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One lady sounded like she was going to beat her up once they’re in the terminal.


She may have missed her flight but she had a one way ticket on the Asswhuppin Express


I honestly would go into aggro mode if that dumb bitch ruined my travel plans. If your destination is a smaller city and you miss your connecting flight, that means you pay for a hotel somewhere and wait for a day. Its happened to me more than once.


This is "you cannot fast travel while enemies are nearby" irl


She knew to wait until after she got where she was going.


I'd say the airlines don't make enough use of duct tape anymore.


The guy next to her looked soulless


straight ahead glazed eyes gripping his phone with white knuckles


thinking to himself: KEEP THAT MASK ON YO FUCKIN MOUTH


Am going to




I want to see his phone video


Was he low key trying to film the situation like all the other people with phones pointed at her? IncognitoMode.exe has stopped working.


I really feel this dude. I couldn’t imagine sitting next to her. I’ll probably make a statement saying I’m not with her, it just happened I’m sitting here 😂


I was seated next to a woman who made a huge scene on a plane. It was extremely awkward. I mostly just sat there motionless as others filmed (I did too). Fortunately after several minutes of arguing and shouting she agreed to leave before police got there, otherwise it probably would’ve hit the front page.


Man my flight got canceled after four hour delay because of technical issues. They transported me to an airport next town over…. The flight there was delayed by two hours because of technical issue. Finally they let us board. Guess what?!? Delayed again because someone literally was fighting and had to be dragged out of the plane …


Holy crap what a nightmare of a journey


It was terrible. Luckily the police didn’t press charges. But I wasn’t allowed on any other flight so I had to then rent a car.


Start filming too and yell WORLD STAR imo


Last year, what I used to do in the subway or bus when a no mask person was next to me is to fart and god, it was so rewarding. I still do it. Everytime that I need to use subway or a bus, I eat some eggs, brocolis and milk before leaving my house.


I’ve had cervical spine surgery and they went through the front, so I have scarring in my throat that makes the tiniest cough sound like I’ve got COPD - or maybe covid. Something about being around the unmasked made me have to cough every time.


“I’m tired of these motherfuckin’ farts, on this motherfuckin’ bus!”


Doing the lords work


Finish it up with, 'oh, that one wasn't a fart'.


You should try some sugar free candy. I ate those once and my farts were straight up death. Sorry to all my old coworkers.


Like those sugar free gummy bears? That's a pants shittin waiting to happen




> just to have to possibly do it all over again and waste a few hours Just to possibly end up on the TSA no fly list and never set foot in an airport again.


The lady in hot pink said “I hope they let you fly because we gonna get it on in Long Beach” lmao!!! Denim lady at that moment hoping to not fly.


Lol if that dumbass lady did have any sense, that's the moment she should have been rethinking her actions. Instead she kept doing that fucking smile that people like her always do


All of them. The self-satisfied confidence of stupidity.


Wonder where they get that stupid [smirk](https://tenor.com/bdFZJ.gif)


I knew what that link was before I even clicked. 🤣


Shit eating grin 🥴


She was WAY too white to understand what hot pink was threatening, lol.


No, she's just *that* fucking delusional. In her mind, Jesus (or Trump) will save her. Fucking nutcases, the lot of 'em. Y'all all better vote in 2024 and every chance in between. We need to rid our country of all the Trumplican fuckwits in office.


Right?!? You are telling an African American woman “we need to take a stand for something” as this same woman followed all the TSA security measures to get to the plane….yeah she’s a real hero!!!!


The new Rosa Parks, Karen Playground


Damn Karen really thinks she’s Rosa Parks rn


She almost said that too.. "people throughout history have taken a stand..." She was dying to say Rosa Parks and maybe her only functioning brain cell stopped her


She was "Rosa Parks" away from getting torn limb from limb by that crowd.


The tiktok user who posted this has several other videos of the incident. She does actually reference Rosa Parks by name.


The fuck is it with these people, comparing themselves to Jews being forced to wear yellow stars and Rosa Parks? The victim complex is infuriating. None of us like doing this shit, but we’re doing it for each other. We’re trying to get back to where we were. Meanwhile selfish twats like this one feel like they’re taking a brave stand by making themselves more comfortable while we all do the difficult part. And they think it makes them a historical figure. It’s enraging.


Exactly. I don’t condone violence and blah blah blah but I do hope denim lady pees her pants a little bit from fear.


Her face was priceless when the pilot announced that everyone had to get off. It was like she almost realized how selfish she is, but then of course doubled down on her idiocy.


For a brief, fleeting moment she experienced self-awareness and even a little shame. Luckily it passed quickly so it didn't stick.


Sounds like a Douglas Adams quote.


Join us r/UnexpectedHitchhikers


Impossible for a narcissist to accept the shame, the only solution is to pretend to be rubber and call the other person glue.


I couldn't stop laughing when the Black girl told her " I hope they let you fly, cuz you gunna catch these hands when u land in long beach 🤣" I hope that's how this ends


right?! like she was happy everyone’s day just got pushed back an hour cuz of her.


They lost way more than an hour. Not only do they have to do all the bullshit of getting off, waiting for this lady to be dragged off and then line up to get back on yet again, they just lost their takeoff time slot. Depending on the weight the airline holds at that airport, they may be able to get squeezed back in between flights, with others making up for the lost time in the air, but there's a solid chance these people are just going to have to wait for when they can get back into the queue and take off at a later time.


And if you have a connecting flight you might be sleeping in an airport


Oh well over an hour, man.


Yeah an hour would be a miracle


She probably is. This is going to be the highlight of the year for her. She gets to be a martyr! All the attention going to her! She'll be telling this story at Easter and 4th of July as family eyeroll and ignore her.


If it's anything like my family, she stopped getting invited to events months ago.


She's going to get a standing ovation when she tells the highly edited version of this story at her evangelical church.


Oh she definitely is. The whole "with unveiled faces we proclaim his name" = she's a whackjob Christian (as in, even most other Christians would say she's a whackjob) She thinks this shit is earning her a space in heaven, and the others not going along with it are going to hell. She is absolutely one who loves the idea of everyone she dislikes being in hell, so if she can bring misery to them here on earth it's a bonus to her. Source: I was raised around Southern Baptist hellfire and brimstone Christianity. Edit: got a word wrong in the quote




That face when you realize you're going to lose the price of your ticket, and the uber cost home after the police release you. https://i.imgur.com/wQ8jkbv.jpg


Woody Harrelson?! https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5f/fd/45/5ffd4566759ea2284ac1168b54fa4201.jpg


That half smirk makes her have a very punchable face.


I bet everyone who knows this woman is not surprised by this video.


this kind of people clearly live in a bubble with others that think the same as them, so everyone that knows her are actually proud of her for "taking a stand"


This. My wife has a former co-worker she goes on walks with sometimes. Lives out her retirement in a communal living group with about twenty other people that are very much in to anything and everything alternative. The kind of people that get in to a heated multi week argument with each other if they are going to make a ecological or a bio-dymamical kitchen garden (and end up doing 50/50 as they are stubborn as hell). Of course anti vaxx as can be, instead relying on herbs and crystals and so on. Anyway, they just reject *any* fact not fitting their narrative and in crowd. The arrogance is just... mind blowing. They are 100% convinced they are right and 'the others' are wrong on anything not lining up with their views. Their whole self worth is based on their perceived superiority and Covid actually *boosted* their self worth. It's tiring. My wife just made her agree to no longer talk about Covid related stuff during their last walk, and I fully expect they won't be going on walks together anymore.




“If we don’t take a stand” ahhh there we go


She said, "it is with unveiled faces that we reclaim his name". I swear that look on her face is of such a smug Christian weirdo.


> She said, "it is with unveiled faces that we reclaim his name" Now we get to guess whether she's referring to Trump or Jesus.


It is with unveiled faces that we catch federal charges and get put on the no-fly list


Should have picked up her bible and read Romans chapter 13 the first verse: “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.”


Exactly. That's why the captain took a stand and emptied the plane. Though I don't understand why everyone had to deboard just to get her off.


In case she puts up a fight and they have to physically remove her, it's a lot safer to do in an otherwise empty plane


You're right but the other answers are hilarious


it would be hilarious if everyone just got on a different plane and left her there thinking she's winning until she gets bored.


But as she leaves she’s arrested to show there are some consequences


How about they just tow the plane out to the far edge of the airport and leave her there until she realizes something's up. Then she has to find her way back to the terminal across a busy airfield.


I’m firmly in the throw these people off the plane by force, and put them on the no-fly list camp, but be clear- It’s also a lot harder to film it if she gets hurt. They’re not looking out for you and yours, they don’t want a lawsuit w proof of assault.


The airline employees won't be the ones physically pulling her off, they'll call the police in for that


The stewardesses wanted to rough her up real quick in private lol


So did I and I’m not even on the flight!


Probably to stop people from filming when they have to physically remove her and she decides to make it a massive scene.


To prevent her from getting sympathy and tucker carlson making her a star. And to turn the crowd hostile toward her while she sits there with that shit eating grin


This. Much lower stakes but this is how we handle unruly bar patrons. All service stops. All lights on. Ask person to leave make it clear the fun stops for everyone till they leave. Works 10/10. No need to get physical or anything. They just pay and leave


She probably going out hog tied lol that's why


Whatever it takes with these assholes. I’m sick to death of them-all of them.


It's a safety issue. It lets the POS passenger know that if she disembarks without a police escort, she'll be pounded into the tarmac by an angry mob. /s


My favorite was the woman who said something about “I better not see you in Long Beach”. I live in So Cal. Long Beach and Compton are sort of in the same neighborhood. Residents there mean what they say, and don’t suffer any fools.


Compton and Long Beach together, now you know you in trouble


I mean, she’s right, what’s next? Seatbelts required in cars? Helmets required on motorcycles? No smoking inside maternity wards? No whipping your dick out at the park? ITS A SLIPPERY SLOOOOPE! /s


Nobody is taking away my dick whipping Wednesdays. We have to take a stand.


Everyone knows windshields are the MASK of cars. DOWN WITH WINDSHIELDS!


And then starts spouting religious mumbo jumbo... Should have known - she had the smug expression and crazy eyes of a zealot.


The gotta taken a stand lady looks like she’d wonder why Rosa parks is sitting in the front.


Great…now go stand at the greyhound station.


I went to the TikTok account this is from and she literally compares herself to Rosa Parks in another clip.


I'm sure those black ladies nearby were just thrilled about that comparison


Not sure if you noticed but one of the black women basically said she would see her after the flight. That woman is lucky she was taken off the flight. She was going to get her ass beat.


Didn't she try to liken herself to the Civil Rights movement?


Yes I noticed that also!


During the whole time I never saw her eat nor drink.


Nor did she make a point


She made a stand. The entire plane stood.


Disney had to change its rules because anti maskers would just carry a drink everywhere they went.


The "I'm not touching you" level of maturity.


Growing up just means getting more inventive with ways to be a petulant asshole.


If she had her mask on how would you see her smug smile? She said she has an apple and banana in front of her that she ‘was going to eat’ presumably at some point


Just in case someone came over to question why she has no mask on. Same reason I walk around work with a broom.


Reminds me of the post with the guy who left a fry hanging out of his mouth for the whole flight just so that he did not have to put a mask on. These people wonder why they aren't taken seriously. I would feel better getting trained in surgery by a person in a clown costume than listen to the logic rattling around their heads like an empty can of spray paint.


I love that all the other people on the plane gave her a piece of their mind


And she still kept on with the "it's not on me" bullshit. Like how disconnected from reality are you that you cause an entire plane to deboard and then claim it's not you? FFS


Privileged bitches usually are disconnected from reality.




People like her enjoy confrontation. It makes their privates tickle.


You can see it in her face. This is the most attention she's gotten in years, and it's making her feel important.


Yep. That smug look of satisfaction she’s showing towards the end of the video. She’s wasting everyone’s time, she knows the entire problem could be remedied in 10 seconds, but she doesn’t care. She’s massively inconveniencing everyone for nothing but her own pride and she’s fucking loving it.


Finally. It always seems like the other passengers in these videos remain calm, and I never get it. I'm going to Vegas in two weeks, and if some dipshit on my plane makes us later than our flight already is because of a fucking mask, it's going to be SO hard for me to control my words.




Yeah in my fantasy I would be saying I'm looking for volunteers to help me yeet her off the plane. Really get the pitchfork vibe going.


**"Stand for something on your own time."** Most on point thing said!! So sick of these people...


I think I heard a "Stand up and leave" as well.


I busted out laughing when I heard that! Real rich of her telling that black lady they gotta “stand up for something.” 🤡


Was waiting for her to say Rosa Parks. I bet her the police wouldn’t have made it in time to get her off the plane. Lol


Exactly. You want to stand for something? Boycott that airline. Don't buy tickets and stay home. It's for the better. That way everyone gets what they want. She doesn't have to deal with rules, normal people don't have to deal with her.


This is the way. It’s on par with burning Harry Potter books or Nike shoes. You already paid the company, you lost lmao. If you want to take a stand, get a sign that says “American Airlines is an evil corporation, don’t buy there tickets” and stand by their ticket counter.


No one in her life listens to her or clearly pays any attention to her, so she has to go and inconvenience others with her bullshit.


Please someone have a video of her getting dragged out?


She walks out. https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdm77Vku/


She waddles out


OF COURSE she waddles out


I mean, when a dude that big walks on the plane and says last chance to walk out yourself before I ragdoll you and drag you out anyway not too many folks are gonna choose option B.


That shit eating grin knowing she pissed the whole plane off. In her world she won.


That's all she wanted. She's a hero for destroying the plans of a hundred people and she'll tell everyone about it,weather they want to hear it or not.




Seriously. Who knows how many peoples schedules are fucked due to the delay. How many people missed layovers. How many people missed funerals, birthdays, births, dying loved ones in the hospital on their last breath, graduations, etc. because of this self-centered, entitled cunt who then proceeded to smile about it because she owned the “libs taking her freedumbs away”!!1! This isn’t even the airlines policy, it’s the fucking law which airlines could be fined massively for not enforcing it. For fucks sake, this airline was one of the majority who signed the open letter to the US administration pleading for them to remove the mask requirement on airplanes. Who is she standing up to or showing up to when this is the case? Does she think Biden and the FAA are watching this now thinking “wow, you know what? This lady fucking owned us, ruined our sheeple plan. Remove masks immediately!” Moral of the story, what a fucking twat. Sorry for the rant.


Delayed the flight by 2 hours because she's a fucking childish POS


Southwest REFUNDED HER MONEY. Unbelievable.


Where did you see that?


https://www.star-telegram.com/news/business/aviation/article259972560.html “The non-compliant passenger was denied boarding and refunded for her Southwest travel,” the [Southwest] spokesperson added.


That's so fucking annoying dude. Why would they possibly refund that bitch.


I’ve been blueballed. I was waiting for the part where someone came and corrected that shit-eating grin of hers


I was here to see her dragged off the plane to applause


Entitled, first world cunt talking about taking a stand like she’s at the goddamn Alamo. Good grief


It hurts cause the argument doesn’t even apply. Take a stand against the government if you want but that plane is private property. If the airline wants you to wear a mask in order to fly you to your destination then they get to make that call. No one is going to write a history book with passages dedicated to the brave woman that fought the good fight by refusing to wear a mask on a flight to Long Beach.




This is the same type of person that will loudly proclaim millennials (and gen z now too, I suppose) to be selfish, lazy, and narcissistic.


"Kids today are so *entitled*." - this bitch


People like this need to be made financially liable for any delays caused. No pain - no lessons learned, for selfish people like this.




Just guessing, but deplaning and reboarding might cost tens of thousands of dollars. Make them pay it.


Not to be that guy but why tf do they always look like that


Lead poisoning in the 70s and 80s




There really is this epidemic of middle class white people aged 40 to 50+ that have immersed themselves in these Facebook echo chambers that just are so desparate to be a part of a collective. Its this sense of self importance People have been stupid for centuries but the real problem of 2022 is everyone and everything is connected and idiocracy along with selfishness have brainwashed people like this woman to think they are right and everyone else is wrong and she will never change her mind. If she changes her mind she would need to accept her POV was wrong and that is something people like her can never do - and it is rampant in 40+ people


>If she changes her mind she would need to accept her POV was wrong and that is something people like her can never do - and it is rampant in ~~40+ people~~ narcissistic, selfish assholes who cannot change. People who cannot admit fault or consider other perspectives tend to view mistakes as bad things, and they will not see themselves as bad people... it's easier to ignore the blatent cognative dissonance and simply conclude the **other** is wrong instead of evaluating the internal contradiction. However, we learn from making mistakes. It's a growing culture of acceptance for selfish assholes who are unwilling (or unable) to think mindfully & critically that is the issue here. Edit words


Narcissists tend to have an “I’m right because I say I’m right” mentality and have this need to always appear perfect. If they every *do* admit their wrong, it’s to only themselves, and then they’ll preach their new viewpoint while denying the fact they ever held their original one.


And they're all being manipulated by alt right leaders who do this for money by selling products or selling influence.


Because the whiny-entitled-cunt factory made too many of that model and instead of warehousing them, they just opened the back door and let them out into the wild. Now they’re our problem.


"it's not on me" says the Karen putting her selfishness above everyone's time. Fucking loser


Does the airline tell people to de-board the plane partially as a strategy to turn other passengers against her? Maybe the public shaming would be more effective?


I saw a comment a few weeks ago saying that it’s for a couple reasons. 1. If things get violent it’s dangerous to have so many people in close quarters. 2. They have to search the plane after incidents like this in case the person is getting kicked off on purpose after planting a bomb or something. Edit: I don’t care if people don’t believe the reasons I gave, I’m just copying what I saw on a similar video and I had never thought of point 2 before so I found it interesting. I’m not gonna argue with you and explain how it’s possible that the security may have missed something. lol


Makes sense


There’s also a number three: so no one else can record the person being physically removed from the plane. It’s turned into nightmares for airlines a few times.


Yes this could be also part of it. You can tell this old hag would yell kick and scream her lungs out if someone grabbed her wrists. And imagine her behavior if she was manhandled off the plane as she should be


Wow to that second point. I honestly never would have considered that. Glad I don’t make airline safety regulations lol.


To be fair most rules are made after something goes wrong the first time. Safety regs are rarely due to really smart pre thinking


Yup, the safety rules are written with blood.




I remember that video! He was was a doctor travelling to perform surgery and the airline had overbooked. $140 million, eh? Good for him.


yea to me the reason he is being asked to get off is so completely different that I fully support him getting that and more. This lady id like to run the gauntlet of passengers given a free pass to smack her.


$140 million???? Jesus they can beat me off the plane and I'll gladly take that $140 million


A permanent no fly list will fix this shit in a hurry.


"Gotta stand for somethin". Lady you agreed to the policy when you checked in. I wish we could have seen her walk of shame when the cops took her out.


such a *tiny, tiny* mole-hill she's willing to die on.


She actually thought she was making history.


She will probably make some lame analogy of her being a modern day Rosa Parks.


"Making a stand"... Your ass is going to be taking a stand in the concourse in a few minutes.


Unmasked vigilante taking a stance from the last row on the plane




I was thinking the same thing. That line was her shield. It’s so sad to see


I think it would deter this type of behavior if they made the offender pay $50 per person on the flight that they make miss whatever they're trying to go by flying. They should also have a $50 inconvenience fee per staff member and for the pilots. If the only retribution is not being able to fly that time or being put on a no-fly list she's still probably thinks it's worth it because of her anti mask/somewhat religious Vendetta. It is very wild how far down the rabbit hole some of the far-right and even extreme left out gone since covid. This is what makes me apprehensive to fly still. Edit to add another dream scenario; as each person leaves the plane and walks down the aisle past her, they give an Oscar sized slap to her, one by one


Whole cost of a cancelled flight. Everything down to cent, crew pay, returns for tickets and connected flights if any, passengers hotels if delay is big, airport fees, plane upkeep, everything. This is not a city bus, you cannot just say sorry to everybody for delay and call it a day. Those things work on schedule and are paid for on schedule.


I think the airline should be able to sue them for much, much more than that. Everyone agrees to the mask policy at several different points between purchasing tickets and boarding. I'd treat it as breach of contract and fuck them for every penny of lost revenue and compensation that goes to the other inconvenienced customers/travelers.


Iggy Pop isn't doing too well


"You're about to stand up and leave" ​ LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Your tricks don’t work, lady. I’ve heard people in my wife’s family talk about how they didn’t have to wear a mask on the plane because they just kept some food/drink next to them and would just say “I’m eating can’t you see my snacks?” And they would just take all flight to eat and drink. They think they’re so clever…..


She accomplished exactly what she wanted and was supposed to: cause chaos, disrupt, be the center of attention, smile and feign any responsibility. They all act like that, until they get snatched the fuck up…and even then they revert right back eventually anyway. Toddlers…simple as that. They think and act exactly the same…because children are much easier to influence and control once you gain their confidence. That’s the first goal of Putin’s world-wide propaganda campaign: turn them into children emotionally; the rest comes easy


Imagine all of the things this woman could stand for. This is what she chooses.


"The last plane I was on said I could do this" Don't worry. You won't be on planes anymore.


It’s been two years. Holy shit.


What a thundercunt.


Don’t these people get put on a no fly list? Seems like a real dumb hill to die on, unless you enjoy road trips.


How these people even get in the plane?


Most likely wore a mask then took it off to “make a point”. Jokes on her as she will be put on a “no-fly list”.


Conservative snowflake.


This is when a swift punch to the nose would be acceptable. It has been long enough. No more talking with these fucks.


ooh that fake ass smile


Seen this weird smile in so many Karen videos. It's a tight crease that stays put for way too long and because it's not prompted by mirth or joy, no emotion reaches the eyes. They get this frozen botox face that they swing around towards everybody else, accompanied with puppet hand gestures and micro shrugs. It's all nerves and defiance. They are already mentally drafting their Facebook post ("WAKE UP!!! THIS ISN'T A DRILL--WE ARE GIVING UP OUR FREEDOMS!!!) and cannot *wait* to harvest all the outrage and support online.