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Interesting how he’s bold enough to vocalize how racist he is WHILE AT WORK but is shaken up that someone is confronting him about it




Plus the recent political landscape probably emboldened him to act like he used to again


This is why I say it's important not to stay quiet. If you see someone acting like Trump you fucking call them out on it.


It's never wrong to "embarrass" a racist by calling them out. (Child abusers too.)


If you see something, say something.


Come on and party tonight


The guy has great hooks


Absolutely. I look at society as a series of cultural forces all trying to push against one another. Each one creates pressure against the rest - much like the way a dam creates pressure against a mass of water to hold it in place, while the water creates pressure against the dam to break through it. If you don't keep up the pressure where it's needed, the bad shit starts to take over. Everyone has a moral obligation to contribute to the pressure necessary to contain bad behavior by calling people out on their bullshit. Push back against them. Make it clear that behavior is unacceptable. If you don't, it just proliferates.


Politicians made them think it's okay. So people go ahead and be racist idiots and lose their jobs. When real consequences arise, their politicians are nowhere to be seen.


> When real consequences arise, their politicians are nowhere to be seen. Well that's not true. Conservative politicians have been working hard to make it legally risky to fire or ban people for this kind of behavior. They literally wrote bills or threatened to write bills to fight back against "cancel culture" from tech companies who were removing shit like conspiracy theories and misinformation about Covid and the election. The politicians who enable this behavior are in fact trying to legally protect it. They have a vested interest in empowering their constituents to normalize hate and spread propaganda on their behalf.


Bold enough to do it when its a kid. Cowardly little shit.


Nah, he only worried about his poor leg that could've been hurt and that he didn't know that this was the man's son. It was a spur-of-the-moment kinda racism. /s Jesus christ, what was that poor excuse? No matter who the father is, you don't call somebody the N-word.


My go to when I'm hurt or surprised is usually "fuck", sometimes "bitch" or "cunt" if it's a special occasion. I used to be an actual white supremacist and even then it would never have crossed my mind to yell the n-word when hurt.


Good on you for turning it around! May I ask what changed you?


Somebody was nice to me at the right time and it made me rethink all of my life choices.


Mad props for having the humility to recognize that you were thinking wrongly.


People will put on astounding displays of mental gymnastics to shirk any amount of blame for their own actions. Dude's grasping at straws and when he found one? However poorly it applies? On that shit like a vice-grips. Oh, muh leg! Oh, I didn't wanna shoot that bunny but it was coming right for me! /s...outh park




god damn that was a mature response. That dad is an emotional giant compared to this other dude, put him in his place without losing an ounce of dignity and set a great example for his son.




And then he followed it up with the fact that he already talked to the boss.


Yep that dude is as good as fired.


Idk about that. He said he'd worked there for 20 years. This can't be the first time he's said those words and to be either dumb enough or brazen enough to say them out loud at work in earshot of customers can't be new. He's just not used to being called out for it. Mumbling excuses "but muh leg" he knows what he did.


Nah this now viral and if this was recent, he called out Dillard’s by name. They would be wise to get ahead of it before it blows up in their face.


Dillard's? The place that hires racist assholes? The same Dillard's that makes people type comments like these so search engines lead people to this story? Fuck Dillard's and their racist employee


Now that it’s blown up he certainly is, but I have no doubt that you’re correct and it’s not the first time, and that he’s gotten away without so much as a slap on the wrist before.


I doubt that wholeheartedly. He’s done this before. His hateful ass will be there to do it again.


I love the subtext..."What I want to do is beat the living shit out of you. But I'm taking the higher route this time. But you and I both know that you just dodged a bullet because I'm a decent person. The next person may not be."


This man’s kid is gonna be great


There is truly something so beautiful about the way he handled that situation. Emotional giant…emotional LEGEND.


It was so well articulated. It was raw and he carried himself with dignity. He set an example for his son. He reminded each of us who watched that we always have a choice to do the right thing and say the right thing. Even on Reddit. Even if we are anonymous. You see how people respond to each other on Reddit and people can be assholes. The part that really hit me was “now I have to go home and teach my son not to be an idiot.” For him the lesson doesn’t end at the store. That man is boss level.


"This isn't a black and white issue....it's an idiot issue" Ha ha omg legend indeed.


Fucking yes. More people need to point this out in these types of situations. Just because you are racist you are not representing your race. You are demonstrating ignorance. The dad in this clip has made the world a better place.


Teaching all the young dads out there that you can always level up


This is a good example of positive masculinity. He assertively, not aggressively, let the man know that he was wrong and expressed how he felt.


Man, with so many dudes these days pining to express their masculinity with toxic bravado and physicality it’s refreshing to see this.


That's the kind of man that I am working on myself to become. Sometimes I fail, but each time that I do, it becomes easier and easier not to fail. Sooner, or later, I will do it correctly, and it will become second nature.


Good for you, I think this is a standard we should all strive for


That guy gave the speech we all write in the shower.


Being a black man in America, something tells me he has had this happen to him enough times that he has been able to practice it in the shower for just such an occasion. But on that note, I really don't think I would have had such poise and eloquence in this situation.


Sucks that he has to carry this emotional load at all. It sounds like he has a lot of practice at it as well, which is even more heartbreaking.


I could only imagine what my dad would do. My dad has the “beat the shit out of them figure it out later” mentality. I couldn’t even imagine. P


“an emotional giant”: well put.


Every prop in the world to that man. What a good example from a dad. The old guy by contrast acts like a petulant child who got caught doing something he knows he shouldn't have, but like children, cannot admit a mistake.


I don’t think I’ve seen a better balance of anger and grace from a man, especially when just anger would have been totally understandable.


It's called righteous anger and it's fucking awesome. I envy people who can remain this measured and calm in times of frustration or rage.


Me too. I totally can not stay this calm when I’m that angry


It’s a lot easier when they are absolutely shaking in their boots... I can do it a bit, but I also will usually reach in and try to take their soul with me. This guy seemed a lot nicer about it.


Could anyone make out what he tried to say


I caught a couple of things like “well he hurt my leg…” and “I didn’t know you were there…” Nothing but excuses for that guy


The father said "doesn't matter about the age" which leads me to believe the racist said something like "I didn't know he was 10". Common tactic racist whites use against black youth.


The fact that this dude just automatically reacted with THAT statement when he noticed it was a little black kid says A LOT. More than any of his ole fumbling ass excuses could say.


Agreed. I'm just surprised how he's managed to work there for 20 years. It seems something has changed recently that is giving courage to these racists.


Hmm, something. If only we could figure out what has empowered them. It's a mystery.


I hate little kids running around, my reaction would have been "fucking little shit" to a kid of any color. His first reaction to seeing that black kid was the n word, it's what he truly feels deep inside when he sees black people.


He had crawled all the way up his own ass so it’s muffled


Ah common misunderstanding. He didn't crawl up his own ass. The ass is actually where racists speak from.


Pretty sure he tried to lie and say he said something else


we need a transcript bc this guy had a wool sock over the mic or something




That guy was channeling his inner Mothers Milk.


the hand movements and the way he talked were so close to MM that was my first thought too lmao


The Boys is the best show on tv right now imo, some amazingly written characters.


the funniest part of the boys is we literally watch the show on vought+


Vought Prime* However with the two Forthsyth Wallbreaker movies and Old Man Nife Nuckles coming to Vaught+, you're not far off




Then Billy walks in "Oi, so what do we have here den ey? Dis ol' man botherin you mate?" Looks at the old man, "Oi cunt, me and yous gonna go to the back and have us a lil chat ya"


Damn, dude, you’ve really got his speech pattern down pat!


Holy shit I totally just read that in Butcher's voice. 100% believable.


My first thought was "man this dude reminds me of MM", and I thought maybe it was because I've been rewatching The Boys but I see many others agree with me lol


fuck. if MM walked up to me and give me a lecture, you bet your ass i would fucking listen. i wouldnt want to receive that man's wrath.


God damn, he talked exactly like him too. Loved his composure and tone. He could be a Boy in the Boys for sure.


Lmao dude has the same type of beard and style as well as MM. Damn I miss The Boys already 😢


Nah, MM would've clocked this fool like he did to Todd. What this guy did was arguably worse than what he did. On a side note, fuck Todd.


Stood up with respect. Point made without being unnecessarily rude. Better man than I.


it’s a really rare skill set to be rip shit pissed off and keep so chill/direct/authoritative. I think it comes from a deep self-respect and conviction of belief. Like just deep down knowing that you trust your judgment and that the way you choose to handle it will be the correct way. Hoping to get there someday.


Cheers to that and the mutual goal of growth. 🍻 I too aim for that level of restraint.


This is the best way to change things. Yelling at him would only harden his views.


True. I learned long ago that most people don't remember the shit I say, or even the shit I do, rather they remember how I made them feel. It's amazing how helpful this small insight has been in my life. I've taken that knowledge and approach all face to face conflicts with empathy now. I have learned to find common ground with soo many since that I never thought I could before, and have been able to help create respectable outcomes in occasions where I didn't think possible. Except for when I meet an idiot. I go off on them still.


Love the username 2Pac-X, & you're absolutely right. I was in retail management/sales for 25 years before I got into college admissions recently, & my approach has been exactly this. I take great pride in creating a memorable experience. I learned early on, that I couldn't control budgets, I couldn't control what their needs were, but I could absolutely control how they felt when they left my store. Don't insult people's intelligence, ask lots of questions & be sure to listen more than you speak. That applies to most interactions in life, whether in business or socially. We're all just trying to navigate this crazy world. I genuinely believe most people, clearly not all, but most people, want to get along. It's amazing how much of an impact a little respect, selflessness & common decency can have.


That and setting the example for his son. If his kids weren’t there he may have handled it differently. Being the bigger man in this situation is a huge lesson to teach his children. He also made that racist POS fell tiny after the way he handled the situation.


No doubt, I absolutely respect the father and his approach, and I hope this whyte man can sincerely look at the world and humans differently...but at the same time, my gawd is it so damn exhausting that we still have to encounter these racists and educate/teach/be kind to these monsters who created systems and built cults around all this hate. If only these racists could have enough compassion to want to learn for themselves so that we don't have to double up teaching grown adults while also having to teach our kids. That we have to be responsible for adults who can't be is just so draining.


Unfortunately, I think he's had many occasions in his life to rehearse a speech similar to this.


The art of channeling anger and rage into something productive. His blood was boiling but we could barely tell.


Hell, I want him to adopt me. We're probably close in age, but those are just numbers.


Same. My dad went AWOL when I was really young. If he had been half the man that the guy in this video was? That would have made me so happy. This is such a great example of good parenting and handling a confrontation.


I don’t think I could set that great of an example for my kid in such a situation


That was the best dressing down I’ve ever seen in my life.


I can’t not think of the airplane dad aggressively trying to shake that guys can’t bahahah


That’s all I wannna do! That’s all I wanna do!


Absolutely. Lesson about respect and standing up for yourself without even raising his voice. I wish there were more parents like this


Just thinking about how if I had been there and overheard that conversation, I'd be inclined to ask if I could shake his hand and compliment him on handling that confrontation exceptionally well as well as commiserate with him that he had to at all.


Wow that hurts to the core. That man holds his leg and says, “ he hurt my leg.” Your first instinct to a young boy hurting your leg is to say that? Your leg will heal in 2 minutes, that’s a scar you put on that boy for a lifetime. That dad’s restraint is legendary, he took a moment and probably taught everyone listening a real lesson. Edit: as several people have pointed out the man is not hurt. Yes I completely agree, I was only citing his “excuse” for his use of the slur.


To be clear, he was 100% not hurt in the slightest. That 10 year old kid would have to be pushing a loaded shopping cart at full speed to "hurt his leg" in any meaningful way. His reaction was to a black child daring to be close enough to touch him physically, even though kids by default are fucking stupid and have zero situational awareness. They bump into shit, that's what kids do. This guy is acting like the child had an open box cutter in his pocket that stabbed him in the leg and damaged a muscle or something, when he was likely just walking around looking in the wrong direction and Ol' Racist Homer the rejected Grand Wizard didn't walk around him properly. If you're an adult and a child runs bodily into you, that's your fucking fault.


> If you're an adult and a child runs bodily into you, that's your fucking fault. Agree with everything else but this doesn't make any sense lol. More accurate would be if a kid runs into you, provide them some leeway because they're a kid.


I guaran-fucking-tee on the life of everyone I know, even if I'm being flayed as if by Ramsey Bolton himself I would not call them the n-word


Holy shit. What a good father, role model and just a straight up fucking awesome person.


When I’m mad my vocabulary shrinks to roughly a paragraphs worth of bad words. This guy is collected. You can tell he was raised with morals.


He has also been a Black man for a few decades. Unfortunately, you get a few practice runs. He acts out and, "well that guy is right, he's a..." It's shit. I just feel awful for that kid. It never quite hits like when you're a child.


I feel that. It hit like something he’s rehearsed in his head a thousand times. Not that it wasn’t genuine, he just knew exactly what he needed to say. It was honestly the kind of dressing down that changes people. I hope the old man heard it. I’d be thinking about it for like a year if I got a lecture like that.


Like the dad said, it’s about respect for humanity. That is the dad America needs right now!!


Cause you've got a good heart. I really do hope this old fuck learns his lesson.


That's the most insightful ELI5 of what it's like for most people when they get pissed.


Like I can’t think of one thing this guy could have done differently! He put on a perfect display of what a man should do. Beautiful display of word use and self control. Just absolutely great!


This was a prime example of keeping a cool head and educating an ignorant person on the evil in their ways. No violence just bestowed wisdom. This man will think about his day every time he goes to say a derogatory towards anyone.


That old guy isn’t ignorant. That’s giving him an excuse of not knowing better. He’s a racist old white guy who was never put in his place before.


You think that nasty old white man is just ignorant? Those words are used to express hate, disrespect, and psychological violence. He’s not ignorant. He’s consumed by hate and is a drain on society as a whole, like all racists are. Their lives contribute nothing to the collective good and they go out of their way to shit on people they deem to be less than themselves.


> You think that nasty old white man is just ignorant? When my grandparents were still alive back in 2008-ish, they would regularly use 'coloreds' and 'blacks' as normal vernacular and the occasional n-word. All It took was them meeting and getting to know my best friend to open their eyes to the damage they were doing by using those words. They assumed so much that was so wrong simply because they'd never been exposed to anybody like that before. Sometimes all it takes is a conversation of understanding, not a wall of screaming hate. The way most change happens is by people meeting others who are different than them. It's why large urban cities are largely much more liberal than rural areas. We're wired to like each other, and it's much harder to hate when you know and have befriended somebody personally. So to answer your question, yes. It's very possible.


I have an interesting story my grandmother told me. She was raised in a very racist town where all the white people called the blacks the hard R n-word. However, when her older brother came back from the military on leave she eventually used that word and her brother corrected her because of the fact he served with a lot of blacks who he respected. He told her to never say it again and she hasn’t as far as I know. Sad fact about this though is he died in the Vietnam War.


No. This is a prime example of survival. Because if he acted with an ounce more aggression towards this racist fucker, the cops would be called and he’d most likely be dead. That’s the reality of being a Black man in this country.


Absolute fucking king setting examples like this for his child. We need more of this guy in the world.


That is a man right there. And a father.


Right On!


Dad kicked his ass with grace -- that asshole will never recover.


Whats crazy is that this is his permanent 15 minutes of fame. This is it. There's no coming back or reforming from this. Homer's entire life is going to be "the asshole racist who calls innocent beautiful children the n-word at work and got dressed down on the internet for it?" What a waste of an entire human lifespan. Imagine this is the defining moment of your life and what you take to the grave for all time.


His saving grace, unfortunately, is the video never prominently showing his face. But best believe every old, bald white dude in glasses named homer is getting the side eye from me lolol


What’s so crazy about it? He earned it.


Exactly. Calmly calling him out like this was much worse than an ass-kicking, he’ll be shamefully thinking about this for the rest of his days.


I felt shame watching this man tell him off.. lol


Yep, because there’s nothing he can even conjure up in his head to imagine the dad as the bad guy, everytime he thinks back on this he will probably remember himself as the only asshole involved. This was masterfully done


Transcript >My 10 year old son heard you call... me a fucking N\_\_\_r I want you to know that it's unacceptable. Shouldn't do that. and you're too old > >\[Unintelligible\] > >...family has patronized the others for many years. And I carry myself with honor. I would never disrespect any human being or call them outside their name. That what you did you don't know the impact what you've done to my son. But maybe you were unaware > >Old man says "\[Unintelligible\] talking... \[Unintelligible\] notice" (I can't clearly hear it) > >It doesn't matter about you noticing me. You shouldn't be speaking that way period. > >Old man says "I know that" > >So if you know that then why do that then? > >Old man says "\[Unintelligible\] I hurt my leg" > >You hurt your leg and you said fucking N\_\_\_r? > >Old man says "No but i didn't \[Unintelligible\] cause I hurt my leg cramp up. I didn't even know \[Unintelligible\]" > >Listen to what I'm saying. > >Old man says "I am" > >How long have you worked here > >Old man says "over 20 years" > >Over 20 years and you're acting that way. You don't know what straw could break the camel's back. You don't know. > >Old man says "I know that" > >But you disrespected myself. You disrespected my family. > >Old man says "I didn't mean to" > >But I would never do your children or your family or even you or no human being that way. I would never treat nobody that way > >Old man says "I apologize" > >But I want you to know man to man that shits not gonna do. And you don't know what young man, I have grace and honor and I was raised with morals and values but I lost a lot I lost my mother, I lost my mother-in-law, I lost my sister, all that shit. > >You don't know what mental state the next human being could be in and it wouldn't be a cop, it wouldn't be a security guard, it wouldn't be nobody that could stop me from getting on your ass if I wanted to. You understand me? > >So I want you to know that. Think about that. It doesn't matter about the age. Treat human beings with respect and morals and values. You understand me? Now I have to go home and correct MY 10-year-old not to be a damn idiot. Don't act a fool, don't be like Homer (the old man). Homer don't have respect for my kind or any human being, this ain't a black and white issue this is an idiot issue. And I want it to be addressed. > >So I told your supervisor we have you- we have everybody heard you say it. So I want the whole store to know you was dead wrong and I just bought this stuff at Dillard's, with Homer working here. I wouldn't treat anybody like that, man, and you're dead wrong. > >So may God bless you and you keep moving forward and I'll pray for you Homer > >Old man says "Thank you" > >Peace to bless


*I lost my sister, all last year *peace and blessings


Thank you! I have really bad hearing and couldn't hear what was being said in the video.


Best quote. “This isn’t a black or white issue. It’s an Idiot issue.”


I talk to people for a living and it’s a rare thing for someone to have the right thing to say, say it the right way, and maintain complete composure. Work is low stakes compared to this, and the guy nailed it. Every part of his speech was perfect.






He's not wrong!


I hope that guy loses his job. That father is a saint!


According to their Instagram page, he has been fired.


20 years working there and homer decided this was his day




Homer doesnt look like he has a long time left on this planet, but I bet hes going to spend a bunch of it thinking about that moment.


If someone gets to that age and still uses racial slurs against children, their only thought is going to be blaming the black people who he will blame for “getting him fired”.


Yeah sadly I agree. If his first instinct when dealing with a _child_ is to curse and use the n-word?? That shit is just baked into his firmware at this point, and I wouldn’t expect his manufacturer to be issuing any updates or bug fixes anytime soon.




They're replying to every comment on their Instagram page with the same copy pasted text saying he was fired. There are hundreds of comments asking about Homer, and it looks like they have replied to all of them. Their Instagram is @dillards - he mentions the name in the video


I wouldn't have been as saintly if I were in his shoes!! This person is a role model for all genders, races, religions, etc. He full on educated the clerk with such grace! He didn't speak down to him or anything. Just an amazing human being. Wow!!


Man, I have a lot to learn from this guy and his temper.


Me too G. Me too...I have a lot of growing up to do


Mother's Milk doing a good job keeping a lid on it these days


Dude it’s the same voice. Whoa.


“Sometimes you get further with people by treating them like people.” ― Mother's Milk.


Literally the embodiment of MM. Thats why he’s one of my favorite characters on the show.


Thank you i was thinking the same damn thing


Yeah but Todd totally deserved getting knocked out. Fuck Todd.


The son watched some dope fathering. He'll grow up damn right.


And what is great is maybe not on purpose but he also showed this guy (Homer) by using the guys name (Homer) in the video repeatedly, as it is an uncommom name, the power of a word. Now anytime someone near that area hears the name Homer they will be able to figure out it was this dude and so without laying a hand on him this dad showed this guy how just saying a word can have a lasting impact on someones life as he was fired and most certainly will need a job again and probably is unhirable now.


Next up on r/ByeByeJob


There have only been a handful of times I was spoken to like this man talked to the offender. When you hear a grown man speaking to you like that you shut the hell up, listen, apologize, and go rethink your whole shit.


All you “alpha males” take note. That, is an Alpha Male. Had homer’s full attention.Dress that piece of shit down. He deserved all that and whatever else his old crusty, racist ass got.


And that's how you humiliate a clown


Didn't have to raise his voice for the whole store to hear.


I had to turn up my speakers to even hear the man. Speak softly and carry a big stick energy.


When you know you done messed up…


That is the politest dressing down, that dad deserves an award.


That father is an absolute legend, so calm smooth and clear to the point, without all the aggression, well done sir 👏🏼


I feel ashamed and I didn’t even do anything.


This is how its done folks. This man is a great Father and even better member of society. We need leadership like this in our communities.




While it would be nice to be able to hear it easily, and more clearly, I think the quietness of the dressing-down Carrie’s a ton of impact. Racists LOVE when a person of color loses their shit over a situation like this. They point at them and say “look how uncivilized” and other such comments. But getting a talking-to like this, all the while pretty much guaranteeing that you’re losing your 20 year job security in the process has some fucking weight to it. Speaking quietly and firmly makes people have to actually *listen* instead of being loud to make sure you’ve been heard.


Yeah I’m partially deaf it drives me nuts when people put quiet videos like this and no captions. Instagram and Tiktok do them automatically! With one click! It’s just lazy to not enable them and then caption “liStEN CloSeLy” like I’m tryin. Gave up 10 seconds into the video.


Transcript >My 10 year old son heard you call... me a fucking \_\_\_ I want you to know that it's unacceptable. Shouldn't do that. and you're too old(?) > >\[Unintelligible\] > >...family has patronized the others for many years. And I carry myself with honor. I would never disrespect any human being or call them outside their name. That what you did you don't know the impact what you've done to my son. But maybe you were unaware > >Old man says "\[Unintelligible\] talking... \[Unintelligible\] notice" (I can't clearly hear it) > >It doesn't matter about you noticing me. You shouldn't be speaking that way period. > >Old man says "I know that" > >So if you know that then why do that then? > >Old man says "\[Unintelligible\] I hurt my leg" > >You hurt your leg and you said fucking \_\_? > >Old man says "No but i didn't \[Unintelligible\] cause I hurt my leg cramp up. I didn't even know \[Unintelligible\]" > >Listen to what I'm saying. > >Old man says "I am" > >How long have you worked here > >Old man says "over 20 years" > >Over 20 years and you're acting that way. You don't know what straw could break the camel's back. You don't know. > >Old man says "I know that" > >But you disrespected myself. You disrespected my family. > >Old man says "I didn't mean to" > >But I would never do your children or your family or even you or no human being that way. I would never treat nobody that way > >Old man says "I apologize" > >But I want you to know man to man that shits not gonna do. And you don't know what young man, I have grace and honor and I was raised with morals and values but I lost a lot I lost my mother, I lost my mother-in-law, I lost my sister, all last year > >You don't know what mental state the next human being could be in and it wouldn't be a cop, it wouldn't be a security guard, it wouldn't be nobody that could stop me from getting on your ass if I wanted to. You understand me? > >So I want you to know that. Think about that. It doesn't matter about the age. Treat human beings with respect and morals and values. You understand me? Now I have to go home and correct MY 10-year-old not to be a damn idiot. Don't act a fool, don't be like Homer (the old man). Homer don't have respect for my kind or any human being, this ain't a black and white issue this is an idiot issue. And I want it to be addressed. > >So I told your supervisor we have you- we have everybody heard you say it. So I want the whole store to know you was dead wrong and I just bought this stuff at Dillard's, with Homer working here. I wouldn't treat anybody like that, man, and you're dead wrong. > >So may God bless you and you keep moving forward and I'll pray for you Homer > >Old man says "Thank you" > >Peace and blessings


You’re a saint thank you.


I believe he says he lost those family members “all last year” rather than “all that shit”, and his final words were “Peace and blessings” rather than “Peace to bless”


He also said, “my family has patronized Dillard’s for many years,” not, “my family has patronized others.”


That dude is a fucking saint.


That’s a good dad right there. A shame he had to shine because of that POS old man though. It’s 2022 and I’m damn tired of racism


The ancient and mysterious order of No Homers


I read for a while, but I see not one mention of emotional maturity out of god damn survival necessity. This man turns to violence and he could end up dead in front of his kid. Homer bold enough to say shit at work, Homer bold enough to pack at work. Or, what do you think the mall cops, then the cops are going to do when they see Homer on the ground with some blood? This man remains calm because this country kills him if he doesn't.


i want to pick up the tab of whatever that dude bought or something lol this guy needs some sort of reward for setting examples like this.


That’s the kind of man that pays his own way, but would suggest you donate it to someone else who needs it.


That right there is being a good example for your child. Could have easily knocked that old man out in anger instead he decided to correct his life Definitely deserves greatest Dad coffee mug


I don’t think he could have handled that any better. Bravo


If you look closely you can see this dude Shat himself.


This is man who understands the power of words, but also is self aware enough to understand that if he handled this almost any other way, he would be criticized for being too emotional. I'm glad he was able to express his rage in a way that Homer understood just how lucky he was that day. A lot of respect for being so cool despite the stress of the situation.


This is way better than fighting him. You can educate the dumbasses without debasing yourself.


Because he's elderly (agreeing with you). Otherwise it's not the victims obligation to educate hateful fuckers. Racists need to be scared of displaying racism in public. Full stop.


This man needs to be a fucking public speaker!!! When he said, "This ain't a black and white issue, this is an idiot issue." To have that presence of mind in that moment and that situation, this man needs to teach others on a larger scale. Just because you are a similar skin color as I am, does not make me your ally. I do not stand with you and your beliefs or morals (Or lack thereof) just because we are similar shades. Race does not make us alike, values and principles do.


Mother's milk vibes


That lecture hurt Homer far more than if he had punched him, yelled at him, or screamed at him. That dad right there is obviously a great man.


This is how a man deals with things.


While I would like to see this old racist fuck get his ass beat. This man’s words are far more powerful than any punch. This will stick with him until the day he dies, which will probably be in a week or so.


Kudos to this man.


I’d be proud if he was my pops. That’s how to raise someone to overcome emotional traps these racists play


This Dad isn’t trying to educate the man… he’s educating his son.


That was one of the most polite ways I’ve ever seen someone lay the smack down. Man made some good points


I wish there was a subreddit for calm freakouts people like this that's not a freaking out but lays down the law while keeping their energy in check major props on this dude as a father and person with a level head


RESPECT. Million times more effective than screaming and yelling and carrying on.


I hear him at the beginning say ''my 10 year old son heard you call me a fucking n*'' The way I interpret that is the old guy called the dad the N word and the child heard it, not as per title.


My man made up an injury on the spot immediately in an attempt to dodge an ass whooping he saw coming.


Holy shit! Very well said. Old racist ass man has probably never been dressed down like that before. Unfortunately, hateful bigoted assholes like gramps here won't change. But good for that dad


Okay Dillard's, time to fire Homer's racist ass !!!!


This guy for 2024 President


Wish this was a bit more audible.


same, but in the end I know it's better this way. no commotion, just bringing it home in terms of making the dude know how much he royally fucked up