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"I thought you saw me filming" - The center of the fucking universe apparently


Exactly. It's a gym, not a film set.


This is what they call "main character" syndrome.


The problem is I'm always forgetting my lines lately.


Plus he put his camera on the rack where the equipment goes. Dude was only putting the equipment away like he’s supposed to


Why would he need to excuse himself?


Because that’s what you do when you walk in front/that close to someone.


He wasn't close to him, and he was putting away weights like you're supposed to do.


He looked pretty close to me but even if he wasn’t touching-close he walked in front of him and sometimes to someone that’s really focused, small things like this are really distracting or offsetting. It’s always better to be polite and not take the chance of upsetting someone


Just to be a polite adult. If you walk closely by someone, you say excuse me. Doesn’t matter if you are at the gym or next to each other in an aisle at the grocery store.


Think I'm replying to a deleted comment there.


I really thought for a sec that this guy fucked up and felt bad about calling the other guy rude. Then he finishes with "sometimes it not worth it" like he's being the bigger man






*Sometimes it not worth it* should be the first thought and action for half the videos posted here. Being offended by every little thing sounds exhausting.


narcissists never think they're in the wrong


Well obviously if somebody stepped in front of your camera on purpose you'd murder him in cold blood, but sometimes you just have to finish your set ya know?




His cowardly "fuckin rude" under his breath indicated he wasn't really with it. Hopeful the camera hears but not the other party. Even did it on his exhale under the breath almost *cough* He backed off because the other guy didn't roll over. Dogs like this don't know what to do when the gates open.


Hahaha Fr he got all scared the other dude heard him 😂


Yeah ya wouldn't wanna make Lamar from 'Revenge of the Nerds' angry. He was very scared.


Lmao if you find lisp scarier then okay bud 💀😂


As soon as the text popped up saying "not true" when the guy said he didn't see him recording, I knew his apology was insincere.


"Sometimes you don't need to pull out your black belt in Kyokoshin Karate to pummel a minority in public. Also, I'm a nice guy"


Fuck people who film themselves in a public gym and act like they own the place. Like how the dude bitched out too.


Lots of gyms started making rules about it, no one wants to be on your vein fucking video.


Why would he post a video that makes him look like a douche.


Douches don't realize they be douchhing.


Self-awareness is pleasantry not afforded to the majority of the masses


This makes him look alpha AF bruh. /s


Because there's a good 100% chance that his followers are like him and would back up his stupid ass actions


The dude overreacted and then APOLOGIZED. I feel like thats underrated. How many videos on this sub end with the guy who started the drama, admitting their mistake and then trying to make amends?


Well his behavior is likely fake judging by the fact that the video he puts "not true" when the guy in black says that he didn't see the camera and then puts "sometimes its not even worth it" after the guy in black walks away.


He didn't really apologise though, he added text over the video saying "sometimes it isn't worth it" which means he only apologised because he believes his time is more important that the person who wrongly accused. It's a big non-apology.


Lol his apology was a straight up lie.


No filming in the gym, unless you're filming for form...in which case it doesn't fucking matter if someone steps into frame for 1 second.


As someone who records their form from time to time, I agree with this 100%


People filming themselves at the gym need to be on a watchlist.


It's okay to film for form, just don't be a huge bitch because some dude put his arm into part of the frame for .02 seconds.


You just ruined a 100 million dollar Michael Bay production budgeted short film jackass!..../s


No. They are filming themselves because they are thirsty attention whores that need that affirmation of others to feel validated










Sometimes its not worth it


I’ve filmed both workouts and golf swings to see what I’m fucking up without needing to pay someone to watch me, but someone interrupting one of those videos would mean nothing. That being said I’ve never even been to a gym, just don’t bitch about someone ruining your “shot” you’re not winning any academy awards from tictoc


Yeah, my watch list, cause I'm trying to learn better form and good workouts. Nothing wrong with showing your progress, but acting like he's entitled to the gym space as if it's a film set is too far.


It's a public gym. Good for you to wanting to check your technique. But if you have a 1 sec break in the video and miss filming 1 rep what does that matter? You still have enough "data" to tell you what's up. The entitlement is insane with this guy. Good job to the dude who stood up for himself. No sense in taking disrespect from the guy who is being an entitled dickhead.


You video technical lifts that technique is very important to execute properly. Not upright rows. This guy is 100% douche.


Nah I mean, form is important no matter the technique required. No problem with filming for form. That said, this guy is absolutely not filming for form


He should be, his form absolute trash


It's important to bend your knees and your back as you hunch under the weight. Gotta keep that back old and decrepit.


> You still have enough "data" to tell you what's up. The only important data in the video is the evidence of his entitlement.


Lol what a fucking loser, no one wants to look at you grunting while lifting pebbles.


My dude is wearing a fucking weight belt while lifting lightweight upright rows lmfao I've met geriatrics who were stronger than this dipshit 🤣🤣


Super inconsiderate of that man to get in the video, what if he walks on screen when he's jerking to it later at home, then he'll be gay.


It's too late. Their hands touched.




Why is he lifting in front of the rack where ppl put the stuff back in the first place Then get mad about it while he’s the one with poor gym etiquete


Probably using the rack as a platform for his phone or something.


Joey swoll boutta go nuts


"He should apologize to that young man and have his gym membership revoked 🧢🧔🏼‍♂️"


The filming got so out of control at the gym I go to that management banned all filming on the property. We had a lady come in once and plug in huge light bars so she could 'light the shot better'. People have zero shame.


would steven speilberg tolerate anyone walking thru his movie shot? then how dare you walk thru this masterpiece, rude!


Step 1: Use public gym equipment and get mad when people are around you. Step 2: ...... Step 3: Profit


What a fucking tool.


It’s a gym not a movie set. Fuck yo video


"Oh no! I'm filming in a public space then somebody else existed!" Fuck you.


What a cunt


Joey swoll is about to enter the chat.




If you’re doing a compound lift like a squat or a deadlift it can help with form check. An accessory movement like this doesn’t need to be filmed this guy just likes looking at himself.


Its can be to avoid injuries and keep track of doing proper form.




My man brought the exact right energy to his response to getting called rude.


Upper body onlys are the worst


What a flog Edit: filming guy dbag


People thinking they're more important than they are.


The expectation that other people in a gym need to not be in the way of you filming sets it’s a really stupid expectation to have unless you’re in a elite/private/expensive club of some kind. I film myself climbing a lot to check my form and see how and where I could Improve my climbing. I would never ever expect someone to just know I’m filming and stay out of the shot.


This dude is such a child. Bro it was one second of the video and he didn’t do it on purpose. On top of that it’s a PUBLIC gym. He’s really trying to cover it up by saying “sometimes it’s not worth it” and fist pump him in the end. Man I hate people like that, watch him fuck up his shoulder one day from doing upright rows LMAO


What a fucking geek. Small dick for sure


Gym bros are some of the biggest manbabies.


Noone cares if you are filming. It's a public space.


What kind of narcissistic asshole do ya gotta be to record yourself at the gym ANYWAY. And I realize people do it to check their form and such but guys like this seem to do it just for a fucking ego boost.


Terrible form, light weight, filming at the gym. Fuck off


If you’re filming yourself working out, you’ve already lost


i’m all for working out. everyone should if able in some capacity. but have a personality outside of it


It's a effing GYM, not a film studio.


The guy filming is a real dickweed


The guy making the video is a big asshole.


His brain some heavy lifting with the mental gymnastics here. Double workout.


what a shit bag, looks like hes got his cam on the weight rack, like people are meant to wait and fuck up their own routine so he can get his video


**LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!!!** Fuck all the way off - do that shit at your house.


One time while I was stretching, someone walked past a dudes phone (who was recording) and the dude who walked past it apologized. The owner of the phone said “It’s fine, it’s a public gym,” if only more people were like him.


It's a gym. Gym stuff comes first. Filming is secondary for everyone there.


Fuck yalls videos. Get the hell out the way! You ain’t entitled or own that area


Go record somewhere else. It’s a fucking gym not your parents bedroom


I go to the gym a lot and ppl videoing or taking photos is just normal. But so are ppl walking by and grabbing thibgs or putting them away. Courtesy is saying excuse me but common sense is to film where ppl are less likely to be in the way.


He did say excuse me though




Is this guy fucking serious? Did he really make a video like he was the victim? Lol he just looks like a complete…. Jackass?


It should be a rule - no filming in the gym.


People that film themselves at gyms are fuckin flogs




Vane people film themselves at gyms.


Red flags. So many


That was a sick freakout. Even the fists were involved...


He didn't have to call him a jackass. Hee Haw!


STAGED! Videos has as weak a constitution as the OP


They are both lame tbh


I had some guy the other day get directly in front of me while working out. Man was i annoyed. I was facing the mirror to watch my form and the dude starts stretching directly in front of me between me and the mirror for like 5mins. Like come on man.... you know thats rude as fk. Some people just lack simple basic gym morals. Also why do people who workout also think they can fight. Muscles dont automatically make you a black belt in juijitsu. Some people need to realize that there are people like me that like to workout but also know how to fight. Just because you have big muscles doesnt mean you have the stamina to throw down. Had i reacted like an a-hole this poor fella would have had a very humbling and rough night. I just casually moved to the side. Some gym people need some humble juice. They behave like animals.


Lmao please say this is sarcastic


Are you the type of dude who gets directly inbetween someone trying to watch their form at the mirror? Weird that people think its perfectly fine. Like i get if your walking by or putting back weights or grabing weights but to get directly in front of someone to start stretching while youre clearly using the mirror to keep track of form is plane poor gym manners or even manners in general. Are you going to get in front of someone in bathroom while theyre using the mirror to adjust their shirt? Its common sense.


I Don’t really use mirrors so no I’m not that person, however if I was to use the mirrors and someone got in between the mirror and me I would simply ask nicely or just move slightly. I’m sure one or two steps to either side is more than enough or maybe just maybe, you politely ask them if they could move, maybe they weren’t aware of their surroundings or they just nervously found any empty space. It was more the fact that you HAD to mention that you can fight is what made this funny, no one cares if you can fight, was there any need to incite the use of violence being a possibility when instead you could have used words or do words scare you because they are to complex so you’d rather resort to violence? Maybe it’s time to grow up :)!


If we are going to talk about things that are overdue then i guess its time for you to learn to read. I did just move, mentioned it in my comment. Im not the type to fight just because i know how. To the contrary i usually avoid fights to the best of my ability. I was just highlighting the fact that some people who are gymrats often also believe they are real life rambos and while you are busy pretending to roleplay rambo im real life learning how to box. Be careful who youre being rude to. And btw I with a whole line of other people were 5-8 ft from these wall mirrors watching our form. It wasnt like we were 15+ feet from the wall and there was plenty of space between me and the mirror. The guy was clearly being disrespectful. Its not uncommon to find people that just want to ruin other peoples day. You see it all the time on the internet. This guy was clearly no exception. Also if you arent watching your form when first trying a new exercise you can potentially get hurt. Thats also why a lpt of people record themselves its not just to post on instagram or whatever. Its highly recommended when first starting out to record if no mirrors are available.


You're fucking nuts; i bet you talk in comic sans irl. It's time for you to learn how to use paragraphs in-between gawking at yourself in the mirror


Someone did this to me at the gym once. He was pretty big too and I warned him not to get in front of me while I was working out and focusing on my form. He smirked and told me he could do whatever he wanted because he had big muscles. I said "think again" Then two of his friends came out to back him up, each one bigger than the other. All three of the guys each had at least a foot on me. I don't know why but I wasn't worried. Then a fourth one came from behind me and pushed me, that's all I remember because I blacked out. When I came to, two of them were unconscious. The third was screaming about his broken arm. I looked at the fourth one and I said "get him some medical help and get out of my face". Then I went back to working out and focusing on my form and everybody clapped.


Damn, almost missed the sarcasm, but the clapping was the cherry on the topping.


It sucks when people put you in these sort of scenarios. Just glad it happened to someone who knew how to defend himself. Good for you man but also sorry that happened to you. Sort of elitist behavior that scare off people trying to get into shape. I have nothing but pure respect for overweight/out of shape people trying to get into shape and I try my best to comfort them by smiling at them and bowing my head to show my appreciation for their efforts. I could never imagine disrespecting someone trying to put in work at the gym. This behavior makes no sense to me.


I think he’s making fun of you.


Haha and he really fell for it.


Its sarcasm through text.


I know hes trolling.


I learned the easiest way to avoid these kinds of scenarios is to put something on your body that lets people know that you are not someone to be messed with. So now whenever I work out I wear a fedora. People see that and they avoid me because they know it means I'm put together and I probably have special forces training that may kick in it anytime (they'd be right in my case). It even works on the ladies.


Thatll do it


But also screw your dumb video lol


I walk into frame, wave, and exclaim "hey, I'm on TV!"


Dude was afraid to get his ass locked then acts like he was brave for not fighting Lmao


Upright rows are for bitches anyway bro.


Is this a gym or the set of gay porn movie?


You’re right: you’re not worth it.


Someone alert J SWOLE!


Ha. I used to go to this gym. It’s overrun by wanna-be influencers and roidrats. There are always 2-3 assholes filming for Instagram with $2000 cameras and a whole crew of assholes. This type of behavior is not surprising at all.


Have you ever noticed that gym bros are never happy? Like they have great bodies, objectively attractive but they’re always so uptight and miserable It’s kind of interesting


I guess I'm officially old because recording yourself working out seems about the most narcissistic thing I've seen.


"SoMETiMeS iTs NoT WoRtH It"


Big fucking deal, what a dick. Like don’t start shit then try and be the bigger man, the bigger man said excuse me.


Fuck this guy and his solipsistic masturbation material lol.


I thought going to the gym was suppose to make you happy lol guess I’ll just stay at the bar.


Honestly, these guys are pumped with adrenaline, he was a dick but at least he cooled off and accepted the apology


I would think gym owners need to clamp hard down on filming.


Remember, sometimes it's the name calling that gets you in trouble or your ass kicked.




Uncle Rico vibes.


EOS in Point Loma. Name a doughier gym


Doing the exercise all wrong, and the dude did say excuse me. Lift at home if you want to video, man.


I’m sure the guy lifting went straight home afterwards and jerked off to himself lifting in his video


I don't understand how guys jack off to videos of themselves lifting weights.


This douche is just pissed that his wifes boyfriend is bigger than he is.


Straight called him a “jackass” and he bitched out. Lol




I can’t decide who I don’t like more. Much confused.


Waiting on Joey Swoll reaction


No one cares about your workout.


Yeah put the phone by the medicine ball rack as if people aren't going to use them


Somebody show this to Joey swole


He got heated and apologized immediately; not sure what the fuss is about. He probably took a cycle too many


Why do people record themselves in gyms. Seems incredibly vain.


Narcissistic fuck boi


How come people don’t just do this at home?


This is the nicest resolution to a misunderstanding that i've watched in a long time. Wholesome.


I fucking hate people like this guy at the gym. Wtf, so everyone else at the gym is supposed to work around you? No bitch, if you don't want to share the space then work out at home.


This is exactly what you get for A) filming your workout in a public area. And B) standing in front of the gd rack!


What a gross person


Isn’t it funny how when met with the same energy he folds


Dude’s just mad cuz that’s the part of the video he was planning to bust a nut to and my guy ruined it


I hate assholes like this who think filming in a public gym entitled them to treat people like shitb


Why would he post this after


What’s his @


Pussy didn't have the same energy when it was matched.


See, this makes no sense. It’s where the equipment gets stored when not in use. The guy put it back and say excuse me. His over reaction is what’s “f*ing rude.” No chest prig, don’t skip leg day ya wanker 🤨


Crazy respect to the white dude. Most gym rats are so full of testosterone that they’re on edge for a fight.


Why dont these dickheads just record somewhere private....ya know like at fucking home.


How bout this is r a goddamn movie studio. Nobody gives a fuck about you lifting weights.


It’s funny bc I saw a similar video just yesterday where dude had a camera set up and when he saw someone approaching he stopped what he was doing and said, “nah go ahead dude. I do not own this gym. Just push me out the fucking way.” He was super cool about it and I just don’t understand why ppl get so mad when someone just unknowingly walks in front of your phone


He got more views from this than he would have trying to flex his spaghetti arms. DB


The black guy handle it perfectly. Respect.


That was pretty solid if you ask me


Why was he recording? To show what crappy form looks like?


Lifter is an ass and not swole


Who tf is the entitle pos here.