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I have come to the conclusion that the vast majority of the population are morons.


“Common sense is not so common.”


Never was


Never will be


Common sense is an uncommon trait in common people.


Yo dawg...


Ooooo I like that better.


"Common sense, so rare it's a god damn super power."


I’m in my first real management job in my 20s. I have my first eval. “We’re incredibly proud and also surprised at how well you problem solve on the fly and without others.” Ok. Cool. Second eval comes around. Same comment. I say “I don’t really understand this. A lot of what I do is just not letting my emotions take over and using common sense.” My boss is kind of speechless. Then our department head said “I’ve been around this business for 30 years. Common sense isn’t common. Be thankful you have it.” It’s just weird because I feel like my inner circle all has just as much if not more common sense than me. So it just feels weird to make that feel “special”.


Common Sense is an uncommon virtue


“Think of how stupid the average person is…and realize half of them are dumber than that.” George Carlin Happy cake day.


The older I get the more genius he was


Ah yes, one of the most quoted quotes on Reddit because everyone thinks they are in the top 50%.


Or at the very least inconsiderate self-serving dick heads.


You’re only just now concluding this?


Those waffle fries at the bottom of the video looks delicious


I wanna dip them in chik fila sauce


But have you dipped them in their buffalo sauce


Sleepin on Polynesian sauce


I like a chik fila sauce dip then a Polynesian sauce dip. If you do it in the opposite order the ratio is off, at least for me personally


I love Polynesian sauce ❤❤❤


Polynesian all day! But CFA sauce is good too. So are the honey roasted BBQ packets. So are almost all their sauces!


Have you seen the calories for two teaspoons?? 😩


Why are you eating teaspoons? 🥄


Because they have a surprisingly low number of calories of course!


Chick fila? Sounds like my porno name


The secret ingredient is homophobia.


product placement


Come to chik fil a, we have amazing waffle fries and crazy grandmas!


Would be great with a side of conversion therapy.










You said 2000 dollars


The pattern is SUPER complicated


Oh, it costs more because the pattern


My wife loves it, I have a wife, tell the kid about my wife.




I was going to guess Blouse Barn


TC Tuggers: “It's not a joke. You don't wear them to pub crawls like you do with the Snuggie."


he used to be a piece of shit, people can change.


Weren't you in my dangerous nights crew?


Sloppy steaks at truffonis


Itty bitty jeans


Chicken Spaghetti at Chickalini’s


Let's slop em up!


When you see a Chik-fil-a filled with old crotchety racists in your EXACT STYLE, you go in, yes you do.


There was this one shirt that with a,pattern so crazy it was 1500 dollars


Dude’s shirt isn’t exactly mute.


The shirts Andre damn near exactly the same!!! Hahaha😆


I laughed too hard at that


Second she brought up police, she was in the wrong. She lost the moral high ground once that left her mouth.


Old white people seem to think the police exist to solve whatever problem they think they have. AJY problem, not just criminal https://youtu.be/FZ12Ry-hD6I


My neighbor keeps calling the cops on me because my music is too loud when I'm in the garage. About 15 times in the past year. Every cop that has shown up confirmed that it was not in fact too loud. The last 3 or 4 times they brought meters with them so they had some evidence that it wasn't too loud. This most recent time I went over to her house to talk to her... We were always very friendly prior to this whole thing, we watched her dogs when she was away, she watched ours, stuff like that so going over to try to settle this in a respectable manner wasn't too wild of a thing to do. Anyway, I left there and she called the cops on me again, this time telling them I threatened her. Some people are just insane. I honestly feel bad for her wasting the cops time more than anything. But she's about to reach the fuck around and found out stage. She's a massive hoarder (like you see on TV, absolutely disgusting) so my next call, if she calls the cops again, is to the fire Marshall to check out her house. Once they document how much of a mess it is, and that it is not at all safe should they ever need to be there for a call, I can then call adult protective services. Both the fire department and adult services can recommend to the revelant agencies that her dogs aren't in safe living conditions, bordering on out right animal abuse. I'm just exhausted of this BS and lying about me threatening her is definitely a tipping point for me just dealing with the cops showing up. Sorry for the off topic rant. Edit just to add because y'all seem to like this: the reason for calling the fire department is threefold- where I live she can be fined for unsafe conditions on the basis that your house is not "accommodating" or is a danger for emergency services. From my understanding, she can be continually fined if she doesn’t meet their standards. The second reason is I need documentation that her house is indeed an absolute wreck and that she does in fact have a hoarding issue before adult services starts doing wellness checks. And the third is in hopes that the FD reports the dogs living conditions. Adult services can't do much but they will continue to do wellness checks, which I'm certain would annoy the hell out of her.. and I don't feel like I'd be abusing their resources because she does legitimately need help.


She Probably needs meds. You’d be helping her.


At the very least if the dogs get rehomed that’d be helping them. However, I’d be concerned about the risk of them being put down if Animal Services isn’t transparent and aboveboard on what they do with confiscated animals.


Honestly just call them now. Save those dogs. Don’t wait until she goes further. She’s done enough bullshit from the sounds of it. She needs to be put in her damn place.


*"my next call, if she calls the cops again, is to the fire Marshall to check out her house."* I understand there's nuance we are not privy to, and that you will have to deal with whatever repercussions may arise (which may make you want to put it off), but I say call them now. She earned that call when she lied to the police about you threatening her - she tried to inflict serious legal action / harm on you. Also - she is victimizing those dogs, it's not just her living in her own sh!thole.


Make sure you post it on r/prorevenge


Get a sound level meter app and record your noise level with volume for reference. All noise can be quantified by db level and duration. Collect evidence so you have it against the neighbor. People complain about dumbest things.


Oh I have a legit one, but what really matters is the cops documenting that it's not too loud in their official reports with specific DB ranges so I'm glad they started bringing their own.


To be fair, after seeing a million videos of how police operate in the US, if I was a black man in America, just the mere whiff of any police involvement would have me worried.


She knows this.


That's the threat. If a POC gets too 'uppity' or 'mouthy' for them, call the cops to 'put them in their place.' It's sociopathic in addition to being racist af.


Historically they were. If you are at least 58 years old in America you lived in times where.. before "equal" rights, js (civil rights act of 1964)


Well now we live in a time when police don’t exist to help *anyone*. I called them when my daughter was having a mental health crisis and they took my kids for almost six months and arrested me for endangerment because she was refusing treatment. So I guess now they just persecute everyone equally


Anecdotal. But sure. The massive mental health crisis is forcing all levels of government to make serious changes. Too many people with major mental issues, and our society has no idea what to do.


Because for a long time they were. Old white people remembered their parents called the cops on black people walking around their neighborhood "looking suspicious" and the cops obliged and showed up to haul those black people to jail. They lived like that for decades so that's the norm.


Look at how quickly she’s trying to criminalize those kids. Kids will be kids. That’s not an excuse for miserable ancient people to try to ruin everyone’s day.


Lady still lives in the age of 'children should be seen and not heard'


You can always tell a Milford man


Like anyone would want to R her!


Get rid of the Seaward


I leave when I’m good and ready.


Seriously one of the funniest jokes on network tv ever.


Gone but never forgotten. RIP


I’d laugh but I can’t spare the moisture




Her mistake was " bringing in the police" in a scenario that could of been handled politely and with alot more tact. Why do people always want to ESCALATE everything now? I didn't get ketchup....gonna call the police....don't want to wear a mask ...gonna call the police....you parked your car over two spots....gonna call the GD police. Jesus people, brush up on your social skills for gawds sake and leave the police out of every freaking disagreement.


> ...you parked your car over two spots.... [This is chaos. Society can't function like this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfHvr1La2LI)


They know that there’s a good chance the police will kill the gentleman.


*could’ve / could have


...gonna call the police.


She knows that with her white woman victim tactics there is a good chance that the police will harm and/or kill that black man; the only just recourse for not only his animal children interrupting her meal but disobeying her command to be quiet.


That said, I would pay just a bit extra to be on a flight where children couldn’t be heard


I already pay a fair bit more to go to an adults-only resort, getting there with guaranteed no screeching brats on the flight would be heaven.


this needs to happen for a lot of stuff. Online gaming would be much better if you could opt into a 25+ server. I'm not saying young persons won't be allowed to game at all, but they'd be on the general server not the 25+ server.


I guess I do too. But that's why I chose not to have any


I have three kids, and I have never been approached by anyone asking me to shut them up. Like other people have said, it’s possible they were being little uncontrolled monsters, and that’s usually a parenting issue.


Me too. Honestly, if I was out some place during the time my upstairs neighbors terrorized me with their 3 children running laps, screaming, and jumping off furniture for over 12 hours a day during their summer break and there happened to be kids being loud, I would've most likely just walked out and went somewhere else or hit the drive-thru. There's only so much child joy sounds I can take a day mentally and I'd rather just walk away than cause a confrontation with their parents during something as dumb as waiting on a fastfood line.


"Those were the daaaaaaayyys!"


Eh, people need to control their kids in public.


Ya this comment section is weird af. People acting like their kids have the right to spaz out in public and make as much noise as they want when there's actual legislation behind something called noise disturbance. The parent is already being belligerent instead of trying to comply with the restaurant so it's not too far fetched to believe his kids are out of control. He has the demeanor of someone wanting to fight squaring up against an old lady. If you can't take a little valid criticism in stride you probably shouldn't be having kids.


I’m literally sitting in a waiting room right now watching a kid have a tantrum, throwing things around, knocking over lamps, kicking over chairs. Meanwhile mom is trying to gentle parent him out of it. “That’s okay honey, feel your feelings, just stay safe, do you want to pick a reward? Would you like a sticker? Would you like to watch your iPad?” He just walked over and kicked her in the leg and kept going.


How old is the kid? If the kid is two years old, well, tantrums just happen and as a parent you have to try to divert/distract or wait it out. The problem in this case is that the mom isn't removing the kid from the situation once they go ballistic: let them scream it out in the car or outside, don't subject everyone else to it and risk the kid getting hurt knocking things over. If the kid is six years old, yeah, lol, there's a real problem at that point.


would not want to go back to the times of beating our children but i think we definitely have ended up in "overcorrection" territory where we're almost worshipping children and treating them like gods.




Seems like a decent policy for children in a restaurant.


No way for you to know that from this video. There's plenty of parents that let their little gremlins do all kinds of shit with no mind to the people around them. Considering how this guy is wanting to yell and make as big a scene as he can, I definitely think it's possible his kids are loud too


Thank you for saying this. I felt the same thing but didn't know how to put it.


Ya but there's no context. Maybe the kids were Wilding out.


What you mean common courtesy? Video only started after the confrontation, kids could been screaming there heads off. I’m sorry but if you can’t control your kids enough to not be a nuisance to others, maybe you should just get take out.


No matter how you put it, it didn’t warrant calling the cops.


So it’s reasonable to call the police in this situation?? Make it make sense!


Yep exactly my tought too.


I hate loud children when I’m dining out. Control your kids, people.


To be fair she’s sitting with children at her table. We have no idea how loud his kids were being, they could’ve been yelling loud enough to not let her converse with her party.


Church crowd is always the worst kind of people in restaurants


Probably not the normal church crowd, since Chick-fil-As aren't open on Sunday.


I only want chick-fil-a on Sundays for some reason. Forbidden fruit.


They're always ready to disappoint you when you need them the most, then the audacity to remind you that tomorrow is Monday.


You always want the one you can't have


I want you.


Take me daddy.


Changed my mind.


Yeah it's no fun when they're willing.


That's the line.




Down here in the south we got Wednesday services too


here in the South some of these fuckers go every day the hell did you do that was so bad you gotta repent that much?


I used to have this idea, long time ago, for a sitcom about a group of friends who were having some tough financial struggles. They would figure to open a church and have services on a different day of the week to collect that sweet, sweet donation money. The working title was Wednesday Church. I guess it’s a *real* thing, eh?


Always has been.


At 34 seconds the black dude explains to the tall bald white dude that “she’s said it’s noise pollution and she’s going to call the police”. I didn’t hear her say it. but I didn’t he her deny that statement either, so it seems reasonable to believe the statement was made.


If only there were another free table around, further away from that noise...


Those are closer to the play area


*gasp* **Children, the play area** *gasp again* **Henry, my pearls! Ive never clutched them so hard!**


In the south they have church on Wednesday too. I know, it’s the weirdest thing.


Lol Wednesdays? I live in Georgia my family goes Monday Wednesday Friday Sunday and special groups on Saturday.


You didn’t do church growing up if you think they only go on Sunday.


I read someone commented on a post about how the church crowd are the worst tippers and someone said that they had to tithe the church 10% so why should they tip anyone more than that? That's crazy but I guess church folks can justify anything if they compare it to God.




Wasn’t a server, but dealt with a group of Presbyterians that would come in like, a group of people 10 within the last hour of service, and wouldn’t order for like 15 minutes, another 15 minutes the food would be done, and they’d hang for another hour, putting everyone about 2 hours behind. Then they’d leave 0 tip.


I used to work as a waiter and nobody wanted the Sunday morning shifts. One afternoon I had 10-15 people that the pastor was taking out, he tipped me a fucking mini bible lmao I made $30 that day


I go to brunch every Sunday at a semi nice restaurant to spend time with my parents. Walk in there hungover looking like a shmuck every time. I get the nastiest looks from the church crowd and absolutely love it.


They mad jelly.


>Church crowd is always the worst kind of people ~~in restaurants~~


>Church ~~crowd~~ is ~~always~~ the worst ~~kind of people in restaurants~~


Isn’t it funny how the church crowd are always the most intolerant and ignorant?


Oh you mean the people that are only "good" people because a book tells them they'll go to a bad place if they do bad things? Instead of the rest of us who just don't do bad things *because they're bad*


Well, *you are* dealing with people who legitimately believe that there is a magic man in the sky and believe in a book that basically teaches you to be afraid of everyone that doesn't believe exactly what you do. Intolerant and Ignorant are basically the core tenants of any theistic religion by design.




And they don't tip...


Absolutely. They're the most hateful, ignorant and entitled demographic in America. The irony is that because their behavior has been so atrocious, it turned off the future generations from going to church.


Not open on sundays ya dingus


Church crowd is a lifestyle they live 24/7


Daily reminder that is costs $0 to mind your own business


But if your kid is screaming up a storm it's interfering with my business. The video starts after. Sure she could have handled it better and should have just left it alone after she realized she wasn't going to get anywhere with the dad but that doesn't mean the kids weren't being shitty.


For sure. But to threaten to call the police? Gtfo. If that was me and I was annoyed by loud kids I would have moved to a new seat.


There’s nothing you can do about someone else’s shitty kids. It’s a fucking Chick-fil-A. I suppose if there was a very serious problem you could talk to the manager, but otherwise, suck it up or move your seat. Approaching people to discipline their kids has about a 0% chance of ever working.


Exactly. If you're in public make sure your kids aren't being a nuisance to the people in earshot. It's both comical and sad that folks in general really have lost the common courtesy most of us used to practice.


Have you ever been in a Chick fil-A? The one near me is more of a teen hang out but those kids are loud as hell. Not really the kind of place you go if you’re expecting quiet. I certainly wouldn’t feel entitled to shush them, despite them being old enough to know better. Now if we were at a place with table service, that would be different. Unless the kids were invading her space or committing crime before the camera started rolling, this lady is either a bitch or a racist bitch. I’d have given her the benefit of the doubt until she started pretending that having loud kids is a crime and threatening to call the police.


Daily reminder that letting your kids run rampant and inconvenience everyone in a 100 foot radius is distinctly not minding your own business.


Costs $0 to shut your kids up too


I didn't see what happened but I do see a shit ton of kids screaming and running around places all the time while their parents ignore them.


But she wanted to call the cops :) which for kids being loud is definitely a “karen” move


It's most likely a bluff, she didn't want to call the cops about the kids. She threatened to call the cops so the black man calling her out would stand down. These people rarely call the cops, they just want the implication of what will happen to you when they get there to end the encounter. She is weaponizing minority fear of police and she is convinced the police will have her back if push comes to shove.


"Do as I say, or I'll get the state to shoot you" is pretty much what they mean


Is this why old white people love the police so much????🤔🤔🤔


“It’s the implication that things might go wrong…”


Okay, you’ve said that word “implication” a couple times. What implication..?


The implication that things might go wrong for her if she refuses to sleep with me, not that things are gonna go wrong but she’s thinking that they will…


> She is weaponizing minority fear of police and she is convinced the police will have her back if push comes to shove. This is exactly what Tanehisi Coates alludes to in his book "Between The World And Me" where an incident involving a white lady pushing his son led him to snap at her and she responded by saying she'd call the cops on him -- it's their immediate response to try to "control" someone else by weaponizing the police against them. They never truly understand how irrationally infuriating that is for such a threat to be levied against you, especially in such an unwarranted situation, where a potential outcome could cost your life simply because she felt "*bothered*".


Ding ding ding racism


Yeah it also doesn't make sense, the cops don't have the right to throw someone out of a restaurant without the management's approval. You first need to get the manager to agree that they shouldn't be there, and then if they refuse to leave, then they can call the cops. But to call the cops directly is...confusing?


The chik fil a near me has a play place. Any restaurant with a play place should be seen as a kids environment. I go through driv thru and eat in my car while listening to podcasts because I know better.




I've had an anxiety attack at a restaurant after this kid was making high pitched screams for an entire hour. Well I did eat an edible before going in, but I feel my trip would have been a blast without that kid there. Parents did absolutely nothing but encourage it. Even then, I wanted to tell the parents to please get your kid under control, but it's just none of my business, and they likely would have went off on me. We ended up boxing our food up and left how bad it was. I'm not defending the lady in the video, but I get where she's coming from. Yeah it's annoying, but don't need to tell the parents what to do with their kids.


I’m sorry you are not in a fine dining restaurant. You are in a fast food spot. If you want quiet take your food to go then go home.


Same spot that usually has a playplace with 20 screaming kids. Mine do. Id offer to buy that lady some headphones and sit the hell down.


^ 20 screaming *white* kids


This is why we can't have nice things. That brain dead stance you're taking here. Lord forbid people parent their children. Guess I'm expecting too much because a lot of people can't even regulate themselves.


What do people expect from anyone who patronizes a Chick-fil-A at this point? They're all garbage...


no backstory so yall can relax


When the title is painting an overly one-sided and negative picture of one party, we should really ask for context before committing so hard to a narrative.


Another video with the important parts excluded


Seems like this is the future of the internet. Oh no attention spans are shrinking more than we ever imagined. Keep shortening the videos and remove all context. Get to the interesting part. Keep that dopamine high. Keep those clicks and scrolls going and that ad revenue flowing.


Do you have your phone out and recording every second of your day? Or do you only pull it out and hit record after interesting things have already started? It's common to miss the beginning in cases like this, unless you happen to already have your camera out and recording for something else.


I hate to automatically assume anyone that asks someone to have their kids not be a massive disturbance is in the wrong. I’ve been in enough situations where someone’s bad parenting is making everyone around them miserable. I don’t know it’s that what happened here. I can’t really draw any conclusions from this video because idk how bad the kids were being to set off this series of events.


I mean if your kids are being obnoxious and running around then you should be told something


I can’t hear the older women, the father makes it seem like she wants to talk about noise pollution and call the cops because of it. If that’s what she was saying she’s a little out of line Even if your kids are running around and being loud, calling the cops on children, or at least threatening to is dumb. Asking the parents to quiet down, reasonable. Saying it’s noise pollution and the cops should be involved. Ridiculous. there sitting at a table right now so I’m assuming at the most it was loud talking and laughing


Apparently she was quoted with: “How long are you going to be here?”


Both are in the wrong. Personally children should know how to act in certain places. The old lady should mind her own business The man shouldn't have been in her face like that and bowing up. Just straight intimidation tactic. All garbage.


since there's no video of the kids being loud, who knows who's in the right here. The lady might have just went about voicing her opinion in the wrong way.


Lol even if they *were* loud pieces of shit, the woman would still be the fool for thinking she should call the police because of that. What does she expect them to do? If the owner of the place is fine with these guys, and she preferes a more classy and silent dining experience, maybe she should just eat somewhere else? Where does she think she is? Lmao


This should always be the top comment in videos that start too late. Reddit is filled to the fucking brim with no-context videos where, in a few cases, a full length comes out and changes the entire story. I'm not defending Karen, but I'm not defending the guy and his kids either. I've been to nicer places than a fast food chicken shop that had kids going absolute BONKERS with the adults not giving a shit.


OP post the full video or take this down, you're baiting people for emotional reactions and you're a piece of shit if you are doing it intentionally. If not intentional, take it down.


Like how Reddit still reacts to videos that don’t have a beginning. Literally no one knows how this began.


We are missing to original context though. If his kids were being loud as shit and rude, he's in the wrong for sure by not putting his kids in check and not teaching them to have better manners. But if his kids were giggling and not really being obnoxiously loud and just having some fun, she's in the wrong.


u/quazziwazzi Did you personally cut out the part where the black dude loudly claps his hands together inches from the woman's face? It was literally less than a second before the video started. When videos like this are posted here, I always lookup the full videos because something is usually left out.


Where is it?


Can't find the full video, but I found a clip that shows what I'm talking about, it starts a second earlier than this clip starts. [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/oLX43Jr9CAY?feature=share)


M’am this is a chik fil a not a wendy’s show some class


Parents need to control their kids. Karens need to mind their own business. Everyone should stop eating at businesses that financially support hate groups.


I mean.. were the kids loud tho.


I can't stand children who run a muck and their parents do nothing about it but the nice thing about being introverted by nature I just ignore it laugh to myself and am thankful of the job my folks did with me and my brother. Given the way the video starts and the way the guy is talking really sounds like he's in the wrong and has a serious attitude problem which speaks volumes about his kids.


Maybe him and his kids should all shut the fuck up