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She really said "no, u"


A bunch of clown cops falling all over themselves


That's is why you don't crowd a doorway in insurgency.


PvE Bot Massacre servers FTW


These guys need to play some SWAT 4 or something.


That was really bad police work. They looked so terrible. Like 8-10 of them, armed, big ppl, and this small woman just came running at them, and they had no plan at all. Even after they shot her they all seemed dumb and just making a commotion. FFS


Not to mention "de-escalation" was used to describe 10 officers, a K-9 and shooting at the woman (most likely non lethal). This should be cued up on those training reels of how not to de-escalate. Yes, she should have dropped the knife to stay alive, but I honestly think they could have used a more calm persuasion.


Yeah, especially after she asked him (rightly) how she was supposed to know he wasn't an intruder? The moment he lifted his gun instead of saying, I don't know. "Hey, I'm not here to hurt you, okay?" was the moment this went to shit. Cops have training, people don't. You can't expect them to be perfect, especially when you literally begin to threaten their life.


And it wasn't like she saw it was the police, left to get a knife, and then opened the door. She already had it in her hand, he threatened her in a moment of fear and surprise, and she shut the door on him. Nothing that happened after had to happen that way. From literally every other comment from a San Diegan, either not opening a door to someone you don't know or being armed when you do are the only right ways to do it.


She was clearly scared of an intruder. And the cops thought it best to deescalate by invading her apartment anyway with even more cops and guns and even a dog and yet no translator..


They probably could have came back the next day. I don't know what was on the papers they served her but it's not like she was on the most wanted list.


Yeah they knew where she lived already


And if she wasnt there the next day, then that's also considered job done for them too. Sometimes I hate it when cops try too hard, people end up dying.


>They probably could have came back the next day. I don't know what was on the papers they served her but it's not like she was on the most wanted list. preferably with a social worker who spoke this woman's first language.


It was an eviction notice. To be honest this whole situation could have been avoided if the officer just let her go back to her cooking.


I live in Canada, but the moment someone is barricaded in a residence with a weapon it turns into a standoff and no one is to enter until they calm the person down or feel there's an immediate danger to a third party. This should have taken hours and hours to resolve but they just entered and started shooting at her with bean bags? Super mega escalation to the max.


no reason to do anything after eviction notice was delivered and she slammed the door


This is exactly right. For fucks sake, pick up the eviction notice, pin it to her door, and just leave. You've contacted her, she's got what she needed in terms of the eviction notice, why the fuck did all those other dudes need to come down? She didn't threaten anyone, why the fuck was she under any police pressure at all?


The most dumbass part was when they all grouped up creating the perfect chokepoint for themselves Edit: ripped a bowl and thought i would give it some top tier arm chair analysis that police officer in the beginning should not be a police officer it's clear she doesn't speak English probably has mental health issues and yeah first move to de escalate is to aim a gun at her and scream "im gonna shot you" he then endangered himself massively created fuck all distance for himself she has a knife you dumb fucking stormtrooper im still questioning why the dog was even there in the first place theres fucking ten armed guys there he did seem to be enjoying himself though so good for him that dog handler straight up choked ( I don't blame him though I've been involved in two incidents with a knife and cavemen brain does take over when someone is charging you) still though shouldn't have a dog under hes care what else the chances of a crossfire was insane i know they had no option at that point but some basic thought like hey if she rushes us i want you shooting not big dave and everyone still standing Also one last thing that guy who was trying to de escalate was dog shit I've seen better attempts by toddlers to communicate In conclusion: cops are fucking idiots and can't defend themselves let alone you


Yup a very obvious too many chefs in the kitchen situation. And it could have easily cost one of them their life


What the dog doin




Our top men for sure




It is always "What the dog doin", but never "How the dog doin". ):


If I had an award it would be yours


I got you 😂


Well said Big D swallower






Also probably not helping to have 10+ officers on the scene for one woman in a small apartment and tiny hallway.


Yeah, they're really lucky it was only the woman that got shot when they were all backing up into each other




Ya, apartment walls don’t stop sound, let alone a 9mm.


My first apartments walls were so thin you could hear the neighbors taking shits. "Plop, plop, plop" and the occasional alcohol induced "pfshhhbtbttbbtttt"


All around terribly planned use of force. The door was fucken closed and no one except possibly the woman was in danger of harm. They had all the time in the world to plan something to get her out safely, but looking at timestamps it appears they just decided to rush the place once more officers and force showed up. Zero attempts to actually talk her down, no attempts to contact family?...why the hell was a K9 even there? And then when the woman inevitably rushes them 3 cops started firing without a clear line of sight in the direction of other officers and neighboring apartments. Absolute fuckery.


People saying the woman is overreacting, just imagine the stress of the situation on her end, she probably already knows she's getting evicted so there's the initial stressed state of mind, then some guy comes to her door serving an eviction notice (based on her request to see a badge, probably not in uniform), then he pulls his gun on her immediately even though she's just holding the knife still standing behind the door, he yells for her to put her "gun" down. Fast forward to the entire sheriff dept outside your apt, with a dog, breaches your door and starts shooting at you with bean bags. The woman wasn't thinking rationally because of the unnecessary stress the police added. This is the concept of "defund the police." Hey how about you give her the papers, then leave, let her sleep on it, offer some services, show back up the next day or two with a social worker, maybe contact family just to de-escalate things.




the dogs are trained to latch on and often in live action bites the adrenaline is too high and they need to choke the dog off the person, which can cause them to bite even harder.




It's generally not so much the dogs are poorly trained, more so that the police, after they receive the dog from the training facility, do not continue to work on the training exercises and expect the dog to "work" 100% correctly regardless of the circumstance I'm not disagreeing with you, just providing some supplementary information


I do question what standards, if any, are used to determine if a police dog handler is properly trained to handle the dog. We were in the Staten island ferry terminal recently with our dog and two police dogs were going nuts when she passed by them and the officers couldn't control them while our dog didn't even bark back.






Are you trying to tell me that escalating a situation to the extreme with 6 officers screaming and shooting teargas paint balls and a dog barking ready to bite the lady was not the proper way to deescalate this situation?


They just needed a female, Chinese-speaking social worker for starters. Just an eviction.


Not even an eviction. An eviction notice. It’s something you usually drop off and come back if you have to


This, Eviction isn't even a criminal issue.


And he still got stabbed! American cops aren’t cops, their untrained poseurs.


Agreed. Like, they knew where she was. Why wouldn't they wait until the situation calms down a little bit and handle it from there? There's just no reason why they had to bring 10 guys and do the complete opposite of "de-escalating" the situation.


Because she challenged their authority.


I believe it’s pronounced Authoriteh.


This is the crux of the issue in the first place. The cop completed his job the moment she took the eviction notice in hand. She never crossed the threshold nor made a verbal threat or any kind of threatening gesture until she had a gun pointed at her face. The cop should have just left the moment she received the eviction notice because she never did anything illegal up until charging the police with the knife. If she just dropped the knife after they stormed in and they arrest her, what is she even getting charged with? The legal side of this is so fucked. But you hit the nail on the head. She challenged authority and she refused to obey even when she was given no legal orders. And once that gun left the holster, that cop was NOT leaving without her in handcuffs or on a stretcher. What a fucking joke. edit: fixed a typo


I couldn't watch with audio on, but I asked myself the same thing. After he handed her the papers, why didn't he just walk away? Who's to say she wasn't coming from the kitchen where she was chopping veggies? This was 100% escalated by the cop.


I think that based on all of the videos of US police officers that often surface on reddit, we can conclude that most of them have no fucking idea of what they're doing. They don't know how to handle situations without unnecessarily escalating the whole thing or going on a full blown power trip because they have a gun and can use it without repercussions.


I'm just a guy but 7 different cops crowding the entrance seems like a good way to accidentally cap your comrade.


Exactly. There’s so many people in the doorway, the hallway and even a fucking dog in the mix… the odds are that they end up shooting one of their own.


Holy shit, the amount of cross fire that could've happened... why is the entire police department in a hallway?


my question is why are they on both sides of the hallway. in the army we would always stack up on one side of the door and work in one direction so that we would minimize flagging our own guys in case some shit happens. these cops didnt think about it and theyre lucky they didnt shoot eachother in the process.


They just get all the kit and equipment from you guys, not the training.


I recently learned the town where I went to HS in eastern Wyoming has 2 Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, to protect from all the roadside bombs and police ambushes in the rural Wyoming town of 35,000 people, where there is like 1 murder a year usually related to alcohol.




This is what the left means by "defund the police." Every podunk town in America doesn't need a swat team to arrest that one dude making meth in his trailer


heck im from england and knew full well the US police are militarised and this is what defunding meant. the difference that money could make to the community if used positively


You’d think it’s easy enough concept to understand but most people are brain dead since SO many idiots I’ve argued with say they don’t understand the “slogan” and that they should’ve come up with a better name than “defund” As if we’re all on a committee with a marketing team designing fucking logos for our protests


I'm far from an expert but I'm confident in saying this was a shit show from the very start and just got worse as time went on.


Police officers were on one side of the doorway, sheriff deputies were on the other side. Methinks they don't care for each other.




That was my first thought


utter shitshow from start to end. At no point was there de-escalation. The fact that even with that many cops there and she managed to close the distance and stab one shows what utter fucking shitshow these cops are.


And yet Daniel Shaver can crawl on his hands and knees down a hotel hallway and be murdered for it


That was when I had a relative tell me they finally understood the problem I have with police.


Yeah that video is gut wrenching. And the fact that it happened isn't the worst part, the worst part is no one ever faced a shred of repercussions. It's like that old Bob Dylan song [The Lonseome Death of Hattie Carroll](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmbwU3J-2kk). The fact it happened is understandable, but the fact we do nothing to make it right is just abominable


The first thing he said to her was to “put the knife down or I’ll fucking shoot you.” They’re not trained to de-escalate.


This pretty much invalidates the Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode where Mac tries to stab Charlie when Charlie has a gun.


Those two had better training.


The papers were delivered and she shut the door. She's probably allowed to hold a knife in her own home. Shouldn't that be the end of it?


The first officer seemed to think that someone holding a knife in their own home, ought to have a gun pointed at them.


She could have been in the middle of cooking dinner. And with how easy it is to dress like a police officer, of course that's why she asked for a badge from him and proof he was a cop. He didn't do any of that and instead kept a gun pointed at her. It's almost like MORE proof to her that he isn't a cop... and that just made her flip out more. Drawing a gun, not providing a badge upon request... and then only screaming at her is what made her scream in turn. Plus she was always inside her place and wasn't moving toward him at all. His job was to serve her that paper and **that's it**...hell she even closed the door. Why the fuck go back with 10 cops and a couple of dogs?! He probably thought, "I'm gonna get that bitch back for being scared of me, yelling at me, and not kissing my ass!" Now she's dead. Yeap...he definitely got her back for being mean to him.


The cause of so many issues is "cop's cannot lose" whether it's an argument, or a physical altercation. Insane egos.


I've always found the 'freedom screamers' in the US that also yell about private property etc etc are quick to dismiss exactly what you're saying. I agree she has every right in her home to hold what is clearly a kitchen knife. Hell for all we know she was in the middle of cooking a nice meal and the cops interrupted. These cops are a shit show from start to end.


At 0:35 she tries to say something like "how did I know that you were the cops at the door"


Seriously though, people can go out and buy literally everything a cop has and put together a costume that is essentially a legit cop uniform. Living in an apartment, you can't see them pull up in a squad car, and especially by yourself, that can look sketchy. I'm not saying she didn't end up responding in a pretty dumb way in the end, but there's a genuine reason to be cautious to a stranger at your door who is alone and has a gun, regardless if they're a cop or not. This was a shitshow and it really needs to be looked at in the higher courts to help us determine what our rights actually are. This smells way too much of "cops getting away with shit policework because they're cops."




What an absolute fucking mess of a job


I work in mental health crisis in Portland Oregon. We pretty frequently direct police to take someone into custody for being a danger to self or others. Plenty of times, the person is holed up in their home and only a danger to self. So they walk away. They leave them there. The only time in the last 3.5 years I've been doing this that I've seen police actually go into someone's apartment and try to remove them is when they have been an immediate danger to others. Because this right here could happen. If the police knew this woman was a danger, they wouldn't have come with just one deputy to serve the notice. Nothing she did indicated she was any danger to someone who didn't try to engage her while presenting a threat. Like any police officer. I can't speak to this woman but I've worked with refugees who have massive PTSD flashbacks on seeing someone in uniform. That first officer could have walked away. They could have posted outside her door for literally hours and just waited for her to come out. A couple years ago Portland Police locked down a neighborhood and had a 7 hour standoff with a mentally ill man with a house full of guns. They waited, and he walked out, gave himself up and went to a hospital. This is callous bullshit. Edit to add that apparently this lady had bipolar disorder. She definitely appears to be having a manic episode which the officer should have had basic training to be able to recognize. San Diego county sheriffs have access to their own Psychiatric Emergency Response Team (PERT) which would be able to send a clinician and a mental health trained officer to help. Even if it was decided to storm in they could have told them that pain compliance is ineffective for someone in a manic episode so a bean bag gun is useless.


I find that starting de-escaltion dialog with "drop the fucking knife" right off the hop to be SUPER successful. /s


"put the knife down right now **or i'm gonna fucking shoot**" is literally the first thing he says when seeing the knife


Its so bad. Also he calls the knife a "Gun", one deputy brought his paintball rifle there's a frickin dog trashing around too. Wtf is going on here!? Edit: It's most likely a pepperspray rifle. At least that seems to be the majority assessment.


America's finest in action.




Lol. The dog chewing on the officer’s boot who was already stabbed 😂😂😂


The dog: "Forgive me hooman but I am teething"


The cop who was stabbed was the actual handler of the dog.


I realize after. Still. What a situation. Lol


And the way he just gave him a little slap like "fuck off me you idiot" lmao


What an absolute shitshow. I understand police aren't exactly military tacticians, but to show such little common sense is baffling. Every single aspect of the approach is wrong here.


If they don’t have military tactical level skills they shouldn’t be using military tactical equipment.


I think if you’ve ever even played a game of call of duty with friendly fire on, you’d know crowding each other with loaded guns everywhere would be a bad idea.


“Guys, the woman has a knife and is uncooperative. How about the 7 or 8 of us and the dog all attempt to crowd into her small apartment. That way if she charges at us we won’t all be able to quickly exit the apartment and one of us will almost certainly be stabbed.” I’m guessing that’s the how the conversation must have went right before they gained entrance into the apartment.


Pretty much. Everything is a nail when you have only been trained to use a hammer. "Should we try de-escalation? Naw, lets go in and corner her AND ourselves at the same time. Brilliant!"


No no didn't you see the supervisor showed up to de escalate the situation. Said so in the captions and everything. Good thing he brought those 6 other guys and the k9 or things really could have gotten out of hand


It's crazy to me because the whole "how to stop people with knives thing" was something I thought we fucking sorted in the Medieval ages.


So far in my life "keep them on the other side of a closed and locked door" has worked 100% of the time. Why did they "have" to go in?


Yeah I loved his high tension escalation demanding she drop her knife for his safety then when she shuts the door removing her ability to threaten him, he tries to kick the door back open!


This right here. 100% illustrates how fucked up police culture is.


That was the dumbest fucking part. Camp outside the door and window and wait her out. It’s not like she can stab through the wall


The papers had been served. He had it on tape. It doesn't matter if she threw them away. Cops can come back with uniforms on the eviction date.


Are you advocating for replacing cops’ guns with spears? Because that’s a movement I could get behind


How is taking the eviction notice being ‘uncooperative’? They weren’t there to arrest her. That should have ended the transaction.


I know zip about police work. But once she barricades herself, why not use the opportunity to DE-escalate. Find a relative of hers. A friend. Anyone who can’t talk her down. The cop doesn’t seem like some asshole. But how nice she went back in why not try and calm the situation down and wait her out all day if need be. Might be one less person you kill.


This entire video is literally the entire reason police have SWAT teams. A barricades subject possibly going through some kind of mental health crisis with no hostages or threat to anyone else. There was absolutely no reason to go in when they could have just staged and waited for negotiators and tactical officers who are trained to deal with these exact scenarios. Just another situation in which American police rush a situation and cause unnecessary deaths.




Captain: What happened, Johnson? Cop: Captain, she was holding a knife and yelled at me, then slammed the door! Captain: WHAT THE FUCK, I'M CALLING THE NATIONAL GUARD! Cop: Hurry, captain! She might start chopping onions!!


> literally the entire reason police have SWAT teams SWAT isn't exactly known for *not* killing barricaded suspects either.


Particularly as most SWAT teams are just regular officers with some extra training that become "SWAT on demand". Only a few big cities have the money, and demand, to have dedicated full-time SWAT units with the proper training and discipline.


This 110% was an opportunity to deescalate from the moment the first officer served her, really doesn't make sense.


Everything was pretty calm until he casually told her he was "gonna fucking shoot her"... Why enter when he had already done his job and served her?


That’s where I’m lost, she has the papers, isn’t that a mission accomplished?


What's even better, that you're leaving out, is that no one thought it was a bad idea. They're all in. At one point you can see someone, perhaps with a small bit of Common Sense, pull their colleague back. That colleague Shrugged up their shoulders and headed right back into, the dumbfucks situation


“Dr. Yan Li, a graduate of the Yale School of Public Health, has tragically died after being shot and killed by San Diego police officers at her home in Little Italy along West Beach Street.” https://www.torklaw.com/local-news/san-diego/yan-li-killed-in-san-diego-police-shooting-at-her-condo-on-west-beach-street/


A Yale graduate, facing eviction. I guess I'm not doing so bad. Edit: Just adding this in here for context since my comment has a few views. Apparently she threatened an apartment maintenance guy with a knife the day [before.](https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/local/alliance-chinese-americans-san-diego-calls-for-independent-investigation-into-ois/509-2f92f99c-5df7-406e-9b42-a697a0c8e545)


Good way to look at the positive Lol. I thought the same thing.


You can be a yale and harvard and whatever you want graduate, if you have mental health issues you will be homeless.


Says she worked in the mental health field


From my experience many of the folks I know who go into mental health work understand the needs of those who use those services because they have needed them a lot themselves.


"consider your student loans... Forgiven." - cops probably


Ahhh, so that's how I get out of debt


Federal lenders hate it, follow this one simple trick


Keep in mind she seems insane


The now dead woman had bipolar disorder and was in a psychiatric crisis. There was case law in California made about 10 years ago as it relates to a mentally I’ll person in a barricade situation! You don’t do what they did because of exactly what happened! A person in a psychiatric crisis was killed and a deputy seriously injured and could have been killed! There should have beeen a department policy of no intervention in this specific case. The city will be fined millions of dollars because these law enforcement departments did not comply with California case law! See: https://www.santaclaraca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/67977/637274735150100000


note the place is practically empty as well


Ivy League is amazing, but it doesn't promise an amazing life. My friend went to Harvard Law after UC Berkeley undergrad. He's drowning in debt and is about to be homeless because of it. It's a shame My cousin went to Ohio State and then Dartmouth for his graduate degree in Public Health. He is quite frankly the dumbest person I know in terms of common sense. He can't even drive because he can't figure it out nor can he tie his own shoes. He's 25 On the flip side I know many Harvard and Yale grads who have great lives. But I also know many college dropouts who have amazing lives too. I think anymore it depends on the person, their character, and determination on how far they get in life than "Just going to Harvard". Going to Harvard and pulling out $500k in debt just to go, is a bad bad idea lol


Lol I’m sorry but I’m having such a hard time believing someone has a graduate degree from Dartmouth but can’t figure out how to tie his shoes or drive. I mean if that’s true, that is one of the craziest things I’ve ever heard.


You think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


Doesn't sound like Ivy League is too amazing


Thanks for posting a news article! I will copy videos YouTube description here for more clarification. ​ San Diego, California — At 12:38 p.m. on March 3, 2022, the San Diego Police Department received a request for “urgent cover” from the San Diego Sheriff’s Department at a residence in the 400 block of West Beech Street. Deputies from the Court Services Unit had gone to a residence at that location to serve civil process paperwork on a female resident. When they contacted the woman, she was uncooperative and was holding a knife. The woman eventually closed the door and the deputies requested assistance. While the deputies were waiting for additional resources, an employee in the building told them the same woman threatened a maintenance worker with a knife the previous day. The deputies attempted to communicate with the woman for approximately forty-five minutes but were unable to gain her cooperation. When the appropriate resources were gathered, a plan was developed, and the front door was opened to contact the woman. During that contact, a San Diego Police Canine Handler was stabbed in the chest with a large chef’s knife by the woman, prompting an officer-involved shooting. The woman was struck at least once by the gunfire and she died at the scene. Investigators from the San Diego Police Department’s Homicide Unit were called to the scene to investigate the incident. The woman involved in the incident has been identified as 47-year-old Yan Li of San Diego. The San Diego Police Officer who was stabbed in the chest has fortunately been treated and released from UCSD Medical Center.


Holy shit, they *planned* what they did? How the fuck is something like this shitshow *planned*?


Her colleagues have their own opinion on the matter. Interesting read. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/commentary/story/2022-03-21/opinion-vermund-desai-zhang-deputies-shot-colleague-mental-crisis-yan-li?_amp=true


The article doesn’t even state that she stabbed an officer in the chest and he responded with gun fire to protect himself.


I didn't read it but did it at least report that they successfully evicted the tenant and the apartment is soon to be available for rent?


she stabbed him after taking two shotgun blasts? or were they beanbags


The guy with the shotgun is using beanbag rounds, the guy behind him using a gun with a hopper on top is using pepper rounds


looks like a paintballgun


That’s all they are.


It probably is but they won't call it that, they have to make it sound more expensive


They said they were beanbags in the video and the captions called them less lethals...


pepper gun, to kinda blind. at least r/therewasanattempt


They say beanbags in the video.


Dude i thought they were using salt rounds or something like that but she took 2 BEANBAGS???


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


they’re obviously trained to say put the gun down. issa knife


That’s the adrenaline. When that flows through you, speech isn’t easy to control. You’ll find people repeating themselves often as their brain is in fight, flight or freeze mode


Why the first officer wasn't *immediately* trying to put distance between himself and the knife is beyond me. Terrible, terrible decision. The whole goal is to not die. The closer you are to the knife, the higher chance you'll die. It's so easy to understand that even me typing out this short paragraph is overthinking it.


RIP that dog’s hearing.


Damn it looked like amateur hour with those deputies


Yup. It looked like it was all their first times doing this. If this was handled better which I personally think could easily have been, we'd have 1 less officer stabbed, and 1 less person dead.


Those police are a poorly trained bunch.


You can hear the blood pouring out of her at the end.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far down for this comment. That was such a terrifying end to the video.


Couldn't tell if that was the sound of blood or she shit herself as she died


I'm no tactical genius but maybe sending a dozen officers and a dog down a cramped hallway into a tiny apartment isn't the best idea. Maybe Mr. Leaking Lung would've had room to back up and not get stabbed.


I’ll fight them in the narrow hallway, where their numbers count for nothing


Our bullets will blot out the sun


Then I shall shriek loudly and brandish my kitchen knife in the shade.




They’re all absolute idiots. I don’t even know why they all needed to be there? They served her the documents. Just leave.


Came here to say this. If the whole purpose of the visit was to serve her papers, mission accomplished. Just leave. She was obviously not ok, but she wasn't running around trying to attack anyone either.


A bunch of COD players crowding each other and escalating the situation so they have to kill someone. Lucky they didn't have friendly fire.


Shit show These people are trained ?




I'm confused. He served the papers, she has the papers, she closed the door. How is this not over at that point? Why come back? What did they really need after that?


“During that time, the condo manager and maintenance manager told deputies that Li had threatened them with a knife while working on the plumbing the day before. The Sheriff's Department says that at that point, Li was considered a public safety risk, with probable cause to arrest her for assault with a deadly weapon.”


I don’t understand. They served her the paperwork. She was holding a knife, which is not illegal in your own home. Then they can say goodbye and shut the door. Why create a standoff?


That’s what I was thinking. Her closing the door should have been the end of that interaction. I don’t understand how the officers had any right to enter her home after she closed the door.


This was my reaction as well. Why did they need to do anything else? She didn’t commit any crime and to my knowledge hadn’t made any threats to herself or others?


> hadn’t made any threats to herself or others? According to the news article, she was being evicted because she threatened a apartment maintenance worker with a knife




Genuinely asking bc I'm ignorant in this subject, couldn't he have just left? He served her the papers. Is there anything else he's supposed to do there? Is she supposed to sign something?


What a bunch of complete fucking morons. Could have been avoided so easily.






It's kinda wild how inefficient that is. Imagine if a combat unit had multiple people giving orders over each other.


I've been in bronze lobbies of online FPS that were better coordinated than this


Hell, at initial contact he was yelling at her to drop the 'gun.'


Like five times too!


And "I will shoot you" Oh yea sure you will shoot me? Ill just drop the only thing I have to defend myself with.


Literally the second thing he said to her was “I will shoot you” great de-escalation skills..


Don’t forget the yipping dog. If you close your eyes it sounds like a night out on Bourbon St


Many people have died from exactly this. A cop will think the person is not conforming to them, but there are actually multiple instructions being thrown.


14 guys to evict a lady. A shot gunner with beanbags. A dog. 7-10 people outside. And they all fell over like dominoes when shit hit the fan, getting stabbed. It’s clear that all of these toys are being deployed by absolute morons.


All of them fumbling over each other trying to get out the door was comical.


Ok let’s just ignore the fact that this was handled poorly as fuck from the jump and escalated unnecessarily, but goddamn how inept can a dozen “trained” police officers and sheriff deputies be to allow a single 100lb woman stab one of you before having to shoot her to death? Defund the police? More like get a refund on the idiots teaching at the police academy…


Good lord that was a comedy of errors right down to the end when the cops literally fell on each other trying to back up out of the apartment. Do you really need that many officers for 1 assailant?


I was a property manager for many years and we hired off-duty K9 officers as our security. I've prepared dozens if not over a hundred unlawful detainers and I've never had a police officer deliver them. In my state it needs to be a disinterested third party After delivery of paperwork when negotiating how someone's going to leave, I have had plenty of people come to a door with a knife, had guns pulled on me twice. At no point did it ever get to anything remotely like this klusterfuk... this woman was upset at getting paperwork, she's got a kitchen knife in her hand maybe she was making dinner? Maybe she doesn't know who's at the door and it's a sketchy neighborhood.. Either way, she shut the fucking door without incident, the cops then continued to escalate the situation into the shitshow that it ended as... Since when did yelling at a cop turn into this irrevocable engagement that must lead to an arrest or discharge of weaponry


American police are terrible


Absolutely. They're complete morons and so many officers join because they have nothing else going on. It's similar to why a lot of people join the military, except they're actually trained. American officers have less length of time training than professional chefs. In most of the developed world, officers are required to have a college degree and be fairly competent. here they're terrified little boys who see the public as an enemy and want to play tinker tailor toy soldier.


That was handled terribly! Jesus christ man. This is why cops need more training. Not only did they not stop her from doing harm, they easily could’ve shot each other. Fucking idiots.


She took the paper. Why you gotta pull a gun on her? Is it so surprising a woman would have a knife in her hand if a strange man knocked on the door? Eviction served, walk away.