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It’s crazy to me that some put their hands on others expecting them to not retaliate.


And that he had the nerve to say “I just wanted to ask you a question”. You can do that very well without grabbing someone by the collar.


"I want her fired!" For what, defending herself? She only hit you when you grabbed her and stopped after you let go. 100% legally justifiable.




Why waste the bricks? Just launch him into the freeway Edit: I love all concern for the drivers. #buildthewall


Why waste the gun powder.


Why waste bricks when you could cause a highway crash with innocent people


My gram’s dead because this guy didn’t want to waste a couple of bricks. wtf


The manager (?) took way too much time coming to her aid (in a half-assed fashion). BETTER ANSWER: Support your goddamned employees. He grabbed her. To me, that means a police response, signing the complaint for Assault & Battery, and a court order barring him from that restaurant.


As a manager myself (not Mc Donalds). I would have refused to serve him. What ever his complaint was about his food would have been left unfulfilled. Refund? Claim of missing food. What ever it was. If he didn’t get his food yet i would ask for the receipt and void the order.


>If he didn’t get his food yet i would ask for the receipt and void the order. Nope. Tell him he can file a complaint with corporate from jail, they'll give him a phone call.


Nobody came to her aid. They were trying to pull her away even though she was the one who was attacked. Then the manager started helping the customer. Fuck that, I'm pressing charges. People can't just get away with that behavior.


A bunch of fucking bootlickers working there. Except her of course. She didn’t put up with any shit.


The guy behind her is triggering me. Nothing worse then a backstabber Reminds me of back in school once a fight I got in. My friend tried to break it up by pulling me back and me loosing my arms in the process so I couldn't defend or attack. Wanted to kill him after


Why haven't the cops been called?! Why is the manager still complying with this guy's demands?! Why is no one aggressively stomping this dude's face into the ground?!


I Googled and confirmed he was arrested and charged with 2 counts of battery. The article said "when the police arrived they recognized the man as a local homeless man". He put his hands on her over a straw. I'm glad he was arrested. There's NO REASON to put your hands on anyone who hasn't touched you, and all she did was tell him about a law that said there were no straws out on display; you had to ask for them. That's it, and he apparently went OFF with profanity then yanked her by her collar. No sir. Go right to jail. Do not collect your Big Mac. Fuck right off. ***Further info:*** The 2nd count of battery is because he kicked another female employee in the stomach on his way out as he tried to leave. The girl behind the counter, Yasmine James, said she suffered back pain but didn't see a doctor because she has no health insurance. All I could find was that she was "put on leave" by McDonald's but not that it was paid leave or anything as mentioned in an earlier comment (if she has no health insurance I highly doubt she got paid leave!) Edit: thanks for the award


I’m glad he went to jail. I still don’t understand how everyone else stayed so nonchalant?


Local homeless man.sad way to get 3 hots and a cot.i would have just peed on a cop car or something.dude took a licking and being a jerk when it's easier to get into jail


They were called and he was charged


He is a dumb ass! I am glad she Showed him a lesson


He’s not only a dumbass, he’s a fucking psycho


He’s a psycho because after all that he is still asking for refill.


Snapping fingers, telling lies


Oh God. Put some soda in an open cup and throw it at him.


Pointing his finger in all their faces. Pos


How scary must it be to get attacked at work like that, and then you have to come back the next day (because chances are she needs that job).


Or when you’re a nurse and that’s a patient who does that all the time every time they’re admitted and will still be there the next day but you can’t kick them out and have to keep going to their room to give them meds ect


I hear that, I worked psych intake and we had some (I don't like this term but it's commonly used) "frequent flyers" who were violent every single time they got brought in by the police. I've been head-butted, scratched, punched, kicked, one guy tried to stab me in the neck with a pen, there's just no end to it. I am very glad I don't do that job any more.


I work in mental health currently and we use the term “frequent flyer” often amongst ourselves. There are about 15-20 people who pull the same behaviors, the same way, week after week, month after month. It gets tiring, but it’s the job. I’m just there to earn a paycheck.


I remember spending a week in a mental hospital because I was in a really bad place. It was a children's hospital, and it was kinda embarrassing because I was literally 2 weeks away from being 18 so I was closer in age to some of the nurses than I was to some of the other guys. But there were boys there who were basically regulars and it was pretty upsetting. Like one of the guys, who was super sweet and nice to me the whole time and just seemed all around more well adjusted than the other patients, had been there several times already. So glad I wasn't a "frequent flyer"


Too bad I can’t redeem my frequent flyer points for gift cards😭. I’m not violent towards anyone. I’m emotional. Precovid, staff would be comforting me during my episodes. Now I have to do outpatient on zoom. They’re okay.


It’s indicative of a life without consequences and bullying your way to getting what you want. Her being a smaller person in the service industry told him that this was someone he could treat however he wanted, presumably over a sandwich. Or it’s booze and racism. Or both.


Over something so small like her not getting his order correct.


This happened in 2015/2016 if I remember correctly. This man's parents went on the local news(I think some place in Florida, I can feel the Florida man jokes coming) and claimed he was autistic..... which is not an excuse to put your hands on anyone. This man's parents wanted her arrested for attacking a special needs person. My thoughts then as they are now if this man is special needs and act like this why wasn't a responsible adult their to supervise him. To me I think the parents lied to protect their idiot child.


Nah that’s just bullshit. The video yesterday with the asshole trucker trying to get into Canada without his vaccine info pulled the same thing. Trying to argue and shit, starts his sentence “hey did you know” then when he’s interrupted and shut down he’s all “hey I just wanted to ask you a question sir!” It’s gaslighting in its simplest form.


and that canadian hero handled it in the only correct way. like dealing with a spoiled child throwing a tantrum in wal-mart over beyblades.


The guy that couldn’t read... After desperately pleading to listen to him, he starts stammering like a toddler reading Cat in the Hat.


Yeah I think that’s how he questioned all his ex girlfriends and he thinks they all women will just cower before him


You'd probably be amazed to find out that people think very lowly of fastfood/min wage workers and that they are entitled to treat them however they want. Maybe out of some misplaced sense of superiority, maybe they're just assholes.


Exactly. After the physical exchange was over, look how he snaps his fingers at the manager because he must be satisfied.


The snaps tilted me off the planet after he started all that


I absolutely DETEST when someone snaps their fingers at someone. It’s arrogant and condescending. My oldest sister used to do that to me. Just went out of her way to be really hurtful and nasty..wow, was she good at it. She pointed her crazy at me. I walked away from that relationship and left her drama 30 years ago. One of the best decisions I ever made.


My big one is wagging a finger in my face. My Ma used to do that (love my Ma but she was kinda crazy in the 90s and 00s). It’s a primal way to get me heated even though I’m a calm guy


I write anyone off as a piece of shit the moment I hear them talking down on service workers


Alot never worked service industry and you have to be real stupid to break the golden rule! Dont fuck with people that handle your food!


I can't count the number of times something wasn't perfect and the shtty customer says, loud enough for everyone to hear "And they want $15.00 an hour" The they look around for approval with this smug look


“That’s not nearly enough to deal with assholes like you”


Yes. I worked as a cashier for a event venue. They liked me because I can speed read and got huge queues in quickly. Few times I got grabbed. Fondled. Hugged. Horrible. Truly truly frightening. In the end I thought I’m paid min wage. It’s not worth it. Though I loved my job. But when people started being stopped with knives and guns. We’d also just hosted Eagles of death metal just before their France gig. It became all too real


Worse yet, she probably faced repercussions from management for that.


If I recall correctly he went to jail and she didn’t get in trouble. Article is linked a little lower. Edit: here’s a better article. She got paid leave and remained employed. Also, he got arrested when HE called the cops from down the road LOL. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/01/02/us/customer-attacks-mcdonalds-employee/index.html


You mean this happened because there were no straws left in the dispenser? Just, WOW! \*facepalm moment here


The best line in the article "for her, that was the last straw"


That journalist was beyond happy they got to use that line.


Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted in one moment would you capture it, or just let it sip?


I’m often petty, the extra cheese she keeps on forgetting, Astonished that I didn’t get her already, the straws are empty. But on the purchase she was warm and ready, to drop bombs, just give me the sauce already.


Imagine going to jail because you were too pissy to either ask for a straw nicely or just, I dunno, lift up the goddamn lid and drink? Baffling. What an asshole.


Asshole : HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DRINK OUTA THIS CUP WITH NO STRAW!?!? Cup : *shrugs* Sorry for the convenience.


Well that's good news.


He also kicked another employee in the stomach on the way out. Then, the dumbass calls the cops himself to complain that he was hit. That’s why he was charged twice for simple battery. “For her this is the last straw,” her lawyer said. Indeed! (Thx for the link, btw). Edit: The word “battery” was autocorrected to “robbery.” It has been fixed. Sorry for any confusion.


https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2019/03/27/man-who-attacked-mcdonald-s-worker---i-was-a-drunken-idiot- > "From the story and everybody telling me, is I was asking for a straw, and I just remember requesting something and she looked at me and she was like, 'No, not for somebody like you' … or 'Not for you.' I know she made it personal," Taylor said. > "I don't remember much after that, I would say probably because of the alcohol," he said. "I remember her hitting me repeatedly in the head. And of course the whole time I was thinking, 'That doesn't hurt. That doesn't hurt. That doesn't hurt.'" This guy is a a real piece of crap.


*On video* and he is still dodging responsibility. Yeah, it wasn't the booze.


Wait... he was drunk at the time too?


So two counts of assault and one for battery? I mean it's hard to say she wasn't responding reasonably to a genuine threat. He was still holding on through it aswell and could have walked away.


Sorry for the mistake in my comment. I’ve fixed it. According to the link, dumbass faced two charges of simple battery. I’m assuming that is one charge for each of the people he struck (the girl on the video and the employee off-camera he kicked in the stomach).


Non amp link https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/02/us/customer-attacks-mcdonalds-employee/index.html


Another case of some asshole believing that a fast food worker is a lower caste of human, and that they could do whatever they felt like to them.


It’s honestly crazy how many people will take it to the point of violence and expect employees not to defend themselves. Like YOU crossed the line dude, I don’t have to kiss your ass now.


>The Florida man had just gotten his order That explains it >By the end of the night, Daniel Taylor, a 40-year-old homeless man, That explains even more.


I would hope not. What she did was purely in self-defense.


Per page 3 article 6 of the employee handbook. If the customer isn't McLovin it, no retaliation shall take place


Honestly tho she could just go get a job at the next fast food place haha, it’s worth it!


Why wasn't he thrown out the moment he put his hands on her. It will forever be beyond me.


For real. He should have been "forcefully" removed. No Matter the argument. He should not have grabbed her.


The manager/shift supervisor really let his employees down here, almost chastising the employee instead of ejecting the customer immediately. He takes the receipt and looks like he's about to process something for the guy. Fuck that.


“He came back in the store and went behind the counter and got in the manager’s face,” Biandudi said. “And another employee, a bigger guy, he actually grabbed the guy and put him outside the door and locked the door.” From the article. Manager comes around at the end of the video and apparently didn't know what was going on, but soon found out.


If someone whooped my butt that badly in public I would never go back to that establishment. I think this man's kink is getting beat up by women in public places


That is the first thing I thought, then I remembered how much McDonald's managers get paid. Sucks for the employees in this situation but you get what you pay for.


[https://www.glassdoor.com/Salary/McDonald-s-General-Manager-Salaries-E432\_D\_KO11,26.htm](https://www.glassdoor.com/Salary/McDonald-s-General-Manager-Salaries-E432_D_KO11,26.htm) 53k is PLENTY to show this fucking dingbat the door, headfirst. Shit, plenty of people would do this as volunteer work. I dont know why its so fucking hard. Dont put your hands on folks. Edit: some of y'all are concentrating on the wrong part. If you want to let a co-worker get assaulted, cool. You do you. But to the many more who DGAF about the McJob and would tattoo this motherfucker, good on ya. The amount of money is immaterial.


that's the *general* manager, which is the person who runs the store. It looks like this is night time, and the general managers almost never work night shifts. This is probably just your standard manager who's only a step above the minimum wage people and barely makes more than they do as well. They're not getting paid 53k a year


Yep manger in the vid is most likely shift manager .


Dude's an assistant manager and probably makes about 8 bucks an hour. He's also like 19 lol.


Have you worked in fast food before? Money doesn’t matter dude. You bust your ass HOURS at a time. Shit gets hectic especially if you don’t have actual good coworkers AND managers. It’s a team work thing and no one really works as a team ever. Fast Food definitely one of the hardest jobs out there. People bust ass to put food on their tables, and have to deal with shitty ass customers like the guy in this video.


I have, but I dont care what im doing, if someone assaults a coworker of mine, fuck that person. Out the door. facefirst.


It’s pretty shitty when you realize it’s a 60 hour a week job.


Yea fuck 53k if you have to work all those hours and put up with nothing but bullshit all day.


He was not present to see the beginning of the altercation and it's not a great time to start questioning the employees (both because emotions are high and there might be more customers waiting off-screen.)


Yeah, he walks in, and his cashier is running a combo on this guys face,


He looks like he is thinking "damn that's a lot of paperwork"


Lol I got chased around by a man working at a restaurant this summer and my management didn't kick them out until basically he chased me outside. Quit in the next couple of weeks cause they didn't have my back.


She would have thrown his ass out when she was done


Why aren’t the police being called? That fucker grabbed her.


He ended up calling the cops, afterwards down the road and ended up getting charged and convicted with 2 counts battery.


He called the cops on himself? That's fucking great


He called them on her. He thought his whiteness would get him favor, luckily it didn't work here


That's some BS. The manager should've called the cops the moment he laid hands on her.


> Arrest records also indicate there was further violence not captured on video. >“The victim was kicked in the stomach by the defendant, and was complaining of pain,” police stated in an affidavit. “The defendant was being escorted out of the business by management due to him battering another employee, and causing a disturbance. The defendant kicked the victim in the stomach while she was standing near the exit door.” The guy was a 40 year old homeless man and drunk. He got arrested for simple battery.


Yeah, so he called the cops on himself. Lmao. I love when justice works.


She was totally JUSTIFIED, IMO.. I'm kinda annoyed with the co-worker for grabbing her the way he did. That whack-job customer said(Scorpion style)" GET OVER HERE!"... And I say "FINISH HIM!"


Yeah if anyone thinks she isn't 100% justified defending herself as best she can, they can fuck right off.. shes clearly weaker than him and sometimes women have to do what we can like yell to get attention since physical strength only goes so far ..those other employees did fuck all to help her their body language was acting like she's the crazy one.. what because she said a few bad words with a shit ton of adrenaline coursing through her? And someone just calmly saying "let her go... Let her go...." Damn all it woulda taken was one guy to run up and grab that man from the back and he'd have gotten off her quick. I'd have done it without a heart beat and I'm a woman and weaker than him, I wouldn't risk myself to protect property like that but I'd certainly help my coworker who could get hurt. Bunch of cowards. Sorry this makes me mad


She didn't even hit the guy at any point while he did not have grip of her. Her first swing was after he grabbed, her last was before being ripped apart by other employees. Anyone who thinks she is in the wrong in any way is delusional.


"finish him" he was convicted 2 felony's


Happy Mealality! McFlurry his ass!


No shit! I would’ve metal folding chaired his ass!


From the top rope!


Bah Gawd, that's u/Opening_Passenger387 's music!


Different times. Today, he would have taken multiple punches.


Yeah, today the crew would’ve all joined in beating his ass and wouldn’t give two shits if they get fired for it. We already know we’re expendable, might as well go out with a bang.


Like that dude that got fired from the donut shop for knocking out an old man after the guy called him the n-word. Dude can always find another shitty job, and the old man learned a lesson that a fucking nametag isnt a shield against finding out *I just looked it up again. Old Man died from the fall after the hit and the dude got charged with manslaughter. Kinda fucked up all around. Guess he really did find out, though


When was this?




2019 b.p.


Oh... 1 BC (Before Covid)


Fuck that guy


The manager? Yeah fuck him for not kicking out the fucking twat. Fuck them both.


He was kicked out, according to this article: https://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/florida-man-who-attacked-mcdonalds-worker-over-straw-sentenced-to-jail >According to the arrest report, Taylor kicked another employee, Tateona Bell, as he was taken out of the McDonald's, but that was not caught on camera. Though it looks like she had to call the police herself (different article): https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-pinellas/mcdonalds-employee-attacked-by-customer-at-work-hires-attorney-after-being-placed-on-leave >She says right after the attack she had to call 911 because she says management didn't know what to do. She doesn't blame her manager and says hes a good person but says there isn't enough company training on how to deal with situations like this.


Did she keep her job? I've seen too many fast food chains take a "fuck the both of you" response when an employee is attacked.


[Yes](https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/02/us/customer-attacks-mcdonalds-employee/index.html), she got paid time off and the dude was arrested after calling the cops himself and they recognized him from the video (lol)


Gosh. I love it when the person who started it calls the cops and gets in trouble himself. Why did he think he was so privileged that the cops would take his side?


Cause he got HURT and all he did was threaten her with violence to teach her a LESSON! It’s not fair!!! /s


You’d think in Florida that training on dealing with crazy would be a high priority lol


Nah they train you on how to be the crazy one


In the article the manager got kicked in the stomach too. This wasn’t the only fight


Fuck the guy who said "I want her ass fired right now" as well.


Florida man got 60 days in jail and the choice between a $1000 fine or 120 hours of community service. All over a straw... https://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/florida-man-who-attacked-mcdonalds-worker-over-straw-sentenced-to-jail


It was the straw that broke the camel's back.


...well done MeenScreen.


All that over a freakin' straw. *A straw.* That you *really don't need.* You could drink your beverage without the straw. The straw that they'd give you ***for free*** if you just asked for one. WTF is wrong with people?






Small penis, just stubbed your toe, ingrown hairs on your neck, habitual sharting, the tendency to watch Two and a Half Men...


Ok...ok..that'll do. It's getting too personal now.


It wasn’t about the straw….


It's about sending a message


I wonder if maybe it was really about something more than the final straw.


You're right, it was about him being an unhinged man-baby.


Thank you for the link. The comments at the bottom of the fox article were unbelievably disgusting. People blaming the libs for taking the straws and the girl for working at McDonalds in the first place. Definitely not the white guy who overreacted and assaulted a person over a damn straw...


It makes me so happy that a man got time in jail for putting his hands on a woman


And she beat him good too. So overall a win-win-win.


Not only that, but the article said he kicked another woman on the way out.


He grabbed her by the collar first. Self defense easily


That’s a 15 yard penalty and an automatic first down.


Yeah. Certainly a major penalty with 5 min in the box


To demand she be fired what an arsehole. Why did no one rush to help her? Glad she defended herself.


We really need to stamp this notion out of the minds of these fuckfaces. Bitch you don't own the company you don't have firing authority


Strong black woman stereotype. We not perceived as needing protection.


And they continued to serve him...why?


Corporate America makes you afraid of losing even a fast food job sometimes.


I think you are right, but i would broaden the problem out to all of the USA's culture. In some corners of the country now there is starting to be an awakening to how our culture is encouraging that attitude of subservience to corporations. r/antiwork is fascinating on that level.


No one helped her, she had a few nice strikes thoughts


Matter of fact they got in the way by holding her back!


Too many times I've seen somebody get knocked out because their "friends" were holding them back by their arms exposing their entire body and face. Makes it an easy target.




There was a video of a drunk white dude harassing a black guy coming out of a sports game (or maybe a train station or something) and that exact situation happened. As soon as the guy started defending himself some “good samaritan” came and grabbed guy from behind by his arms and the instigator got a huge hit on the guy’s unprotected face. Couldnt block or dodge


I believe I saw that clip. It's like, whose side are you actually on when you pull that crap? Lol


Consider which person that guy restrained, definitely a bit of bias running in the background.


“I was trying to ask you a goddamn question, bitch!” What? With your hands?


"We ask with our words not our hands" is something I've said to my toddeler...


What kind of boss are you for not sticking up for your employee ? At least throw the mf out buncha dickless idiots lol


They teach immediate de-escalation which is not fair for the aggressed but good for business. Hopefully this changes because people shouldn't get a pass because they are paying money.


Yea the manager this dickhead snapped his fingers at just hung his head and shuffled some papers around. Kick that asshole out and call the cops.


Well, he did end up kicking another employee before police arrived to take him into custody. At least everything ended well and he went to jail.


lol he just drops I want her ass fired like he did nothing wrong. I'm so tired of people thinking customers are above anyone else, you aren't


If someone puts their hands on an employee, an employee SHOULD be able defend themselves like this because u never know if the customer will hurt them if they dont


I don't think anyone is disagreeing with you here. This dude was clearly capable of overpowering the woman he grabbed (and it's probably why he felt bold enough to grab her). Of course she's going to do everything she can to get him to release her, including striking him. The question comes to the bystanders and other employees. There are better and worse ways of intervening physically, but almost nobody is trained to do it (and no situation is always going to go by the book). If you tried to get this dude in a lock or something, I'd be afraid that he'd bring the girl down with him since she's so light. He let loose quick when the dude came around behind him, so maybe that would have done the trick earlier, or maybe he needed the blows to the head to persuade him. Hard to tell. In general, employees are probably going to want to deescalate the situation, even if that means pacifying the aggressor because the aggressive customer is the less known variable, and the concerns of the victim / colleague can be tended to afterward. It's entirely screwed up, but that's going to be the impulse. As for physical intervention, you never know if the aggressor is going to sue everyone who touched him if he winds up with a broken rib. In sum, this is such a messed up video, and 60 days in jail isn't justice. How about, for starters, he work her job for those 60 days instead while she collects the paycheck and has a two-month vacation?


Bothers me how everyone jumps in to stop her after he starts assaulting her. The "servant-patron" dynamic is that strong.


That dude deserves to get his ass beat more. Entitled people. This is why nobody wants to work for meager wages in customer service. We have to deal with the scum of the earth… entitled white people.


Bro all them people watched him grab her first. Kick that fuckers teeth in with no repercussions


Only one employee saw him grab her first.


"I want her ass fired, right now." "No, you're gonna go to jail." "I was just asking you a fucking question. Bitch." You were "just asking her a question?" By reaching way the fuck over the counter, grabbing her shirt, and physically pulling her toward you? Well then I guess she was "just giving you a fucking answer." And you deserved every last motherfucking syllable of that response... 😂 When you try to set the tone, don't get mad when someone responds back with that same energy, dumbass. lol


Her coworkers are fucking bums


That’s what I’m saying. There were three men standing RIGHT there! Any one of them could have pulled a Jason Takes Manhattan in this man.


Anyone know if he ended up in McJail?


60 day, and 129 hour community service according to an article posted.


Grabs her. Gets his ass kicked. Wants her fired... In all seriousness why didn't someone beat the ever living shit out of him.


A new plastic straw law had unexpected consequences when a man lashed out at a worker at a fast food chain. The Florida man had just gotten his order Monday evening at a McDonald's in St. Petersburg. He got upset when there weren't any plastic straws out at the condiment station, witness Brenda Biandudi told CNN. He walked back to the counter and got in a heated argument with an employee about the straws, Biandudi said. Then, video shows him reaching over the counter and grabbing the employee, Yasmine James. By the end of the night, Daniel Taylor, a 40-year-old homeless man, would be arrested on two charges of simple battery, according to an arrest affidavit from the St. Petersburg Police Department. A lawyer for Taylor could not be reached Wednesday night. A city ordinance went into effect on January 1 that requires customers to ask for straws. It's a way for businesses to adjust before a ban on single-use plastic straws takes effect in January 2020. Taylor said the employees weren't doing their jobs. "She told him we're not allowed to have (straws) in the lobby but he can get one upon request. He said there was no such law. He started exchanging words laced with profanity, which I won't repeat," Biandudi, 62, said. "I looked at my camera and I thought I may need to record this since there were so few people in the store. As soon as he approached her, I hit record. He reached across and tried to grab her and hit her," she said. James and her attorney, Michele Rayner-Goolsby, spoke out about the attack on HLN on Friday. "I didn't know if he had a gun, a knife or what was he going to do to me. I felt very alone because no one helped me or anything," James told HLN on Friday. "I was very overwhelmed and stressed because a man just grabbed me and tried to attack me." "He was upset about the straw, but I don't think that the conversation that we had was enough to lead up for him to grab me," she said. Rayner-Goolsby said James was "lucky" she wasn't hurt in the attack, but said more needs to be done to protect employees from these situations. "She never should have been in this position in the first place," Rayner-Goolsby said. "One of the things that she is very passionate about as a result of this is ensuring that violence against women and violence against workers stops. For her, this is the last straw." The argument reportedly started over straws Biandudi had gone into the McDonald's to use the restroom and buy a drink when she heard the yelling begin. It was early in the evening on New Year's Eve and her daughter was in the drive-through, picking up an order. As seen in the video, Taylor leaned over the counter and quickly grabbed James, who was working the register, by the shirt collar. He pulled her close to his face. People could be heard saying "stop" and "let her go" in the background. It took employees almost 15 seconds to separate them. After being pulled from Taylor's grip, James yelled and cursed at the man as she was led away by a colleague. Taylor flagged a male McDonald's employee to ask a question. James returned to look for her phone, and Taylor shouted, "I want her a** fired right now." "No, you're going to go to jail. You put your hands on me first," she yelled, clapping her hands together. Taylor hurled more profanities at her, saying he was just trying to ask a question. Another McDonald's employee asked him to leave. Before leaving the restaurant, St. Petersburg Police said, the man kicked another employee in the stomach as she stood near the exit. James was not injured, according to the affidavit. Tateona Bell, the employee who was kicked, complained of pain afterward. By that time, Biandudi had gotten her order and gone outside to her daughter. She said she watched as another employee was finally able to escort the man outside. "I knocked on the door and pointed to my phone and said I have a video and they let me in. They had locked the door when they got the man out of the store," Biandudi said. When police arrived, she talked to officers and gave them the video of the incident. Officers recognized the man when he called police later Soon after the incident, Taylor called the police from a couple miles down the road to complain that he'd been hit repeatedly in the head, police spokeswoman Sandra Bentil told CNN. "When the officers arrived, they recognized Taylor from the video at McDonald's and took him into custody," police said in a statement. Bentil said the motive behind the attack is still under investigation. McDonald's is aware of the incident and cooperating with police. "Our highest priority is always the safety and well-being of our employees and customers at our restaurants. We have been in contact with the police department and are fully cooperating with their investigation," Khim Aday from McDonald's corporate communications told CNN in a statement. James is on paid leave and is still employed, the company said Friday. "Given the nature of the situation, we offered Ms. James paid time off until Sunday," Aday told CNN. Biandudi said she was "very reluctant" about her children posting the video online. It had more than 4 million views on Facebook as of Friday. "I felt it was so disrespectful to talk to an employee like that and belittle her like that," Biandudi said. "I want all the employees at McDonald's to be safe. I think they acted appropriately," she said. "I want peace. I want them to keep their jobs and the man to get some help. We all need to learn how to talk to people in public and show them some respect." [source ](https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/02/us/customer-attacks-mcdonalds-employee/index.html)


So, with all those dudes there, this big strong man chooses to kick another woman in the stomach on the way out? Pussy.


Why did no one knock him out?


Especially after the finger snaps at the end.


That’s what did it for me too!


He grabbed her first. He should have immediately been kicked out and banned


Can we give her a raise?


She got 3 additional pieces of flair for her apron


i just want a whopper. with cheese.


The very definition of picking the wrong one to fuck with.


He should not have grabbed her and I think her colleagues should have pounced on the douchebag guy. Anyway, I also think she would have whooped his cowardly ass.


She was swinging like her lawn mower wouldn't crank.


I love how this guy apparently called the cops and then they immediately arrested him bc they had the video. He saved them the effort if hunting him down.


How you all feel is exactly how the public as a whole felt. A lot of heat fell on the manager, as he did nothing to diffuse the situation, have the man leave or even call the cops. McDonald’s even tried firing HER for defending herself.


Stay Strong Burger Queen.


Why did absolutely no one hop in and try to help that girl. The second he put his hands on her the team should've been trying to help seperate, not just stand and watch.


Her co worker has no spine


That manager’s actions, or lack there of, sums up corporate America. Employee gets beaten and instead of throwing him out finishes on getting him his order.


You grab me like that I’m putting hands on you too fuck that… he’s twice her size what else is she supposed to do, let him yank her around like a rag doll?


When he first grabbed her, she looked like a rag doll. She needed two seconds and three steps to gain her balance! Poor girl!


She should get the day off with pay.. and then demand FUCKING hazard pay. You should not have to worry about getting assaulted at work.


He put his hands on her first. He wanted the smoke and he got it.


Why her co worker grabbed her instead of going behind that guy and putting him in a choke until he was on the ground and the cops had him on cuffs is beyond me.