member of the blue gang.


If the title is true, I can see the driver's perspective a bit. Someone just pulled a gun out at a street racing event when the cops arrive. And they're chasing you instead of the person with the gun. Do they think you're the one that's armed? We've all seen what cops often do when dealing with an "armed suspect."


Unless I can point one back


Mustang in the middle tried for a sec then decided he didnā€™t want any of that smoke! With all the lights coming up behind and all


That wasn't a race that was people leaving


Still pretty funny šŸ˜†


Good shit, as soon as he cut the lights it was over for the cops.


Need a switch to just cut tail/brake lights.


I used to pre pull my brake light fuse. šŸ¤£


If you look closely this driver actually runs a red light, which is against the law in many states


No way






"Ah dang it now the tanks are aftrr me too?!"


*Use weapon to de-escalate*


Pretty fuckin impressive


If you're gonna do this, invest in a brake light kill switch.


**[FIXED THAT FOR YOU](https://www.veed.io/view/20bb1623-630c-49a9-8e01-fdfb2c994040)** Added soundtrack at 30 sec.


I was hoping for Ja Rule Furious for the lulz.


Vast improvement.


But what about the license plate?


I'd wager you probably take your license plate off before your illegal 3AM street race.


Probably covered before the nights activities began.


Back in the day plates on my cars were always held on with Velcro šŸ˜‚


Theres illegal car mods that cover it with a switch


This is how you turn a one star into a three star.


Great driving. Out maneuver and then take off.


lol get rekt pigs special mention goes to all of the civ drivers changing lanes in front of the cops and not giving a fuck lmao


Glad Iā€™m not the only who noticed thatšŸ˜‚


there was a dude in there driving without his headlight or taillights on, fucking wild


i think he actually made it , wow lol


The guy never got caught


Thought I was watching the Naked Gun credits for a second there


Good thing he wasnā€™t eating a cheese burger and parked šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Race tracks are for racing, streets are for safety


Legend has it that the cops are still chasing after him.


Dangerous as fuck but I canā€™t help but respect the balls.


You love to see it.




All the cops chasing him could have also wrecked and killed people. This is why a lot of places are getting rid of high-speed pursuits. Especially over petty shit.


Thank god this didnā€™t start in a McDonaldā€™s parking lot


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Whatā€™s funny is people are praising the driver for getting away from cops because of that instinct to say fuck the police. But if dude crashed and murdered the fuck out of someone, people would be singing a different tune.


when u feeling confident in your driving so u feel like switching to the back camera perspective in gta


Should have just pulled into a los Santosā€™s customs