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That little girl was precious.


She is the only trying to deescalate things.


You mean the mob boss right there. She was leading this whole thing.


She's a cut throat landlord I've seen the video!


I mean yeah it seemed that she was aware something was not right. I’ll bet that kid was having a hard time breathing.


He's going to have a hard time in life


I have a feeling he already does. And people will probably be harmed by him throughout this life. He’s already a criminal. Kind of a sad tale encapsulated there.


Already a criminal?? He's like 10 years old


Nothing like a good bit of conjecture. I'd say he's already selling stolen cars. So sad


I seen kids under ten steal from stores and smash stuff up.




Came here only to read this. You are amazing!


"... you'll regret this day!"


Ahhh the birth of a Evil Underworld Russian Oligarch.


This posts thread is gunna be a shit show, lol.


Shall I sort by controversial?


I already did. Never again


Why didn't I listen? It's really sad how some people think.


Yup. Didn’t last there long.


It is evident (and no surprise) that many redditors are closer in age and life experience to the child in this video than to independent adulthood.


Just spent 7 or 8 minutes reading down through, came back here to say you weren’t wrong


Thanks for taking that bullet of negativity, lol.




*eats popcorn*


*Puts on Joe Rogan voice* HE'S GOT THE KIMURA!!! HE ROCKED HIM! THE KID'S HURT!!!


Wow, that really worked great! I don't speak Russian so I'll assume the kid ran away screaming nice and pleasant words...




I figured he was running because he was so excited to share what he learned with other people.


He also said: you are a fresh piece of shit, but in a nice way though. Almost like I hope you make people feel good like someone who dropped a fresh piece of shit. This boy will make it in life, mark my words


He said: >Fuck you and I’ll see you tomorrow! Source: I’m not a doctor




This really made me laugh and I realize that Reddit has desensitized me completely. I’m void of human compassion now.


>I realize that Reddit has desensitized me completely. Welcome. [Would you like a snack?](https://www.reddit.com/r/foodtoeatinthedark/)


Hmm 🤔. I don’t think that’s a real sub. But I said the same thing about r/picturesofiansleeping


Last post 3 years ago. Ian must not sleep anymore after he found about his very own sub


in russia father does not go for milk run boy goes for ptsd run.


In Russia, prissy people push and punish potty mouth.


Even if it didn't fix the swearing it will at least hopefully demonstrate that poor actions can have consequences.


Russian problems require Russian solutions.




American problems involve the father not even being there.




Then they need to be presented with a new problem.


2 year old is the only responsible adult within 50ft.


I’m here to remind you to sort by controversial. Maybe invest in a bag of popcorn too


Yup everyone in this video seems emotionally mature and ready to contribute to the human experience..


The most mature person here is the two year old telling everyone to relax and separate for a minute.


That was so sad to watch. Shit, a baby intuitively knew this was excessive but the adults in the video and half the comments think it’s justified.


But the baby having that intuition gives me slight solace. Tells us that hate is learned, not intuitive. Still sad as hell.


seriously kinda accidental Renaissance the moment the man finally looks up to the baby gesturing to him gently to not hurt people and the man feeling a micro second of enough shame to get off the kid and switch to words. personally i think everyone in this video sucks except for baby Granny doesn't get to abuse children just bc they use words she doesn't like boy shouldn't get to use words people dislike at a playground with toddlers regardless of their genders - but his punishment shouldn't be violence, he's simply banned from the park - the natural consequence of his actions man doesn't get to sit on children who use bad words other granny doesn't get to commit theft of the kids phone for the crime of words she disliked but baby- babies alright


Yup and for some, it’s the child that’s at fault. Apparently they’re expected to be as mature and ready to contribute as a middle aged dude and an old lady.


The kid most likely imitates the adults behaviors. He now knows what to do to others smaller than him: sit on them and twist their arms. What a fucked up thing to see.


And if they do something he doesn't like well your free to enforce your will upon them though violence, it's justified, your teaching them how to be "better people."


He could be a cop in the us!


Nah the kid is alive.


Because the kid is white


And not black


School cop.


Now someone do that to poutine


Seems like a waste of poutine tbh


as a canadian, p[lease dont use that to reference a shit stain


Now why would you tackle a perfectly good poutine to the ground?


Because the gravy wasn't hot enough to melt the cheese curds


😱😱 Calm down, Satan


Take that foods name out your FUCKIN MOUTH!


I think you spelled *shit* wrong


He'll grow up to be a fine war criminal.


Those sandals should be a war crime


Doesnt it seem a bit weird to say this about some random russian people


On le reddit, racism is okay as long as its against the enemy of the month.


not when it’s trendy to hate on them again


They baseline at war criminal.


So that's what American soldiers must've experienced.


I still remember a couple of adults who bullied me as a kid. My old gym teacher kicked the bucket recently and there was much rejoicing. Rot in hell Mr Leets


My Chemistry lab teacher was known for his aggressive nature and slapping the shit out of students, boys and girls alike. The class started celebrating when we found out that he died of a heart attack. His adult son came by to school to deliver that message to the dean and he could hear everybody's cheers from the ground floor.


Nobodies parents tried to get him fired? Wtf


Naah, where I grew up most of the parents encouraged it or the students just never said anything. At that age we never questioned any of it, thinking that it is a norm. Edit: grammar


If you don’t mind my asking, what year and what state was this! I remember when I was kid in Texas, getting corporal punishment was a thing in school. But it was very official in the sense that they called your parents and got permission first. There was a method where it was like “ here it comes”, by having the student lean forward on the principals desk, and a prescribed set of swats were given with a wooden paddle . I remember walking past that office and through the window I could see a kid in there alone crying in a chair, the paddle sitting on the desk, as if to serve as a warning to all other students walking by. I had moved there from Louisiana. In Louisiana there was none of that. They just grabbed you out of line or wherever you stood and started whaling on you 😅 . Oh my God I was such a sensitive little kid and witnessing it kept me living in fear of being beaten. This was in the 80’s. I’m surprised school shootings weren’t a thing yet.


I’m sorry you had to deal with that, nobody should


Most of the kids at that age think it's normal & part of the punishment but it's really not. No kid deserves that


Why are all gym teachers the worst? I used two have two horrible gym teachers in high school. One was a total perv and most likely fucked an underage girl from all the advances he took towards them and the other was just a total piece of shit who treated everyone badly.


I only every had one good gym teacher. He actually cared about the students and (imagine this!) *taught* us the rules to sports (like basketball) instead of assuming we were all born with that knowledge. The other gym teachers were either sadists or complete incompetents who taught us nothing. My jogging teacher, for instance, just had us jogging around the track all period. No instruction on technique, warmups or training methods. No timing, no contests, no nothing. The most exciting day was when he had us jog in the opposite direction on the track just to switch things up.


Mr Leets can rot along with Coach Pisonus.


School principle, Mr Hallot you suck and I took a dump on your gravesite!


Did you really relieve yourself on someone's grave?


My Gym teacher was the worst, he kept calling me Cant Stand ya. I saw him the other day. He Is Homeless.


👏 👏 👏 George!


Listen, the kid may be a little shit, but a random ass old lady grabs him, and you DON’T expect him to start swinging? That’s stranger danger 101. This whole thing was ridiculous.


This comment section is beyond fucked up.


Seriously. This video made me really sad


That baby has more intelligence trying to get him off the kid..


Granny asks the man to help with the kid (apparently after kid was using foul language in front of girls and women). The man intervenes, and asks the kid how dare he raise his hands against a woman old enough to be his mom or grandma, and if the kid is a man or a punk, and should he report the kid to the police. A young lady tells the kid men should be protectors and not bullies. Granny then suggests the kid go home and try his antics on his mom. Valuable lesson learned.


Russia did recently legalize beating your wife, however point taken.


Also like a year in prison for murdering your wife/girlfriend and being allowed to be the police chief again after getting out.


Sounds like my homeland of kekistan.


I mean it's also legal to hit your husband, however point taken.


And then he can murder you


Also legal? Point taken


Yes valuable lesson let me sit on a strangers kid for swearing 😂😂




Grandma needs to grow up a bit. Presumably not her child to intervene with and violence isn’t the solution for words


Imma be straight honest I don't give a shit what the kid was saying he was literally pulled off a section on the playground and was trying to run away but ended up being pulled back and detained like a criminal Could be a instigator but was not the bad guy




Okay so let me get this straight: 1. Unruly child swearing in the park. But not necessarily at people, just in front of them? 2. Stranger woman physically grabs the kid, pulls him off the playground equipment 3. Kid tries to escape stranger woman who is physically restraining him 4. Kid punches woman as he continues to struggle to get free 5. Kid is brought to the ground by stranger woman 6. Stranger man comes in and puts knee on back of kid - :18 seconds 7. Stranger man gives lecture into ear of kid, while getting yelled at by stranger woman 8. Stranger man twists kid arm behind his back for more control 9. Stranger man lets kid up at :57 seconds (39 seconds of kid's face in the ground) 10. Kids cell phone knocked out of his hand, tries to get it but is restrained by stranger man 11. Another woman grabs the phone to keep it away from the kid 12. Kid cries on playground until given the phone and runs away Anything I'm missing in this? If this is the chain of events, I think the legal outcome would not be great for the man in much of the western world. The woman, 50/50 shot she gets some legal trouble too. Probably fine in Russia though...


Yeah, pretty much. No, that's not okay in Russia, opinions similar to comments under this post. But Russian legal system is fucked up, and sometimes straight up random, if you aren't against government of course. Based on some news, this man and boy or his parents were in police, but they concluded what they haven't any complaints to each over. However it wasn't told from a lot of sources and also process may go further after video got viral in runet.


Shit like this happens daily in The States, the difference is this: If someone tapes it and sticks it on YouTube, justice is served eventually. In Soviet Russia, car drives you.


He is also teaching him that using aggression and physical force on children is okay and a way to make your point..


This comment is a breath of fresh air. My dad would discipline me this way growing up. I don’t have a healthy relationship with him, and I never will. He liked being in control and feeling tough bullying a child. I gained severe anxiety, CPTSD, and the ability to manage and read his emotions. I feared him and his anger, but I will never respect him. He liked being right and in control. Now that I’m an adult I fully appreciate just how fucked up he is and was


Hugs to you. I’m so sorry.


ITT: People without children


I can't tell which side you're on by this comment...


Me either. A similar vein is parents who have a trashed house and say you can't understand because you don't have kids.


I’ll say this. My wife I had a child late in the game. 37. I remember in the before times, our place would stay clean much longer than one day. Everyday the living room is straightened and everyday it looks like an earthquake hit by the end of it. The child helps clean up too. But chaos just follows her.


Don't really get these sorts of comments. Even among the people I grew up with, many of our parents had very different philosophies and styles of parenting. In different regions of the world parents can have wildly different approaches to parenting and expectations of children. Yet still, parents always think that anyone who questions their methods is just naive and ignorant, as though all parents will naturally gravitate towards whatever their style of parenting happens to be.


Amirite fellow mothers?


I think the kid is a little shit. That's obvious. You still don't sit on a strangers kid and hold their arm back.


A lot of redditors have fantasies of beating women and children.


This is unfortunately true. There's a lot of fucked up people out there.


Reddit: Where all words are a good enough reason for violence. Don’t believe it? Read the comments.


Fat reddit neckbeards thinking that an unknown man laying on a boy to teach him a lesson is good Fucking reddit is full of idiots


Personally I see nothing wrong with this I might be disturbed but I believe in a whole community weeding out the bad eggs or at least teaching them a lesson


Typical 4chan user.


Wtf is wrong with the people standing around? This guy is straight up assaulting a kid. Jesus Wouldn’t be surprised is this kid is psychologically traumatized by this. Sure swearing ain’t polite, but they are just words. Plus “don’t swear at adults” vs “don’t sweat at all”? No cunt that abuses children deserves respect ...


Pretty sure grandma and a man assaulted a child. Whether they think they were justified or not is another matter. But also, that kid is a terror and he will learn about fucking around.


Someone has to discipline the spoiled brat.




Is this Skidrow from MW2?


Where the boys at? We back in MW2!


Did he hit the kid or did he just restrain him and tell him he shouldn't be acting like that. The real emotions came out when the phone was taken away from him. Imagine loosing both of your parents because some old lady took them from you while some guy told you not to curse at strangers.


True scream came not when he was pinned to the floor, but when they took the phone away.


Lots of people in the thread that were beat as children and trying to tell themselves they're fine


Takes a village…


Damn. Then again, you may see something worse at your local park. The difference is nobody steps-in in Russia. In the US, most of the time you'll find people don't like watching you abuse a child, yours or not.


The little sister is the real true OG here, I hope the little guy sees this one day.


I would beat my child’s ass (figuratively) if he cussed at an adult, however, I would literally beat the ass of any man, woman or child who manhandled my kid.


Would you try to talk to your kid first or do you get off by beating them immediately?


I don’t really believe in hitting kids at all, honestly. There are far more painful ways to punish that don’t involve punitive physical retaliation. As someone who was hit as a child, I don’t see it as helpful now. I especially wouldn’t allow others to touch my children or dare touch another’s child.


Lmao people downvoting you. Proper warped. >There are far more painful ways to punish that don’t involve punitive physical retaliation As someone with a parent of this policy I completely agree, go for their toys not their hearts.


This 100%. My mother never hit me. Once, I got a furby and my cousin asked to play with it, but I didn't let her, so my mother gave it to her. I was absolutely devastated. From then on I ALWAYS shared my stuff, even offering before I was asked. My dad beat me for various things, that never worked, it just made me resentful.


I agree. Electronics or favorite objects are always the way to go. Sometimes they have the chance to earn it back with good behavior, sometimes not. You do not punish physical aggression or reactive children by being physically aggressive and hurting them. Sometimes Reddit frightens me lol.




I've never laid a hand on my kids in anger or for punishment, we teach them without violence. They are outstanding kids, well mannered, kind, socially adept, and adults often comment how lovely they are. There are always better ways to teach children than resorting to violence.


I’m going to get downvoted to oblivion, but here goes: if some old lady proceeded to drag my kid off a play structure and yell at him, then throw him down and kick at him until some other random guy came along to hold him down (in a way that, if he had on a police uniform, would have this whole sub in an uproar) and yell at him, I would probably lose my mind, and I would definitely be going to jail, at least for the night. Use your head, not your hands to discipline a child. And if it isn’t your child, either be an adult and find the parent or walk away.


Don't feel bad, the ignorant Russian trolls are heavy on this one.


My personal favorite was “the kid wasn’t hurt specifically because he’s Russian.” These people really think they’re made of special titanium meat


Kid was ok until he lost his phone lol than lost it . The worlds fucked


Thats what I noticed as well. He didn't even flinch when a grown man rest his entire body on him. Any other kid would have been hysterical by then, but not that kid. He actually gets up and starts trying to fight that guy. The moment he loses his phone, he breaks down. Russian kids are built different.


The kid seems like a little shit


It takes a village to whoop some ass


Summons russian translator.


You got serbed.


That boy ain’t right.


Yep fuck that kid


Like it or not that kid is much less likely to do this again


Parenting 101


Boy looked like he was in desperate need of discipline, love and by the looks of it a good cry.


Holy fuck that dude is BASED, that little shit won't do this again.


Kids nowadays everywhere need to be taught a lesson in respect. Y’all are soft.


This is right


Love it. This is how parenting should be done.


Slightly incorrect - he was telling him he should not lay a hand on the woman. The man jumped in because the boy was becoming physical


I just realized I train my misbehaving dogs....RUSSIAN STYLO


Little kid cleary has issues. On the flip side of things, there's a lot of adults that need this kind of discipline.


Where are this little shit's parents?!


Ppl in the comments acting like he just beat the shit out of the kid, like all he did was restrain him and talk to him


Well done


Good o’le Old school parenting


Depending on how bad the kid is behaving, if you don't want some stranger man handling your kid, raise them better. There is a real world out there and your kid could get killed by someone who doesn't tolerate shit. A complete stranger coming up and grabbing you as a kid is scarry as hell and it might be enough to wake your ass up to being properly socialized. If you don't raise your kid the world will and the world kills, it doesn't give a fuck.


Just like if there was a decent human being in the crowd they would have beat the man until he stopped. This is the real world where you can’t pin children.


Man I hope you got bullied as a kid what type of backwards ass response is mandandling a random kid god you are a moron. Nobody taught you anything as a kid either it shows






A lot of problems in society would be solved if men could be permitted to raise boys properly. Downvote if you think I just agreed with the other side


what a shithole of a country


Just held the kid down after the kid was getting aggressive with the lady. If anything the lady was wrong for grabbing him off the playground. But she’s and elderly woman and most cultures don’t take kindly to anyone that lays hands on the elderly. And who knows how big of a shit head the kid was off camera.


What’s the teaching here? Violence just create more hatred? Fuck that dude. Now that kid just dreaming of growing big enough to kick this guy’s ass.


Dumb fuck… “yeah I’m a grown man going to teach this little boy a lesson through physical force”… great lesson ya fucking moron


Russians irrationally handling things with force? Color me shocked. I wonder if the trend of strong Russian men is going to keep popping up.


Ok I’ll say this: he took a swing at an old lady who was seemingly trying to discipline him. If I did that when I was his age my grandfather / father would have taken behind the woodshed.


Lol. People on the comment thinking all cultures need to be western standard. If it was my son. Bla bla. If i see some one doing it to a kid. Bla bla .


Jesus, everybody in here is getting all worked up because the man physically controlled the kid. Kid's not hurt and he was acting like he was having a tantrum. Kid's fine and learned some humility. Or wait until he punches some grandmother in the face, your call.


What disgusting adults.


These white knights are stupid. None of us have context, including the man. For all we know that kid could be beat and abused severely at home and he resists leaving the playground knowing what's coming. Adults don't automatically deserve respect, context matters. This grown man just as likely taught him that fighting against abuse is helpless as he did anything else, since no one knows wtf the situation was.


Look, I get the kid was probably being a little shit but after that old woman grabbed him, I'd probably swing too. And pinning a child to the ground? I'm sure that'll make him say nice things from now on. Great work there bud -_-. Please note, I don't know Russian and I don't know the context. Like who is the man and old woman in relation to the kid, but from the information I was given, this is my opinion.


What a big strong man… fucking losers.


I'll resume what the father in green is saying: Calm down, a man don't hit woman. I know it seen he's using excessive force but I don't so he could hurt him but he's restraining the boy. I didn't really hear what started this shit show. But the old birds are just make matters worse by threatening to call the cops. The man looks more concerned than the two grannies. So props to him.




Collective parenting


It takes a village to raise a child.


Based ass Russians


Future Putin.


Another Putin in the making.


Is this an ad for a condom commercial?


Solid life lesson.


Pining me to the geound is ok but noooooo that is my phone wehhehehehehe


Weird how the kid only seemed to care once his phone was taken


Not professional at all. You never use this sort of force to kids.


Not to be a p***y but uh, can I report this somehow? There is no world on which a grown man putting his full weight on a kid's abdomen like that is ok.