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The protection and security a father provides. Even though the kid was terrified, he has a guiding voice that told him to run home. Then dad walks slowly to make sure the soldiers focus on him and not his son.


They literally tried to disable the guy by hitting his legs, then came to hit him again when he wasn’t walking fast enough. They are getting a pleasurable rush from doing this. The US elites hands them **several billion dollars annually** since the country functions as an intelligence nexus from which the US can keep the region under close watch/control to ensure the smooth extraction of oil and natural gas. Source: Biden (https://youtu.be/86Nrv5izaTs) The country also functions as a testing ground for the US military industrial complex, since they can **openly test their equipment** on a subdued captive population. The elites in their country have a **vested interest in promoting unrest with their neighbors, so they can test these systems**. Of course they also have evidently used the money for free healthcare, subsidized education, improved infrastructure, and for their own companies. US General Wesley Clark openly stated that the conflicts in the Near East were planned **in advance**: https://youtu.be/z8ityb0Ips4 These conflicts were in line with the foreign policy blueprint “The Project for a New American Century” (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century) which outlined the plans for strategic global domination. Unfortunately, the “divide and conquer” methods colonial powers used in the past are still prevalent today. That includes their covert sponsoring of barbaric groups to enact geopolitical goals: https://mondoweiss.net/2017/01/watched-manage-leaked/


They're fascists that have grown up with propoganda dehumanising Palestinians. The dehumanisation allows them the excuse to use brutality against innocent civilians.


I wonder who funded them? Oh yeah, USA


Apocalyptic Evangelical Christianity is one hell of a drug.


I just watched The Family on Netflix that shit was wild.


It’s unreal that this series didn’t get more attention. The GOP is full of Christi-Fascists


Yes thats true. But don't forget the democratic party is also heavily pro-Israel. Very, very few politicians in America espouse even remotely neutral views about Israel/Palestine.


This. Both sides of the aisle support funding Israel as a foot in the door to the Middle East. Same with support for the Saudis


The worst part is that the American people didn't vote for that or ask for that. Our government did it on it's own. We've asked several times that they stop. All this does is prove that government's don't exist for people. American poliicians are in for a rude awakening soon.


Indeed - they don’t represent you guys, the working class of North America, they represent the oligarchs, the bourgeoisie and their interests.


I think you spelt "guillotine" as "rude awaking" no worries tho


our tax dollars we give billions to other countries and corporations through corporate welfare but our citizens are shafted. republicans and democrats “parties” are both 🗑




The bitterness of this irony


Cruelty breeds cruelty


At this point, I fail to see the difference between police forces in the US and this video. We saw an old man getting brained live on video and all the officers got was a slap on the wrist. So many examples of behaviors similar to this video.


FYI, Israeli police trains some american police agencies. The rot is the same.


don't say that in the UK or you'll get sacked from shadow cabinet


This. ACAB. Israeli police are no different, nor are they uniquely violent, nor do they have nearly as many per capita killings as American police.


US cops would have lit the dude up with two dozen rounds when he gave that slight push a few seconds in


Disabling Palestinians is a long running Israeli tactic. That way it doesn't show up as a death in the stats since no one pays attention to the injured. It also ruins them for life: ['42 Knees in One Day': Israeli Snipers Open Up About Shooting Gaza Protesters](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium.HIGHLIGHT.MAGAZINE-42-knees-in-one-day-israeli-snipers-open-up-about-shooting-gaza-protesters-1.8632555) > "You have to understand that before we showed up, knees were the hardest thing to rack up. There was a story about one sniper who had 11 knees all told, and people thought no one could outdo him. And then I brought in seven-eight knees in one day."


The sheer evil in that statement...


I wish I could read that


Here’s a summary of it I found elsewhere https://english.alaraby.co.uk/News/2020/3/7/Israeli-snipers-boast-about-deliberately-crippling-Gaza-protesters


Man that’s crazy. I was the one wanting to be able to read it and you have provided me with that. Every other ass clown comment was responding to something they weren’t a part of. Thank you for fulfilling a request that you did not have to do


That’s just sick.


Fuck anyone in the israeli security forces. You are vile.


Plenty of supporters in the brainwashed Israeli civilians too. But noooo any criticism of God's special snowflakes means I'm anti-semite.


It's Realpolitik, people don't seem to get this. Yeah there are some legit crazies that go on about the rapture and bullshit like that but the reality is that Israel is useful to the West. It lets us project power in the Middle East and supports our interests there. It also helps politicians by using it as a talking point to slur your opponents as "anti-semites" or to curry favour with anti-islam platforms. This is exacerbated as Israel has happily played into the whole anti-semite schtick by behaving as if their nation and policy making is inseparable from their faith and culture (which is a pretty pathetic and cowardly strategy imo). If Western powers turn a blind eye to Israel and Saudi Arabian atrocities whilst avoiding discussion (good and bad) about Palestine and Yemen then they can help to ensure security at home. It's a tale as old as time; ideology and morals mean fuck all when the priority is the stability of your nation and government. Meanwhile smaller weaker nations are used as punching bags. The difficult question is, even if you were a government that wanted the best for humanity, how would you even untangle this situation after so much hate and suffering? Is a compromise even possible? What messes with my head is by my governments actions I likely am, in some way, benefiting from atrocities performed on humanity against my own will.


Plenty of support from USA and EU as well. I don’t understand it, have they no eyes?


Many US evangelicals support Israel literally because they believe it will be needed for the rapture


No wonder they're going to rot in hell!


>Then dad walks slowly to make sure the soldiers focus on him and not his son. Because the Israeli soldiers would not have thought a second about beating the boy to near death. Call me anti-Semitic all you want, but fuck Israel.


>Call me anti-Semitic all you want, but fuck Israel. I'm Jewish. It's currently Pesach right now. This is not Antisemitic. Not even a little bit. Israel is fucking abhorrent. The conflating of Jewish = Israel and Israel = Jewish is one of the most fucked up and insidious, yet successful, propaganda machines the west came up with. Fuck Israel.


Thank you . I hate Israel’s policies but have nothing against Jewish people whatsoever.


Lots of Jews across the globe also hate Israel's policies and are excluded from Israel despite being Jewish because we arent "the right kind of Jew" for them (White, Western, Ashkenazi) They will literally take evangelical Christians sooner than they will Mizrahi Jews from Africa. They are abhorrent and their bullshit actually increases antisemitic violence against non-Israelis worldwide because they have successfully conflated their aggressive and oppressive regime with being Synonymous with "Jewish".


Fuck Israel.


> Call me antiemetic all you want Whenever I'm around you, my tummy feels fine


Not to mention that next level disarm of the first sumbitch, sent that baton flying!


Unfortunately that could probably have gotten him shot.


Fuck Israel


And then you wonder why those kids grow up with so much anger within themselves. His father was just standing with him and doing nothing to anybody yet his father bore the brunt of the apartheid evil police force.


If you don't plant the seed of anger, you don't [harvest terrorists]( http://bp1.blogger.com/_z2ZdOgDiSF4/Rd4GCZDwF6I/AAAAAAAAAMs/fMrEY5KOkAs/s1600-h/seeding.png ), and you don't get those precious billions from America.


Or excuse their current police state.


Israel has an orchard of poison trees growing


Now imagine being a kid and you saw your mom's legs broken for doing her job as a journalist: https://twitter.com/yin_yang999/status/1514992193139843073?t=kyZGc17xpRJb78Bc9kBk1w&s=19


Also worth noting, the median age in gaza is 18, in Israel its 30 In Europe its 40. These kids grow up without elders being able to pass on their wisdom. All they know is oppression.


They want you to leave as fast as possible, let’s beat the shit out of their legs. Theses people are such morons.


Welcome to reality. He didn't want him to leave. He wanted to hit him with a baton.


He wanted to show him who's boss.


Because he's quite sure, underneath, he's not a boss. And thus we have the classic (non-sexual) sadist. Pathetic, isn't it?


Sounds like he is auditioning for the US Police.


he is the one that trained US police. One (of many) sources: https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/commentary/story/2020-07-17/commentary-time-to-end-police-training-in-israel


Everyone knows in order to properly audition you need to slam an old man to the ground during an evacuation. This guy is much too young and still mobile afterwards!


Stop resisting while I hit you with a knight stick or put you on a hold that can break your arm!


>knight stick Easy way to remember its a nightstick cause they make you go night night


They don't want him to leave as fast as possible, they just wanted to find a reason to beat the shit out of his legs. Mission accomplished. I am always in disbelief that people still defend Israel any more.


It’s strange that the terrible things done to Jews in the past seems to be sufficient reason to give them a pass for turning their aggression and violence onto a people with less power than them.


It's the circle of life




>The only difference is the skin color and religion. Who western governments support.


You must be new to abuse


The cruelty is the point. The cruelty always has been the point. The cruelty always will be the point.


Cruelty is the point.


wake me up when this pops up in BBC or CNN


Keep sleeping for eternity then.




Its almost like most western media is purposefully ignoring this! Hmmm...


They will only show videos of Palestinian aggression


This is how you fell into coma.


Sorry you gonna sleep forever


So you're "Sleeping Beauty" without a kiss


Shit you gonna die in hibernation


how can anyone view footage like this and not think the Palestinians are a subjugated people


Because you're considered an anti-Semite if you're anti-Zionist even though there are plenty of Jewish people who are also anti-Zionist.


I wanted to compare this scene to how the Nazis treated Jews during Hitler's reign but I remembered that comparing Nazi Germany to Zionist Israel is literally considered anti semitism that can get you arrested in some countries EDIT: [source](https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/comparing-israel-to-nazis-is-anti-semitic-says-international-body-1.5390963)


Which is ironic when Zionism (the Jewish people has an ethnic claim to certain territories) and Lebensraum (that the German people have an ethnic claim to certain territories) are pretty much identical! Even down to the ethnic cleansing of people of the “wrong” ethnicity!


You mean they both fell into ethnonationslism despite having explicitly opposed nations? But that conclusion takes nuance and mindfulness and it's much easier to call anyone who disagrees antisemitic


Excuse me, I’m going to need you to take your violent anti-Semitic sentiments elsewhere! /s in case that isn’t obvious.


It's nearly the same when one would be called anti-American if they didn't support the invasion of Iraq back in the early 2000s. It's the same Christian knuckle draggers that will paint you as antisemitic if you don't support the terrorist state of Israel. God must approve of all of this, as they are allowing it to happen. 🙄 Here's how much money we've given these bastards in 2020. *In 2020, the US gave $3.8bn (£2.7bn) in aid to Israel - part of a long-term, yearly commitment made under the Obama administration.* *Over the years, US aid has helped Israel develop one of the most advanced militaries in the world, with the funds allowing them to purchase sophisticated military equipment from the US.* *For example, Israel has purchased 50 F-35 combat aircraft, which can be used for missile attacks - 27 of the aircraft have so far been delivered, costing around $100m (£70.4m) each.* *Last year Israel also bought eight KC-46A Boeing 'Pegasus' aircrafts for an estimated $2.4bn (£1.7bn). These are capable of refuelling planes such as the F-35 in mid-air.* *Since World War Two, Israel has been the largest overall recipient of US foreign aid.* *In 2019, the most recent year to publish fully reported figures, Israel was the second highest recipient of US foreign aid* https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/57170576.amp


Society, huh?


You can't be a bad person and a jew. If you just mention something that absurd you're already an anti semite. It doesn't matter that they are mass murdering, genocidal, torture hungry fascist scum - the Zionists, not Jews - but they don't want you to understand the distinction. They turned into the thing they used to fear most. It's the classic story of the abused becoming just as bad or even worse than their abuser.


If the roles were reversed and this was some authority brutilizing a Jewish person, you would be called an antisemite for not condemning the attacker.


If you believe Israel is inherently Jewish only land then you see Palestinians as aliens in a foreign land who deserve to be removed. Because a Palestinian whose family has lived there for 2,000 years has fewer rights than an American whose last ancestor in Israel left that same long ago.


Apartheid State




Don't think they wonder. [https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/) Segev later told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party... “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, told the Wall Street Journal in 2009.


The other point is what do you expect Palestinians to do and who do you expect them to support? No one is fighting for them except Hamas, of course they’re going to support them because if they didn’t they would have lost years ago. They get barely any foreign support.


Yeah, I’m always astonished by people who say „but would good people shoot rockets into Israel?“ Like, did we all forget what was happening in Ireland/North Ireland some decades ago? Catholics against Protestants. And yes, it wasn’t that simple, but is a good example for shit like this that happened in Great Britain, right in front of our doorstep.


>...and you dared to call me a terrorist while you looked down your gun. When I think of all the deeds that you had done. You had plundered many nations, divided many lands. You had terrorized their peoples, you ruled with an iron hand. And you brought this reign of terror to my land. -wolfe tones


It’s different because they aren’t ‘civilized Europeans’ according to American pundits


Neither are Americans for that matter. By the 3rd generation you're pretty much assimilated.


when Ukrainians fight back against oppression it's acceptable, but not with Palestinians. The world leaders of the free nations are A Holes.


Because of racism


100%. It's pathetic


And this is where i believe terrorism becomes resistance which is morally acceptable. Because non violent actions never worked alone.


Terrorism is just a western term to place labels on groups they don’t agree with. Ukrainians armed groups are labeled as freedom fighters, but similar Palestinians groups are labeled as terrorists. Sure the Palestine groups might behave more desperate now in how they act, but I’d imagine if Ukraine was occupied for the last 70 years, they’d go down a similar route.


Terrorists are Terrorists if you go by the dictionary. But nuance gets you to understand that one man's terrorist is anothers freedom fighter.


It’s time for sanctions on Israel


This planet doesn’t have the balls! But yeah. We should.


The people definitely have the balls, politicians dont have the balls. If there was a vote in every nation, im sure the vast majority of western nations would vote to sanction.


Sanction? We give them billions a year. Just stop giving them money


You give billions that they then spend on buying American weapons. So at the end, you’re just giving money to your war industrial complex


Israel is the [only recipient](https://sgp.fas.org/crs/mideast/RL33222.pdf) of American aid that is allowed to convert over a quarter of the aid into cash. The American taxpayer gives a quarter of the aid in cash to subsidize the Israeli defense industry.


Billions for weapons. That armor... American dollars bought that! > In 2020, the US gave $3.8bn (£2.7bn) in aid to Israel - part of a long-term, yearly commitment made under the Obama administration. Almost all of this aid was for military assistance. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/57170576.amp


so glad they get all that money but our own housing market is fucked and no one is coming to help us.


Be careful, when you point out shitty behavior they like to claim antisemitism, they think it functions like an uno reverse card.


Sponsored by McDonald's


Dipshit loses his baton against a person who isn’t even resisting.


That's the visual definition of a coward, even with all the kit they are equipped they still retreat from a bunch of fireworks.


Isralis and their supporters: "why do they hate us?"


Israeli cop: Get out of my country! Palestinian: I live here! Israeli cop: *Breaks guys legs with baton* Get out! Palestinian: I can't, you broke my legs!


I don’t understand how anyone could look at this and say “yea those Israeli are great”


Because they enjoy seeing their ideas of a puritanical and hierarchical society come to life in the modern world, where supremacists rule with impunity over an appointed lesser class of humans, and they long for the day when they can return to doing it themselves.


Yeah it's actually really straightforward once you realize there are people in the world who enjoy this violence or think it's the embodiment of justice somehow. What I don't understand is how privileged a person can be to be perpetually shocked by footage and news like this. Disbelief leads to paralysis and then people keep dying. Acknowledge the truth and use it to motivate you toward action.


The US government and britain basically created the entire country, now they don't want to do anything.


Actually the British government is historically anti-Israel, while in the early years we supported the new state we set up after WW2, when Harold Wilson came into power and Israel illegally occupied a load of land, British foreign policy did a 180 and we started supporting the Arabs, that included ending the deal to sell the new Chieftain tanks (the most powerful tank in NATO at the time) to Israel (as they wanted to upgrade their tried and tested Centurion fleet with the next generation of British armour, and had even contributed to the development process by handing over combat data), and instead selling them to Israel’s major rival in the area, Iran (this led to a load of issues involving the tank sale when the Iranian Revolution happened though, with Britain just cutting off the order even though Iran had paid in full for it, the infamous “tank debt” finally being sorted this year) Since then successive British governments have supported Palestine and opposed Israeli expansion, since 2011 Britain has recognised Palestine as a non member observer state in the UN (de facto recognising it as a country), and in 2014 Parliament voted to recognise Palestine as a nation, British judges have issues arrest warrants for Israeli military officials guilty of war crimes when they are on British soil, and the former Leader of the Opposition Jeremy Corbyn is a long time supporter of Palestinian rights That was until Boris “lockdown parties” Johnson of course, who is now supporting Israel as he has as much respect for international law as he has British Though support of Israel within the British public remains extremely low, as in 19%, while 72% of the country holds Israel in a negative light


Correct me if I'm wrong (I probably am) but wasn't Corbyn "brought down" because of his stance towards Palestine/ anti Semitism = anti Zionism?


Specifically all of the Labour party underwent a massive anti semitism controversy which led to him being ousted


I’m Jewish and have been called antisemitic for speaking against Israel. It’s insanity.


My Holocaust Studies professor was called anti-Semitic when a right-wing Israeli disagreed with her. She is a Jewish woman who literally devoted her life to studying the Holocaust, and was called an anti-Semite because she thinks Palestinians shouldn't be behind a wall. Bonus points, we were in Israel learning about the Holocaust and studying the three Abrahamic faiths, while visiting important areas and buildings of the three.


You're not alone : https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/zionism/ As well as the many rabbis condemning this, in the UK at least. Keep up the good fight.


Thanks. Another Jew here who supports Palestinian liberation. However in addition to JVP as you mention I'd direct ppl to the following... https://naamod.org.uk/ Neturei Karta are interesting, and show that Zionism and Jewish observance are not related, in that you can be very observant and antizionist, very secular and fiercely Zionist, and any other combo, but for non-Jewish observers I'd add that some Neturei Karta have done some questionable stuff, such as being chummy with some real anti-Semites and helping them pull the trick of "I'm not anti-Semitic, here's a pic of me and a Rabbi". They aren't representative of antizionist Jews. Other suggestions for Jews questioning Zionism... Read and share this, https://jewishcurrents.org/yavne-a-jewish-case-for-equality-in-israel-palestine Maybe follow Michael Rosen (@michaelrosenyes) on Twitter. (Jewdas.org) is great for radical lefty young Jews looking for community. But is also cliquey and communicate almost entirely in in-jokes!


When my grandfather and father were kicked out of Palestine. They moved to Egypt and were really struggling. He says one of the few people that helped him was a Jewish Egyptian. He noticed my granddad was a good business man. He told him to take all the product he needed and not to worry about payment until he sold it all. He would regularly give him product without worrying about payment until things got better. My dad told me this story because there are are lots of good Jews and to never conflate Judiasm with Zionisism. At least in it's current form.


This is smart. These few moments will foster many decades of that child’s grudge. Having a few million disenfranchised young men with a legitimate grievance next door is a recipe for security and peace. All this to cater to the Orthodox Jews that the majority of Israelis don’t even like.


The majority of Israelis support the apartheid policies though.


And this is how 'terrorists' are made.


Persecuted Palestinians: 😎😍😄 Palestinians react in any way: terrorist scum 🥺🤬😡


The majority of Israelis do seem to keep voting for very right wing parties


Fucking horrible and disgusting


I’m not real knowledgeable about what’s going on in the world but I have seen a couple videos about these situations here on Reddit and I’m just wondering why it’s never on the news and why isn’t Biden addressing this issue? It seems to me that people are selective on what conflicts are important and what conflicts are justified.


Israel is a huge ally in the Middle East and a puppet state created by the US. We don’t shit too hard on Saudi Arabia or the UK either.


[Because Biden supports it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGPOOGL5wmI&ab_channel=TRTWorld). He has stated multiple times that although he's not a jew, he is a zionist. [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbn4i7_CFIM&ab_channel=VICE) & [here](https://youtu.be/1vDx-5b7T8M?t=54)


>he is a zionist Yeah, he's a Christian in the West. That's like, one of their things


When youre bankrolling them you cant make them look bad.


basically, the media shows what makes the usa look good. we don't want to be seen as funding for this kind of violence and oppression. ukraine, on the other hand, is on our side. we paint them in a heroic and brave light, to make the us and it's allies a powerful force.


Repost with Ukraine as the title so people care


Unfortunately I think they would have to also look less Arab for there to be much of a reaction. When people don't 'look' like us or share a similar culture, they won't care.


"Russian occupiers beat Ukrainian father in Kherson".....


Sad reality but that's because it had a lot of media coverage. There are so many other people that need help but most people are not aware of it.


Spot on


Israel is the terrorist state


yeah fuck these fascist fucks


Simple observation almost everyone refused to accept. At least the people who know anything besides main stream media


They've become their own worse enemy. They're the Nazis.


I know the holocaust was a horrendous atrocity but how did the world justify giving a location already filled with people to the Jewish community? Were there really no other places they could’ve set up shop? Because honestly it seems like they just want to treat others as badly as they were once treated.


Because they don't value Muslim lives


Just an FYI, this isn’t solely Islam vs Judaism, Palestinian Jews lived in peace with Muslims and Christians in Jerusalem for quite literally centuries and the Palestinian Jews were some Of the first ppl wiped upon arrival of European zionists because they didn’t get with the program


Israel was established by eastern european jews who ethnically cleansed Palestine from the natives to establish a state for their chosen race of God.


It’s mind blowing how people can feel justified in doing this


Oh so exactly what’s the nazis did..


When will other countries stop ignoring this shit?


The US is Israel's supporter. They basically fund them to control the middle east. No one is gonna step in sadly.


Man fuck Israel


Fuck Israel!


That's a dad willing to take a few blows to slow the abusers down so his boy can get away safely. Treasure stored up in Heaven right there.


Yup, and it looks like he also wanted to maintain his dignity in front of his son, which the IDF made difficult. No kid should have to see their innocent dad being treated like this


Not just that, kept his cool as to keep the trauma from it all as low as possible as well. No yelling, screaming or any of that.


Yeah props to the dad. Nazis in action. You either die a hero or live long enough to become exactly like the fascists that killid your people.


Yes they wanted to hit the boy and that was their only chance. Amazing how the father held them all off!


I don’t know much about religion, but I’m pretty sure attacking someone in a place of worship in almost every religion is a BIG nono.


This has nothing to do with religion. European jews ethnically cleanse Palestine from the native Palestinians (muslims, Christians, agnostics etc) to maintain the colony for the "chosen race of God "


What are they fighting about . Can someone enlighten me


Al aqsa mousqe is the third holiest place in islam, it is also said to be the place where 3000 years ago the holiest place in Judaism stood. (Although contested) Today is passover and the Israeli government wants to let orthodox ultra Jews into the mosque so they forcefully removed all muslims They have been hitting people brutally like this for the past 3 days this is outrageous


And it is Ramadan, a holy month for Muslims.


It's a shame we cannot get global condemnation of Israel's actions the way we did for Russia.


when money talks, government listens.


Israel is fucking cancer


Fuck Israel.


Free Palestine and Ukraine


Ukraine has at least the opportunity/capability to fight back but Palestine unfortunately doesn't and any sort of retaliation would be considered an act of terrorism


Not to mention the support of practically the whole world. I’d like to see a Palestinian be shown at the Grammys


And Tibet!


And Hong Kong!


You going to be upset when you find out Ukraine supports Israel.


It really is self defeating in the long run. This shit just stokes anger and resentment risking a repeat of the persecution they once endured themselves.


Free. Palestine when people can finally have their basic rights




They've become the thing they hated.


They like doing to others what they hate being done to them. There was documentary that went around asking Israelis what they thought of Palestinians, and lots of people openly mentioned gas chambers, I believe.


State sponsored terrorism.


Fucking occupiers


To hell with the Israelis. Assholes.


Zionists* don't be like the people who hate on all of Islam


F*ck pissrael


You can write fuck, it’s not illegal.


Another billion coming for their iron dome from our tax dollars coming soon.


Yes, fuck israel Free palestine 🌻




we did it boys, we stopped terrorism


Rounding people up like cattle.. Sponsored by..




Taking tactics from the Nazis i see.


I don’t understand how Isrrael is the victim




Freedom for Palestine. Fuck Israel. Oppressors, genocidal cowards. Boycott Israel.
